The No Head-Trash Nation

There is a GAP between where you are and where you want to be. In that GAP is the Zone of HEAD TRASH. This is the ATROCITY preventing us from what we're capable of and it's time to talk about it. Feel the passion and hear the RANT of "Yates In Your Face" content and real-world examples of how real Head Trash is and how others have unmasked it in their physical, mental, relational, spiritual and financial lives. ... We need each other to Unlock our Purpose, Live with Passion and become who we were CREATED to be. *** Join the No Head Trash Nation on Facebook***

EP 75 | The Strangest Conversation with my Future Self

Episode 75 – The Strangest Conversation with my Future Self For a free advance copy of my latest book, “Circumstances Lie”, (CLICK HERE) OR Text 'EZBOOK' to 474747 For more information about My Practice Zone mastermind or to connect with Greg, visit ( or email Join (“The No Head Trash Nation”) on Facebook #NoHeadTrash #CircumstancesLie #MyPracticeZone Greg is a business owner, speaker, podcaster, best-selling author and high-performance health coach who helps people move past circumstance to calling, beyond brokenness to breakthrough. Greg Believes that ("Circumstances Lie" )about what's possible and that brokenness is the opportunity for Breakthrough in your life, your business and your people.  Greg is the International Best-Selling author of · (Broken) – how being broken unlocked the greatest success of my life · (Overcoming the 10 Common Fears all leaders face.) · (The Breakthrough) – a leadership fable about the 4 barriers that hold teams back · (A Journey of Significance) – the Story of Albert Diepeveen –moving from Success to Significance.  … and the exciting release of his 5th book, titled (“Circumstances Lie”), ‘There’s more going on than you think.’ TRANSCRIPT The Strangest Conversation with my Future Self Hey, it’s Greg from The No Head Trash Nation, where the MAIN goal is to KNOW our purpose, Live with Passion and become who we were created to be. …. Wow I love that vision and I love being part of that life, both for myself and for you…  Just this past week a healthy habits client of ours texted me and said, YOU SAVED MY LIFE -  and that’s not a brag, ok. I used to think I had to have all the answers and if I did I could make people better… but the truth is all any of us can do is borrow believe when we need it and lend it to others when they are tapped out. It’s a total strategy of STRUCTURE (healthy habits) and SUPPORT over a period of time and BOOM… we find purpose, passion and our created purpose.   But here’s the deal… Knowing and doing are two different things… and just this morning, believe it or not, I had a SURPRISE conversation with my future self (dude was looking a bit older, but he had the most incredible smile on his face and he looked SUPER fit, by the way…. )   Now, I’m sure you’ve heard other people talk about the idea of listening to your future self, and I’d love to talk sometime about all of the nuances of doing that… well, here’s the short version… I love the idea of time travel, right? I’d LOVE to go back and talk to my younger self, but I’ve never figured out how to do that. BUT… I have figured out how to talk to my FUTURE self and let that guy talk to me… who is HIS younger self…   you get that?  Pretty cool, right?  So … in effect… I’m talking to my younger self… and it’s not too hard to imagine what my future self would say to me, if I’m really honest about it.  So, I was in a semi-conscious state this morning, just starting to wake up, and there he was… I mean, there I was, I guess.  I was smiling back at me, and there was a sense of urgency in my voice… you know, the future me. He said… Greg… keep striving… because you have no idea what you’re capable of. Look at me, I’m in better shape than you thought we could be… but I...


EP 74 | The #1 Question if you want CLARITY

Episode 74 – The #1 Question if you want CLARITY For a free advance copy of my latest book, “Circumstances Lie”, (CLICK HERE) OR Text 'EZBOOK' to 474747 For more information about My Practice Zone mastermind or to connect with Greg, visit ( or email Join (“The No Head Trash Nation”) on Facebook #NoHeadTrash #CircumstancesLie #MyPracticeZone Greg is a business owner, speaker, podcaster, best-selling author and high-performance health coach who helps people move past circumstance to calling, beyond brokenness to breakthrough. Greg Believes that ("Circumstances Lie" )about what's possible and that brokenness is the opportunity for Breakthrough in your life, your business and your people.  Greg is the International Best-Selling author of · (Broken) – how being broken unlocked the greatest success of my life · (Overcoming the 10 Common Fears all leaders face.) · (The Breakthrough) – a leadership fable about the 4 barriers that hold teams back · (A Journey of Significance) – the Story of Albert Diepeveen –moving from Success to Significance.  … and the exciting release of his 5th book, titled (“Circumstances Lie”), ‘There’s more going on than you think.’ TRANSCRIPT The #1 Question if you want Clarity Hi, I’m Greg from the No Head Trash Nation – and I’ve got a little tip for you today about the Number One Question you must ask if you want clarity because it takes clarity to unlock your purpose, live with passion and become who YOU were created to be…… If I’ve heard it once, I’ve heard it a thousand times… someone I know says to me, “Like you’re always saying, Greg, … I need clarity. I want to get this certain result… to be in great shape, to have wonderful fulfilling relationships, to read a new book every month, to have powerful faith in myself and in my creator, and of course… to be financially feeling abundance instead of feeling like I’m running from a poverty mindset all the time…  I NEED CLARITY… … like if we had clarity for one moment, we’d never need to look for it again… right?   Ever had an aha moment? Ever walk out of a wedding, a funeral, even a good movie or church service and say… wow… that really opened my eyes… I’m never going back. I see it now and I’m going forward… and then it takes about 2 hours before we can’t remember what we look like in the mirror… like the scripture says…  Remember the one about talking about something but never taking action? Oh..sorry didn’t mean to step on your toes… you KNOW I would never do that… unless you actually KNOW ME… Clarity happens because we develop habits of clarity and that’s one little trick I’m going to share with you today. I’m going to let you in on a perfect little question you can practice asking that will trigger clarity for you, IF… you’ll actually use it and do it… which of course forces me to remind us both… It’s NOT the big things that matter. It’s ALWAYS THE LITTLE THINGS. The incremental steps we take. They add up. They are the tiny particles that become concrete that supports us.. hey that’s pretty good… I need to remember that one…   So whqat is this little question, you ask? You’re going to love it… and you’re going to hate it… but if you could make a habit right here, you’ll change some things every single day and it will...


