The Mompreneur Mindset Podcast

<p>Welcome to The Mompreneur Mindset, an inspiring podcast created exclusively for mom entrepreneurs who aim to build their own successful businesses while honoring their role as mothers. Hosted by Gianna Diggs, this show breaks away from the conventional framework by offering personalized guidance, alignment, and empowerment for ambitious mompreneurs all over the world. With 2 seasons already under its belt, The Mompreneur Mindset provides essential business insights, interviews with successful mompreneurs, and empowering resources that help you combine purposeful entrepreneurship with motherhood in order to create a thriving, sustainable, and meaningful business.  Tune in and let The Mompreneur Mindset show you how to create a thriving business that reflects your true purpose and values</p><p><br></p>

S3EP13-How to Start a Profitable Business with Your Spouse with Julia Barbaro

Do you want to take your entrepreneurial spirit to the next level by starting a business with your spouse? Are you both passionate about creating something together that’s bigger than yourselves and can result in long-term financial success? Turning your dreams into reality can be daunting and nerve-wracking, but it is also extremely rewarding. In this guest episode, Julia Barbaro, a homeschooling mom of six children, wife, certified life and marriage coach and author helps us look at so...


S3EP12-Pivoting with Purpose: How to Make Strategic Changes Without Trashing Your Plan with Stefani Boyd

Feeling overwhelmed by the need to make changes in your business? You're not alone! Being a mom entrepreneur can be an incredibly challenging and unpredictable rollercoaster ride. But it doesn't have to stay that way - if you know how to pivot with purpose. With strategic changes, you don't have to throw out your whole plan or start from scratch; instead, let's work together on finding ways to reinvigorate what you already have and propel yourself into success. In this guest episode, Ste...


S3EP11-How to Simplify Your Business Model with Amy Birks

Are you feeling overwhelmed and stressed out by the complexity of your business model? Is it taking up precious time that could be spent innovating or serving customers? Motherhood can be challenging enough. Creating further chaos with an overly-complicated business plan is definitely not something you need. But don’t let this discourage you! With the right tools and strategies at your disposal, streamlining your model doesn’t have to feel like a daunting task.In this guest episode, Amy...


S3EP9-How to Have Faith in Yourself and Your Journey in Your Life and Business

As a mompreneur, you already know that the journey towards building your dream business and life can be full of unexpected twists and turns. There will be times when everything seems to fall into place effortlessly, and then there will be those moments when the road is rocky and uncertain. You may find yourself continuously asking "why?", wondering why things are happening the way they are and whether you have what it takes to make your big dreams a reality. But here's the thing: s...


S3EP8-How to Find your Perfect Clarity with Yolanda Spearman

Have you ever felt like your business and life are a bit blurry? Like you're going through the motions without really knowing what you want or where you're headed? It can be disheartening to feel like you're lacking purpose or clarity. However, when you finally receive perfect clarity, it's like a breath of fresh air after being stuck in a stuffy room. Suddenly, you have a renewed sense of motivation and drive to pursue your goals. Clarity enables you to make better decisions, take bolder act...


S3EP7-Why Its Never the Right Time to Start a Business with Kendra Cole

Being a mom is already a full-time job. Between the never-ending laundry pile, the pick-ups and drop-offs, and the unexpected ear infections, it's hard to find the time to focus on anything else, let alone your own dreams and aspirations. But here's the thing: there will never be a "perfect" time to start your business or go after your dreams. Life will always throw curveballs and create obstacles along the way. But that doesn't mean you should give up before you even start! That is why in th...


S3EP6- How to Break Free From Self-Sabotage and Unlock Your Business’ Full Potential

Do you ever look at successful entrepreneurs in awe and wonder how they reached the success they’ve achieved? While there can be elements of luck or talent involved, their success is often built on hard work and dedication.But if you find yourself standing in your own way-- wondering why your business isn't taking off despite all the effort you put into it-- it might be time to see if you've been self-sabotaging.Achieving success as a mom entrepreneur doesn't happen overnight; often, small ch...


S3EP5- Embracing Fear and Joy: How to Trust in the Unknown and Move Forward with Confidence

As mom entrepreneurs, we know firsthand how hard it can be to trust in the unknown. We have so many responsibilities, and taking risks can seem scary. But embracing fear and joy is vital if we want to move forward with confidence. It's easy to let fear hold us back, but we must remember that the joy of trying new things and taking risks outweighs the fear of failure. So how can we learn to embrace both fear and joy to move forward in our business and personal lives? In this solo episode,...


S3EP4-Uncomplicating Emotional Wellness with Eva Rodriguez

Emotional wellness is the foundation for living a life of purpose and fulfillment. It's about taking care of yourself in a way that allows you to navigate the ups and downs of life with grace and resilience.In this guest episode, we explore what emotional wellness is and how it impacts the life and business of mom entrepreneurs with certified life and weight loss coach, Eva Rodriguez. Eva shares tips on how to cultivate emotional wellness and discusses common challenges that often arise...


