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The Paul Minors Podcast: Productivity, Business & Self-Improvement
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The Paul Minors Podcast: Productivity, Business & Self-Improvement

Author: Paul Minors

Subscribed: 2,924Played: 24,693


Hi, I'm Paul. This is my podcast where I teach people about productivity, business and self-improvement. I'm obsessed with productivity, automation, and optimising my time and income so I can live on my terms. I now earn a living as a “virtual consultant” and love sharing what I've learned about how to grow successful and productive businesses. Enjoy the show!
305 Episodes
Knowing what your ideal client looks like is critical if you want to attract the right customers to your business and have successful outcomes. This is not to say you shouldn’t work with clients who don’t exactly fit the profile you’re looking for. But having a customer ‘avatar’ helps you to focus your marketing and filter potential prospects.Show notes (please leave me a comment with your questions and feedback) » you enjoyed this episode, I'd love it if you could leave me a review.Intro/Outro Music: "Synthia" by Scott & Brendo
one source of income, you’re opening yourself up to risk if that source of revenue ever drops or goes away. Having multiple sources of income not only protects you but helps you to further grow your business.Show notes (please leave me a comment with your questions and feedback) » you enjoyed this episode, I'd love it if you could leave me a review.Intro/Outro Music: "Synthia" by Scott & Brendo
I recently enjoyed this conversation with Ed Sheeran (one of my favourite musicians) on the Theo Von podcast. During the interview, about 58 minutes in, Ed talked about how he always tries to be as honest as he can with people concerning what he’s thinking or feeling.And this is something I’ve always tried to do. Whether I’m on a sales call, helping a client, or talking to a friend or family member, I usually try to be as transparent as I can.Show notes (please leave me a comment with your questions and feedback) » you enjoyed this episode, I'd love it if you could leave me a review.Intro/Outro Music: "Synthia" by Scott & Brendo
A focus is more than a priority. Every day, we have high-priority tasks that we’re working on. A focus is bigger than that. It’s your north star. It’s more like your number one goal. But where you can have multiple goals, I only ever have one focus. Your focus is the main area you're putting time and energy into for the quarter or even the year.Show notes (please leave me a comment with your questions and feedback) » you enjoyed this episode, I'd love it if you could leave me a review.Intro/Outro Music: "Synthia" by Scott & Brendo
Over the last few years, I’ve grown my team to help remove myself as the bottleneck and to free up my time so I can focus on other areas of the business. In doing so, it didn’t feel right to continue operating under the brand and website. Today, I'd like to introduce you to the new brand behind my consulting business, MinorCo.Show notes (please leave me a comment with your questions and feedback) » you enjoyed this episode, I'd love it if you could leave me a review.Intro/Outro Music: "Synthia" by Scott & Brendo
Welcome to episode number 300 of the Paul Minors Podcast!For this milestone episode, I asked my good friend, Dylan Bland, to interview me (similar to what we did for the 100th episode). In the first half, Dylan unpacks my history, how I got started with my business and how I view productivity. In the second half, we discuss a range of topics including productivity, technology, AI and the future of work. Enjoy this episode and if you'd like me to record more long-form interviews like this, please let me know!Show notes (please leave me a comment with your questions and feedback) » you enjoyed this episode, I'd love it if you could leave me a review.Intro/Outro Music: "Synthia" by Scott & Brendo
This episode is a bit of a ramble. I share some updates on what I've been working on recently and discuss how I prioritise my time.Show notes (please leave me a comment with your questions and feedback) » you enjoyed this episode, I'd love it if you could leave me a review.Intro/Outro Music: "Synthia" by Scott & Brendo 
In his book, Rich Dad, Poor Dad, author Robert Kiyosaki describes three types of income: 1) Earned income (e.g. from your salary or business income) 2) Passive income (Income that doesn’t require active work to generate e.g. income from a rental property) 3) Portfolio income (e.g. capital gains from owning an asset that appreciates in value).If you’ve earned an income from your business, you could reinvest it to grow your earned income further. But why not invest it in an asset that’s going to generate a passive income or capital gain?Show notes (please leave me a comment with your questions and feedback) » you enjoyed this episode, I'd love it if you could leave me a review.Intro/Outro Music: "Synthia" by Scott & Brendo 
In this episode of Minor Updates, I share some of the things I've been focussing on in my business and personal life.
Over the weekend I visited a local hardware store to enquire about purchasing a line trimmer. This is the second time I've been to the store in the last month or so and on both occasions, I left disappointed without making a purchase. I’ve talked to two salespeople now and neither one had enough product knowledge to make a clear recommendation that would solve my problem.What I need is for someone to understand my needs, talk me through a few viable options and make a recommendation on which option to go with. I want to feel confident that I’m making the right decision before I spend $500.This illustrates precisely why I sell my services in the way that I do.Show notes (please leave me a comment with your questions and feedback) » you enjoyed this episode, I'd love it if you could leave me a review.Intro/Outro Music: "Synthia" by Scott & Brendo