EP 73 | The Exchange

Episode 73 – The Exchange For a free advance copy of my latest book, “Circumstances Lie”, (CLICK HERE) OR Text 'EZBOOK' to 474747 For more information about My Practice Zone mastermind or to connect with Greg, visit ( or email Join (“The No Head Trash Nation”) on Facebook #NoHeadTrash #CircumstancesLie #MyPracticeZone Greg is a business owner, speaker, podcaster, best-selling author and high-performance health coach who helps people move past circumstance to calling, beyond brokenness to breakthrough. Greg Believes that ("Circumstances Lie" )about what's possible and that brokenness is the opportunity for Breakthrough in your life, your business and your people.  Greg is the International Best-Selling author of · (Broken) – how being broken unlocked the greatest success of my life · (Overcoming the 10 Common Fears all leaders face.) · (The Breakthrough) – a leadership fable about the 4 barriers that hold teams back · (A Journey of Significance) – the Story of Albert Diepeveen –moving from Success to Significance.  … and the exciting release of his 5th book, titled (“Circumstances Lie”), ‘There’s more going on than you think.’ TRANSCRIPT The Exchange It’s GREG from the No Head trash Nation – where we CONSPIRE WITH EACH OTHER to KNOW our purpose, live with passion and become the people, the allies, the army, the crazy determined, full of belief people we were created to be… whew…. Had to get that out….  Ha ha Let’s talk about something TOP SECRET… Now maybe this won’t ring a bell with you, but for me it’s the most sneaky, underhanded, behind the scenes dirty dog – thumb on the scale of your life issue that NEVER gets talked about… Did I oversell that one? I don’t think so. Let me take a second to tell you why this is hitting me hard today and what I’m planning to do about it. This isn’t something I have nailed down and now I’m going to share my expertise with you… it’s something I’m testing, something I’m struggling with and probably a lot of you have it wrapped up with a nice bow on it… and if you do, I’m just going to tell you right now that YOU …are my HERO…  or you’re a liar…. But whichever you are, I hope you never stop chasing after this one….  But I think this is going to be another one of those issues where we can all SPEAK to this issue – and tell other people how to handle it – but we are PATHETIC at doing it ourselves.   You know, I used to think – ok sometimes I still get caught up in this trap – that when people shared a problem with me, they were looking for a SOLUTION… that I had to come up with the right magical words to day and they would be like… OMG Greg, you’re so smart. You’re so brilliant – I never though of that myself.  DUH. Your words of WISDOM just changed my life….   But in fact, I HATE IT when people do that to me. Cause THEN it becomes a battle of logic and the things we really face, really need to overcome – are NOT about logic. Did you catch that… if logic were the answer, we’d have bullet pointed and check boxed ourselves into perfection by now… IT DOESN”T HAPPEN… We talk to groups, we post, we podcast and we think we’re telling people something we’ve figured out… until we read a book like Think and Grow Rich – like I did during this past year and did a 20 video...


EP 72 | Imagine if we Believed

Episode 72 - Imagine if we believed For a free advance copy of my latest book, “Circumstances Lie”, (CLICK HERE) OR Text 'EZBOOK' to 474747 For more information about My Practice Zone mastermind or to connect with Greg, visit ( or email Join (“The No Head Trash Nation”) on Facebook #NoHeadTrash #CircumstancesLie #MyPracticeZone Greg is a business owner, speaker, podcaster, best-selling author and high-performance health coach who helps people move past circumstance to calling, beyond brokenness to breakthrough. Greg Believes that ("Circumstances Lie" )about what's possible and that brokenness is the opportunity for Breakthrough in your life, your business and your people.  Greg is the International Best-Selling author of · (Broken) – how being broken unlocked the greatest success of my life · (Overcoming the 10 Common Fears all leaders face.) · (The Breakthrough) – a leadership fable about the 4 barriers that hold teams back · (A Journey of Significance) – the Story of Albert Diepeveen –moving from Success to Significance.  … and the exciting release of his 5th book, titled (“Circumstances Lie”), ‘There’s more going on than you think.’ TRANSCRIPT Hey, it’s Greg Yates from the No Head trash Nation… where our mission is to Unlock your purpose, help you Live with Passion and become who you were created to be!  You’re capable of more than you’ve experienced so far, and there is an unencumbered life waiting for you right on the other side of that make-believe barrier that’s been holding you back.  It’s time to get rid of the head trash and THRIVE – and to do that, it takes a nation. The no head trash nation where the battle you’re fighting becomes the opportunity of a lifetime. So today I’m going to let you in on a little … well almost embarrassing discussion I have with myself … I admit it… almost every day. Yes, it’s embarrassing… and no, it’s not logical… but this is a place where we get real and today I’m going to get real because this is a HEAD FAKE we give ourselves – or I give myself anyway – that gives us the illusion of progress without actually doing anything… and it exhausts OUR BELIEF>  Imagination is like a simulator, right?  Have you ever been on one of those simulators at Disney where you’re flying a fighter plane or riding a rollercoaster… except you’re not really?   How does your body respond? Oh it has nothing to do with logic, can we agree on that? You get almost all of the sensations of the real thing… but without the risk and without actually experiencing the thing you’re simulating….  BOOM..   you get me? Now imagination is great, and it is absolutely the thing that helps transform ideas into physical form… but imagine if we actually DID the things we say we’re here to do.  Imagine if we actually DID the things we’re preparing to do?  Imagine if we actually believed that we are here to DO THE THINGS… not just imagine doing them.  So, you’ve imagined that life changing thing you’re here to do )(and you are, by the way) – what happens?   ·        Your head trash kicks in ·        Your limiting beliefs SAVE YOU from taking action....


EP 71 | The Art of Beating Yourself Up

For a free advance copy of my latest book, “Circumstances Lie”, (CLICK HERE) OR Text 'EZBOOK' to 474747 For more information about My Practice Zone mastermind or to connect with Greg, visit ( or email Join (“The No Head Trash Nation”) on Facebook #NoHeadTrash #CircumstancesLie #MyPracticeZone Want to establish your own Practice Zone environment and get total Buy-In from your people. Visit ( and let’s talk about accelerating your results through My Practice Zone.  Greg is a business owner, speaker, podcaster, best-selling author and high-performance health coach who helps people move past circumstance to calling, beyond brokenness to breakthrough. Greg Believes that ("Circumstances Lie" )about what's possible and that brokenness is the opportunity for Breakthrough in your life, your business and your people.  Greg is the International Best-Selling author of · (Broken) – how being broken unlocked the greatest success of my life · (Overcoming the 10 Common Fears all leaders face.) · (The Breakthrough) – a leadership fable about the 4 barriers that hold teams back · (A Journey of Significance) – the Story of Albert Diepeveen –moving from Success to Significance.  … and the exciting release of his 5th book, titled (“Circumstances Lie”), ‘There’s more going on than you think.’ TRANSCRIPT Hey, it’s Greg Yates from the No Head trash Nation… where our mission is to Unlock your purpose, help you Live with Passion and become who you were created to be!  … Where the domination of head trash and circumstantial lies are replaced by purpose, passion and unlimited potential.   And you can’t imagine how much I love saying that… because I know exactly what you’re thinking… But what if your circumstances have nothing to do with what you’re capable of?  What if there is more going on than you think …and the resources you need are already available? What if it’s time to stop trying so hard and live the UNENCUMBERED Life? Welcome to Greg Yates - UNENCUMBERED…  What an incredible day to break loose some thoughts that are STUCK in our brains and replace them with the future we were born to be part of…   Wow, I just had this vision of putting penetrating oil on a rusty bolt and after working it and torqueing it a little while watching it break loose and those flakes of rust fall off… blowing them with a little poof of air and feeling the whole thing start loosening up so we can replace it with a new one.  WOW. That I so cool.  If you know me, then you’re used to hearing me talk about head trash… maybe you’re even familiar with my upcoming book, Circumstances Lie… but Today I’m introducing you to my newest word and if there was one word I want to describe me from NOW ON… it’s this one. I’m claiming it and if you want you can claim it with me and be part of this crusade… the word is UNENCUMBERED…   Maybe you’ve never heard that word before and if that’s true, I hope you’ll add it to your vocabulary right now and impress your friends and family with it. But if you really don’t know what it means, let’s start right there.  Here you go.. the definition of unencumbered…      don’t you just love the way that word sounds, even before you know what it means? A big four syllable word, not a four...


