The Nicole Sandler Show

Nicole Sandler has worked in radio her entire adult life. After a successful career in music radio in NY and Los Angeles (WPLJ, KLOS, KSCA and others), she returned to talk radio to host mornings on then-progressive talk WINZ/Miami. After a flip to sports, she moved to Air America Radio for a nightly show. When AAR went off the air on Jan 21, 2010, Nicole Sandler moved online where she continues to question authority daily at

20240520 It's Fu@&ing Monday with the Fu@%ing News on the Nicole Sandler Show

Mondays are always difficult, especially after an epic weekend.. But here we are. There's lots of news to discuss-- the latest on TFG's trial, possibly entering the homestretch, Alito must recuse (or be impeached.... and Clarence Thomas too!), the ICC is calling for the arrest of Hamas' leaders plus Netanyahu and Israel's Defense Minister Yoav Gallant. And lots more. And since it's Monday, Jonathan Larsen joins in from The Fucking News with even more!


20240328 Thursdays with Howie Klein of DownWithTyranny on the Nicole Sandler Show 3-28-24

Today is Thursday, so we have our weekly get-together with Howie Klein of and the Blue America PAC. Last week, you may recall, Howie brought along a guest --Jersey City Mayor and already declared-candidate for NJ Governor in 2025 Steven Fulop. The conversation concerned the race to replace corrupt Sen Bob Menendez from NJ. Fulop had reversed his endorsement of Tammy Murphy (wife of NJ's current governor who's being term limited out of office) in favor of Congressman Andy Kim. Hmm, Murphy dropped out of the race just a couple of days later.... Today, among other stories, I'll ask Howie about his experience with the former senator/would-be spoiler (via No Labels), and why his VP candidacy with Al Gore at the top of the ticket was the first time Howie didn't vote for the Democrats in a presidential election.


20240906 Emptywheel Fridays on the Nicole Sandler Show

It's Friday! Although this was a short week, there was no shortage of news to discuss with Marcy Wheeler today... The fall season of the Trump Trials has begun. Trump was in court this morning to appeal the verdict in the first E. Jean Carroll case. Yesterday Judge Chutkan issued her scheduling order for the next developments in Trump's Jan 6 trial. And unfortunately, while we were recording (we tape on Friday mornings due to the fact that Marcy is in Ireland and I'm in Arizona), the news broke that Judge Merchan will delay the sentencing in the Manhattan criminal case for which he was convicted in May of falsifying records to cover up a sex scandal. The sentencing, scheduled for Sept. 18 will now happen on Nov. 26. In other news that we discuss on today's show, AG Merrick Garland announced new charges in a new case alleging Russian interference in the 2024 presidential election, Hunter Biden pleads guilty in the tax case that was set to begin yesterday in a California courtroom, Liz Cheney endorsed Kamala Harris, and there was yet another school shooting... Here we go....


20240905 Thursday with News, Spocko & Dave the Worm from RFK Jr's Brain- Nicole Sandler Show

Sorry for my absence yesterday... still feeling the effects of a nasty infection from a few weeks ago, and trying to listen to my body and take better care of myself. Getting old sucks, but it beats the alternative! Anyway, I'm back today (with a follow up appointment with my doctor scheduled for tomorrow afternoon). It's Thursday, so Howie Klein is usually here... but I got a message from him a few minutes before showtime apologizing that he hadn't let me know that he had a doctor's appointment and wouldn't be able to be here today. Obviously I know how that goes... so hopefully, Howie will be back next week. In the meantime, there's lots to talk about today, from Liz Cheney formally endorsing Kamala Harris for President, Trump's trials back on track (at least in Judge Chutkin's court), Merrick Garland is alive and filing charges to fend off Russian interference in the 2024 election, Tim Walz's weird brother surfaces, Trump's "town hall meeting" with no audience questions, MAGAts Nazi bromances,.... you get the idea...


