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The New American Podcast

Author: The New American Magazine

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1039 Episodes
In this episode of Behind The Deep State, host Alex Newman exposes the Deep State propaganda machine's "1619 Project" produced by the New York Times and fringe leftwing activist Nikole Hannah-Jones to brainwash American children in public schools with fake history to hate America. The central claim is that America has slavery and racism in its DNA, and so it must die. Fortunately, historians from all across the political spectrum have debunked the lies, and President Trump is joining the fray. Indeed, the truth is almost the opposite of the Times' phony narrative.
In this episode of Behind the Deep State, host Alex Newman exposes the fact that presidential candidate Joe Biden has ripped off the United Nations "Build Back Better" slogan for his own campaign to advance Deep State objectives. This campaign would expand government, spend trillions on unconstitutional programs, and surrender even more U.S. sovereignty. Biden stole it from the UN, without giving credit, even as politicians around the world parrot the same agenda. But remember, if you aren't voting for Biden, "you ain't black!"
In this episode of Behind the Deep State, host Alex Newman explores the spiritual nature of Black Lives Matter, showing that BLM founders and leaders openly admit they are conjuring spirits and supposed dead ancestors that are "working" through them. As Alex explains, the Bible condemns this as witchcraft, sorcery, necromancy, communication with demons, and more, all of which the Bible calls detestable. The dark spiritual nature of BLM should have been obvious from the fruit of the movement: riots, destruction, death, burning, looting, hate, division, and even murder. Now, these same BLM activists are training teachers to summon "ancestor spirits" into the classrooms with school children. Obviously, this is a spiritual war. It is time for churches to take their rightful place at the front lines of the battle.
In this episode of Behind the Deep State, host Alex Newman explains that the Deep State is working to create a “League of Democracies” that will help advance globalism. Supposedly a bid to stand up to Communist China' s 5G ambitions, the real reason for this shift in tactics is that under the Trump administration, the United Nations has been discredited and paralyzed. The D-10 League of Democracies is being pushed by British Prime Minister Boris Johnson, the Council on Foreign Relations, the Carnegie Endowment, and other powerful forces. Eventually, the goal is to use this new EU-style entity to shackle the United States, fight “climate change,” bully small nations with low taxes, terrorize companies that don't go along with the globalism, and more, Deep State bigwigs admit.
In this episode of Behind The Deep State, host Alex Newman exposes the Deep State's recruitment and weaponization of American children through the Rockefeller-funded Sunrise Movement. Founded by a member of the Club of Rome and funded by racist and globalist billionaires, this front group is seeking to use concerns about the "environment" to undermine American freedom and free markets. The "Green New Deal" and "global warming" were the group's primary issues. However, now, the group is focusing increasingly on defunding the police by exploiting "trigger events," playing a crucial role in the riots and violence spreading across America. This shady group, which was exposed by Millennial Millie and a source on the inside, is teaching children to commit crimes and even use violence and terrorism as a tactic in the war against America. Don't let the Deep State use your children to wage war against you.
In this episode of Behind The Deep State, host Alex Newman exposes how the Deep State is using the LGBT movement as a weapon to wage war on family, marriage, the Bible, and the Church. Alex goes through the key Deep State players in this such as George Soros, Tom Gill, Jon Stryker, Hollywood, and Big Business. He also says the next step will be the normalization of pedophilia and the unleashing of further government persecution against Christians who refuse to bow before the idols of the LGBT movement.
In this episode of Behind The Deep State, host Alex Newman exposes the truth about Black Lives Matter: It is a Marxist group working to dismantle liberty, Christianity, family, society, private property, civilization, and the U.S. Constitution. It is also based on complete lies and fabrications. Do not let the name fool you. Indeed, the founders of BLM boast that they are Marxists. And when you boil down Marxism to its essence, it is Satanism, a complete repudiation of everything that God has called good. Their own website brags about their evil agenda to destroy the nuclear family and have the "village" take over child rearing while promoting LGBTQ+ extremism.
In this episode of Behind The Deep State, host Alex Newman exposes the fact that the dictatorship in Communist China essentially runs the United Nations. It will also play a star role in the New World Order. Alex goes through a recent U.S. government report highlighting the many Communist Chinese agents running key UN agencies and programs including UNESCO, UNIDO, ICAO, FAO, and many more. And unlike people from other nations, Communist Chinese must obey the party's orders while serving in international organizations. The Deep State is falsely trying to blame Trump for this disaster, but in reality, it began long before Trump was even running, and Trump has been the first to seriously try to oppose these developments.
The Deep State is hyping COVID19 hysteria and an alleged "coin shortage" to promote a cashless society with no cash, warns Behind the Deep State host Alex Newman. But in reality, the establishment has been promoting an end to cash for many years, long before coronavirus and the supposed currency shortage. After burning down the economy with lockdown and shutdown policies, now the elites are peddling universal basic income too. The groups promoting this include the Ford Foundation, USAID, the United Nations, many governments around the world, the credit card companies, the mega-banks, and others. If and when it becomes a reality, financial privacy will be lost and nobody will be able to buy or sell without submitting to the dictates of the system. Christians believe this has implications from a prophecy perspective.
In this episode of Behind The Deep State, host Alex Newman breaks down the "Great Reset" being pushed by the World Economic Forum and the United Nations. As part of this agenda, the globalist elites plan to transform everything from the economy and companies to individuals' mindsets. Basically, it means an end to freedom and the much-heralded New World Order.
