The Movements: A Podcast History of the Masses

The Movements is a podcast history of the working class, anti-fascists, revolutionaries, women, people of color, and liberation movements. My history shows are narrative driven and audiobook style, with a focus on historical analysis from a Marxist perspective. History Eps = Scripted Drama, Scholarly AnalysisStallin' For Time Shows = Opinion, Cuss WordsSupport the show by donating at

Guatemala and Cuba #3 - ¡Patria o Muerte!

Fulgencio Batista has fled Cuba and the Cuban Revolutionaries are victorious. As Fidel Castro implements a revolution from above, the Latin American bourgeoisie and Central Intelligence Agency plot a destabilization campaign (modeled after the 1954 coup against Jacobo Arbenz).Guatemalan President Miguel Ydigoras Fuentes invites the CIA to establish anti-communist training camps in Guatemala. In the opening shots of the Guatemalan Civil War, anti-Castro Cubans piloting CIA B-26s bomb rebel sol...


TEASER: Guatemala and Cuba #3 - ¡Patria o Muerte!

Full Episode available in October 2022!Support The Movements on PatreonSubscribe to the PodcastApple PodcastsGoogleSpotifyStitcherSupport the show ( free music by Giorgio Di the showSupport The Movements on Patreon Subscribe to the Podcast Apple Podcasts Google Spotify Stitcher Twitter @movementspod Support the show (


Russia's Invasion of Ukraine: Historical background with Adam Patterson

Adam returns to the show to discuss the historical context for Russia's invasion of Ukraine. We discuss Ukraine and Russia's relationship within the Soviet Union, the shock privatization of the post-Soviet Russian economy, Yeltsin's 1993 attack on the Russian parliament, NATO expansion, Putinism as a product of hyper-capitalism and far-right nationalism, and how to take a principled anti-imperialist position in the face of Russia's ruthless invasion of Ukraine.Support The Movements on Patreon...


Guatemala and Cuba #2 - Iron Discipline

Che Guevara links up with Cuban revolutionaries in Guatemala, but is forced to leave the country after the US sponsored coup against moderate President Jacobo Arbenz. Communists and the left are being persecuted throughout Latin America, sending them into exile in Mexico, where Che joins Fidel Castro's 26th of July Movement, which aims to overthrow the US backed dictator of Cuba, Fulgencio Batista. The broader anti-Batista movement is deeply divided and scared of antagonizing the Americans. H...


The Weapon of Theory by Amilcar Cabral (Audiobook with Intro)

An experimental episode! An audiobook adaptation of "The Weapon of Theory", by Amilcar Cabral. Brief intro and foreword by Comrade KG, host of The Movements.***The Weapon of Theory by Amilcar CabralPublished on the Marxists Internet Archive (, The War Comes HomeBy Comrade KGWritten September 2020 All references and quotes from the Foreword found below:


Guatemala and Cuba's Revolutions #1 - The Latinx Spring

In 1944, a wave of Democratization hits Latin America. After generations of semi-feudal labor conditions under successive liberal dictatorships, Guatemalan school teachers rise up and overthrow the regime. Inspired by Franklin Delano Roosevelt, these New Deal reformers join with indigenous activists and their commmunist party allies to launch the "Ten Years of Spring", a political movement to emancipate the indigenous majority of Guatemala and liberate it from foreign domination.The Guatemala...


Stallin' For Time: Democratic Socialism From Harrington to Sanders with Historian Doug Enaa Greene

Marxist historian, researcher and biographer of Auguste Blanqui and Michael Harrington joins the show to discuss the life and career of Democratic Socialists of America's founder, the Sanders campaign and what lies ahead in this new period of American politics.Read Doug's work!Michael Harrington and His AfterlivesCommunist Order of the Samurai: Trotsky and the Red ArmyCommunist Insurgent: Blanqui's Politics of Revolution available from Haymarket BooksDoug's Articles at Left VoiceSupport The M...


Stallin' For Time: The Twin Cities Uprising and Beyond

Adam returns to the show to discuss the unprecedented, still-growing uprising sparked by the murder of George Floyd. Simultaneously terrified and excited, we discuss the possibilities, good and bad, and the remarkable tactics that demonstrators have used to consistently defeat the police four nights in a row.Support the showSupport The Movements on Patreon Subscribe to the Podcast Apple Podcasts Google Spotify Stitcher Twitter @movementspod Support the show (


The Russian Revolution #8 - In One Country

Peasant uprisings break out throughout revolutionary Russia, forcing the Communist Party to acknowledge their excesses during civil war. The Kronstadt revolt forces communists to weigh the legitimate grievances of the sailors against the real threat of SR-White Russian resurgence. Emergency measures are taken to ensure the survival of the regime, deepening the bureaucratization of an already centralized state. As the war approaches its final phase and Lenin attempts to decentralize political ...


The Russian Revolution #7 - To End All Wars

The Great War is winding down, but new wars break out throughout Europe and beyond. A year of siege from the right-wing, foriegn armies and leftist rivals fails to dislodge the Bolsheviks from power, but famine and civil war have taken their toll. The revolutionaries struggle to fight a vicious civil war as corruption and bureaucracy creep into the Soviet government. Revolution breaks out in Germany, offering a glimmer of hope to the besieged Russian Reds. But the social democrats are in talk...


