The Nordic Mum

Susanna The Nordic Mum Podcast host, author, blogger and lover of all things Nordic unravels what it means to come from the Nordic countries. Susanna loves talking about how to hug the Nordic way of life using Scandinavia as an example. She explores why Scandinavian countries and people seem to be the most content in the world and why they top the charts when measured on trust, gender, work-life balance and happiness. Her aim is to motivate you to live your life with a hint of Nordic Simplicity with less is more approach. She interviews people with Nordic connection and explores their journeys and how they keep their Nordic culture and customs going. Have a cup of tea, and have a Hygge moment while listening to this podcast. This podcast is sponsored by her book Nordic Lifestyle: Embrace slow living, cultivate happiness, and know when to take off your shoes. You can get the book from all major bookstores and

25 Day of Christmas Day 4

Today I talk about glogg and the second advent. This episode is sponsored the Nordic Lifestyle book that you can get from big retailers and from my Nordic Mum Book shop.


25 Day of Christmas Day 3

Today I am talking about "PikkuJoulut" Little Christmas, those pre-Christmas parties and Julboard for Sweden and Norway. This episode is sponsored by Nordic Lifestyle book that is available at all the big retailers and in the Nordic mum book shop.


25 Day of Christmas Day 1

These short 25-episode podcast series are all about Christmas at the Nordics. Here on the first day, we are talking about Advent. The podcast series is sponsored Nordic Lifestyle book that you can get from my book shop and all the big retailers.


Women Can Achieve What Ever They Want with Katja Presnal

Talking with Katja Presnal about her life and journey so far. Living overseas and having children and establishing yourself as a blogger, branding and marketing consultant. How writing Big Rich Money is about helping female entrepreneurs and their business ideas to a profitable company.    


10 Things That We All Could Do Better

This is a bonus episode that I recorded while in lockdown here in Australia. I wanted to share 10 things that I think we all can do better in life. Throw out nonessential numbers.  Keep only cheerful friends.  Keep learning. Enjoy the simple things. Laugh often, long and loud.  Let the tears happen.  Surround yourself with what you love. Cherish your health: Don't take guilt trips.  Tell the people you love that you love them, at every opportunity.


Keep Connected with Nature

BONUS episode where I talk about how to keep connected with nature like the Nordics when you live in a warmer climates. There are no blog or show notes for this one.


Scandi Down Under with Stephanie White

How to have scandi kids clothing as a business and why there is demand for colorful and sustainable kids clothing.  Stephanie White from Scandi Kids Clothing is explaining her love for the colours and why people keep coming back to Scandi designed clothing.  Follow the Nordic Mum on  Insta: @thenordicmum Twitter: @NordicMumPodcas Facebook: @NordicMumSusanna


My childhood in Uganda

Talking to creative writer, Sari Fordham who has written a book Wait for God to Notice about her mother and childhood in Uganda. Sari's mom was a missionary from Finland who married Sari's dad, an American missionary, and their work took them to Uganda. Sari wanted to share her story and life living and been brought up in Uganda during the tumulus time of the Idi Amin dictatorship. Follow the Nordic Mum on  Insta: @thenordicmum Twitter: @NordicMumPodcas Facebook: @NordicMumSusanna  


How to Celebrate Midsummer Magic in the Nordics

How the Nordic countries celebrate midsummer? Is it all about bonfires and singing and dancing around may pole? Well yes and no. There are differences between the countries and in this episode, I am concentrating on how different countries do Midsummer.  Follow the Nordic Mum on  Insta: @thenordicmum Twitter: @NordicMumPodcas Facebook: @NordicMumSusanna


How to Have Hygge in Summer Time

This episode was inspired by a question I saw posted in socials. People were asking how you feel hygge, or have hyggelig time even when it is summer. I gathered my seven tips on how you can feel connected and togetherness with keeping that cozy feeling alive on summertime. Follow the Nordic Mum on  Insta: @thenordicmum Twitter: @NordicMumPodcas Facebook: @NordicMumSusanna