EP 70 | Unencumbered

For a free advance copy of my latest book, “Circumstances Lie”, (CLICK HERE) OR Text 'EZBOOK' to 474747 For more information about My Practice Zone mastermind or to connect with Greg, visit ( or email Join (“The No Head Trash Nation”) on Facebook #NoHeadTrash #CircumstancesLie #MyPracticeZone Want to establish your own Practice Zone environment and get total Buy-In from your people. Visit ( and let’s talk about accelerating your results through My Practice Zone.  Greg is a business owner, speaker, podcaster, best-selling author and high-performance health coach who helps people move past circumstance to calling, beyond brokenness to breakthrough. Greg Believes that ("Circumstances Lie" )about what's possible and that brokenness is the opportunity for Breakthrough in your life, your business and your people.  Greg is the International Best-Selling author of · (Broken) – how being broken unlocked the greatest success of my life · (Overcoming the 10 Common Fears all leaders face.) · (The Breakthrough) – a leadership fable about the 4 barriers that hold teams back · (A Journey of Significance) – the Story of Albert Diepeveen –moving from Success to Significance.  … and the exciting release of his 5th book, titled (“Circumstances Lie”), ‘There’s more going on than you think.’ TRANSCRIPT Hey, it’s Greg Yates from the No Head trash Nation… where our mission is to Unlock your purpose, help you Live with Passion and become who you were created to be!  … Where the domination of head trash and circumstantial lies are replaced by purpose, passion and unlimited potential.   And you can’t imagine how much I love saying that… because I know exactly what you’re thinking… But what if your circumstances have nothing to do with what you’re capable of?  What if there is more going on than you think …and the resources you need are already available? What if it’s time to stop trying so hard and live the UNENCUMBERED Life? Welcome to Greg Yates - UNENCUMBERED…  What an incredible day to break loose some thoughts that are STUCK in our brains and replace them with the future we were born to be part of…   Wow, I just had this vision of putting penetrating oil on a rusty bolt and after working it and torqueing it a little while watching it break loose and those flakes of rust fall off… blowing them with a little poof of air and feeling the whole thing start loosening up so we can replace it with a new one.  WOW. That I so cool.  If you know me, then you’re used to hearing me talk about head trash… maybe you’re even familiar with my upcoming book, Circumstances Lie… but Today I’m introducing you to my newest word and if there was one word I want to describe me from NOW ON… it’s this one. I’m claiming it and if you want you can claim it with me and be part of this crusade… the word is UNENCUMBERED…   Maybe you’ve never heard that word before and if that’s true, I hope you’ll add it to your vocabulary right now and impress your friends and family with it. But if you really don’t know what it means, let’s start right there.  Here you go.. the definition of unencumbered…      don’t you just love the way that word sounds, even before you know what it means? A big four syllable word, not a four...


EP 69 | Beyond our Paper Thin Plans

Beyond our Paper-Thin Plans There’s a confusing comfort when we’re busy. It’s as if there is a magic in the motion that blocks the bobbing vulnerability of staying in one place. It implies direction, clarity and mission, whether value is delivered is unknown.  I suffer with it. “Just tell me what to do, Lord, and I’ll do it.” I love having a mission, knowing what I’m going to do that soothes the itching nature of knowing that I am productive. Everything else implies there’s no reason for me to hang around. I’ve heard there are people who don’t struggle with this, but I can’t relate. I’m more comfortable with guilt and duty myself. That’s where I am today. See, I wanted to roll out some answers and convincing arguments about what YOU should do… but the truth is, I don’t have any idea… and people who say they do… well I’ve got a lot of healthy and well developed skepticism in my 12 gage.  I’m not saying you shouldn’t have a plan, and that there aren’t some great philosophies and practical applications out there about how to work your plan… there are… and I love many of them.  We love it when a plan becomes firm, as if it is literally in three dimensional space where we can model it like a doll house we can pretend in. Of course, most plans aren’t even three dimensional, they are 2D and it seems close enough, right? Like a road map we can GPS our way through. Sometimes we even add the traffic info or get the message, “Speed Trap Ahead”.  But it’s all still paper thin.  My temptation RIGHT NOW is to figure out how to flip this on its head and give you the platitude of the day so we can both feel better about this thing we’re facing, but I can’t do that. In fact, it’s been occurring to me lately that if I could… or if I tried… it’d be another churchy answer that dissolves into the soup when you try to add it.  I’m not doing that. So, why did you listen or read this so far? Are you going to be disappointed, like the investment of the past three minutes has been lost and you’re annoyed I didn’t come through? Maybe. But here’s what I know for sure, and you might not like it. Like one of those books or movies when you realize the ending isn’t going to be happily ever after and you’re pissed. … maybe I won’t go that far. Life is full of love, loss and lies. I just finished a love story about it and I still cry in the editing process because it’s almost too real. When it comes down to it, there are only three things that will remain, that’s what the bible tells us and if you’ve been through some brokenness of your own like I have, you know it’s like facing the brutal truth.  In the end, these three things remain. Faith… Hope… and Love…  and the greatest of these is love.  If you’re clinging to that 3 step plan where you make all the right decisions about the one thing, profit or the perfect plans for your year, keep reading and planning but they’re not going to be the things that endure. The catalyst for success – beyond the frenzy and busy we crave – is waiting for us right there. I’m not saying it’s easy or simple and I have no idea what it means for me today, much less you… What I know is that the desires of my heart aren’t held in strategic plans alone. They happen when the big three – faith, hope and love – show up in the language and priorities of my life. No, it’s not a bullet you can put in your gun, but we’ve both got plenty of those already. So, while I’m trying to decide what the most productive thing is that I can do today, I’m picturing all the documents piled in my dropbox and asking God to use my brokenness… and connect me to a future that’s completely defined by the big three. I hope that future includes you.  


