The Next Big Thing (video)

Each month CNET's Brian Cooley takes a look at what's happening in tech and then cuts out the noise. What's left are a few key trends that show you how the near future is shaping up, with unusual clarity.

CNET's Scott Stein and Brian Cooley explain the metaverse

Spoiler alert: Anyone who says they can nail down the metaverse this soon is lying or trying to sell you something.


CNET's Next Big Thing: Will technology keep us at home after the pandemic?

Just because it can doesn't mean it should. A panel of experts explore what's working and what's not.


CNET Next Big Thing: The Invisible Doctor

Join CNET and a panel of luminaries rethinking the way consumer electronics will silently and seamlessly shape our health in the years to come. We talk with futurists about robot caretakers, realists turning every piece of tech you own into a health sensor, and AI experts finding patterns in it all that we never noticed before. Come meet your new invisible doctor.


Tomorrow's medical breakthrough? You're already wearing it

The gadgets you check out on CNET may soon help you live to be 100... or more.


What do millennials want in ​a​ smart home?

New research looks at what types of tech millennials most want in a smart home. Cooley breaks it down.​


Do tablets still matter?

Recent stats show that tablet sales are slowing. ​Cooley breaks it down.


Quantum computers will blow your mind

Ready for a guaranteed weather forecast or perfect cancer screening?


The robots are coming -- are you ready?

Love 'em or hate 'em, robots will start playing a larger role in our everyday lives in the coming years. Cooley looks at the market and what developers are doing to make robots more relatable.


Unlimited plans are back: Do you know why?

Cooley offers up the ins and outs of the new unlimited wireless plans before you belly up to one.


Electric cars aren't just for golfing any more

The day may be coming when only the wealthy and the foolish avoid EVs.


Why most homes are still dumb

The smart home biz has a big to-do list in 2017.


Your next phone should do the Tango

The next big thing in phones is seeing the world even better than you can.


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