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The Open Door

Author: VoiceAmerica

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The Open Door, brought to you by The Summit Lighthouse, is for those seeking a spiritual path. Spiritual seekers know that there is truth in all of the world’s religions, and they are looking to unlock universal truths that can lead them to higher consciousness.brbr
The Summit Lighthouse is a repository of the teachings of the ascended masters, saints and sages who have transcended time and space. They bring, through their Messengers Mark and Elizabeth Clare Prophet, priceless teachings that hold keys for our enlightenment.brbr
Each week The OPEN DOOR brings you exciting programming that can span ancient spiritual wisdom to commentary on breaking news.
685 Episodes
If we are to ascend, we must put on our Christhood daily. It is not a once-and-done proposition.
Behind the physical sun of our human existence is the spiritual Son of our true being: the Christ. And just as the physical sun warms us and provides light and life, so does the Son provide spiritual Light and Life.
Observing ourselves is always a good practice. In fact, self-examination and inner probing are essential activities of the spiritual seeker who is intent on gaining self-mastery. However, mastery is more than merely an academic pursuit.
Amidst the hustle and bustle of the modern world, few can hear the cries of their souls. Often, in pursuit of comfort, pleasure, fame and fortune, people will actively stifle and suppress the soul’s plaintive yearning.
“Ask and ye shall receive. Seek ye first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all (good) things shall be added unto you.” This statement is addressed to the quick who will respond without hesitation when they are called.
It was not so long ago that the primary requirement to make our ascension was by balancing 100% of our karma. A tall order, indeed.
We are on a quest. We may not fully know it yet, but we desire to regain the lost energy, the lost power we once had with God. In the beginning, we were created and endowed with a full measure of God’s energy and power.
One of our goals in sharing the teachings of the ascended masters with you is to build a foundation of spiritual Truth upon which everything else is built.
As we continue our focus on the Corona Class Lessons by Jesus and Kuthumi for ‘teaching men the Way,’ a word of caution: the Truth spoken in these lessons is threatening to some. It has even been known to engender violent opposition.
The ascended masters want you to be able to declare your independence from the imposters masquerading as legitimate spiritual teachers. To this end, the masters have formulated a pathway that will lead you unerringly to your own God Consciousness.
Imagine sitting at the feet of the ascended masters in rapt attention as they share their wisdom and understanding of Truth, cosmic law and the real reason for Being.
In our desire to come up higher, many of us have come into contact with charismatic, inspirational teachers. Some of them may have been the real deal and we have been fortunate to learn from them. But many of them pitch dubious programs designed to deceive the naive and unprepared. These false teachers have a deep, varied and well-used bag of tricks to persuade the earnest spiritual seeker to abandon common sense and embrace false and spiritually harmful doctrines. To the uninitiated, this pursuit of high-minded promises of self-improvement and liberating human experience only serves to part them from, at the very least, their money and, at the very worst, their light. Why? Because while the student is busy getting ‘in touch’ with his human self, he may be losing touch with his Christ Self. In this third installment in our series on false teachers and their dark methods, we take a critical look at what these teachers do and how they manage to manipulate and hoodwink the unwary.
Jesus foretold the coming of the false teachers in the ‘last days.’ He said they would be wolves in sheep’s clothing who would show great signs and great wonders to deceive the elect. These arch-deceivers are clever, charming, very convincing…and very deadly. Pure and simple, these false teachers are after your light and they will gladly derail you from the true path to get that light. So how can you tell a false teacher from a true one? That is the subject of this series, and one of the first indications that you may be dealing with a false teacher is if you notice a lot of human ego and human will. There will be flattery, charisma, pride…anything and everything that might appeal to and gratify your human consciousness. A true teacher will seek to help you overcome the carnal mind, not embellish it. A true teacher will, like the true shepherd, lay down his life for his flock. The false teacher has no such desire. Please join us for this multi-part series and learn to discern.
Within you is the seed and essence of all God’s creation. It is your threefold flame, a divine spark of fire from God’s own heart with which he endowed you in the beginning.
Walking the path of personal Christhood requires determination, discrimination and discernment. It is a glorious path, but challenging, too. And all of us who choose to embrace it must stay on our spiritual toes at all times if we are to make progress.
For every sincere traveler on the spiritual path, choice is a constant companion. At every turn, there is a moment when we must decide which direction to take, which road to follow.
Our sacred journey began in the heart of God, and that is where it will ultimately end.
Many Are Called

Many Are Called


Who Are You...Really?

Who Are You...Really?


One of our goals in sharing the teachings of the ascended masters with you is to build a foundation of spiritual Truth upon which everything else depends.
Two thousand years ago, a small group of men and women gathered in the city of Jerusalem, waiting to receive “power from on high.