The Musical Ear (Ear Training Exercises)

<p>Ear training exercises for piano  players and musicians.<br>This podcast teaches you ear training and music theory together.<br>Topics include:<br>Interval ear training.<br>Ear training exercises.<br>Interval ear training.<br>Chord progression ear training.<br>Common melodic shapes.<br>Common chord progressions.<br>How to transcribe bass lines.<br>Music theory lessons.<br>Ear training for piano.<br>How to play piano by ear.<br>And how to play songs by ear.<br>Julian Bradley is a composer and music teacher from the UK. He loves to share his passion for ear training and music theory.</p>

Common Chord Progressions Lesson (why playing music by ear is easier than you think)

Most songs you hear on the radio use the same chord progressions as each other. In fact there's just 4 chords that make up most song's chord progressions.In this episode I'll show you the most useful 'common chord progression' there is for playing music by ear. Once you know this progression, you'll start hearing it everyday in the songs you listen to.Topics include chord progression ear training, transcribing bass lines by ear, the 4 pop chords, and more.Watch Julian's free ear training vide...


Common Melodic Shapes Lesson (why playing music by ear is easier than you think)

Most songs you hear on the radio use the same melodic shapes and chord progressions as each other. In fact there's just 5 notes that make up most melodies.In this episode I'll show you the most useful 'common melodic shape' there is for playing music by ear. Once you know this shape, you'll start hearing it in the vast majority of songs you hear. Hearing this distinctive shape in a melody is an easy way to figure out which notes are being played - and then you just have to keep track of the m...


Ear Training Test at the Piano: 'Shape Of You' in C minor

Put your ear to the test as we transcribe the song 'Shape Of You' by ear. I'll play an excerpt at the piano (played in the key of C minor). We'll transcribe the melody and chord progression together.Topics include the pentatonic scale, common melodic shapes, intervals, chord progressions, and more.Watch Julian's free ear training video series (4 videos) here:


Ear Training Test at the Piano: 'The Terminator' Theme

Put your ear to the test as we transcribe 'The Terminator' soundtrack. I'll play an excerpt at the piano (played in the key of C minor). We'll transcribe the melody and chord progression together.Topics include 'the melody / chord relationship', common chord progressions, interval recognition, and more.For more ear training tutorials, watch my free ear training video series (4 videos) here:


Ear Training Test at the Piano: 'In The End' by Linkin Park

Put your ear to the test as we transcribe 'In The End' by ear. I'll play you the melody and chords at the piano (played in the key of C minor).Topics include 'common melodic shapes', chord progression ear training, how to transcribe a bass line by ear, interval recognition, and more.Watch Julian's free ear training video series (4 videos) here:


How to play music by ear by playing in one key

Discover why most musicians never learn to play music by ear, and the one tweak to your practice that makes all the difference.Julian shares how he learned to play music by ear by doing something counter intuitive - instead of 'practicing in all 12 keys' as we're often taught, he decided to double down on ONE key, which he focused on and studied for 2 years. During this time he learned to play music by ear very quickly, since he transcribed every song in the same key.Free Ear Training Videos:...


How to practice ear training as a musician

Most musicians fail at ear training because they practice it the wrong way. In this episode we outline a very clear effective method to practice ear training.Julian continues to share his own path to ear training success.This episode is ideal for piano players, guitarists, singers, and relevant to all instruments.Free Ear Training Videos: Watch Julian's 4 part ear training video series to learn more - Sign up here.


Julian Bradley Origin Story: How I went from struggling at music, to gaining my masters degree

Julian shares how he went from being a shy, struggling music student - who lacked confidence in music classes, avoided putting his hand up in class, and even failed an end of year music exam...To completing his masters degree in music, and making a full time living teaching thousands of musicians world wide.Free Ear Training Video Series:For more ear training advice, watch Julian's 4-part ear training video course. Sign up here.



Thank you, Julian 👍🙏

01-17 Reply

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