20240903 Hitting the Home Stretch with Will Bunch on the Nicole Sandler Show

Both the Democratic and Republican conventions are in the rear view mirror, and we made it through Labor Day, so we're now officially in the home stretch of the 2024 presidential election cycle. In two months and two days Nov 5 arrives, whether or not we're ready. Today, we'll take a look at some of the news made over the Labor Day holiday weekend. Then we'll speak with Will Bunch who attended and covered both conventions in his column at the Philadelphia Inquirer, the media's horse race approach to the campaigns, and the shit the media is allowing the Trump campaign to get away with.... This is going to be a long couple of months ahead!


20240830 Emptywheel Fridays on the Nicole Sandler Show

We wrap up each week with Marcy Wheeler of and a review of all that happened that week. Today it's Jack Smith's superseding indictment (predicted by Marcy last week), plus the big boring CNN interview, the Arlington Cemetery photo op debacle, RFk Jr & Tusli Gabbard and lots more...


20240829 Thursdays with Howie Klein (& FL's Ben Braver Too) on the Nicole Sandler Show

For the past dozen or so years, I've had a weekly conversation with my old friend Howie Klein who blogs at and runs the Blue America PAC, identifying and supporting progressive candidates up and down the ballot all over the country. Howie returns today and brings with him a young candidate running for the Florida state senate, Ben Braver. He's @BenBraverFL on social media, and his website is A quick online search tells me that Ben Braver is something of a super hero. We'll get to the bottom of that today. Plus the some news, magat character flaws and, hopefully, a few laughs along the way.


20240828 Gaslighting of a Nation with Steve Benen on the Nicole Sandler Show

I've been looking forward to this interview for a long time. In fact, Steve Benen was scheduled on this show two weeks ago, the day MINISTRY OF TRUTH: DEMOCRACY, REALITY, AND THE REPUBLICANS' WAR ON THE RECENT PAST was published, but I got sick and had to reschedule. I promise you, it was worth the wait. If you're like me, you've been shouting at the TV every time the former guy shows up spouting more lies which, for the most part, the mainstream corporate media just lets slide. It's this practice of propaganda on such a massive and in-your-face scale that made the term "Gaslighting" part of our regular lexicon and likely the cause of thousands of broken TV screens across the nations. Today, we'll talk about the fact that we're not the crazy ones...


20240827 Superseding Indictment and RFK Jr's Worm Weighs In - Nicole Sandler Show

Today is a catch up day, of sorts. We'll talk about the latest news - there's never a lack of crazy stuff to discuss while TFG is trying to remain relevant. Just before we hit the air, a breaking news alert came in-- Jack Smith filed a superseding indictment in the J6 Obstruction case against Trump. We'll open the phone lines should you have a comment or question about the campaigns, conventions or anything else. And we did hear from a special guest. Dave, though you know him better as the worm (still) living in RFK, Jr's brain....


20240826 It's Another Fu$&ing News Monday on the Nicole Sandler Show

I'm finally feeling almost normal after an awful infection that led me to two separate Emergency Room visits in one week. So today, it's back to the grind.Somehow, the fact that today is Monday is not quite as awful as the last few hundred (or so it seems) Mondays have been... So, we'll chat about all that's happening in the news today, and then bring on Jonathan Larsen who reports on all of that at every day....


20240823 Emptywheel Friday - DNC Recap Edition on the Nicole Sandler Show

Well, that was a convention for the history books! I apologize for the lack of an Emptywheel Friday show last week. I got really sick from a UTI that spawned an e Coli infection, something you do not ever want. Thankfully I was doing well enough this week to be able to share some highlights of the 2024 Democratic National Convention for the past few days, and today, was joined by Marcy Wheeler ( for a complete postscript to the most entertaining and inspiring political convention I've ever watched. Strap in... we're not going back!


