The Mormon Renegade Podcast

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Episode #149: The Prophet Enoch Installment #3 In The Old Testament Series W/Michael Ness

Go To for free video & access to exclusive content. Renegade Supply Store:   So if you remember a few months back I released an episode about the books of Enoch. In that episode we broke down the history of the books from a scholarly perspective. Now today we are going to do a deep dive on what the Books of Enoch teach us as Michael Ness and I continue our series on the Old Testament. During our conversation we parse out who Enoch was, how he fits in the timeline of the patriarchs, what some of his heavenly visitations can teach us, and then wrap it all up by talking about what Enoch means to adherents to the restoration.  --- Support this podcast:


Episode #148: Schisms & Splinter Groups In Ancient Christianity & Connection To The Modern Mormon Landscape

Go To for free video & access to exclusive content. Renegade Supply Store:   Sometimes as people when we encounter a problem, we tend to look forward to try to get perspective on the issue we are facing. Now that’s not a bad thing, sometimeshowever the perspective we desire is found behind us. Now let’s look at Mormonism. Could it be that perhaps other religious traditions have gone through something similar that Mormonism has with splits from the mainstream that has led to different groups and churches? Well today I have Justin Francom on to talk about the split that happened in early Christianity that led to the development of what is today known as Eastern Orthodox Christianity. In our conversation we cover the history of the early Christian church, then move on to discuss the reasons and doctrinal disagreements that precipitated the split, we then draw some very interesting connections between the split that happened almost 2,000 years ago to what has happened to Mormonism today that should give us the perspective we need to move forward. Finaly we wrap up by talking about opportunities moving forward that just might help the various groups and independents find common ground while allowing us to disagree more agreeably. That and more on this episode of the MRP. --- Support this podcast:


Episode #147: The Real Reasons For The Persecutions Of The Mormons Past & Present W/Randall Edwards

Go To for free video & access to exclusive content. Renegade Supply Store:   So a couple weeks ago something came to my attention that I thought deserved to have a spotlight shined on it. A family who lives in the United States told me about a sheriff’s deputy who had made a post on social media where they basically equated all people practicing plural marriage to every type of sexual predator you could imagine. Well as I am apt to do, I reached out to someone way smarter than myself. Today on the podcast I have Randall Edwards on to talk about this. Now not only do we talk about what happened to this family, but we also dive into the legal history of how we got here. During this conversation there are some interesting things that come to light that gives some very interesting insights on the true motivations of those who persecuted those early Latter-Day Saints and some perspective what that means for us today.  --- Support this podcast:


Episode #146: The Importance Of Brigham Young W/Kimberly Watson Smith, Sean Anderson, Jacob Vidrine, & Taylor Smith

Go To for free video & access to exclusive content. Renegade Supply Store:   There is a movement today in much of the Restoration to either distance itself or in extreme instances completely throw out Brigham Young. The problem is if you throw out Brigham Young you also throw out anything that is uniquely Mormon because its during Brigham’s administration that many of the deeper doctrines of the Restoration taught by Joseph are expounded upon by Brigham Young. So to help talk about the importance of Brigham Young I have put together a powerhouse panel to have this discussion. Joining me for this is Kimberly Watson Smith, Sean Anderson, Jacob Vidrine, & Taylor Smith. We discuss Brigham’s life before he joins the church, his early ministry, his missionary efforts, his pivotal role in the succession crisis, his leadership in getting the saints to the west and finally finish up by talking about what Brigham Young’s legacy and importance is in the Restoration of the Gospel. That’s next on this episode of the MRP.  --- Support this podcast:


Episode #145: Genesis Lesson 2 W/Michael Ness

Go To for free video & access to exclusive content. Renegade Supply Store:   So, this is part 2 in the series Michael Ness and I are doing about the Old Testament. Kind of like an Institute class. Now if you want to be able to see the classes that go along with this series reach out to me and I will get you the link so you can tune into those. They are on the first and second Tuesday of every month. Today Michael and I pick up shortly after Adam & Eve are expelled out of the garden and follow it all the way through to the murder of Abel by Cain. Now we dig through not only the scriptures of accepted cannon but also into several books of the apocrypha to give this account fuller context and greater understanding. Along the way we draw several interesting parallels to things happening in the world today as well a lot of clarification and food for thought will deepen your testimony of the Restored Gospel.  --- Support this podcast:


Episode #144: The Prophecy Of The Lamanite Prophet W/Moroni Lopez Jessop

Go To for free video & access to exclusive content. Renegade Supply Store:   One of the things I really love about Mormonism is that because it has its own culture it has its own stories and traditions. Now it’s up to us to parse out those stories and traditions and then decide if they are doctrine or just ideas. Today on the podcast we are going to cover a topic that will require us to do just that. Back in the early days of the Restoration there was an idea that in the last days a Lamanite prophet would arise and set certain things within Mormonism in what came to be known as the Prophecy of the Lamanite Prophet. Moroni Lopez Jessop joins me fresh off his Sunstone talk about this very subject to take a look at this story and teaching. We cover where this idea started, how it was understood by early Mormons, how it fell out of favor with the LDS Church, how it was kept alive by Mormon Fundamentalists, and what its relevance is today given the gift of hindsight.  --- Support this podcast:


Episode #143: The Book Of Enoch W/Adam Stokes

Go To for free video & access to exclusive content. Renegade Supply Store:   There are many things that we find echoes of Mormonism in. If we believe in Joseph Smiths prophetic mantle one place we shouldn’t be surprised is to find those echoes is in the apocrypha. One book of the apocrypha is the Book of Enoch. Today on the podcast I have Adam Stokes on to talk about the Book of Enoch. Adam is not only a believer in the Restoration but also has degrees from Duke & The Yale School of Divinity and is also a professor. He recently has been doing some work on the Book of Enoch. In our conversation we talk about what the Book of Enoch is, how it was found, It doctrinal emphasis, the striking “bullseyes” between the Book Of Enoch and Joseph Smith translations of the Book of Moses, and finally what we as Mormons today can take away from it.  --- Support this podcast:


Episode #142: Surrendering Our Will To God W/Liz Bradley

Go To for free video & access to exclusive content. Renegade Supply Store:   A few months back I had Liz Bradley on the podcast for a first instalment of a series covering certain gospel principles in hopes that we (and when I say we I mean mostly me) can start to clean the junk out of our lives so that we can become the people the Lord needs us to be as times get crazier in these last days. Last time Liz and I had a conversation about forgiveness, now while that topic can be tough this next one will be just as equally challenging as we talk about submitting our will to God. As Liz and I have this conversation we dive into the scriptures, talk about lived life experiences and how this principle can affect our lives for the better here in mortality.  --- Support this podcast:


Episode 141: Pushing Evolution Through Deseret Book W/Nate Richardson

Go To for free video & access to exclusive content. Renegade Supply Store:   Ok it doesn’t matter where you are at on the Mormon spectrum, Active LDS, Mormon fundamentalist or uncorrelated Mormon this topic applies to us all. I have a had a theory for a while that as a general rule change in the LDS Church doesn’t begin at the top in Salt Lake City. It often begins in Provo at BYU. I think what we are going to talk about today fits that bill. We have known now for a little while that BYU had been pushing evolution not from a place of “hey this is one theory” but more from a “this is the way it is” type of place. Well now we are starting to see the fruits of that. On the shelves of Deseret Book right now is a book entitled “Let’s Talk About Science & Religion”. The books whole thrust is about showing how the theory of evolution and the Restored Gospel are totally compatible.  Today Nate Richardson (who by the way has a killer presentation on this) joins me on the podcast as we talk about the book. Now as we have our conversation Nate shows the books obvious fallacies, what early Mormon leaders had to say about the theory of evolution, why the science on this is not settled and then finally wrapping up with what some of the downstream consequences that will most likely occur by adopting the theory of evolution into Mormon theology.  --- Support this podcast:


Episode #140: Dave Goes To Institute W/Michael Ness

Go To for free video & access to exclusive content. Renegade Supply Store:   Have you wondered what a Mormon Fundamentalist institute class would look and sound like? Well today you are going to get a sample of that. Michael Ness is beginning a class on the Old Testament and he agreed to come on the podcast and run through his first lesson on Genesis and creation. What ends up happening through our conversation is that we dive way deep on some pretty heavy stuff. We talk about the Adam-God doctrine, early apocryphal works, the ancient Egyptian Books of The Dead and Breathings, and much much, more that is guaranteed to blow your mind. Now if you interested in seeing Michaels class live reach out to me and I can hook you up with that link. Now strap in for some really deep doctrine.  --- Support this podcast:


Episode #139: Liberty In Danger W/Phil Westerlund

Go To for free video & access to exclusive content. Renegade Supply Store: To Purchase The Book go to cash app @$PhilipWesterlund and Send $20.00   For a few years now I have seen a disturbing trend where some of our youth are being taught (I am looking at you BYU) the idea that Consecration is just communism with a religious angle. To address this Today I have Phil Westerlund on the podcast. Now Phil has led quite a life from his time as a helicopter pilot in Vietnam to his continued career as a helicopter pilot in the private sector. Phil somewhere in the middle of all that has had time to write a book entitled Liberty In Danger (We Must Not Sleep). Phil and have I have conversation about the book which breaks down the 10 points of the communist manifesto and then compares what the scriptures and early LDS leaders had to say on those topics and just kind of a spoiler…they were not fans of the idea. Through the book Phil shows that this idea simply isn’t true and I can’t recommend the book enough for Mormon Families. For those who wish to purchase the book simply hit the link in these episodes show notes. --- Support this podcast:


Episode #138: Renewing The Covenant 4th Of July 2024

An Exploration Of The American From The Scriptures And Early American History. --- Support this podcast:


Episode 137: Coming To The Fulness Series-An Unlikely Mormon W/Adam Hosey

Go To for free video & access to exclusive content. Renegade Supply Store:   So I have been wanting to talk to folks who have made the jump to Mormon Fundamentalism and their lived experiences in making those changes. Now to start the series off I have got a real treat for you today as Adam Hosey joins me on the podcast today. Now Adam’s story is pretty unique in that he went from never being a Mormon at all straight into Mormon Fundamentalism. We talk about his childhood, his wilder younger years, the events that led him to realize he needed to make some life changes, to his acceptance of the Restored Gospel. We then move into his experiences and interactions with other fundamentalists while learning more. Now all along the way we get into some pretty deep conversations about Gospel topics, ideas, and doctrines and warp it all by talking about how Adam and his family are adjusting to life in their new faith. All through this conversation with Adam if you’re like me you might start to see that there are those who are ready and willing to embrace the Restored Gospel that we never thought of.  --- Support this podcast:


Episode #136: A Conversation W/Chief Midegah

Go To for free video & access to exclusive content. Renegade Supply Store:   So unless you have been living under a rock you have probably seen on social media somewhere a man named Chief Midegah. He is the Native American gentleman who has been talking about the current plight of the Native Americans and sharing some very interesting connections to Mormonism and today he joins me on the podcast. Now if you want a lot of the doctrine and stories there is defiantly some of that in here. Now as cool as those stories are I wanted to get down to the nuts and bolts of what his vision is going forward to help his people.  During our conversation we end up covering some of the current push back he is getting, the history of his people, the Native Americans connection to the Book of Mormon, what are to his plans to help his people and finally an exploration of 3rdNephi 16. That’s  --- Support this podcast:


Episode #135: Making Sense Of Current World Conflicts W/David Pyne

Go To for free video & access to exclusive content. Renegade Supply Store:   So do ya ever feel overwhelmed with trying to keep up with what’s               happening in the world? Well I know I do I mean there are only two active wars going on right now and the most contentious presidential                        election in history. I have been looking for someone who could give some perspective on this and was put in contact with David Pyne. Now Davids resume is impressive. Here are some of the highlights He has served in the U.S. Army, Studied National Security at Georgetown, Political Science at BYU, was a former state senate candidate, National Security Policy Director for Senator Mike Lee, and finally Defense & Foreign Policy Advisor for former presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy. So, you might not always agree with some of his takes but his analysis deserves consideration. We cover everything from the roots of the conflict in Russia and Ukraine, Chinas desire to control Taiwan. It’s pretty insightful commentary that puts all of what is happening into a little bit more perspective. Finaly, we finish up by talking about what this all could mean for the upcoming months and what you and your family can do to prepare.  --- Support this podcast:


Episode #134: Joseph W. Musser W/ Cristina Rosetti, PhD

Go To for free video & access to exclusive content. Renegade Supply Store:   About a year ago I released two episodes on Joseph Musser with Michael Ness. Recently Cristina Rosetti released her highly anticipated new book about Joseph Musser. Now if you know anything about Cristina you are well aware of her scholarship and how she has approaches the study of Mormon Fundamentalism. She has always done a very good job of portraying us fairly. Well today she joins me again on the podcast as we talk about her new book which covers Musser’s ministry, his personal life, his relationships with the Woolley’s, John Y Barlow, and even end up touching on the organization the new with Rulon Allred. From time to time in our conversation you will get to peek inside to the man he really was and just how much he both loved and sacrificed for the original teachings of the Restored Gospel. After listening to this conversation and reading the book I think you will find that your admiration and appreciation for Musser will only deepen.  --- Support this podcast:


Episode #133: The Forgotten Teachings Of Joseph Smith W/Drew Briney

Go To for free video & access to exclusive content. Renegade Supply Store:   So, when we talk about the revelations of Joseph Smith where does your mind go? If you’re anything like me, it goes to the Doctrine & Covenants. Now you’re not wrong in this but what if I said that there was a whole bunch more revelations and teachings from Joseph Smith that rarely ever get looked at because of the hours it would take to catalog and publish those teachings. Man, if only there was a guy who would want to endure that kind of pain to publish those things from Joseph……well luck for us there is. Drew Briney joins me again on the podcast as we talk about his new books the Forgotten Teachings and Insights of Joseph Smith. We talk about how the book came together, how he sourced all the material and how he went about putting the book together. We then go over a few pages of the book and along the way find ourselves in some pretty deep doctrinal discussions as we talk about the Forgotten Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith.  --- Support this podcast:


Episode #132: Taking The Gospel To Lehi's Children W/Jeff, Vanessa & Sharis Alldredge

As followers of the Restoration we have a lot of things on our plates that require our attention. We have our callings and church responsibilities, temple work, missionary work, to just name a few and this is on top of just trying to work and raise our families and helping them obtain a testimony of the Restored Gospel. However, this does not excuse us from the other things the Lord has asked us to do. The Book of Mormon from the title page to Jarom, to 3rd Nephi tells us that we have to take the Fullness of the Gospel to Lehi’s posterity. Now let me ask you a question how good have we as Mormons, both LDS and Fundamentalists been at taking the Gospel to Lehi’s posterity? If you’re anything like I kind of shifted uncomfortably in my seat as I contemplated this question. Today on the podcast I have Jeff, Vanessa, & Sharis Alldredge on to talk about this subject. Along the way we cover Mormonism’s interactions with the Native Americans, How we have fallen down on this and what we must do if we desire the blessings of The Lord in the last days.  --- Support this podcast:


Episode #131: Mormon Lore & Stories W/Christopher Blythe (Host of the Angels & Seerstones Podcast)

Go To for free video & access to exclusive content. Renegade Supply Store:   When you look at any society one of the things that binds those societies together are stories. It has been that way since man first gathered around a fire and talked with other people. Not only do those stories bind us together, they inform us and newcomers to the society what that particular society is about. Today on the podcast I have Christopher Blythe on talk about Mormon lore and stories. Now Christopher has a podcast named Angels & Seerstones that dives into this subject and is one of my favorite podcasts. During our conversation we talk about the importance of stories to society, why it is we find a little reluctance to talk about those stories, I share a very personal story of my own, and even end up exploring the dark side of stories and lore by talking about the Chad & Lori Daybell incident.  --- Support this podcast:


Episode #130: Joseph Smith &Freemasonry W/Cheryl Bruno

Go To for free video & access to exclusive content. Renegade Supply Store: Sometimes I think because we are a couple hundred years away from him we assume that Joseph Smith received revelation in a vacuum. Meaning that Joseph would just get revelation on a subject without ever having thought about the subject beforehand. Now I certainly am not saying that those types of revelation never happened, but I think history shows that many times revelation came as Joseph would ponder upon a subject then ask the Lord and then the revelation would come. Today I have Cheryl Bruno on the podcast as discuss Joseph Smith and Masonry. Now many of us in Mormonism get a little bit beat up over Joseph being a Mason by our evangelical brothers and sisters. Well today Cheryl puts some of this to rest as we discuss what masonry’s role was in 19th century America, what Joseph’s interactions were with Masonry, what it was he saw in masonry, and what it means for us as Mormons today. Now as unsettling as subject seems to be on the surface, I am sure by the end you will come out on the other side even more convinced of Joseph Smith’s prophetic calling.    --- Support this podcast:


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