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The Novitiate

Author: MGL Media

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Is holiness possible when you are living a busy life in the world? The Novitiate is a podcast based on the training one would receive in religious life but presented in a way that applies to people living out lay vocations in the world, helping them to understand how the richness of spiritual tradition is relevant to them and guiding them on their journey to becoming saints.
56 Episodes
Is sainthood possible for you? In this first episode, Fr Dave Callaghan MGL addresses the stigma that holiness is meant only for those living out religious vocations and investigates ways of taking the deep spirituality of the Church and applying it to your life as a lay person in the world.
Do you believe that becoming a saint is like climbing a huge mountain? In this episode, Fr Dave Callaghan MGL shares that the journey of holiness is easier than you think and explains that it is not so much about making a thousand good individual decisions each day, but making one good decision for your whole life - choosing your destination.
Heaven Is Relationship

Heaven Is Relationship


What is Heaven? In this episode, Fr Dave Callaghan MGL explores the idea that Heaven is not so much to be thought of as a place but rather a relationship with God and presents the confronting thought that if Heaven is a matter of relationship, you will only want to be in Heaven if you want to be in relationship with God here on Earth.
The Forgotten Doctrine

The Forgotten Doctrine


If someone told you that in Heaven you will become a part of God, does that sound heretical? In this episode, Fr Dave Callaghan MGL speaks about a doctrine of the Church rarely heard and shares that the whole work of God since the dawn of time has been for one purpose - that you would enter into the perfect unity of the Blessed Trinity.
Entry Into The Trinity

Entry Into The Trinity


What is infinite love? In this episode, Fr Dave Callaghan MGL explains that your hunger for love can only be satisfied in the Holy Trinity and reveals that you are on a journey of being awakened to the reality that is already taking place. God has already drawn you into His Heart - because Heaven is not something that happens only when you die, but something that happens every time you go to Mass and receive the Eucharist.
The Eternal Choice

The Eternal Choice


How could a loving God send people to Hell? In this episode, Fr Dave Callaghan MGL unravels how Hell is in fact a place of willingly denying a relationship with God and, expanding on the important elements of Heaven, Purgatory and Hell, explains how your life in eternity is affected by what you value the most while on Earth.
How Big Is Your Bucket

How Big Is Your Bucket


Does everyone have an equal place in Heaven? In this episode, Fr Dave Callaghan MGL takes us deeper into the mysteries of Paradise and explains how every choice you make on Earth between selfishness and love directly impacts your capacity to receive the fullness of God in Heaven.
The Kingdom Is Here

The Kingdom Is Here


Has your life been changed by your belief in Jesus Christ? In this episode, Fr Dave Callaghan MGL shares that in order for you to bear witness of God’s existence it is important to let Him bring Heaven into your heart and explains that a key part of the spiritual life is learning how to receive His love which heals and transforms you.
How can you receive love? In this episode, Fr Dave Callaghan MGL shares that sin is in fact a symptom of a deeper disease - your heart being starved of love - and explains that in order to break down your defensive wall, you need to actively be aware of the love shown to you through others on a daily basis and make a conscious decision to receive the messages their actions communicate.
How is God loving you? In this episode, Fr Dave Callaghan MGL investigates the four key symbols that God has used to reveal His love for you, sharing the importance of allowing the truth to come into your heart and explaining that the more you meditate on His love, the more you will be transformed as a human being.
The Law and Grace

The Law and Grace


What is the difference between the law and grace? In this episode, Fr Dave Callaghan MGL investigates the places of both fear and love in your spiritual life and how the latter directly impacts desire for sin, explaining that law changes your behaviour externally while grace transforms you internally.
When Love Is Painful

When Love Is Painful


What do the scriptures actually mean when they talk about love? In this episode, Fr Dave Callaghan MGL explores how the love of God is not simply communicated through blessings but sometimes through hardship and explains that He is in everything and using everything to transform you, loving you in the midst of the chaos.
Loved In Your Mess

Loved In Your Mess


Do you see yourself the way God sees you? In this episode, Fr Dave Callaghan MGL shares that a desire to look virtuous can be a blockage to knowing the love of God and explains the importance of knowing your absolute weakness in order to know His absolute love.
Heart Surgery

Heart Surgery


Are you prepared to go through surgery and allow God to remove what is restricting you from being fully alive? In this episode, Fr Dave Callaghan MGL speaks about the importance of being aware of what your brokenness actually is, explaining that generational family wounds can have a large influence over you and sharing that if you allow yourself to be deeply transformed by the gospel, you are able to change history.
Pulling Out The Weeds

Pulling Out The Weeds


If your heart was a garden, what would it look like? In this episode, Fr Dave Callaghan MGL shares how you need to allow Christ the Gardener to come and work on your heart, exploring why He calls you every day to pull out weeds and explaining the importance of removing them before they grow deep in your soil.
Radical Honesty

Radical Honesty


How do you live in a radical honesty? In this episode, Fr Dave Callaghan MGL explains that you cannot receive mercy if you do not take ownership of your sin, exploring how the essence of real transformation is when you can acknowledge who you really are and sharing the importance of having the courage to stand in truth.
What actually is sin? In this episode, Fr Dave Callaghan MGL explores how we live in a world which decides what is immoral based on public opinion, not on truth, and shares the importance of seeing the commandments through the lens of a Father who loves us.
Finishing Well

Finishing Well


How can you maintain a relationship with God? In this episode, Fr Dave Callaghan MGL shares that you need to allow Christ to conquer every part of your heart and explains the importance of identifying the places where you are still in rebellion so that you can let God in to be your strength before the enemy comes.
How do you imagine God to be? In this episode, Fr Dave Callaghan MGL explains that there comes a time on the spiritual journey when He does not fit the image you have created and shares that instead of turning to an idea of how you want Him to be, you should pray for a contemplative spirit in order to encounter Him within the realities of your ordinary everyday life.
Soccer And Sanctity

Soccer And Sanctity


Do you have a burning desire to love God? In this episode, Fr Dave Callaghan MGL explains that the level of your faith is really measured by the level of your desire and shares the importance of allowing His love to lead and guide you.