The Old Ways Podcast

A monthly recorded show in an actual play format where a group of great role-players serve up their character's experiences in new and published scenarios. Call of Cthulhu, Delta Green, Vampire the Masquerade (V5), and many more! Michael Diamond (@diamond_writing) is the Keeper of Arcane Lore and eagerly prepares each session for your listening enjoyment!

A Taste of Things to Come

Welcome to the 5W's Podcast!    In our first episode, we'll discuss what the 5W's are and what the show will talk about in the future. You'll learn a little about me - your humble host - and some of what makes me tick.


The Old Ways Podcast - Introduction

Welcome to The Old Ways Podcast!


The Old Ways Actual Play Podcast - Episode One

This podcast episode is brought to you by The Old Ways Actual Play Team. This actual play uses the 7th Edition Call of Cthulhu Tabletop Role-Playing rules by Chaosium. This podcast is performed by adults and in an adult setting. While we try very hard to stick to reasonable language for all ages, listeners should know that this podcast may include themes.  All content, including names, places, events, companies, etc, that may bear any resemblance to persons living or dead is strictly coincidental.    My name is Michael Diamond, and for tonight’s game, I will be your Keeper.


The Old Ways Actual Play Podcast - Episode Two

In episode two we ride out the aftermath of the investigator's meeting with Grace Holden at Dunning Asylum. The players get to chat with a police detective who's still keeping an eye on them, plus a rather strange interrogation takes place. Join us for a most interesting evening playing Call of Cthulhu!


The Old Ways Actual Play Podcast - Episode Three - Spotlight Maeve O'Shea

In episode three we spotlight one of our investigators, Singer and Occultist, Maeve O'Shea. Fresh from her discovery of new and unsettling documents, Maeve seeks out a contact of her missing father who might be able to help the group decipher what the parchment pages mean. Thanks for listening and enjoy!


The Old Ways Actual Play Podcast - Episode Four

In episode four the investigators find themselves hurtling toward a showdown with whatever awaits in Swift's secret place, but first they receive a phone call from the mysterious Jackson Elias who's game to help them sort out the mystery of the Massassauga Cult that tried to kill them at Dunning.


The Old Ways Actual Play Podcast - Episode Five

In episode five we welcome an all new recording setup! After much toiling and bowing to the dark beings from the beyond, we've finished our new recording setup to the joy over everyone's ears.  Episode five finds our investigating crew beginning their search of a strange building at the Chicago Union Stockyards. What wonders or horrors will they find within?


The Old Ways Actual Play Podcast - Episode Six

In episode six, the investigators regather themselves outside the small shack in the Chicago Union Stockyards, desperate to determine what to do. Doctor Tattenbach receives a strange vision of what might be at the heart of Swift's sinister plan.


The Old Ways Actual Play Podcast - Episode Seven

Episode seven finds our investigators deep underground a secret building, searching for the truth of what the notorious Johnathan Swift has done. Something from beyond the human world reaches out, rattling the Chicago crew to its bones.


The Old Ways Actual Play Podcast - Episode Eight

The bell tolls for our investigators in this episode, as they come to grips with Swift's foul scheme! The long knives are out for everyone, as lives and sanity hang in the balance.


The Old Ways Podcast - Episode Nine

With the horrors of Swift Meat Packing behind them, two of our investigators begin to piece their lives back together, with Mr. Forsyth scrambling understand a strange request at the new Tribune building and Ms. O'Shea traveling East to speak with her mother at Arkham. Will a curious letter throw their plans adrift?


The Old Ways Podcast - Episode Ten

A train to Arkham delivers Ms. O'Shea to see her mother, but first comes a meeting with Professor Christopher Cross from Miskatonic, who has key information on what has happened to her mother and where she can look for further answers.  Mr. Forsyth - wakes to find the world he knew is gone - and his present situation far from the shores of reality where he once stood.


The Old Ways Podcast - Episode Eleven

In episode eleven, Stazi receives a disturbing phone call from her close friend, Mary, who is soon to return from California. Jack Doyle is back on his case involving a missing woman, only to find her in the arms of a dangerous Chicago gangster turned assassin. Ms O'Shea prepares to return home from Arkham, even as her mother paints new pictures inspired by madness.


The Old Ways Podcast - Episode Twelve

In a dizzying series of events, Doyle and Stazi are forced to come to grips with strange dreams and visions they've each had. A mysterious man named Augustus Larkin has surfaced in their memories, and a trip to Peru.


The Old Ways Podcast - Episode Thirteen - 2019 Black Friday Special

In a rare Friday release, The Old Ways Team has come for individual interview sessions. Learn all about our players and how they view their characters, where they draw their inspiration for the investigators, and many other secrets!


The Old Ways Podcast - Episode 14

We return to our story to find Jack Doyle investigating a gangster's whereabouts, after seeking absolution from the local church. From the depths of the Dreamlands, Mr. Forsyth returns with his charge, but not without some lingering effects. Ms. O'Shea dreams of monstrous dealing in memories she cannot place, including a man named Jessie.


The Old Ways Podcast - Episode 15

Our mystery of missing time deepens as Maeve and Doyle discuss the parts of their memory and why threads of their lives seems to have crossed before. Mr Forsyth tumbles into meeting each one delivering news and uncovering his own part in the missing memory of time spent in Peru.


The Old Ways Podcast - Episode 16 - Spotlight Dr. Sigmund Tattenbach

In another of our special spotlight episodes, we catch up with Doctor Tattenbach during his week of research after the incidents at the Stockyards. When a strange former patient visits, his memory -and his relationship with his assistant Lily - are thrown into chaos.


The Old Ways Podcast - Episode 17

The Doctor and Mr. Forsyth investigate their collective lost memories, while Stazi's once buried past comes back to haunt her present- in full view for all.  *As a warning to our listeners, this episode includes a trigger warning for domestic violence*


The Old Ways Podcast - Episode 18

Mr. Doyle & Dr. Tattenbach determine Jessie Hughes was pivotal in the group escaping Peru. The group searches and finds more clues for their shared past, but Stazi's present draws them away before the final links in the chain can be made.


Patricia Matson

LOL I must get the recipe for this chicken paprikash for Mina...

07-13 Reply

Patricia Matson

seriously 😳 you said that the players are not in America, so they don't have access to medicine, just alcohol to drink? Aspirin was created in 1897 by a German chemist working for the Bayer Co., not in America! They're in Belgrade, not a rural forest village!

06-01 Reply

Patricia Matson

I've been really enjoying this podcast. Great characterizations and attention to period details. I do find it hard to believe that Miss Vidya would have been sent on a long sea voyage without any female attendants at all, but everything else, in this and the other series I've been following, has been great.

12-13 Reply

D.j. Lumadue

great start to the series. you have all done a great job bringing these characters to life!

01-07 Reply

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