EP 68 | Picking your Spots

Picking your Spots Hey, it’s Greg… YES… the CRAZY PERSON from the No Head Trash Nation and now The Effortless Author, where we help authors and leaders get rid of the head trash that’s keeping them from sharing their story and leveraging their impact to change their world.  Whoa… what a day, what a day. I titled this podcast PERFECTLY for my own life and maybe you can relate. A friend of mine reminded me of the old Russian Proverb… something about the folly of chasing two rabbits and ending up with NOTHING for dinner. Now it’s been a long time since I’ve had rabbit for dinner but I GET IT…  And I’m as guilty, maybe more guilty than the next buy about having ten things on my PRIORITY list… and the only thing I get accomplished is a great sense of GUILT.   Or… can anybody relate to this one… you’ve finally reached a pause in the day. You should be enjoying it with your family or a sense of satisfaction… instead you’ve got that nagging feeling… What nagging feeling? You know the one… the one where all you can think is that there’s SOMETHING you should be doing. Something you forgot to get done…    WHY?  Because you’re chasing… an entire herd of rabbits… or do rabbits travel in herds? Gaggles? Ok whatever, you know what I mean. You’re making one inch of progress on ten fronts and none of them are really getting your best.  Hence… the title I gave today’s podcast.  PICKING YOUR SPOTS.   AS much as I hate it, I’m not going to get everything done. Definitely not done well. Neither are you. And, the tragedy of knowing that is the more we know about something, the less we feel we need to LEARN about it. We’ve all heard the ONE THING book or concept. We’ve all been told we can’t have more than three actual priorities but what if you KNEW.. without doubt that having more than that was going to DESTROY every possibility of getting any of them done?  I mean literally… let’s get specific. What if you knew that saying yes to that thing you could do and feel guilty not doing… forced something truly important to fall off the table. Multi tasking is a myth. It’s not possible. If you say yes to something, you WILL say NO to something else. You’ve got to pick your spots.  Here’s the thing that derails me, ok? I’m just going to confess this right now. Here’s what I do. I’ve got that nagging thing on my list so I say to myself… I’m just going to ‘knock that out’ real quick ( we always add real quick to things for some reason) and then I’ll get to the thing that’s really important. Three hours later when our best brain power and energy are gone, we’re done with the CRAP we were sure we needed to do and we hope before the day’s over we can find some more optics to work on the stuff that matters.  So I say again… pick your spots. Yes, something isn’t going to get done today. You be the one who choses what WILL get done. Don’t leave it to chance.  One of the things that’s keeping you from being your best is always a lack of clarity. Not just your clarity, but the clarity of your team, or your clients. Maybe you wonder why I harp about writing your own book, when you’re not an author. Let me tell you why. So you can have clarity and share clarity once and for all in a way that STICKS>  You’ve got to pick your spots. Do the things that STICK. Get everyone on the same page or you’ll be chasing more rabbits than you did yesterday. If you’d like to know more about the Effortless Author Initiative, visit us at or text ezbook to 474747.  Let’s get rid of the head trash and make the authorship of your best self… Effortless.  


EP 67 | It shouldn't take a war... but it does

It shouldn’t take a war… but it does It’s Greg from The No Head trash Nation and today we’re talking about the SIMPLICITY of WAR… and why it shouldn’t take a war to get Simple.  Did you see what I did there? The simplicity of war and why it shouldn’t take war to get simple? Ahhh… even as I’m recording this I have to admit that NOTHING about war or about life seems simple. Maybe it’s wishful thinking on my part. Maybe my quest for a no head trash life has finally broken me down and I’m LOSING MY MIND…   Hey let’s keep going and find out. What do you say?   Evil laugh.  Recently I found myself chasing four different goals, taking me in four different directions with my attention, my effort and fueling my guilt. Maybe it was the shiny object – fear of missing out – but honestly, every one of those things felt important. It wasn’t that any of them were ‘bad’ or wrong. But how many directions can I stretch myself? Why do I always manage to create enough conflict with the spread of ambitions that NONE of them actually gets done and I realize once again that I’ve strayed from the simple path I was so hungry for. I created a war… and in that war, I realized how bad I want to feel peace.  Seriously, when do things get simple? When do you realize how few things matter and embrace the simple things like peace? … wait… war makes me appreciate peace? Yep… or at least it does for me.  It’s been the heartaches, the brokenness, the ‘to the death’ struggles when I’ve gotten the most clarity about life and you know I’m always talking about clarity and a clear definition of success.  There, I said it… my two favorite topics.  NO HEAD TRASH and Defining Your Success.. BOOM – drop the imaginary mic…. I can’t afford to replace the real one so I’ll just drop the imaginary one, thank you very much.  So wait, does that mean I should look for the war so I can find what I’m really looking for? That’s about the way we think, isn’t it? The reactionary accidental clarity we’ve come to expect… and That’s garbage. I’m so sick of accidentally learning what’s important. I’m so sick of breaking my face while I’m chasing parked cars that I re-learn and re-learn all of the simple things that matter.   Whew… ok.. where was I? It shouldn’t take a war for us to realize what matters. It shouldn’t take failure to help us get clear about our definition of success. It shouldn’t take DRAMA with our people, chasing likes or followers for us to realize what really matters and how we ACTUALLY CONNECT.   But far too often it does.  That’s what I’m here to confess about today.  If you care about finding simple and helping other people thrive in it as well, I’ve got just three things to say. … can you guess?  Look… I can’t tell you what that dialed in focus you’re looking for is. It’s YOUR journey. That path is YOUR path…                   Come on… you know how easy it is to map someone’s life out and solve their problems… cause you’ve done it! You’ve looked at their PLAN… like it’s a formula, and you’ve said… I don’t se the problem. Just do these three things …  Then you shook your head that they didn’t just grab your GENIUS and become superstars overnight.. But… as we all say… MY PROBLEMS… my distractions, are different.  And they are but only in one way. Because you’re subject to the three things I love to talk about.  Here we go.  They’re different because it’s YOUR head trash you’re dealing with and your Definition of Success that gets fuzzy and YOUR circumstances that LIE to you to you about what’s really happening and what you’re REALLY capable of.  Don’t let anybody, especially me, tell you how to flush that...