20240822 DNC Day 3 - "That's My Dad": America Meets Tim Walz! Nicole Sandler Show

I can't remember ever smiling so much while watching a political convention. I predict the top three names for baby girls born this year will be Hope, Joy and Kamala!! Night 3 of the party of the decade featured some real surprises: Stevie Wonder delivering heartfelt words and a rousing "Higher Ground." Sheila E was joined by John Legend to play Minnesota favorite son Prince's "Let's Go Crazy" before we officially met MN Gov Coach Tim Walz, the next Vice President of the United States. Speakers from Oprah Winfrey to Amanda Gorman to Hakeem Jefferies wowed the crowd... and we heard from rising Dem Party stars PA Gov Josh Shapiro and Sec of Transportation Pete Buttigieg. And the crowd was even courteous and welcoming to two figures that many would have preferred not have prime time speaking slots, former President Bill Clinton and Speaker emeritus Nancy Pelosi. There was mostly that inescapable Joy in the room, but I was heartened by the warn response and love shown toward Rachel Goldberg-Polin and Jon Polin, the parents of Hersh Goldberg-Poln, one of 8 Americans still being held captive by Hamas terrorists in Gaza since he was abducted on Oct 7 of last year. Another night that was excellent in both substance and style... Today on the show, we'll do as we've been doing all week... we'll hear some highlights and a few full speeches from last night... Do Something!


20240821 DNC Day 2 Recap With Doug, Michelle & DO SOMETHING Nicole Sandler Show

If I had to chose a week to be sick this would have been the one. That's because as lousy as I feel, watching the festivities out of Chicago for the DNC is making me feel so much better. Although the first night was a difficult act to follow, the Harris/Walz team did just that. With a number of moving and motivational speeches -- as expected from former President Barack Obama and the man who could have been one Bernie Sanders, the two that floored me were from the first Second Gentleman - and soon-to-be first First Gentleman Doug Emhoff and the knockout speech delivered by Michelle Obama. By the way, Doug Emhoff chose for his entrance and exit music one of my favorite songs, "You Get What You Give" by New Radicals. New Radicals released their one and only album in the late 90s, Maybe You've Been Brainwashed Too.  It quickly rose to the top of my favorites of that year. I was Music Director and later Program Director of the radio station I worked for at the time, Los Angeles' Channel 103.1. And I was fortunate enough to interview Gregg Alexander, the man who was New Radicals. He didn't do many interviews, and never recorded another album, though he continued writing and producing for other artists, preferring to remain out of the spotlight. To honor our first Second Gentleman, and the man who will be our first First Gentleman, here's my interview with Gregg Alexander, recorded May 3, 1999 ( the day that my daughter was likely being born on the other side of the world in Kazakhstan... a story for another day)... Enjoy! I am still recuperating so will share with you a couple of full speeches from last night (can you guess which ones?) as well as some clips and observations as my still-on-the-mend psyche can conjure up. Either way, the chat room is open during the live show and we're partying like it's 2024!!!


20240820 Hope & Joy Are Back! DNC 2024 on the Nicole Sandler Show

Talk about good medicine! As you may know, I've been pretty sick for the past week or so. But the best medicine possible came last night in the form of Night 1 of the 2024 Democratic National Convention!It just kept getting better as the night went on, and I cried tears of joy as President Joe Biden received the love and adoration of a grateful nation. Tonight's program will begin a little earlier than last nights to allow for the extended periods of unbridled appreciation! But the big guns won't come on until after we're done with this program for the day. So, today, we'll talk about some of what happened last night and watch and listen to some of it together. We'll hear the full speeches from Congressmembers AOC, Jasmine Crockett,  first daughter Ashley Biden and a bit from Rep Jamie Raskin, Sen Raphael Warnock and whatever else time permits... We're not going back!!


20240819 New Week, DNC Begins, Infection Persists & More- Nicole Sandler Show

I spent the weekend resting and recuperating, slowly regaining my strength and planning to be back on the air today. But E Coli seems to have other plans. I am feeling much better, but far from normal (even for me, which is also far from normal).So it's lucky for me that the Democratic Convention gets underway today in Chicago. Unfortunately, the festivities and streaming don't begin until the show ends... Good thing I recorded an interview a couple of weeks ago with Jessica Goudeau who just released a new book, WE WERE ILLEGAL. She has a fascinating story to share, and the story is certainly timely as the MAGAt presidential candidate is threatening mass deportations should we screw up and allow him anywhere hear the oval office again. So, we'll hear that interview, I'll update you on my ordeal (minus the tears today, I hope), and somehow make it through the hour. A programming note... for the rest of the week, I'll share highlights from the previous nights' convention happenings. And I WILL be back to host Marcy Wheeler on Friday. I'm going through emptywheel withdrawals too!


