The Money Puzzle, with James Kirby

The Money Puzzle covers all the important property, business, money and finance news.  With two episodes published every week, The Australian’s Wealth Editor James Kirby, along with business, property and finance experts share insights and information that you will use on your wealth building journey. Submit your questions on all things property, business and finance here -

Let's face it - no one likes tax, but how do we pay less of it?

Like the old saying goes there are only a few things certain in life - death and taxes. In this episode we cover some of the most important tax strategies for people in different age brackets: 18 to 40, 40 to 60 and over 60 years of age. Each one of these groups have unique opportunities to manage and legally reduce what they pay in tax. Accountant Timothy Ricardo from Accounting Advisor Group joins Wealth contributor James Gerrard of In this episode we cover: - Tax tips for younger people to get into the property market- Who should be thinking about getting a family trust- Strategies to minimise tax leading up to and during retirement- Top tax deductions you didn't realise you could claimSee for privacy information.


Investment Lending Hits All-Time High: What’s Driving the Surge?

Lending to property investors has surged by 47% over the past 5 months, despite high interest rates, a drop in interest-only loans from 40% to 10%, rising property taxes, and stricter tenancy laws. In today’s episode, guest host Stuart Wemyss speaks with Ben Kingsley from the Property Investors Council of Australia. In today’s show we cover: ·         The negative effects of the 2017 lending restrictions. ·         The impact of rising property holding costs, including increased taxes and levies. ·         Investor sentiment as reported in the PIPA survey, and strategies for navigating the current challenges for investors. ·         How the government's policies on building more homes and increasing density in established suburbs might affect new and existing investors.See for privacy information.


Private equity playbook - tips from an insider

Ever thought about investing in private equity but not sure where to start, what sort of returns are on offer and how to assess the risks, well this episode is for you as we open the lid and unpack the key issues that anyone thinking about private equity investment should consider. Private equity investor and tech entrepreneur Rudi Engelbrecht joins Wealth contributor James Gerrard of In this episode we cover: - How to get started in private equity- Tips and tricks from a seasoned private equity investor- How to value a private equity investment- The key risks and pitfalls to navigateSee for privacy information.


Spring Property Market Outlook: What to Expect

Spring's peak property market begins in September, making it the ideal time to for us explore what to expect. Capital city markets are at various stages: Perth, Adelaide, and Brisbane are thriving, Sydney is a relatively balanced market, while Melbourne is quite soft. It's important to understand how buyers and sellers should navigate these differing market conditions. Joining guest host and financial advisor Stuart Wemyss, is Jarrod McCabe from Wakelin Property Advisory. -------------- In today’s show we cover: How different markets (soft vs. hard) respond to increased listings. Tips for buyers and sellers. Regional market trends and the impact of working from home. The types of properties that are outperforming. See for privacy information.


Do You Need a Financial Adviser? The Truth About Picking and Being Chosen

How to pick a financial adviser?  It's one of the most common questions for investors...but a more realistic question is: Should you even bother?  Another valid issue to ponder is whether the adviser wants you in the first place?  One in six clients were cut from the client lists of financial advisers last year. Many advisers will not admit it, but they only want 'sophisticated investors' with $2.5m to spend or else an annual income of $250,000 plus.  Author and adviser Jacqui Clarke joins wealth editor James Kirby in this episode.   In today's show, we cover: * How advisers pick their clients  * When advice costs too much to add value  * Key questions you must ask  * The benefits of becoming a 'sophisticated investor'    See for privacy information.


Sunny outlook for Queensland property

The Australian property market has always been a collection of regional sectors: But one regional property sector stands out with the strongest long-term fundamentals: Queensland. Louis Christopher of SQM Research joins wealth editor James Kirby for this episode. ------------- In today's show, we cover: * Why Queensland tops the bill for this top property analyst  * Unit prices are rising and that's not good for the market - here's why  * Why regional vacancy rates remain tight  * My super for my home - the argument against it See for privacy information.