EP 66 | Overcoming Fear

Overcoming fear Learn more about the Effortless Author at Hey, it’s Greg from the No Head Trash Nation and the Effortless Author, talking about the panic of fear and why it’s more real than anything you’ve ever faced before. Today I want to break down the myth that fear can be handled in the logic center of the brain and that ‘everything’ is going to turn out ok. I haven’t always been clear about what fear really does to me or seen the masks it wears, but let’s take a stab at it today and you can message me and tell me all the reason’s I’m wrong if you want to. I hereby give you permission.  The truth is, I’m tired of pretending that the logic and patterns of behavior I’ve shared and taught in the past are enough to deal with it. Yes, I think in my 10 fears all leaders face book I’ve done a good job addressing them and the action steps to make you feel stupid about having them in the first place… but as time has gone on in my life and leadership, I’ve realized something INSANE… Knowing about fear and how illogical it is, doesn’t neuter it the way I wish it did.  Fear has done a number on me at times and no matter how righteous you’re feeling right now, it’s done the same to you. More than that, it’s eroded the confidence of the people we’re both here to help and yet they ‘buck up’ to the right words, the churchy answers and expectations because they and we know what those ‘right answers’ are… and when we speak our fears outloud they make us feel STUPID.  If you’re like me, I’ve always felt that if I speak those fears out loud they will become real and as long as I can deny them and compress them into my subconscious head trash… they won’t come out into the light. But that’s where it gets really interesting. The light is where they need to be!   Fear comes to us like a secret we don’t want to share. It seems wrong to share it. Fear comes tapping on our shoulder like it’s logic and guess what happens. We try to refute it with logic. It’s like taking analog sound, converting it to digital, and wondering why it keeps playing like a scratched record in the root of our thoughts.  Didn’t we extract that data, edit it perfectly and reingest it properly? Don’t we already know the right answers? Won’t we look stupid if we’re facing the same issue again? So we pretend. And we never get done pretending until the hot molten lava of our fear is buried under 10 inches of compacted dirt and we think it’ll never erupt again. Until it does.  So what am I saying? If you think I’m going to give you a magic trick or snuff out the fire of that volcano of fear, think again.  But here’s what I know for sure and I am going to keep challenging you to deal with this because we need each other to remind us of the truth. And, by the way, I need you to remind me just as much. I’ve had listeners and readers post TRUTH that blows up my own head trash and I think… I knew that… but I also needed to hear it.  I thank you for that.  Where was I? Oh yes… No magic trick.  Fear is absolutely hot molten lava and until it gets out into the open, it can never be extinguished or revealed for what it really is. Fear is opportunity. It is absolutely opportunity. AS much as I hate it, this is the only thing that makes sense. Fear is the opportunity to build new foundational bedrock once that resistance becomes SUPPORT.   Maybe it’s a post for another time but in the world of trading and price action, one of the most interesting things is that once a resistance level is finally broken, it almost always becomes a level of support. In other words, price will return to that level and find support to continue building. The shift of sentiment, the belief within the market itself shifts from resistance to support.  What if that could happen with your fear?  What if the fear that’s resistance to you...


EP 65 | Unclear Priorities

Visit for more information about The Effortless Author Initiative. Unclear Priorities Hey everybody, it’s Greg from the no head trash nation and Breaking new ground in the Effortless Author Initiative. If you’ve got a message that will change the world, the two things in your way are head trash and a way to make the process of documenting your message … Effortless.  That’s what we talk about and that’s what we DO.  But today, there’s a specific side to that pancake I can’t wait to talk about. If you’ve read my book, The Breakthrough, you know my number one thing that holds teams back is UNCLEAR PRIORITIES…  so I’m going to rant about it today…  Are you coming?   Sometimes, answers are just TOO obvious. Been there. Done that. Made that proclamation and it didn’t get the results I’d hoped for.  Or maybe, just maybe you’ve been where I’ve been before. Something was radically clear, and you shared it. Then, a couple of months later you have the same revelation and realize you started strong but didn’t, or couldn’t, keep that clarity in the heat of the battle. Then… it feels like old news. You’ve shared it before. Now you need some new aha moment, some new leader-speak to rally the troops. Or do you? The problem with clarity is the very reason it answers its own question. It’s HARD to keep. That’s why becoming the ambassador of your own mantra is so critical. If you’re not obsessed; if your people and your clients aren’t rolling their eyes at your message, repeating your sentences and filling in the blanks with your repeated questions, then YOUR priority is STILL UNCLEAR.  And Unclear priorities are the biggest reason people fail. They’re why YOU fail.  … Great revelation, right? Maybe you just said, Greg, tell me something I don’t already know. If it was so great, why didn’t it stick? Why didn’t the aha moment of it all become a durable message that propelled us to long term success?  To which I would ask… Does it ever?  Is there ANY powerful change or momentum in our lives that doesn’t require us to keep spinning the flywheel?  THERE IS actually a physical law that says “Perpetual Motion” is impossible. Happily ever after only exists if we are determined and clear about what it took and what it TAKES to stay happily … ever… after… Now if you’ve heard my rants before I HOPE you know what I’m going to say because if I’m not saying it clearly enough or often enough then I’m just as much a victim as you are and I’m renewing my effort to say it to REDUNDANCY… and reduce it to the Ridiculous.   … are you on the edge of your seat? Do you want to know what it takes to create that kind of momentum, to eliminate unclear priorities for you, your people and your clientele?  Come on… somebody out there can say it with me. You’ve got to have a clear, obsessive, Definition of Success…  and so do your people.  Listen, if people are going to get anything from you that matters, it’s this. Know what you’re about, know why you’re here, refine that message and keep delivering it until it sticks.  And if you don’t know how to make that happen, you need to get serious about writing or getting help writing your definition of success. That thing that can burn up the paper mache of circumstances and finally help the people you’re here to help.  One of the most powerful ways I’ve learned to do this is the deep work of writing your own book. I know, you think it’s oversold, it’s overdone and just because someone has written a book doesn’t mean they are a success. I couldn’t agree more. Just like everyone who goes to church isn’t a Christian and everyone who takes a driving lesson isn’t ready for Nascar… but I can tell you this. Anyone who wants to drive Nascar, takes driving lessons and anyone who wants to be who they were created to be is serious about...