S3EP3-How to Use Moon Manifesting in Your Business with Kyra Howearth

For centuries, the moon has been a symbol of power and mystery. From ancient civilizations to modern-day space exploration, the moon has captivated and empowered people for centuries. It has been used for everything from tracking time and planting crops to serving as a beacon for night-time travel. But did you know that you can use the power of the moon to manifest success in your life and business?In this week’s guest episode, I interview Kyra Howearth, a business astrologer and moon m...


S3EP2-Harnessing the Power of AI in Your Business

Calling all mompreneurs! In this empowering solo episode, we're diving into the dynamic world of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and how it can revolutionize your business. 🚀 As moms juggling the many demands of family life and entrepreneurship, efficiency, and productivity are essential. And guess what? AI is here to support you on your journey!Join me as I dispel common misconceptions surrounding AI tools, discuss the incredible ways AI can supercharge your business operations, and share insig...


S3EP1- Celebrating One Year of The Mompreneur Mindset: Reflecting on 10 Key Lessons & the Future of the Show

Join me in this special solo episode as I celebrate one incredible year of the podcast and look back on the unforgettable journey, sharing the top ten lessons I've learned across two exciting seasons. From having a clear plan and being passionate about your topic to embracing mistakes and having fun, I'll delve into the insights and experiences that have shaped the show thus far. I’ll also discuss some future goals as the show enters into Season 3 and beyond. Tune in to celebrate the mil...


Season 3 Trailer

Welcome to Season 3 of the Mompreneur Mindset Podcast! Join host, Gianna Diggs for this exciting new season as she explores the incredible world of mompreneurs and how they have successfully balanced work and family life. In each episode, Gianna will be talking to inspiring guests who have achieved success in their businesses and families. Get ready for a season full of motivation and uplifting stories from real moms who have made it work! Tune in now and start your journey with Mompren...


S2EP12-Taking the Test of Life, Trusting Your Intuition, and Taking Leaps of Faith with Julie Hannon

We all know that taking leaps of faith is important, but it can be hard to do so without clarity and confidence. In this episode of the mompreneur mindset podcast, you will hear an interview with Julie Hannon, a shaman, and teacher who is passionate about helping others discover their strengths and gifts. Julie discusses how to take the test of life, what gave her the courage to take a leap of faith to start her own business, how others can learn to be more clear when they are taking a l...


S2EP11-The Importance of Language Learning in your Family and Business with Dr. Kami Anderson

In this week’s guest episode, you'll learn from Dr. Kami Anderson about the importance of language learning in your family and business. Dr. Anderson is a bilingual Black woman who knows just how important it is to be multilingual in today's world. In this episode, Dr. Kami Anderson discusses the importance of language learning in your family and business. She shares how her business, Bilingual Brown babies, came about, the importance of black people being bilingual, and strategies to u...


S2EP10-How to be a Lifelong Learner with Dr. Kemi Popoola

Being a mom entrepreneur is one of the most rewarding, challenging, and exciting things you can do. It takes a lot of hard work, dedication, and passion to be successful. But it also takes something else: a willingness to learn and grow. As a mom entrepreneur, you can never stop learning. You have to constantly seek out new information and new ideas. You have to be open to change and willing to experiment. You may be thinking that it can be tough to find the time and energy to learn new thing...


S2EP9-How to Make Time for Self-Care While Juggling Motherhood and Multiple Businesses with Monisha Taylor

As a mom entrepreneur, it can be difficult to find time for yourself. Between taking care of your children and running your businesses, it's easy to let self-care fall by the wayside. However, as this week's guest Monisha Taylor knows, it's important to make time for yourself, even if it means getting creative with your schedule. In this week’s episode, Monisha shares her tips for making time for self-care when you're managing multiple businesses, motherhood, and everyday life. She discu...


S2EP8- How to Create a Life Friendly Ecosystem with Akima Brown

There's no doubt that being a mom is one of the toughest jobs in the world. But it's also one of the most rewarding. As a mompreneur, you're constantly juggling work and family responsibilities while trying to find time for yourself. It can be tough to create a system that helps to balance motherhood, your business, and doing things that you love but with a little bit of planning and organization, it's definitely possible.In this week’s guest episode, I interview Akima Brown, a producer, comm...


S2EP7- How to Balance Motherhood, Self-Care, and Business Using the FLOW Process with Mia Moran

Every working mom knows the challenges of trying to balance motherhood and their career/business. Between taking care of your children and running your business, there always seems to be something that needs your attention. But it doesn't have to be this way.In this guest episode, I interview Mia Moran, a mother of three and creator of the FLOW Method, who joins me on the show to talk about how to balance motherhood, self-care, and business. We discuss what was going on in her life that...


S2EP6- The Power of Idea Generation over Advice-Giving with Jenny Warner

In both parenting and business, it is often said that the worst thing you can do is give unsolicited advice. It can be seen as meddling, or even as an attack. There is no one-size fits all solution to a problem and when someone gives you advice it can feel like their solution is the best one and you should follow it. But what if you focus on generating new ideas, rather than simply following the advice of others?In this guest episode, I interview Jenny Warner, a parenting coach who beli...


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