ETFs: Just when you thought you understood them, they've changed

It's taken about two decades for the wider investment public to understand ETFs: The index funds that allow you to buy anything from the ASX 200 to the S&P 500 are now very popular. But just as the message on passive investing broke through, the sector has turned the idea upside down by going head-to-head with active managers. It's time to figure out what's going on. Marc Jocum of GlobalX joins wealth editor James Kirby in this episode  -------In today's show, we cover: Getting to know traditional ETFs The pros and cons of new-style active ETFs  Geared ETFs - How do they work?   Using ETFs for unlisted assets  See for privacy information.


If you don't buy, you rent until you die ... discuss

We hear it more and more: 'Property is so dear, it's we are just going to give up now.' Today the author who coined the contentious line about renting forever if you never purchase a home explains his distinct point of view. Not everyone will agree. Financial adviser Bruce Brammall joins wealth editor James Kirby in this episode. In today's show, we cover: Look again - Maybe you can buy that first home Permanent residence - what you need to know When the bank changes the rate you thought you agreed on Negative gearing beyond property  See for privacy information.


He manages $120 billion, what keeps him awake?

Anyone with an investment portfolio has experienced stress: But what if you had nearly two million people depending on your investment skills to manage their retirement money? And what if you created your own pressure because your $120 bn fund has been the top super fund in Australia for a decade? It's time to talk to Sam Sicilia, chief investment officer at Hostplus. Sam Sicilia, chief investment officer at Hostplus joins wealth editor James Kirby in this episode  In this episode, we cover: Why you can't invest the same way as a big fund Super's new challenge - managing your money after you retire The dilemma posed by ESG for retirement managers   Your super fund is an 'active' manager - can they beat a passive approach?  See for privacy information.


If banks are cutting deposit rates, will lending rates follow?

The big banks have jumped the gun, putting through hefty cuts on deposit rates before the RBA has even conceded that official rates can move lower.Money markets dictate money prices: If they are right, the rate cut you have been expecting is just around the corner. AMP economist Diana Mousina joins wealth editor James Kirby. ------ In today's show, we cover  Rates finally drop - but not for borrowers * Why are my council rates rising if prices are flat?  * Can childcare stocks ever be viable for retail investors?  * The FIRE movement returns fire  See for privacy information.


Why the rich are comfortable with investments they can't cash out fast

Our guest today has been rated as one of the top advisers in the market for many years. He makes the point that virtually every Australian investor loves property - a notoriously illiquid asset. But then very few investors are willing to move into illiquid assets outside of bricks and's time to change your mind. Charlie Viola of Pitcher Partners joins wealth editor James Kirby in this episode.   In today's show, we cover: *Why are you scared of illiquid assets?  *Do you have enough exposure to overseas share markets *Help! I need to move a lot of money overseas...where do I start? * The truth about Trump and fossil fuels See for privacy information.


FIRE (Financial Independence, Retire Early) - Does it work?

One of the biggest ‘movements’ in finance is the FIRE concept. You work hard, you save even harder and you retire early. Does it work? Does it pay off? Does it even make sense? James Gerrard of joins wealth editor James Kirby in this episode. ------In today’s show we cover: *Facing FIRE - It’s a neat acronym, but is it for real? *Insurance - The unavoidable cost that may have to come first *Property versus super *Negative gearing - Did getting rid of it in NZ really hurt the market?See for privacy information.


If the market has recovered, shouldn't you be bargain hunting?

As today's guest points out, we are looking at a 'most distrusted share market rally' where investors are still trying to figure out what on earth prompted a shock reversal earlier this week. Maybe investors might be better off looking at fundamentals such as results, and interest rates and take less heed of exotic explanations for the downturn such as Buffett's offloading of Apple or the 'Japanese carry trade' : Because, after all, nobody really knows why 'Mr Market' sometimes acts irrationally. Author and analyst Danielle Ecuyer joins wealth editor James Kirby in this episode  --------------In this week's episode, we cover: The aftershock from the flash reversal on the share market  Should the ever day investor hedge? The risk of buying 'listed' private investments  Iron ore prices and ASX minersSee for privacy information.


What the share market pullback tells every investor

The worst share market drop on the ASX for four years will have ripple effects for investors in every asset class.  For a start, it takes speculation of further rate rises off the table and it could prompt a swing towards property: Either way, it is going to mean a red alert for the next few weeks. Anthony Keane, personal finance writer at News Corporation joins wealth editor James Kirby in this episode. In today's show, we cover...* Lessons from this week's sharemarket pullback * How a weaker share market may lead to lower rates * Why diversifying property matters as much as diversifying your shares* Is my super safe from scammers?   See for privacy information.


