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The Notable Woman Podcast

Author: Cristin Downs

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I want to live in a world where women know they’re notable and whole and stunning, just as they are, so that they can think, create, lead, and love in a way that’s visceral, experiential, and uncommon. The Notable Woman, hosted by Cristin Downs, sparks conversation with a different notable woman each episode. These women are leading in collaborative, emotionally intelligent ways that abolish the hierarchy that has dominated and wreaked havoc on society. Our capacity grows through conversation and connection so we can become the catalysts that are creating the kind of world we want to live in.
26 Episodes
In this episode of The Notable Woman Podcast, host Cristin Downs interviews Bridgette Petrino of Mommy Needs a Timeout.
Missy Sturtevant is so impressive! I am so jazzed by her and her social justice business, but let me start at the beginning. Missy and I went to college together, and I was a total fan even before this interview, even before I knew what she does now. But let me lay it down for you — Missy was a social worker and wasn’t 100% happy with how she had to do her work within the structure already set up. And you know what she did? She didn’t whine about it, she didn’t wallow, she went ahead and started her own business! Maebright Group, LLC works with Massachusetts-based state agencies on working with the LGBTQ population, using actual best practices and research. In our conversation, we talk about how Missy wanted to start a business, how she became the mentor that she needed and now helps other people, and how she does the actual work with her state agencies. Great episode for social justice advocates, business owners, entrepreneurs, and people who have an idea for a movement.
Cloth diapers – a blessing? A Curse? Love ’em, hate ’em? Well, Aisha Sequeira has created Diaper Dawgs to make it easy peasy for you to use them and keep them clean, which is a never ending battle. When we had our son, my husband and I wanted to use cloth diapers to help make a difference to the environment, but we soon learned how complicated it was, especially when you have this tiny human depending on you! So when Aisha reached out to me about her business and product, I knew I had to have her on. This is a great episode for Moms who are interested in using cloth diapers or already do, and anyone who has an idea for starting a business.
In this episode of The Notable Woman Podcast, I interview Erin Zimmerman about all things social media. Erin is the boss of Elephant Social, and she is a big fan of relationship building based social media. Hers is the first episode in my “Business Boss” series because Erin just started her social media business and is celebrating her one year anniversary! It’s great to talk to her about building a business in addition to how to run an effective social media campaign. No matter what you’re trying to do to make an impact, it’s important that you either master social media or hire someone who can do it for you! Listen on for tips, tricks, and Erin’s impactful story.
In this episode of The Notable Woman Podcast, I chat with Health Coach Maddie Penko about energy stealers and how you can increase your energy. Maddie’s light and sense of fun shine through in every post, and we started chatting outside the group. I’ve done several of her free challenges and am in her free health group. I like Maddie because she isn’t afraid to tell you where you could be improving your health with some of her signature sass, but at the same time, you feel loved and supported. She’s like that older sister (although obviously, she’s younger than me!) who has caught you borrowing her killer heels for the last time. When Maddie and I first chatted about the focus of this episode, I was so excited to hear she was focusing on energy. Energy is a huge problem for me. Having avenues to increase my energy without bathing in Red Bull is much more the way I want to go. Listen in to get Maddie’s insight in this interview and definitely download her free guide on energy stealers!
In this episode of The Notable Woman Podcast, I talk self-love with the amazing Susan Adhikari, affectionately known as Suz. Suz is a health and wellness mentor for females, and I love love love her message. Why? Because Suz is all about self-love. Suz believes that if we are going to achieve any of our goals or dreams, it all starts with loving ourselves first. That’s a message I can 100% get behind, and something I believe in myself. Since I’ve started my own meditation and visualization practice, I can clearly see in my daily life how positive an effect self-love has on me. Dive into this episode with Suz and let’s start loving ourselves!
I’ve changed careers more times than I can tell you, and sometimes sharing my story with how I’ve jumped around scares me. I worry that people think I can’t make up my mind or focus when really each step I’ve taken is on the same path. I wouldn’t be the person I am today without each moment, building on each other. Yanran Carpenter is a woman who feels the exact same way. Yanran is a career coach, and when she and I first talked about being on The Notable Woman Podcast, I was interested in her story of growing up in China. I thought that would be a nice addition to what we’re doing here on the show, and it absolutely is. But perhaps the most exciting part of Yanran’s story is that she never let her tale be told for her. She constantly switched gears until she was working at a career she loves. She truly embodies the old quote “Find a job you enjoy doing, and you’ll never work a day in your life.” Listen in to hear Yanran’s journey as well as get some tips for your career change.
When Mikayla Colthirst-Reid first reached out to me and said she wanted to talk about burnout, I couldn’t have been happier. I know that burnout is a huge problem for me, and in fact, when Mikayla and I did this interview, I was just going into my biggest burnout of the year. I had been burning the candle at both ends so much that I just burned right out. I could barely do anything for a month and just got back into it. I think you’ll enjoy Mikayla’s laid back nature and great conversation on a topic that I think affects all notable women. Enjoy!
In this episode of The Notable Woman Podcast, I chat with my new found love Rosemarie Wilson. Rosemarie is a coach and owner of Pragmatica Coaching, and our interview focus is building self-confidence and moving beyond fear. She is full of great tips, and I think you’re going to want to have a pen in hand to jot down her ideas.
In this episode of The Notable Woman Podcast, I interview actor and frequent traveler Victoria Ng about her new physical fitness activity – pole dancing! We talk about the body positive effect it’s had on her, as well as an improvement in her mindset. We also chat about her frequent travel and about her upcoming family trip to China and Hong Kong to honor the passing of her grandparents.