EP 64 | Knowing the Path vs Walking the Path

Knowing the path or Walking the Path? Hey, it’s Greg from the No Head Trash Nation and Breakthrough Leadership – coming to you NOT SO LIVE from my SHELTER IN PLACE office – with some Head Trash Pain reliever that’s going to help you let go of the guilt you’ve been feeling lately.  Stick close and let’s talk about THE PATH… That’s right… That mysterious, elusive PATH we’ve all been searching for that makes the difference between success and significance… or that’s what they tell me.. So I’ve never spoken to a business that didn’t have a painstakenly developed Mission Statement that nobody can remember. I’ve literally been referred to their website or in one case to a plaque hanging on the wall we all gathered around and admired how well someone, sometime, somewhere in the past had word smithed that statement.  But what about THE PATH? You know… YOUR PATH…  That secret thing that nobody is equipped to do BUT YOU. That opportunity you have no idea how to tap into, but if you did, you’re pretty sure all of your dreams would come true and you’d leave a legacy nobody would forget.  THE  PATH…..  oh yeah…    Anybody figure that one out? I’m still hunting for it, I can tell you that. I pray for it almost every day and I block the sun out of my eyes searching the horizon to see if my ship is coming in.   I love those famous words of Morpheus… There’s a difference between Knowing the path and walking the path.   Wait a minute… if you don’t even know the path, it’s pretty stinkin hard to walk the path, right?  But you KNEW I was going to call out the head trash here somewhere, didn’t you…   Thinking you’ve got to KNOW the path, that it’s some kind of secret nobody has revealed to you yet, no divine entity or aha moment… before you can take action… is a bunch… of… head trash.  What??? Ok, ok, let me confess something here. I’m in the same boat…  And I’m NOT happy about it.   But if you’ll indulge me, I want to share something with you that I’m only just now trying to put into words. Because I’m SICK of knowing things. I’m tired of being able to give all the right answers to the very real questions out there… because painfully, I realize that having the right answers has NOTHING to do with walking the path!   I know lots of stuff.. lots of right answers.. I can give lots of great advice and SO CAN YOU… and it’s HOLDING US BACK…   Why? It’s holding us back because there’s a difference between knowing the path and walking the path. I used to think that meant I just didn’t know the path or I would walk it, but reality is that we all know the path. We all have vision and dreams and have a context for pulling it together that we could share if we put forth the deep work to share it.  But I’m going to go out on a limb and say that we have it backward! MAYBE if we walk the path, we’ll be more clear about KNOWING the path!  Maybe if we took little incremental steps toward what we DO KNOW, if we reinforced our personal definition of success so clearly every day we would watch that path unfold right in front of us because we’re seeking to be one with God and one with each other and to become who we were created to be.  Stop looking for that elusive path and start walking it. Stop KNOWING more than you’re DOING. Stop having all the answers and never benefiting from the activation of them in your life. Walk the path, align yourself with a clear and simple definition of success that doesn’t need to be on a website or mounted on a wall. It’ll be shared in everything you say and do and then OTHERS will know the path because they’ll see you walking it.  


EP 63 | Is the Coronavirus Head Trash?

For a free advance copy of my latest book, “Circumstances Lie”, (CLICK HERE) To learn about the Effortless Author Initiative, text EZBOOK to 474747 Text 'YATES' to 474747 for more information about My Practice Zone mastermind or to connect with Greg. Join (“The No Head Trash Nation”) on Facebook #NoHeadTrash #CircumstancesLie #MyPracticeZone There have only been a few brief times in my life when fear and uncertainty and Head trash was simultaneously shared with so many people worldwide. We all face Head trash and we all deal with our own personal assessments of what’s happening in our lives, and our world. We struggle over the should’ve and could’ve issues of our lives. We struggle over self-worth and self-preservation but today we’re struggling with a system wide impact that most have never experienced before.  Many of you have only heard about these tings historically in the past. The real Estate crash, world wars when people had to band together to get through. The great depression and more recently 9/11 when it seemed that everything was flipped upside down while we watched it in real time.  Hey, watching the markets fall and hearing the rampant FEAR in our country isn’t fun. Not knowing how we’ll be paid or if we can weather such a storm in our businesses, isn’t where we expected to be just a short month ago when everything seemed to be funning on all cylinders.   You’ve had this happen in your own life, with the death of a family member or loss of a job. But to see it happen across all areas of society is like being invaded by an outside force and not knowing the outcome.  Now, let’s be honest. Every indication suggests this is a short term issue that will be dealt with through the measure being taken, but short term or not, it’s going to have long term impact on our lives, our economy, our habits, and our view of the world.  Is the Coronavirus head trash?  … there are many who would say its entirely head trash compared to what we face daily and the number of people who die every year from many various communicable diseases. I don’t subscribe to that camp, but I do understand the argument. By and large, there will be people who benefit from fear being released in our world. There are countries and companies who will seem to manipulate what we’re facing for their own good. There are people who will lose a fortune and others who will make one and most of us have no idea how to participate in getting benefit out of such a tragic situation.  So where is the head trash? Cause, I promise you, it does exist. There is a lot of head trash, starting right here with me and I’m guessing with you as well. There are unfounded fears, the endless scenarios being played out in our heads and extrapolations being made that lead us to irrational responses like hoarding toilet paper and withdrawing into depression instead of sharing hope and faith.  Head trash is an epidemic of its own. Just because we often don’t get in sync with the same head trash, doesn’t mean it’s not an epidemic. Why talk about it? Because time is still passing. Opportunity is still all around us. We’ve got something precious we’ve wished for but never thought we’d have like we do right now.  We’ve got time. We’ve got free time to spend on the typically ignored but important issues of life.     I know, I know… we’re out of practice having time for real conversations. We’re out of practice reading and taking time to ask the hard questions like what’s our definition of success and are we doing the things that will matter ten years from now?  We’re out of practice journaling and mapping and planning and dreaming… and these are the rare opportunities to reclaim these skills.  Is the coronavirus head trash? The only thing...


EP 62 | How to be an Effortless Author

Be an author, even if you’re not a writer. Let us help you share your legacy without the OVERWHELM you’d experience on your own. Learn More about “The Effortless Author Initiative”.   Text EZBOOK to 474747 Hey it’s Greg from The No Head Trash Nation… Locked and Loaded to get rid of the Head Trash that’s giving you WRITERS BLOCK.  Yes, today I’m talking about the newest initiative we’re tackling on the No Head Trash journey… I’m calling it the Effortless Author initiative….  BECAUSE, sharing your story, helping others learn what you’ve learned without having to experience what you’ve experienced WASN’T supposed to be this hard! There’s so much head-trash happening when it comes to writing your own book that it’s time to talk about it IN THE NATION.  I was talking with a business owner and he went off on a tangent about something he was really passionate about. It was amazing. He said it so well. I found myself taking notes and when he was done, the look in his eyes was inspiring. The first thing that came out of my mouth was that he should write a book and share it. I said, “If your people knew how passionate and clear you are about this, can you imagine how powerful it would be?” Then… he immediately flipped. You know what I’m talking about. He became that person who DISCLAIMERS that thing they are sure they could never do. You’ve been there… I’ve been there.  Well.. I could never do that. I’m not a writer. I’m not a speaker.. I could never do that….  And, to be honest, what irritated me the most is that I almost agreed with him. See, I know he’s a great leader, but he’s not good at putting his words down on paper. He’s great one-on-one and when he gets a chance to share in small groups, but like many great leaders, writing seems to come from a different part of the brain. So… I made a decision. I do a lot of work helping people refine their message, share it and make decisions based on it in leadership. Getting rid of the Head Trash is largely about getting CLEAR on the message and delivering it so WE hear it as well. The books I’ve written, even though they came from me have helped me to understand more once they were put into words. I’ve learned from them even though they were mine and I’ve had the same response from other authors I’ve helped.  That’s where the Effortless Author Initiative has come from. I’m teaming up with Steve Kidd to promote what should be possible for every aspiring author out there and if you’re one of those aspiring authors who has been saying for years that SOMEDAY you’re going to write a book…. This is for you.   Being an Author should be effortless. That is, you should have a team that helps you work in your area of strength, your Zone of Genius as they say, and has the support to stay in that zone while the process gets completed. You don’t need to be straining over sentence structure and publishing legalities, you need to be ensuring that the message you have for the world is being conveyed exactly how you know it should be.  That’s the Effortless Author process and I had to name it that way. They say it’s an atrocity to die with your song still in you… well what about your book. Whether you’re using that book to teach, as a calling card, to help others be clear what you and your business are all about or if it’s your legacy… you shouldn’t be held back from writing the book that you know others need to hear.  You’ve got experiences that will change people’s lives.   Isn’t it time you explored the Effortless Author possibility?    I can’t wait to chat about what we’re doing and more than anything… to hear your story. Let’s get rid of the head trash and make your story a Best Seller.   


