The MyBaby Craniosacral Podcast

<p>Welcome to the MyBaby CST Podcast!</p>

Benefits of CST for Babies With Sleep Issues with Holistic Sleep Coach, Kim Hawley

Dive into the world of holistic sleep coaching and how it offers a valuable approach to addressing challenging sleep patterns in babies and toddlers. Kim Hawley, a Certified Holistic Sleep Coach, discusses the benefits of bodywork and craniosacral therapy for babies and toddlers with sleep issues, digestive problems, and high sensitivity. She shares transformation stories of clients who have seen significant improvements in their children's sleep patterns after receiving bodywork. She also di...


Overcoming Money Blocks and Valuing Postpartum Care with Julia Jones

Julia Jones of Newborn Mothers, a global postpartum education business, discusses the barriers and challenges faced by women in the postpartum care industry. She discusses the barriers women face when starting out, the importance of valuing and charging their worth, and the need for publicly funded postpartum care. She also shares advice for overcoming money mindset blocks, finding the right business model, and the power of failing fast. About Julia Jones:Julia is the founding director a...


The Importance of Support in the Pre and Postpartum Period with Kristin Revere

"It's all about knowing options and building your own dream team of professionals based on however you choose to birth your baby and parent your baby."Kristin Revere, owner of Gold Coast Doulas, discusses the importance of having a comprehensive support system during the pre and postpartum period. She highlights the various services offered by Gold Coast Doulas, including birth and postpartum doula support, lactation consulting, and sleep consulting. She also discusses the need for accessible...


What I Wish I Had Known

Building a craniosacral therapy business takes time and patience. Learn from Meaghan’s years of experience and hear her secrets to success. In this episode, she shares the details of what she wished she’d known when starting out. From building slowly and hiring help to utilizing social media effectively, Meaghan offers advice for anyone looking to start or grow their own craniosacral therapy business. She also discusses the growth of her own skills as a therapist and the impact that craniosac...


Integrating Craniosacral Therapy into Your Midwifery Practice with Kristy Wilson (Part 2)

Tune in to PART 2 of Meaghan’s conversation with Kristy Wilson! They dive deeper into the benefits of craniosacral therapy (CST) for newborns, as well as the role of CST in supporting mental health. Kristy shares her experiences helping babies with various issues, such as a baby who exhibited back arching, poor tongue function, and oral aversions after a traumatic birth. Through CST sessions, the baby's tightness and discomfort gradually improved, leading to significant changes in their overa...


Integrating Craniosacral Therapy into Your Midwifery Practice with Kristy Wilson (Part 1)

Interested in enhancing your skills as a midwife? In this episode, Kristy Wilson shares her journey as a midwife and her experience with using craniosacral therapy (CST) to support newborns and their families. By integrating CST into her practice, she has witnessed remarkable improvements in newborns' well-being, breastfeeding success, and overall family dynamics! Learn about the benefits of early CST sessions, as well as the role of CST in reducing stress on the nervous system and promoting ...


Building a Thriving Business in the Perinatal World with Dr. Sarah Winward, ND, IBCLC, ICST

In the world of perinatal care, building a successful business requires more than just expertise and passion. It requires strategic networking, effective communication, and a clear understanding of your value as a practitioner. In this episode, Dr. Sarah Winward shares her advice on building a successful business in the field of baby bodywork. She provides strategies for networking, building relationships with other practitioners, and creating a business that doesn't lead to burnout. She emph...


Benefits of Bodywork for Breastfeeding Babies with Angela Grant-Buechner BA, BSCN, RN, IBCLC

Did you know that bodywork can play a role in improving breastfeeding outcomes for babies? In this episode, Angela Grant-Buechner shares her journey from being a registered nurse to becoming a lactation consultant and doula. She discusses the importance of providing non-judgmental support to families and the challenges faced by parents in the breastfeeding journey. Angela also highlights the role of bodywork, such as craniosacral therapy, in improving breastfeeding outcomes for babies with to...


Addressing Challenging Cases in Infant Craniosacral Therapy

This episode tackles challenging cases and discusses the tools and techniques used to make a difference for infants and their families. Meaghan emphasizes the importance of addressing both the physical and emotional aspects of these cases, sharing personal experiences and insights. Learn how to listen empathetically to traumatic birth stories, use targeted treatment techniques that can alleviate physical symptoms, and utilize training to provide the best possible care for these vulnerable bab...


CST and OT - A Powerful Combination for Holistic Healing with Kaili Ets

Discover the synergy of occupational therapy (OT) and craniosacral therapy (CST); a powerful combination for assessing and supporting babies’ development! Kaili Ets shares her journey as a pediatric occupational therapist and how she discovered the benefits of CST. She explains that by addressing body tension, realigning cranial bones, and regulating the nervous system, CST and OT can support babies and children in achieving their developmental milestones, improving sensory processing, and en...