Fall in love with notable woman Feygele Jacobs in this episode of The Notable Woman podcast. Her main takeaway of this interview is “Get involved!” and she truly lives that mantra. I met Feygele when she volunteered at a jazz performance fundraiser for Hurricane Sandy at The Riverside Church, and we have stayed friends ever since. I even took this fabulous headshot of her when she started as CEO at RCHN Community Health Foundation (RCHN CHF). In this episode, we talk about Feygele’s job at the foundation and how a repeal of the Affordable Care Act might affect them, particularly because she and the organization focus on policy. We also talk about her beautiful mother, and how her mother influenced Feygele’s decision to go back to school. There’s also the beautiful love story of how Feygele’s mother and father met when they tried to return to their homes after the Holocaust. It’s a great story, and you know I’m a sucker for love. Great episode for advocates and folks giving back.
Adventure awaits you in the great outdoors, or your own backyard if you can use your imagination! And if you need a place to get started or a little help, PJ is here to help in the wonderful children’s series PJ’s Backyard Adventures. Today’s interview, my first duo interview, features notable women Rebecca P. Cohen, author, and Marni Penning Coleman, illustrator. Marni is a friend of my dear love Tia Shearer Bassett (from The Notable Woman Podcast Episode 1 fame), and she reached out to me about being on the show with Rebecca. I have wanted to get authors and illustrators on the show so I was super happy to be introduced to them and was totally floored to discover during the interview that they are sisters. How cool is that? In our conversation, we talk about outdoor play, why it’s important for both adults and kids, and how we can incorporate it in our lives even when it’s cold! Great episode for authors, illustrators, parents, aunties/uncles, and people need to get outside!
Build a business you love with a little guidance from the beautiful Kristi Brown. In this episode of The Notable Woman Podcast, I interview Kristi Brown, business strategist and rocking boss over at Significantly Successful. We talk about how she went from working with small business owners at Living Social, working for the Mouse (she at Disney World, unlike my Disneyland), and launching a very successful social media campaign for Ron Paul when he ran for President of the United States! I love Kristi Brown. I credit her Significant Business Academy with giving me the idea to start this very podcast. She’s got great ideas and thinks outside the box. Her exercises are fabulous. I’m a big fan. We chat about how to build a business you love, why that matters, and why you need to. This is a great episode for anyone looking to start their own business, whether as an entrepreneur or small business owner. Even if you’ve already started your journey, Kristi has great tips. Enjoy!
Intimate partner violence. No matter what walk of life you come from, no matter how educated, intimate partner violence can affect you. Woman, man. Gay, straight. Black, white. Intimate partner violence does not discriminate. In this episode of The Notable Woman Podcast, I interview Kelley Rainey, Director of Domestic Violence Programs for Family and Children’s Services of Central Maryland, Inc. Kelley and I went to college together, and I have been impressed from afar in how committed she is to improving the lives of women through her work. When I asked her if she would do an interview with me, she immediately said, “YES!” and also that this topic, intimate partner violence, was what she wanted to speak with me about. I truly love doing this podcast, and this is my favorite interview to date. We talk about a heavy, important, and impactful subject in a way that I think can help, not harm, while also being respectful and still having a laugh and a chuckle because that’s what we do.
Boy expert Janet Allison is a former teacher and mother of girls. How did she end up being an expert for boys? From teaching! And from what she saw, boys were failing education, or more accurately said, education was failing them. In this episode of The Notable Woman Podcast, Janet Allison educated me on the many, many ways that boys’ brains are different and gave me some strategies for dealing with my son and… my husband. This episode is for anyone wondering how to bridge the gap between male and female communication styles, as defined by certain biological traits. In particular, if you have a school aged boy who’s having a tough time, this is a great episode to listen to!
In this episode of The Notable Woman Podcast, I interview business strategist and head of Health Coach HQ Yuli Chernykhovskaya. Lots of gems here for business and health coaching, but I particularly loved hearing about Yuli’s mindset magic.
In this episode of The Notable Woman Podcast, Cristin interviews writer gal extraordinaire Tara Bosler. Tara Bosler is a copywriting boss, and I love all her lives, tidbits, and freebies. In this interview, get tips on how to write like you, instead of the strange robot you that years of traditional schooling creates.
It should be a crime to have as much fun as Sasha Gray and I had recording this episode. We laughed, we cried, we talked everything from weddings to booze (margaritas and whiskey, of course). The conversation’s a blast, and I hope you enjoy it. Sasha and I met in a Facebook group, and shortly afterward, I was planning my first summit. Carrie Sharpe of He Says, She Says insisted that I have Sasha as a guest, and the rest, as they say, is history. Since then, Sasha has appeared in my summits, as a guest speaker in my group, and even as one of my popular Notable Woman Live! guests. In this episode, we talk about her accidental business, how she cultivated her tribe (her following), and how she started her live show, and much, much more! I hope you enjoy this episode and don’t forget to join The Society of Notable Women if you want to continue the conversation!
In this episode of The Notable Woman Podcast, I interview heath and performance coach Shelly Robinson. Shelly and I are long lost sisters with a few pesky states in between. I LOVE her, and I am sure you will too. I find health coaches a little daunting, but Shelly makes you feel comfortable and confident. She and I chat it up about our control freak tendencies, and how infertility and becoming a mother flipped those habits on their heads for us both. We also talk about another love of mine, coffee, as well as our ever elusive friend Sleep.
In this episode, I talk to the wonderful Laura Macauley. Talk about amazing energy! I could talk to Laura all day long. Laura is a virtual assistant, and when we first talked about doing an interview, she wasn’t sure what she wanted to talk about. I was pushing her to find out what might be interesting about her story, and she said, “Oh, well, I put everything I owned in storage, and my husband, dog, and I are traveling around the US. Might that be interesting?” Laura, Laura, Laura – YES! So that’s what we dive into this episode – location independence! Enjoy!
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