EP 61 | How to have more Ninja Moments

For more information about THE EFFORTLESS AUTHOR INITIATIVE text ezbook to 474747. Ever had a Ninja moment? That’s what I’m talking about this week in the No Head Trash Nation. Those crazy split-second reactions that save the day and you have NO IDEA how you did it? Of course, you have. So, here’s the question… How did you do it? And what keeps you from doing it “at will”?     What if you could?  What if there’s something blocking your reflexes and keeping you from your highest potential?  And what if you could do something about it?  #NoHeadTrash #CircumstancesLie #PracticeZoneMastermind Let’s talk about how in The No Head Trash Nation or visit our website ( Email (Schedule an Appointment with Greg ) to chat about the "Effortless Author Initiative" or the "Practice Zone Mastermind". (Facebook Group – The No Head Trash Nation) (Instagram – The No Head Trash Nation) (YouTube – Breakthrough Leadership) (LinkedIn) Let's move from IMPOSSIBLE to UNSTOPPABLE together.  


EP 60 | What is Head Trash?

What is Head Trash?  This is your chance to engage with like minded people taking incremental steps to resolve the constant combat of Head Trash in our lives.  #NoHeadTrash #CircumstancesLie #PracticeZoneMastermind Let’s talk about how in The No Head Trash Nation or visit our website ( Email (Schedule an Appointment with Greg )to chat about the "Effortless Author Initiative" or the Practice Zone Mastermind. (Facebook Group – The No Head Trash Nation) (Instagram – The No Head Trash Nation) (YouTube – Breakthrough Leadership) (LinkedIn) Let's move from IMPOSSIBLE to UNSTOPPABLE together.  


EP 59 | Creating Your Definition of Success

I was BLOWN AWAY when I took the time (3 days actually) to build my own Definition of Success. I thought it was obvious until I get serious about it. IS THERE ANYTHING MORE SERIOUS? ...   How do you know if you're getting closer to your GOAL if you don't have a crystal clear VISION of what that success looks like? IT'S IMPOSSIBLE! Let's talk about why it's so important and get a glimpse of the POWER that is unleashed once you understand your Personal DoS. Stay tuned and in future Episodes we'll talk about the step-by-step of building your own. Get focused and OWN a Definition of Success that nobody can talk you out of. The validation you're looking for is found there. Don't allow anyone to SUPERIMPOSE their Definition onto your life. Once you're clear about it, the enemies to your success become like NEON blinking lights you can see coming a mile away. Are you getting closer today to your ultimate Success? How would you know if you don't have a clear Definition of Success? Let’s talk about how in The No Head Trash Nation or visit our website ( Email (Schedule an Appointment with Greg) ( )to chat about the Effortless Author Initiative or the Practice Zone Mastermind. (Facebook Group – The No Head Trash Nation) (Instagram – The No Head Trash Nation) (YouTube – Breakthrough Leadership) (LinkedIn) Let's move from IMPOSSIBLE to UNSTOPPABLE together.   #NoHeadTrash #CircumstancesLie #PracticeZoneMastermind


EP 58 | How to RELAX and still be PREPARED

To learn about the Effortless Author Initiative, text EZBOOK to 474747For a free advance copy of my latest book, “Circumstances Lie”, (CLICK HERE) Text 'YATES' to 474747 for more information about My Practice Zone mastermind or to connect with Greg. Join (“The No Head Trash Nation”) on Facebook #NoHeadTrash #CircumstancesLie #MyPracticeZone We’ve all experienced it. The Shoulda, Coulda, Woulda life. For most of my life it was completely surrounded by either guilt or apathy.  I either felt guilty because I was relaxing… or I convinced myself NOT TO CARE.    That’s just the way it is, right?  We all face time when either boredom or chaos derail any productivity we might have imagined when we built our strategic plan for the year, the quarter, the month, the week or even the TIME BLOCK we learned how to plan out in that latest good book we read.   AHH… the euphoria we felt when we read that book and blocked out our perfect day. We pictured all the things we’d get done and the satisfaction it would bring.  Then, we find ourselves in the middle of a fire fight and we have no idea how to bring that line item on our perfectly planned day into reality.   Recently, I realized this all too clearly. I allowed myself to UNPLUG in front of the TV. After all, those shows I recorded aren’t going to watch themselves, right? They’re like one more to-do list and I need to get it done… (note to self: rethink my obligation to the DVR).   Suddenly I realized… I’ve got free time. Something I’ve dreamed of. Opportunity to do something special with Vicki, to make a memory, to connect with people I love, to talk about the important issues of our lives, dream for the future, get to know her better (even after decades there’s always more to learn)… but I wasn’t prepared. I wasn’t in the right mindset.  You know what I’m talking about.   Then it hit me… One of these days I’m going to WISH I had this chance. I’m going to beg for one more opportunity to focus on this time of my life, my health, my relationships, and all the reasons I told myself I’ve been working so hard in the first place!   We work like maniacs because we’re planning to enjoy our lives someday, but our work becomes our life. We forget it was supposed to serve us so we could have incredible moments that we’re missing because we’re not prepared for them. So, we have free time but we don’t know how to use it. We relax, but we forget our relaxation was intended to be the chance to explore and reflect.  No, I’m not saying we should have an itinerary for our down time… that’s not what I mean. Even total stillness and seemingly unproductive conversation can be the greatest joy of our lives. The key is not guilt… it’s just a little bit of preparation that helps us turn today into the day we’ve been waiting for. Into the day we’ve been working so hard to reach.   Don’t let the chaos happen without pulling the important into it. That applies to downtime as well. See the opportunity, even when it’s not how you planned it.  What if the time we have is right in front of us, but we’re not prepared. What could you plan to do, even if you had just one minute?   Could you make a tiny memory? Make a difference in someone’s life? Remind someone you care about them? My experience? Minutes get filled by checking social media, answering email or watching TV. We’re addicted to being entertained rather than creating the stories of our lives.  Hey, I struggle with this as well.  We need the important to exist in the CHAOS – in the everyday MOVES of our lives.  That’s why we practice.  Your life is full of opportunity to give and to receive. I challenge you to find the joy and the restoration


