The Nona Jones Show

<p>The Nona Jones Show will feature uplifting stories that inspire and practical strategies that help people grow. The show will include a mixture of testimonial episodes exclusively featuring Nona Jones, as well as guest interviews. </p>

From Bitter to Better

Order my new book The Gift of Rejection here: I can tell you without a doubt that my new book, The Gift of Rejection, is the most important book I’ve ever written. And I believe it will be one of the most important books you will ever read because you will never experience the fullness of joy and purpose that God has for you when you are carrying rejection wounds. You can say, “I’m over it” all you want to, but the fact of the matter is that r...


Expressions of Rejection

No matter how psychologically or emotionally strong you may think you are, rejection hurts. And it hurts because we only experience rejection when we thought we were accepted. So, when rejection happens, it doesn’t just injure our pride, it breaks our heart and shatters our hope.Today, I want to talk about the ways rejection expresses itself through us; some ways are subtle and some ways are overt, but the bottom line is that rejection is not something you just “get over.” It is something you...


Left in the Field (The Root of Rejection)

Rejection taught me to see myself as disposable. It taught me to see myself as unworthy and, because of that, there have been times in my life when I’ve settled for being treated in ways that are beneath what my humanity deserves. So, this season we’re going deep into the choppy waters of rejection and today I want to start by sharing the revelation that actually set me down this path a little more than a year ago.


Hearing God: How I Knew It Was Time to Resign

What do you do when you start to feel uncomfortable in something and sense God may be calling you to leave it, but it’s all you know? Maybe it’s a long-term relationship that isn’t growing with you, or maybe it’s a city you no longer feel you should live in, or maybe it’s a job you feel you’ve outgrown. How do you discern the voice of God from your personal fears or desires? Today, I want to talk about how I have learned to hear the voice of God when he called me to resign from two jobs I loved.


How I Almost Fell For a Narcissist

The term “narcissist” has entered popular culture over the last few years thanks to the work of psychologists like Dr. Ramini and her powerful podcast called Navigating Narcissism. There have also been a number of self-aware narcissists who have created platforms to share their experiences to help people who have been dealing with narcissists heal. Today, I want to shed light on how being raised by a narcissistic parent or parents can prime us to fall victim to a narcissist later in life...


20 Years Later: What I Wish I Knew About Marriage...Before Marriage

You have probably heard the statistic that 50% of marriages end in divorce. It’s a grim number, but that doesn’t seem to be stopping people from getting married. Instagram is overflowing with photos of stunning weddings at exclusive locations, featuring couture gowns, and opulent parties. But, after the fairy dust settles, research shows that 72% of couples run into difficulty in marriage because they didn’t understand what a lifelong marriage really requires before tying the knot. ...


Father Wounds: A Journey to Healing from Abandonment

In 1960, 17% of boys grew up in homes without their biological fathers; less than 2 in 10. But, in 2022, the Institute for Family Studies found that 32% of boys, 1 in every 3, are now growing up in homes without their biological fathers. 1 in 4 children in the US are growing up in homes without their biological fathers; that is more than 18M children.Well, today I have a special guest with me, Antwan Steele, who is going to talk about his experience grappling with his own father’s absence so ...


What Getting Cheated On Taught Me About Trust

Today I want to tackle the issue of cheating because social media has made it easier than ever for people to do it. If you have been cheated on, you know it is a devastating experience that completely obliterates trust.Some people have been so devastated by cheating that they have sworn off the idea of ever trusting someone again. But, I want to share my story and what I learned because my hope is that you will open yourself to the possibility of being loved well one day.


Why Friendship Matters

I’m an only child and friendship hasn’t always come easily to me because I spent a lot of my time alone as a child. Being alone comes naturally to me; being a friend does not. Yet, I have been blessed with a friendship that has been a source of healing for me and today we’re going to talk about how it happened.


How to Position Yourself for Promotion

I have been in business leadership roles since I was 23-years-old. I’ve worked in the private sector, public sector, nonprofit sector, and technology sector with increasing responsibility that includes global scope. So, I want to share some of my most important learnings from my own career journey in hopes of helping you be all you can be!


Navigating Broken Families

I cannot begin to tell you how many people contact me everyday to tell me how grateful they are for me sharing my story about my childhood. So many of you are being shamed and guilted into carrying the pain of family dysfunction on your own. BUT, one of my goals for this podcast is to create a safe space for you to explore the dark cracks and crevices of your life without fear of being told you’re wrong or crazy.Today I am honored to have a super special guest with me who is going to help us ...


What Losing Three Babies Taught Me About God

Every year, approximately 5 million women become pregnant in the United States. And every year, 1 million of those women experience the devastation of miscarriage before 20 weeks of pregnancy. Another 20,000 women lose their babies in stillbirth, which is categorized as pregnancy loss after 20 weeks. I have experienced both and, today, I want to share what losing three babies taught me about God.


How I Lost 100 Lbs: And Kept It Off for 11 Years

For many years, I was part of the 99% of people who set the goal of losing weight, only to quit within the first few weeks of the New Year. And if you have also found yourself struggling to achieve a big goal that you have, today’s episode is for you! Today we’re talking about what I learned after making the decision to lose weight…and doing it for the last time.


How to Stay Fly As You Age

In this episode of Nona Jones, Nona will interview her Godmother about her life and corresponding lessons on love, friendship, courage, style, and more!


Knowing When to Let Go

In this episode of Nona Jones, Nona will share lessons she has learned about how and when to let go after being disappointed by people and/or situations.


Mother Wounds: My Healing Journey

In this episode of The Nona Jones Show, Nona will share her personal journey to healing from the deep wound of abandonment by her mother and the critical role forgiveness plays in healing the hurts that linger in our hearts.


Who is Nona Jones?

In this episode of the Nona Jones Show, Nona will introduce herself to viewers and listeners, starting from early childhood through marriage, career, and ministry.


Dangers Unseen

I recently spoke with several single friends and colleagues who shared their frustration at the state of the dating pool. Some of them had thought they found their person, only to get rejected by the person. Others have simply stopped dating altogether after racking up more rejections and disappointments than they can count.All of them expressed discouragement and confusion by what seemed like relationship dead-end after relationship dead-end. But, what if their dead-ends… were actually detou...


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