How a Baby’s Birth Experience Shapes Their Life with Deirdre Kennedy

Deirdre Kennedy, a highly accomplished practitioner in the field of craniosacral therapy (CST) and holistic wellness, shares her passion for working with moms and babies, emphasizing the importance of including mothers in the healing journey of their babies. She discusses her approach to CST sessions, Identity Oriented Psychotrauma Therapy (IOPT), the role of intergenerational healing, and the impact of a baby's birth experience on their development. Both Deirdre and Meaghan share their ...


Top Qualities of a Great Craniosacral Therapist

Curious if craniosacral therapy (CST) is right for you? Tune in to discover the top qualities that make a great infant craniosacral therapist! While not everyone may possess all of these qualities initially, a willingness to grow and change is key. Meaghan emphasizes the importance of being called to help others, having empathy, maintaining a growth mindset, being willing to do personal work, being non-judgmental, and practicing inclusivity. Learn why she believes these six qualities are esse...


2024 Forecast - Expansion of CST Programs and Podcast Collaboration

Exciting things ahead in 2024! Meaghan shares the news about the expansion of the Beames CST Training Center programs, as well as the changes coming to the podcast. She discusses the addition of teaching assistants to support students in CST Foundations and the expansion of the Infant CST Level 1 program to accommodate a wider audience. Hear about the hands-on experience provided in the higher levels of CST training and the new certification program for aspiring infant craniosacral therapists...


History of Craniosacral Therapy

Did you know that craniosacral therapy (CST) has been around for centuries? It’s true! This episode uncovers the fascinating history of craniosacral therapy, as well as provides an in-depth explanation of past pioneers who made significant contributions to the development and understanding of this healing modality. Hear about important figures like Emanuel Swedenborg, the first known person to document and study the movement of the cranial bones. From the 1700’s to today, Meaghan explains how...


Outie Belly Buttons: How Craniosacral Therapy Can Help

Let’s dive into the world of belly buttons! Specifically, outie belly buttons in newborn babies. While it is often said that outie belly buttons will correct themselves with time, Meaghan believes in taking proactive steps to alleviate discomfort and promote healing. She discusses how craniosacral therapy techniques can be used to release tension along the falciform ligament, creating relief and allowing for better digestion and comfort in babies. She also shares a parent's experience using m...


Practice Makes Better: Overcoming Perfectionism

There is no perfect. There's just better.Meaghan opens up about her transformative journey with perfectionism, and how it has shaped her career as a craniosacral therapist. She reflects on her childhood experiences and the pressure she put on herself to be perfect from the start. Hear how rock climbing taught Meaghan the importance of taking breaks and trying different approaches, which she now applies to her therapy practice. She also shares that as a craniosacral therapist, she strives...


Benefits of In-House Craniosacral Therapy vs Referring Out

Do you work with babies? When you see a baby that needs craniosacral therapy, are you able to provide that service to them or do you refer it out to somebody else? Many practitioners often notice the need for craniosacral therapy in infants but may not be able to provide the necessary treatment themselves. Learn how this can add a lack of trust and unnecessary stress on the parents, and may even potentially cause the baby to need more extensive rehabilitation later on.In this episode, Meaghan...


Controversy Surrounding Tongue Ties

Why is the topic of tongue ties so controversial? In recent years, there have been many debates surrounding the existence, overdiagnosis, and different types of tongue ties. As an infant craniosacral therapist, Meaghan has had the opportunity to work with numerous babies and witness the impact of tongue ties firsthand. In this episode, she provides insight from a craniosacral therapist’s point of view which focuses on assessing body alignment, the functioning of nerves and muscles in the...


Discovering Her Passion: Meaghan’s Journey to Becoming a Craniosacral Therapist

Curious about how Meaghan became an infant craniosacral therapist? Tune in as she shares her personal journey of following her intuition and finding her purpose in helping others!From a young age, she felt called to help people and create a safe space for others. After exploring different paths, including a 10 year career as a hairdresser, she discovered her true passion of infant craniosacral therapy. From in-person training to starting her business and treating over 200 babies in the first ...


How Craniosacral Therapy Helps You Become a Better Version of Yourself

Learning craniosacral therapy goes beyond just the techniques. It's also about embracing self-acceptance, forgiveness, and personal growth. In this short episode, Meaghan explains how this subtle technique requires us to listen in ways that go beyond our ears. For many adults, this can be a challenging and unfamiliar territory. However, by embracing this practice, you not only learn to heal and grow as an individual but also extend that healing to others. Listen now to learn how craniosa...


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