EP 57 | I'm not Dead

For a free advance copy of my latest book, “Circumstances Lie”, text EZBOOK to 474747 or (CLICK HERE) Text 'YATES' to 474747 for more information about My Practice Zone mastermind or to connect with Greg. Join (“The No Head Trash Nation”) on Facebook #NoHeadTrash #CircumstancesLie #MyPracticeZone Hey, it’s Greg Yates from Breakthrough Leadership and the No Head Trash nation… and I’ve got good news!  I’m NOT DEAD… and if you’re listening to this, you’re not either… and that my friends is the Greatest Opportunity of our lives. Back in 2014 I faced something I didn’t think I could recover from. I’m not gonna lie, it still commandeers my bandwidth from time to time but now there’s a difference. I’ve come to believe that circumstances are like the scum that forms on the surface of a pond, the pudding or the gravy, depending on where you happen to be. Sometimes it’s the oil floating on a puddle or in worse cases, an oil spill that requires an organized clean-up. That’s the way my life felt in 2014. It was an oil slick that was choking the life out of me and contaminating everything around me. Here’s my point. What’s on the surface, doesn’t represent what’s below the surface. That’s what I know about circumstances. They lie about what’s really going on, or at least they leave the impressions causing us to make ASSUMPTIONS that aren’t accurate about what’s beyond the surface, the pond scum of our lives. Maybe you love your circumstances… the sad truth is that even if you love them, they’re still not capable to represent everything that’s happening in your life, just below the surface. That’s why Fakebook is so rampant with comparative reality. It seems like everybody has perfect lives, except us and we’re pedaling as fast as we can. What does that have to do with not being dead? I’m getting to that. First you need to hear me on this. Trust me. Circumstances are lying to you about a lot of things and one of them is that thing you’re facing you believe has the power to make or break you… forever. That thing if everybody knew would disqualify you from your church, and maybe even your job. That thing you’ve reconfigured so it sounds good, even if you’re the only one who believes your version of the story. I’m going to share with you the wisdom my wife, Vicki, gave me when I was sure my life and my ability to be my best was OVER… She listened kindly to my agonizing assessment about life and when I was finally done, she calmly stated the facts I wasn’t ready to hear yet.  It could be worse… you could be dead. And she was right. I’m finally wrapping up the draft of my new book and its title is something I wouldn’t have learned without sticking my face in the scum of circumstances and seeing beyond them. And believe me, it’s not a one-time thing. The book is titled, Circumstances Lie, and it takes one tiny step toward looking beyond what seems real and exploring the vast unknown, where there is more evidence for what we can become than there is for where we’re stuck today. It’s the same whether it’s an individual, a team, or an entire organization. Stepping beyond the drama and empty calories of circumstantial beliefs is where true breakthrough begins, and we can’t get there on our own.  I couldn’t pull myself out of the pit. I needed others with different reference points to summon courage and belief I didn’t have. I still do.  And so do you.   Stop settling for overhead in your personal growth journey and get connected to a group of people who will explore the endless potential of life together. Help each other live well, struggle well and integrate your faith well by exploring what’s possible together. Remember… the greatest opportunity you have is still ahead of you. You’re not dead. Let’s move from broken to breakthrough...


EP 56 | Share Your Story - Change Your World

Ready for some radical honesty about your story? Listen in.  Hi, it’s Greg from Breakthrough Leadership and the No Head Trash Nation and today I want to talk about the single most important thing YOU can do to change your world… sound good?  Well, before I go any further, let me clarify for just a minute.  You saw the title. You know what I’m talking about and the reactions are all over the board… I’ve talked to hundreds of people who want to write a book or tell their story – maybe it’s on your bucket list or you like the IDEA but have no idea where to start. That’s one of the things I do but before you start writing that heroic story of your life, let’s make sure it’s the story that will have the impact you’re hoping for… that is if you really want to change the world.  … I learned this the hard way.   Let me give you a little background. Like you, I’ve been telling my story my entire life. Verbally at least, right? I’ve practiced it and sharpened, and it’s gotten better every single time.  No problem, right? I’ll tell it to Anybody who will listen, hey we tell our story even if the person ISN’T LISTENING… We love our story. We love our take on life, we love our words, we love our perspective. OR… we hate it. Either way we are DYING for someone to hear it, to validate it, to validate US… and our story… our experiences.  But that’s not the story that will change your world. See, the problem is I want to tell the story that puts me in the right light. Or I should say is consistent with what I believe about myself, about the world and my place in it. I want to tell the story where I’m the hero OR the victim of and I want to tell it MY WAY. I want my story to simultaneously open the eyes of the listener and establish my place as the one who made it happen. The problem is, that story is rarely able to get out of the starting gate. Oh… we tell it… but it doesn’t change our world because it’s encapsulated in the fakebook belief that people are inspired by heroes and we want to be that hero.  I’ve had a lot of success. I’ve had a lot of failure. If there’s one thing I’ve learned is that people believe my failure more than they believe my success. They relate to it. They see nuggets of truth in it when I’m sharing a story I don’t even want to share!  But I’ve learned to share it anyway because when I share that story… the real story of my heart, my pain, my failure, my ongoing struggle to overcome the obstacles and the lies of Circumstances… I become real and relatable. And, when I become a real person, I can help others embrace their real lives and work toward real results, overcoming circumstances instead of being crushed by their lies. My tribe hears my voice. I don’t have to have all the answers. I don’t have to be RIGHT or even be the hero. My story invites people on a journey and I’m willing to share what I know so they’ll do a better job than I did.  When I share my story with radical honesty, vulnerability, obsessive open-mindedness, a clear Definition of success and belief that circumstances are opportunities waiting to be explored, THEN… and only then… my story can change My World.  Yours can too. Walk with me in the process of sharing your story, without the head trash. Not because it makes you look bullet proof, but because it is the honest evidence that (no matter how flawed and broken) connects you to your tribe and gives you a platform from which to Change Your World.  I want you to write your story and I know you want that too. It’s deep work and it will change you on the road to changing your world. If you’re interested in learning more about the structure support to get past the head-trash and finally write your story, I’d love to help. Text Yates – that’s my name – YATES to 474747 to get my latest book, “Circumstances Lie” for free. Or email me...


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