Stallin' For Time: American Genocidaires with Adam Patterson

It's going to be a heavy one. Adam returns to discuss his latest piece on the mounting warning signs that the far-right is preparing for a wider atrocity, citing pre-genocide historical conditions in Rwanda, Nazi Germany, British South Africa, and other examples. Featuring a very brief special guest appearance from my cat. Read Adam's work at napalminthemorning.comSupport the showSupport The Movements on Patreon Subscribe to the Podcast Apple Podcasts Google Spotify Stitcher Twitter @...


Stallin' For Time: Puerto Rican Protests

Manuel returns to the show to provide context and explain the protests that toppled Ricardo Rossello in Puerto Rico.Support the showSupport The Movements on Patreon Subscribe to the Podcast Apple Podcasts Google Spotify Stitcher Twitter @movementspod Support the show (


Stallin' For Time: War with Venezuela and Iran with Adam Patterson

Adam returns to discuss what a war with Iran would look like, with a focus on the resourcefulness and strength of the revolutionary guards. Followed by a discussion on Venezuela and the possibility of civil war with US backing.Support the show at Patreon.Featuring "Break The State" by Time. Find Time on Soundcloud or SpotifySupport the showSupport The Movements on Patreon Subscribe to the Podcast Apple Podcasts Google Spotify Stitcher Twitter @movementspod Support the show (https://www.patr...


Stallin' For Time: Labor and Law with Judy Cotter

Stallin' For Time is back! Judy Cotter (Twitter @UnionSaltBae) joins the show to discuss labor struggle and how to improve the US Constitution. I'd rather replace it entirely, but this is a big tent podcast. Also, and update on the Russian Revolution and some thoughts about mental health. Support the show at Patreon.Featuring "Break The State" by Time. Find Time on Soundcloud or SpotifySupport the showSupport The Movements on Patreon Subscribe to the Podcast Apple Podcasts Google Spotify Sti...


The Russian Revolution #6 - Year One

The Russian Revolution enters a new phase as the Bolsheviks successfully take power and form a coalition with the Left SRs. A new Constituent Assembly is elected, but out of date candidate lists leave the results in question. The Reds seek to make peace with the Germans without leverage, while facing off coup plots and military threats from the Right SRs and White forces. As the isolated revolutionaries wait for the German Revolution to break out and lift the siege of Red Russia, famine again...


The Russian Revolution #5 - Red October

Dual power is falling apart. After the uprising of the July Days and the disastrous Kerensky offensive, the Provisional Government looks to the military for help against the Soviet. The new Prime Minister Kerensky appoints a right-wing general as Commander-in-Chief and enters negotiations for an alliance against the left. Talks break down, and the masses are armed in response to a right-wing threat. Kerensky’s popularity plummets and the Bolsheviks begin to win majorities in Soviets and labor...


The Russian Revolution #4 - Peace, Bread, Land

The Tsar has fallen, but The Provisional Government and Petrograd Soviet struggle over the future of the revolution. Crisis after crisis reveal the instability of Dual Power, as the masses grow increasingly distrustful of of both. The masses refuse to lay down their arms and submit to a bourgeois government, while growing frustrated with the collaboration between the Soviet leaders and bourgeois government, the latter of which intends to launch another offensive. Meanwhile, Lenin returns to R...


Stallin' For Time: Ethnic Cleansing & Genocide

A heavy episode on the common trends that lead to ethnic cleansing and genocide, as well as forms of denial during and after. Ask yourself if any of these sound familiar. Adam returns to the show where we examine the Armenian Genocide, the Nakba, and other similar events. We end with a silly bit, completely unrelated to anything, because we're all gunna need a laugh.Read Adam's latest piece on what a genocide in the near future US might look like:


The Russian Revolution #3 - The Reds Return

Reform has failed and the Social Democratic Parties of Europe have failed to stop the war. As the European war grinds the working class and peasantry like meat, a demonstration by proletarian women revives the Russian Revolution. The Tsar orders a brutal suppression of the uprisings just as he did during the 1905 Revolution. This time, however, the soldiers of Petrograd turn their guns towards the regime and engage in pitched battles against police in the streets. The working class begin to f...


Stallin' For Time: Sex Workers Against FOSTA SESTA with Janis Luna

Janis Luna stops joins the show to talk about sex worker resistance against the new laws, Stop Enabling Sex Traffickers Act (SESTA) and Allow States and Victims to Fight Online Sex Trafficking Act (FOSTA). We also discuss the history of sex workers within the larger feminist and queer movements. Janis Luna is a stripper, writer, sex educator, and social work student. Follow Janis on Instagram at Learn more about FOSTA-SESTA at https://survivorsagainstsesta...


Will Shogren

Poor people don't vote, generally and the PMC middle class needs to get that through their thick skulls.

06-14 Reply

Will Shogren

The point regarding black/brown/queer people arming themselves is spot on.

06-14 Reply

Will Shogren

"Latinx" lol.

05-03 Reply

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