The Official Vue News

We cover the latest Vue news and tutorials in about 5 minutes. Our goal is to give you the information you need to stay on top of your game as a Vue developer. Links to all the stories we talk about can be found in our weekly newsletter and on

Episode 163: Vue in January 2020

Adam and Ben discuss Chris Fritz's departure, refresh-Proof Forms with localStorage, an overview of Vue Keep-Alive, Vue Vixens Day US 2020, Vue Apollo v4, and the Enjoy the Vue podcast launch.


Episode 162: Vue in December 2019

We're back with This Month in Vue: Holiday Edition. Continue listening for some special Vue.js treats and surprises from the month of December.


Episode 161: Vue in November 2019

Gregg, Adam, and Ben discuss: Why Nuxt.js is the perfect framework for building static websites - Krutie Patel Production-ready Vue SSR in 5 Simple Steps - Oleg Pisklov A domain-driven Vue.js Architecture - Thomas Holland Top ways to learn Vue 3 - Dan Vega Setting up Tailwind CSS with Vue.js - Markus Oberlehner An early look at the Vue 3 Composition API The most important feature in Vue - Michael Thiessen Suspense - A new feature in Vue 3


#159 - October 1, 2019

Gregg, Adam, and Ben discuss Vue unit testing, implementing a Frontend with micro-components, composing components, the Data Provider component, and more.


Episode 154: #154 - August 20, 2019

Gregg and Ben discuss the Composition API, NuxtPress, Inkline, the Open Source Awards ceremony, loading dynamic images, Vue.js router performance, and Vue.js for Angular developers. Special Guest: Ben Hong.


Episode 153: #153 - August 13, 2019

Adam and Ben discuss contributing to Open Source, Front-end testing, Drap and Drop file upload, Learning Vue as a React developer, Single File Component Factory, and building your own video chat. Special Guest: Ben Hong.


Episode 151: #151 - July 30, 2019

Adam and Ben discuss routing in NativeScript-Vue, getting started with Vuetify 2.0, Vue Documenter, how to add internationalization to a Vue app, and accessible custom form select components. Special Guest: Ben Hong.


Episode 150: #150 - July 23, 2019

Gregg and Adam discuss creating your first data visualization chart with D3, controlling parent slots, understanding Nuxt & Vue hooks and lifecycle, accessible custom Vue.js Select Component, and resource-adaptive Vue apps


Episode 149: #149 - July 16, 2019

Adam and Ben discuss form building with Vue, anti-patterns to avoid, lazy loading and code splitting, using slots, Vue Vixens curriculum, Vue async function, and semantic HTML Special Guest: Ben Hong.


Episode 148: #148 - July 9, 2019

Gregg and Adam discuss Evan You's video "Seeking the Balance in Framework Design", Vue 3 Function API, Deploying a Vue App with Netlify, Advanced internationalization system for Vuex, the Magic of Vue's Dynamic Components For Lists of Data, Creating a Tinder-like Swipe UI on Vue, Working With Functional Vue.js Components, and TypeScript friendly Vue.


Episode 147: #147 - July 2, 2019

Adam and Ben discuss new non-traditional conference "Vue and Me", the pushback about Vue 3's proposed Function-based Component API, rumors about Quasar V1, Function API experience, renderless components, implementing cookies in Vuepress, the purpose of the key attribute, Vuefront, functional components, migrating from Vuetify to Quasar, and 10 things to know before writing your next component. Special Guest: Ben Hong.


Episode 146: #146 - June 18, 2019

Gregg and Adam discuss how to upgrade your VuePress Site, templating tips, unit testing your Vue apps, using Fragments to avoid obsolete GraphQL fields in Vue.js applications, and reading image sizes and dimensions with Vue.js.


Episode 145: #145 - June 11, 2019

Gregg and Adam discuss Nuxt from terminal to browser, triggering events from Vue Router's router-view, the Intersection Observer browser API, how to build decoupled Vue applications with hooks, and how to build a group chat app with Vue.


Episode 144: #144 - June 4, 2019

Adam and Ben discuss Apple Using Vue, the paradox of abstraction, building a dynamic tree diagram, Vue.set, Observable rest api with Vue, snapshot testing, a free Vuex crash course, build a modal with Vue.js and Tailwind CSS, and why donations are important. Special Guest: Ben Hong.


Episode 143: #143 - May 28, 2019

Gregg and Adam discuss a class API proposal, VueConf US 2019 videos, what's new in Nuxt, Vue.js and SEO, Debug VueJs Jest tests in vscode, 7 Nuxt Tips Revisited, Implementing the Builder Pattern in Vue.js, Reading Client-Side Files for Validation with Vue.js, and Jason Pettett's new article "That shouldn’t work! Oh, Vue binds all methods?"


Episode 142: #142 - May 21, 2019

Gregg and Adam discuss implementing the builder pattern in Vue.js, Accessible Form Validation Messages with ARIA and Vue.js, GraphQL course for Vue developers by, VueJS Functional Calendar, Test Driven Development (TDD), and tips on Unit Testing Vue Components with Jest


Episode 141: #141 - May 14, 2019

Adam and Ben discuss Vuex v3.1.1 release, Vetur 0.20.0, Gridsome 0.6, making the move from jQuery to Vue, Vuex Mutations vs. Actions, vee-validate, building NativeScript-Vue app, and Component Driven Development. Special Guest: Ben Hong.


Episode 140: #140 - May 7, 2019

Adam and Ben discuss v-tooltip 3.0 alpha, Apollo state management in Vue application, structuring Vuex modules for relationships, speed and flexibility, using Vue Router page transitions, Vuex ORM, the IoC container pattern, and more. Special Guest: Ben Hong.


Oliver Müller

Hope you keep making jokes on angular 😂

09-30 Reply

Dave Hust

great info

04-09 Reply

Aceix Smart

lool...react spy

09-23 Reply

Aceix Smart

I'm gonna try strapi

07-11 Reply

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