The Other Side of Midnight with Frank Morano
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© Red Apple Media
“The Other Side of Midnight” is live and local radio at its finest, with an emphasis on theater of the mind. Hosted by Frank Morano, a lifelong New Yorker with an encyclopedic knowledge of local politics and an excessive passion for cheese, Star Trek, cigars and martinis, this show takes you where other radio shows don’t dare to tread.
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he didn't know the Washington Elite was so freaking terrible when he came into office he was new to Washington now he knows so we're going to see what's up. it's not fair because Trump in the beginning in 2016 was too gullible to likable to trustable on these tyrants now he knows what's up and we're going to get the Trump Administration that we have been waiting for
Overcharged? Ask the victims, parents of the victims, or put yourself in the victims place. As a high schooler going through puberty, there should be 0 tolerancs for homosexual locker room hazing. How dare you justify this outrageously inappropriate behavior.
CNN to Kennedy: Scram weirdo
thank you paul! I couldn't have said it any better myself. a simple Google search will explain all of this. it drives me crazy that they are asking answerable questions with a simple Google search but they're spending half an hour dancing around acting as if they don't have the answer when it would take less than a minute to figure out the digestion issue with swimming in the pool after eating
I'm literally screaming at my radio. it's not about cramping it's about indigestion and throwing up in the pool that is the issue. yes, wait 30 to 60 minutes before swimming after eating! Once someone pukes in the pool, the party is over. Why risk it?
wait 30 minutes before entering the pool after eating so that your body has time to digest the food properly. if you go swimming within 30 minutes you'll have indigestion and possibly even puke in the pool
Enoooough about Kennedy. How much does he pay you to put any positive spin on his bid for the White House? Maybe if he didn't sound like he's choking on razor blades when he spoke, but he does. He's hard to listen to.
Leo's bumper music: Taps🤣 I kid, I kid!
Michelle Obama would never run for president because she would be exposed for being a guy named Michael, so she's out of the picture indefinitely
wouldn't the pandemic and isolation increase reading? why would reading decrease when everyone is isolated and locked in their homes? it doesn't make sense. and Kennedy would have done what Trump did because that's what had to happen it wasn't Trump's call to shut down the country or keep it open, it's what had to be done at the time when no one knew what was going on, looking through the lens of hindsight isn't fair
his stumping for Kennedy every episode is about to cost him a listener. It just gets old hearing how wonderful someone is when clearly they are not. it's a disservice to the public to only mention someone's accomplishments or the good things about that person without mentioning their shortcomings and terrible things they've done in their past political life. Biden is not such a bad guy once you take away all the disgusting racial stuff from the 80s and '90s that he said and policies he passed.
can't seem to get through one episode without a Robert Kennedy ramble. it's getting tiresome and is turning me off to the show
enough with the Kennedys fiasco. he's not going to be president Let It Go quit wasting your show talking about it get on to the good stuff
after the parents die autistic and people with Down Syndrome are sent away into homes to never be heard or see from again. it's really sad. have you ever seen an adult person with Down Syndrome out and about in your town? I haven't.
4 hours a day for the next 7 months of a Kennedy promo. gee, I can hardly wait
I've never met a Content gambler they don't stop until they've ruined their lives and the lives of everyone around them, but let's keep promoting different ways to throw your life away gambling
keep in mind while you're promoting gambling so heavily that gambling is worse than an addiction to crack. gambling rips lives and families apart, yet everyone seems to be pushing it lately because of sports betting becoming legal. personally I find it disgusting
keep in mind that not everyone's into gambling or voting for Kennedy and that seems to me all that you're pushing lately. both conversations become tiresome quickly for those of us not into it
it has nothing to do with worrying about being sued. The schools are letting kids out so they can see the eclipse with their families.
You can't make this stuff up. The president elect of Taiwan is named Lia Ching-te (Lie- Cheating)🤣