20240816 A Health Update & Meidas Touch Flashback Nicole Sandler Show

I'm sorry I've been MIA all week, but I've been really sick. I'll give a brief update today, but I'm still not well enough to come back. And it pains me (sorry for the pun) to say there's no Emptywheel Friday episode today. I really had hoped to feel good enough enough to do the show, but I need the rest. So we'll go back to August 7 of 2020. The Meidas Touch was just starting out with some really creative videos that caught my eye. So I figured today would be a good day to re-live those early moments of the now media empire (that really should put this show on their network... just a thought!)


20240812 Rallies vs Lies and The Fucking News on the Nicole Sandler Show

What a weekend this was! On Friday, I was at the Glendale AZ Kamala Harris/Tim Walz record-breaking rally. On Saturday night, I saw the Pretenders in concert (Chrissie Hynde is still amazing!), and I spent Sunday sick in bed... But today is Monday and there's lots of fucking news to get to, so the show must go on.As we do most Mondays, we're joined by Jonathan Larsen of to talk about what's happening in our fucking world...


20240809 Emptywheel Fridays on the Nicole Sandler Show

We made it to the end of another eventful week. The best news of the week is that Kamala Harris named her running mate, Minnesota Governor Tim Walz! He almost seems too good to be true! So, Marcy Wheeler of and I  discuss our VP nominee, the so-called press conference Trump held yesterday at Mar a Lago, and the latest on the Jan 6 case which is back in Judge Tanya Chutkin's hands again...    I'm heading out to the Phoenix  rally with Kamala Harris & Tim Walz... I'll try to post on Xitter, Facebook, Threads and Bluesky if possible...


20240808 Thursdays with Howie Klein, WI's Eric Wilson on the Nicole Sandler Show

It's Thursday, so Howie Klein is here from Down with Tyranny and the Blue America PAC. Today, one of the congressional candidates they've endorsed -- Eric Wilson from Wisconsin! First, some of the news of the day, including that spectacle the former guy called a press conference, and VP/ soon to be POTUS Kamala Harris shows how you deal with hecklers...


20240807 Brand New Day in America and Jason Leopold Too on the Nicole Sandler Show

We witnessed history yesterday, and it streamed live right here. As our regular hour together was just finishing up yesterday, VP Kamala Harris and MN Gov Tim Walz took the stage at a massive rally in Philadelphia PA in their new roles as Democratic nominee for President introducing for the first time her running mate. It was magical. And we're just getting started. We'll begin the show by reflecting on this amazing moment! At the bottom of the hour we'll be joined by my old friend Jason Leopold, the FOIA Master! He needs our help in decoding some of the newest documents he got thanks to one of hundreds of his FOIA requests. And I have a few questions for him too about the plea deal with KSM and two other 9-11 terrorists still being held at Guantanamo Bay... and the sudden and very quick revoking of the deal by Sec of Defense Lloyd Austin...


Arlene B

come to arizona, nicole! how do we donate that 5 bucks?

04-16 Reply

Donald Walsh

About Greene, remember Trump in 2016 was saying crazy shit, and yet gained name recognition and national exposure? That he used insane tweets to get air time? Do you see Greene is copying that, saying any crazy shit to get retweets and mentions? Would you have mentioned her without her lunacy? Then can you see she does this deliberately? And just maybe, you fell for it? Please don't help her for the clicks and views, that's the deal so many influencers are greedily taking her up on.

08-17 Reply

Carol Reed

Sounds awesome! I'm anxious to tune in!

02-18 Reply

Juan Geronimo

hey Nicole when u say it's those who didn't vote to blame for Trump kinda sounds like you're talking about black people that 1 and 2 Hillary won the popular vote so you didn't need the black vote. and again I have to tell you that blacks don't vote because politics is bs and never has it ever done anything for blacks. we're still fighting for our lives and the right to vote. f politics it's all a sham u know it

05-23 Reply

Juan Geronimo

aoc is not authentic and only minorities can see that!!! we look through bs and she's full of it. I'm a progressive by the way and she's not. PS Tell her to stop stealing Bernie's game

01-24 Reply


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