The AI Share Market Backlash

It had to happen: The excitement around Artificial Intelligence ran hot on the share market and now the question is, where are the profits? For investors backing AI-fuelled stocks, it is time to take a breath - but at least they can take comfort in one fact: These stocks make's not a bubble (so far). In today's show, we cover  * The AI share market boom takes a step backward* Can you get your money out of a private credit fund?* The minimum amount you need for a family trust * What is 'hedging' and should you pay for it?  Will Hamilton of Hamilton Wealth Partners joins wealth editor James Kirby in this episode See for privacy information.


The state with an oversupply of property

New data this week reveals the key to a slump in Victoria: Believe it or not there has been too much new property built in Melbourne. Moreover, there are now more sellers than buyers across the state: How long can it last?  In today's show, we cover  * Why prices and rents will keep rising ?* The state that overbuilt * Shared house - the ultimate investment property * Where can I get a 40-year mortgage?  Eliza Owen, economist at CoreLogic joins wealth editor James Kirby in this episode See for privacy information.


Setting up for the new financial year

So, you probably did very well in the year to June as an active investor: But what are your plans for the year ahead? Do you still believe rates are going down? Will small caps outperform large caps? It's time to take stock. In today's show we cover  * Setting your sails for FY 2025 * The Biden moment - When it's time to quit* The theory behind a potential small-cap rebound * CGT tangles in the home where you lived and then rented Hugh Robertson of Centaur Financial Services joins wealth editor James Kirby in this episode See for privacy information.


Can’t pay that mortgage? Three ways to fix it

Whether you are an investor or an owner-occupier, the interest rate rises of recent years can be a squeeze.  But you do have options, including extending the life of your mortgage or switching to interest-only: Under both these arrangements you will pay less each month. Or maybe you could hold on a little longer, economists still believe we will see rate cuts early next year. In today’s show we cover: Is the national property market cooling?Getting over your mortgage cliff?How bank stocks and house prices are getting closely linked Preparing for a second ‘Trump bump’  Our guest is Nerida Conisbee, chief economist at the Ray White group.See for privacy information.


Red-hot sharemarket - your next moves

The ASX is up 12 per cent in a year, the US S&P is up 24 per cent and now 'pro-market' Republican Donald Trump looks set to win the US election. What are investors buying and what can we expect for the rest of the year?  In today's show, we cover... * Will Trump accelerate the share market bull run?* Australian investors stick with miners even though banks surge * What might a sudden Trump-driven $US drop unleash?* The problem with infrastructure ETFs Gemma Dale head of investor behaviour at nabtrade joins wealth editor James Kirby in this episode See for privacy information.


Would we be better off with less landlords?

Investors with multiple properties often get a hard time: Anissa Cavallo owns 15 investment properties having started as a divorced mum living in her parent's home.So, don't expect any apology from this investor, but she does put forward a forceful argument for investing in residential property - and some excellent insights into how to do it successfully In today's show, we cover... * How many properties should an investor hold?* The perfect suburb for the investor * Is the WA property market reliable?* The outstanding attraction of stand-alone property  Anissa Cavallo of EDA property advice group joins wealth editor James Kirby in this episodeSee for privacy information.


Mr kibria


01-27 Reply

John Sapounakis

Would be good to get a uranium expert on to discuss in more detail. CEO of Bannerman Brandon Munro would be ideal.

09-29 Reply

Dean Inzitari

Fantastic speaker, Emma sounds like a true professional, just please let her finish! Was cut off too many times in my opinion.

10-11 Reply

jarrod black

you guys need to look more into the tech and use cases behind crypto currencies like ADA and ETH. I thought crypto was a joke because all the financial gurus were laughing at it, but after doing some research I have completely changed my opinion. the fact that guy's like you are not more informed about crypto makes me think that there is still allot of money to flow into it in the long term.

09-09 Reply

Lex Hall

You guys are getting too loose and inarticulate. You sound like you're three schooners in. "Another dodgy apartment block in Melbourne ... I can't remember which ..." Tighter preparation and less time-wasting. Best, Lex

09-14 Reply

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