The Pam Perry Podcast

Pam Perry PR insights & interviews with the best, brightest speakers, authors and entrepreneurs on marketing, branding and how take your business to the next level. Hear the tips, techniques and technology needed to make it happen! 🎤 Support this podcast: <a href="" rel="payment"></a>

Kiko Davis Snoddy & David Mayer: A Different Kind of Grief - How Racism Shapes Family Legacies

Founders of REPARATION GENERATION, Kiko Davis Snoddy, Trustee of the Donald Davis Living Trust and current Managing Director of Groovesville Productions, and David Mayer, Founder and President of Mayer Laboratories, Inc, a North American medical device company, and the founder of Berkeley Housing Opportunities for Municipal Employees (BeHOME), discuss how losing loved ones triggered personal explorations of racial injustice and inequality in their lives and share their goals for reconciliation. --- Send in a voice message: Support this podcast:


[Rewind] What Does it Take to Write and Market A Book with Andrew Morrison and Pam Perry

Are you ready to plan, publish, or promote your books online? Maybe you are ready to turn your books into a business. Know that you have what it takes to build an online business and we can’t wait to share our strategies with you.  Listen up to this. to get more deets and join --- Send in a voice message: Support this podcast:


What Every Author Should Know about PR

Start where you are with what you have. You've heard it hundreds of times. But what does that mean? You've published the book and you got it on up Amazon. Congratulations! Now what? Now the fun and frenzy begins. You push people to buy it. You share the link from Amazon. You do "free download" days with the eBook. You run Facebook ads. You blog about it. You send out eblasts. You get creative and do a book trailer and a few blog tours. You write a press release. You pitch yourself to the media. You book yourself on podcasts or run a webinar or start podcast all around the subject of the book. Hoping people buy the book, talk about the book and then have more people BUY the book. Whew! Book sales are soaring - for at least three months. Then you know what happens after about 90 days? Nothing. You're worn out and tired of pushing your book. You stop pushing it and your sales tank. All that hard work and you are now at a stand still. That's why being an author is not enough. You have to become an authorpreneur. You must have a strategy to turn your book into a business. Article Source: --- Send in a voice message: Support this podcast:


Pam Perry interview with Sharrarne Morton, CEO of Morton Media

Sharrarne Morton (as featured in Speakers Magazine) has been in the media industry for over 20 years. She began her career in high school as the school newspaper editor. She then went to college and hosted her school's radio show while majoring in broadcast journalism. Sharrarne scored BIG by being invited to speak on television. What was meant to be a one-time shot as a TV show guest, turned into a 14-year stint where Sharrarne was a popular and regular commentator on an ABC television station affiliate in Washington, DC. As a television commentator, Sharrarne was presented with numerous opportunities to speak to corporate leaders, associations and non-profit organizations about the media, the power of television, and how its messaging can influence generations. While commentating on TV, she launched Morton Media TV where she began to produce and host local TV shows as well as produce and voiceover dozens of commercials. Sharrarne currently produces and hosts two national shows on SiriusXM Radio with millions of listeners.  On one of her shows, Sharrarne coaches small businesses all over the U.S. on how to get to that next level of success. 🎤   --- Send in a voice message: Support this podcast:


Sarah Jakes Roberts interviews Juanita Campbell Rasmus, author of "Learning To Be" #WEBC #learningtobe

To join the Woman Evolve book club (#WEBC): with Sarah Jakes Roberts.  According to Columbia University Medical Center, the Black community, in particular, is at significantly increased risk of developing a mental health issue due to historical, economic, social, political influences that systemically expose the Black community to factors known to be damaging to psychological and physical health. Add to that, the COVID-19 pandemic and the current climate of protests across the nation taking a stand against police brutality. Hundreds, even thousands, of Black lives have been traumatized. How does one get their life going again and back to normal when everything seems to come to a complete stop? Juanita Rasmus, Co-Pastor of St. John's Church in downtown Houston, found that she had to learn to be - with herself and with God - all over again. In her new book, Learning To Be: Finding Your Center After the Bottom Falls Out, Juanita Rasmus provides both practical and spiritual insights. She shares a wise, frank, and witty account of her own story of exhaustion and depression, acting as a trustworthy companion through dark days. "It felt as though every nerve in my body was popping. Imagine large strong hands slowly applying pressure while breaking a family-size package of uncooked, dry spaghetti. I was the spaghetti. Breaking down one piece at a time," said Rasmus. Learning To Be is a contemplative book about the journey of depression. In it, Rasmus, shares these key messages: Depression and suffering are not death sentences. There is hope, and there are spiritual practices that can serve as means of support as you seek the probable causes and pursue the invitation for the transformation of the heart (i.e., mind, emotions, and spirit) out of the darkness. Depression is an invitation into a new way of living by setting boundaries, learning to say no, and letting go of beliefs that no longer serve us, etc. Our illnesses, midlife crisis, and other challenges just may be a space for learning what it means to ground ourselves in the central being of who God is, and in so doing to find our own being. For many individuals, depression is an invitation to create want-to's, those personal desires that arouse passion, pleasure, and joy for living life authentically. Learning to Be: Finding Your Center After the Bottom Falls Out by Juanita Rasmus InterVarsity Press | September 15, 2020 | $22, 176 pages, hardcover | 978-0-8308-4587-3 | --- Send in a voice message: Support this podcast:


7 Tips to Get Speaking Gigs and Media #blackspeakers Tips Series

This is from the archives on how to get Speaking Gigs  (Paid) and publicity. --- Send in a voice message: Support this podcast:


How to Produce Your First Online Course #authorpreneurship

This is an interview with Michelle Price from A Third Mind Digital Marketing Agency previously recorded last year.  For our current podcasts on PR & Branding  go to  If you're a speaker 🎤 visit:   --- Send in a voice message: Support this podcast:


Learning How To Be - Special Episode of Monica Morgan Speaks with Juanita Rasmus

Monica Morgan ( interviews  Juanita Rasmus on 910AM Superstation about her new book from InterVarsity Press on depression and recovery.  In her new book, Learning to Be, Juanita, shares these key messages: Depression and suffering are not death sentences. There is hope, and there are spiritual practices that can serve as means of support as you seek the probable causes and pursue the invitation for the transformation of the heart (i.e., mind, emotions, and spirit) out of the darkness. Depression is an invitation into a new way of living by setting boundaries, learning to say no, and letting go of beliefs that no longer serve us, etc. Our illnesses, midlife crisis, and other challenges just may be a space for learning what it means to ground ourselves in the central being who is God, and in so doing to find our own being. For many individuals, depression is an invitation to create want-t, those personal desires that arouse passion, pleasure, and joy  for living life authentically. Learning to Be Finding Your Center After the Bottom Falls Out by Juanita Rasmus September 15, 2020 | $22, 176 pages, hardcover | 978-0-8308-4587-3 --- Send in a voice message: Support this podcast:


Solving the Race Issue in America: Featuring Dr. Herbert Harris

 "Solving The Race Issue In America," by Dr. H. J. Harris. In this interview with Pam Perry, Dr. Harris says that his book, "Solving The Race Issue In America," is an absolute necessity, especially for young people – black and white – to understand the history, impact, and solutions to resolve racism that has existed since the birth of this nation. The killing of George Floyd took place in real-time – the world watched and listened as Mr. Floyd said he could not breathe and begged for his life. Without the live video recordings and the protests, the murder of George Floyd would probably have been covered up and swept under the rug. "This is the reality that black people live with in America," claims Harris. There are three things to address and resolve the issue of racism in America: 1. We must study and learn the true history of our nation with respect to race, discrimination and slavery. "It is only when we confront the racial divide that we can solve it," states Harris. 2. We must recognize that we cannot solve the race issue at the same level of consciousness that created it. The laws, the courts nor the political system have solved it. 3. We must take a spiritual approach to solving the race issue: starting with the “golden rule” and principles of acknowledgment, forgiveness and atonement. “Solving The Race Issue In America” gives a brief historical overview of the black American experience from the Civil War to the present. "The purpose of this overview is to educate all Americans to the facts to better understand each other and work together to resolve the race issue," explains Harris. Harris asserts a sense of urgency: "It is time for the good people to speak out. The murder of George Floyd puts America clearly at the crossroads of history. We face a major test of our moral conscience and of our commitment to the words and spirit in the Declaration of Independence.” H. J. Harris is a retired attorney who attended school with one of the Greensboro 4, heard Dr. King's "I have a dream" speech, and lived through the turbulent civil rights era of the 1960s. H. J. Harris is presently conducting radio and TV interviews.  More information is available at: --- Send in a voice message: Support this podcast:


The Pam Perry Principles to Getting Out There and Getting Known

How to shine online and off: www.  --- Send in a voice message: Support this podcast:


What Brand Elements Are Imperative Today - Interview with Lisa Noble

What Brand Elements Are Imperative Today and What You Need to Get Noticed --- Send in a voice message: Support this podcast:


Quarantine, Podcasts and MASKS and Ringr

My hubby, Marc Perry joins me to test out Ringr. The world is different....... a new normal when you're excited about getting masks in the mail.  --- Send in a voice message: Support this podcast:


Quiet 🤫 vacation allowed time for pondering by Rochelle Riley

Crisis makes us quiet. I found another good article from 2001 “post 9/11” era by then Detroit Free Press columnist Rochelle Riley. She’s an author and currently works for the City of Detroit. She’s a friend and this piece I saved because she’s so right. She actually articulated what we’re all probably feeling now in the #covid19 era. --- Send in a voice message: Support this podcast:


A New Way of Living by Susan L. Taylor

Again, in this time of #covid19, I've been sorting, purging and pruning ... and running across great articles from my favorite writers.  Susan L. Taylor is one of my all time favs. She's the former Editor-in-Chief of Essence magazine. This piece she wrote in  we embarked on the new millennium. Who would of ever imagined an outbreak like coronavirus to happen in 2020?  Listen to these words of wisdom to support and encourage you during this season.  --- Send in a voice message: Support this podcast:


Why S.T.O.R.M.S. (Sometimes Things Occur to Reprimand Man's Sins) by Ed Gray

This I found by a former client.... it's based on 2 Chronicles 7:14 It was like comparing Hurricane Katrina --- to Covid19.  Just my take. --- Send in a voice message: Support this podcast:


Branding Accelerator Program - Pam Perry PR promo

  This program is for individuals who want increased profits in their business with less costs through media exposure. The Branding Accelerator Digital Program will give you step by step focused training, development of tangible brand assets, PR checklists and creative resources to make it simple for you to supercharge your brand's authority.   As an award-winning public relations veteran, I know the secrets that PR agencies charge you THOUSANDS of dollars per month for, and I'm going to share these secrets with you so you can gain recognition and build a trusted reputation at less than 1/3 of the cost.    Sample: THIS PROGRAM IS FOR YOU IF... You have a message to share with the world and want creative PR tools ​You feel overwhelmed by social media and want an easier way to stand out ​Your goal is to be featured in major media consistently within the next 12 months ​You're finally ready to put in the work to get your books sold and get paid speaking gigs   This digital program is packed with video recordings, checklists, worksheets, planners, guidebooks, templates, audio bonus training, and other resources from my live program, which you can consume at your convenience, any time.  While exploring and educating yourself throughout these digital modules, you may come up with questions and concerns that you want some input on. That’s why I also offer participants access to a private forum where you can interact with others in the program and discuss what you’ve learned. Not only will you gain access to this 12-module digital program, but you’ll be able to refer to it for life. That's right! You can learn at your own pace and refer to it for life because you get lifetime access to this program! --- Send in a voice message: Support this podcast:


Daddy and Daughter Podcast - Marc & Aubrey Perry

Our Daughter, Aubrey, turning 22 this year and celebrating many milestones in 2018: graduating from Michigan State, starting her career in digital marketing, getting her own place and visiting the African American Museum in Washington D.C. with friends. #traveling #adulting --- Send in a voice message: Support this podcast:


4 PR Secrets to Branding Like a Superstar

What makes a superstar brand? While you think it may be all about image, it is not. A superstar brand takes deliberate, strategic thought and processes to deliver the final outcome. Listen to this LIVE Q&A Session for the tips. to download tip sheet to brand better. --- Send in a voice message: Support this podcast:


Back to Business Virtual Conference with LaShanda Henry

Are you a highly-driven Black Woman Entrepreneur, Creative, Service Provider or Professional who is so ready to get clear and move closer towards actualizing your vision of success? Ignite your Fire within and WIN inside this year's Back to Business virtual conference specially designed with career professionals and female entrepreneurs in mind. This year's eighth annual virtual conference is October 26 - 27, 2018. Our agenda is tapping into your greatness by learning how to "Collect with Confidence." Back to Business is the ultimate virtual conference for serious sisters in need of real talk business training, mentorship and direction around Money, Marketing, and Sales from experienced, successful “Six and Seven Figure Sisters” who understand where you are coming from AND can provide you with the right steps to get to where you want to be. Sign up here - --- Send in a voice message: Support this podcast:


So You Want to Get on TV? Special show with #BlackSpeakersNetwork

Slow and steady wins the race. In today’s episode, Black Speakers Network founder Brian J. Olds interviews Dr. Pam Perry, a PR and branding expert. Dr. Pam discusses the racial divide and ambiguities in the media as it relates to African-Americans. She loves the #BlackPress~ Born and raised in Detroit (Motwon), she shares her experiences growing up in one of the largest high schools and how it has birthed creativity in many, including Diana Ross, Shaun Robinson and Ed Gordon. Dr. Pam addresses the difference between marketing and advertising, reasons why you should add PR services after you’ve branded your business, and the things we miss when seeking PR agencies. See to get fast PR exposure! Podcast overview: Branding your businessIdentifying your call to actionThe difference between marketing and advertisingTarget Audience for Media Speakers Magazine and PR Dr. Pam Perry informs listeners that the difference between marketing and advertising is sales. She explains how often we believe that we are ready to showcase our products or services without considering our systems and foundations for success. Dr. Pam shares the importance of preparing yourself for success and encourages listeners to be patient during the process. She emphasizes the importance of customer service, functioning systems, and brand management. Dr. Pam addresses the need to know your target audience before pitching to media to ensure your products or service targets their audience. Dr. Pam is currently the publisher of Speakers Magazine, a subscription service that Pam defines as a” catalog of subject matter experts.” Links featured in this episode: Speakers Magazine: Follow BSN: Instagram: --- Send in a voice message: Support this podcast:


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