In this episode of Behind The Deep State, host Alex Newman discusses the constitutional doctrine of nullification. When the states joined together to create the federal government, they only surrendered a few defined powers to their creature. All other powers not delegated to the feds were reserved to the states and to the people. And yet, today, improperly citing the "Supremacy Clause" of the U.S. Constitution, the national government acts like any unconstitutional statute it may create is "supreme" over states. This is a lie. As Thomas Jefferson and James Madison both explained, states have a duty to reject and resist these usurpations. Even local governments have an important role to play in interposing. The doctrine of the lesser magistrates standing between a higher magistrate and the people is well established in the Bible and Christian tradition, too.
In this episode of Behind the Deep State, host Alex Newman breaks down some of the amazing history leading up to the Declaration of Independence. Alex especially focuses in on the Christian roots of the Declaration and the little-known facts that are crucial to understanding American history. He also discusses the Black Robe Regiment and the key part played by pastors in the war for independence. Americans will never defeat the Deep State if they don't understand their own history and who they are.
In this special July 4 Independence Day episode of Behind the Deep State, host Alex Newman goes through the U.S. Declaration of Independence and the critical biblical principles that underpin it. Alex explains how knowing who we are as Americans--especially including our history and our founding documents--will be critical in defeating the Deep State and its globalist agenda. Finally, Newman talks about how the principles in the Declaration such as "all men are created equal" and are "endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights" led to eradicating slavery and equality before the law. Don't let the Deep State erase America's incredible history or the amazing fruit produced by its founding!
In this episode of Behind the Deep State, host Alex Newman shows you who is really behind the "Black Lives Matter" protests--globalist and racist billionaires such as the Soros and Rockfellers who want a New World Order.
In this episode of Behind The Deep State, host Alex Newman explains how and why the establishment is trying to demonize local police and sheriffs that are accountable to their local communities. One of the goals of this unrest is to nationalize and globalize American law enforcement to pave the way for tyranny, as proven by their own documents and statements. Obama and the UN were both open about the goals.
In this episode of Behind the Deep State, host Alex Newman explains how the Deep State and communist revolutionaries are exploiting the death of George Floyd to dismantle the United States, liberty, and constitutional government. The goal: A totalitarian New World Order. The strategy being used, known as “pressure from below, pressure from above,” is at play, with United Nations communists in high places applying the pressure from above, and riots and violent revolutionaries funded by Deep State money men such as George Soros out in the streets applying pressure from below.
In this episode of Behind The Deep State, host Alex Newman explains how the globalist Deep State is using the UN World Health Organization (WHO) to advance its agenda for a New World Order. He starts by talking about Trump's decision to defund and withdraw from the WHO due to its subservience to Communist China. The Deep State plan is to make the WHO, run by Marxist terrorist Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus of Ethiopia, into a global health ministry. Alex shows that communists, socialists, and tyrants have been key to WHO from the start. He also exposes the agenda to have government take over healthcare all over the world, with Agenda 2030 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) purporting to make that mandatory for all nations. It is interesting that communists and crony capitalists, especially Big Pharma, all make common cause under the WHO. Finally, Alex talks about how the WHO is using vaccines and “mental health” to harm and enslave humanity. 
In this episode of Behind the Deep State, host Alex Newman exposes the Deep State organizations and individuals working to shred privacy and invade your home with so-called "contact tracing." From HR 6666 and phone apps for tracking you to microchips under the skin for children and home visits splitting up families, the agenda is totalitarian to the core. And yet, with very little resistance, this scheme is moving forward at the state and even global level under the World Health Organization. Clinton, Soros, Gates, and other globalist Deep Staters are involved. Humanity must resist to stay free.    ▶️ More Videos: Bill Gates: Globalist Technocrat to "Save" You With Mandatory Vaccines? Fighting Coronavirus With Tyranny & Globalism Deep State Weaponizing Coronavirus Against Freedom    📰 Read Alex's Full Article:   🇺🇸 The New American: 📲 Let's Connect!
Watch this video before the Deep State takes it down!. In this episode of Behind the Deep State, host Alex Newman exposes the escalating efforts by Deep State social media companies (Youtube, Facebook, Google, Twitter, etc) to silence all dissent and everyone who exposes the establishment's lies. YouTube announced that everything going against World Health Organization propaganda would be removed. Facebook created a "Supreme Court" run largely by George Soros hacks and Muslims to determine what can be said on the platform. Now the UN and Bill Gates stooges in Event 201 are demanding global censorship. Fortunately, Americans are searching for the truth, and the Deep State's efforts to squash it are running into growing resistance as people and content migrate to new platforms. 📰 Read the Full Articles: Exploiting COVID19, Big Tech Censors Become Big Brother Chinese Communist to Lead UN Agency Seeking to Control Internet  ▶️ More Videos: Bill Gates: Globalist Technocrat to "Save" You With Mandatory Vaccines? Fighting Coronavirus With Tyranny & Globalism Deep State Weaponizing Coronavirus Against Freedom 🇺🇸 The New American: 📲 Let's Connect!
In this episode of Behind the Deep State, host Alex Newman explains how subversives and collectivists deliberately turned tens of millions of Americans into illiterates using quackery such as the whole word / look say / sight word method of teaching reading. This often produces symptoms of dyslexia, and was first exposed as ineffective quackery in the 1840s when it was tried in Boston under Horace Mann. Alex also gives some phonics programs--the proper way to teach reading--that you can use to protect your children from becoming illiterates. And he gives a brief overview of the reading wars.  🎓 Special Issue - Rescuing Our Children:  ▶️ More Videos: Educating for the New World Order Dumbing Down Your Children Deep State Sexualizing Children at School Public Schools Created to Collectivize Society   🇺🇸 The New American: 📲 Let's Connect!  
Comments (3)

Jane Black


Feb 9th

Bill Smith

define deep state accurately.

May 22nd

Kimberly Morrison McClintock

Just found this podcast! is this Alex's New American podcasts?

Sep 25th
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