Balancing Cultures and Countries

Speaking with Megan from Balancing Cultures about her journey. Originally from US but married to a Finn and living in Germany. How she sees Finland and Finnishness and what good bad and quirky things she has seen while traveling Finland. We covered what is great about Finland. What do people in US think about north Europe? It is all ABBA and Ikea for them, what are those foods that she liked in Finland. What things she thought odd like the Independence day ball. Follow the Nordic Mum on  Insta: @thenordicmum Twitter: @NordicMumPodcas Facebook: @NordicMumSusanna


How We Sustainably Grow Our Food in the Future

Talking to the founder of Nordic Grow Peter Haurum about his innovative way of growing herbs at your home. This vertical garden uses artificial light and only needs water once a month. Everyone can be a green finger I say. Check out my chat with Peter and what are his thoughts about Scandinavian sustainability, where food will grow in the future. Facebook: @NordicMumSusanna Instagram: @thenordicmum Pinterest: @TheNordicMum Twitter: @NordicMumPodcas


Loving the Nordic Lifestyle

In this interview, Nordic Notes blogger Nicola Capper explains how she got hooked on Nordic Design.  What you can do the make your home feel more Nordic. Where her enthusiasm and passion got started. Where her career as a blogger is taking her next. Follow Nordic Mum on Facebook: @NordicMumSusanna Instagram: @thenordicmum Pinterest: @TheNordicMum Twitter: @NordicMumPodcas


What You Should Know About Viking Heritage

I wanted to learn more about Viking heritage and understand if they were present in medieval Finland. This research let me conclude that they were present in Finland put perhaps not the way I thought they were. But I love to think that some of the tales of shieldmaiden were correct and I did learn about concubine been a thing with the Vikings. Follow The Nordic Mum on  Facebook: @NordicMumSusanna Instagram: @thenordicmum Pinterest: @TheNordicMum Twitter: @NordicMumPodcas


7 Surprising Things About Sweden

Speaking with Jesse Karjalainen about how life has been since returning to Sweden after last year with COVID. He has observed about the society and had some interesting and surprising facts about Swedish culture and customs that you might have not known. Follow The Nordic Mum on  Facebook: @NordicMumSusanna Instagram: @thenordicmum Pinterest: @TheNordicMum Twitter: @NordicMumPodcas


How to Be Sad on a Healthy Way

Talking with author, writer, speaker Helen Russell about sadness. Helen has a new book and a podcast coming out called How to be Sad. We talked about why negative feelings are not been expressed, how crying and negative feelings are a cornerstone of feeling happy. Why should we embrace those negative feelings rather than trying to bury them?  Book How to be Sad Podcast How to Be Sad Follow The Nordic Mum on  Facebook: @NordicMumSusanna Instagram: @thenordicmum Pinterest: @TheNordicMum Twitter: @NordicMumPodcas


Raising a Multicultural Family in Finland

Paola has a multicultural family in Finland. She has a daughter and has adopted a son with her Italian husband and lives in Finland. In this episode, we talk about her struggles as an expat living in Finland, what benefits there are in Nordic parenting. What she would change and where she sees herself in years from here. Follow The Nordic Mum on  Facebook: @NordicMumSusanna Instagram: @thenordicmum Pinterest: @TheNordicMum Twitter: @NordicMumPodcas


How to Balance Your Life on the New Year

How you can have that balanced content life that we all are dreaming about? Listen the eight tips that I have gathered to you and how you can put them in action come new year and start new year with a bang.


How to Live Your Best Year Yet

Year 2020 I decided not to take a word as my mantra like I had last year. I just felt that there is no need to have a word. Instead of a word I wanted to go through these 12 points I see that you can live your best year yet. 2020 is going to be the best year yet to me and to you.


Truth About Your Finnish Roots and Identity

Talking to Jesse Karjalainen, author about his roots in Australia and Finland. How he sees his identity amongst the many countries he has lived in.


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