I’ve shared previously on this blog that my primary motivation right now (as it has been for years) is to make my business more efficient. Since reading Dan Martell’s book, Buy Back Your Time (affiliate link), I’ve shifted my mindset to focus more on teaching my team as much as I can in order to improve our overall efficiency.Show notes (please leave me a comment with your questions and feedback) » you enjoyed this episode, I'd love it if you could leave me a review.Intro/Outro Music: "Synthia" by Scott & Brendo 
At the end of last year, I hired an administrative assistant to help process my email and to help with daily administrative tasks. My new assistant, Faith, has been working with me for just over a month now and she’s already helping to save me a tonne of valuable time.In this episode, I’d like to share the process of how I hired her and some of the steps I took to onboard here. It’s still early days and there’s a lot I’d still like to train Faith on but I'm excited by the progress so far and can't wait to see where we're at 6 months from now.Show notes (please leave me a comment with your questions and feedback) » you enjoyed this episode, I'd love it if you could leave me a review.Intro/Outro Music: "Synthia" by Scott & Brendo
In this episode of the Paul Minors Podcast, I catch up with my good friend, Francesco D'Alessio. Francesco is a fellow YouTube creator. We started our businesses around the same time. We're similar in age and both are young Dads and we get along well.In this interview, we catch up on some personal stuff and talk about productivity apps, YouTube and how we've built our businesses. Enjoy!Show notes (please leave me a comment with your questions and feedback) » you enjoyed this episode, I'd love it if you could leave me a review.Intro/Outro Music: "Synthia" by Scott & Brendo 
Almost all of the Pipedrive and Asana clients we work with tell us the same thing - “We’re not getting as much as we can out of the tool”. A big part of getting more out of the tool is learning how to use the tool itself. But an often overlooked aspect is making sure you're inputting good data and keeping it up to date. This is the whole ‘Quality In = Quality Out’ argument.Show notes (please leave me a comment with your questions and feedback) » you enjoyed this episode, I'd love it if you could leave me a review.Intro/Outro Music: "Synthia" by Scott & Brendo
Historically, I’ve closed out each year by sharing a summary of how I spent my time that year but this year I thought I’d do something different.Keeping within the same theme, I’m going to reflect on major achievements this year and will share what I’m looking forward to in 2024.Show notes (please leave me a comment with your questions and feedback) » you enjoyed this episode, I'd love it if you could leave me a review.Intro/Outro Music: "Synthia" by Scott & Brendo
Everyone should be trying to improve their communication skills. You can be the most intelligent person in a room but if you can’t communicate your ideas clearly, you are doing yourself a disservice.Show notes (please leave me a comment with your questions and feedback) » you enjoyed this episode, I'd love it if you could leave me a review.Intro/Outro Music: "Synthia" by Scott & Brendo
A productivity principle I’ve been following for years now is to always identify my ‘next action’ related to the projects and clients I’m working on.This is something I discussed in episode 243 of my podcast which I’d like to revisit as it’s such a simple, yet powerful concept that can really help you to be more organised.The concept of a ‘next action’ was first introduced to me in David Allen’s book, Getting Things Done. I don’t follow GTD strictly, but when I’ve certainly adopted this concept from the book. According to David Allen, the next action is the most immediate activity that YOU can take to move a task or project forward.Show notes (please leave me a comment with your questions and feedback) » you enjoyed this episode, I'd love it if you could leave me a review.Intro/Outro Music: "Synthia" by Scott & Brendo
Today, I wanted to share a story that illustrates exactly why you shouldn't put all your eggs into one basket. Especially when it comes to your income.Either as a business owner or a salaried employee, don't put all your eggs in one basket. Meaning, don't get all of your income from one source. You never know when something may happen and the rug gets pulled out from underneath you. By having a few sources of revenue or a side hustle, diversification is the key to protecting yourself.Show notes (please leave me a comment with your questions and feedback) » you enjoyed this episode, I'd love it if you could leave me a review.Intro/Outro Music: "Synthia" by Scott & Brendo
In December 2022, I was approached by a company interested in acquiring the Pipedrive consulting arm of my business. The acquisition didn’t proceed but it was an interesting process that forced me to think about the value of my business and my goals for the future. In this episode, I’d like to talk about how I analysed the offer that I received and how I’m looking back on everything today.Show notes (please leave me a comment with your questions and feedback) » you enjoyed this episode, I'd love it if you could leave me a review.Intro/Outro Music: "Synthia" by Scott & Brendo
I often get asked about the services I use to accept payments online for my products and consulting support. In this post, I’m going to break everything down (so I can refer people later on).It’s worth giving some thought to how to accept payments so you can 1) create a seamless experience for customers that makes it easy for them to pay for your product or service 2) reduce the amount of fees you have to pay to middlemen so more of it ends up in your pocket.Show notes (please leave me a comment with your questions and feedback) » you enjoyed this episode, I'd love it if you could leave me a review.Intro/Outro Music: "Synthia" by Scott & Brendo
Comments (12)

Breanca Smith

Really enjoyed this one! I am going to check out that book recommendation for Mindfulness in Plan language

Sep 27th

Nathan Phua

Fantastic advice!

Mar 9th

Stu Cook

👍👍 This is so useful and, though I only have a small group of core apps I use so some of this doesn't apply, I can still appreciate this.

Dec 12th

Stu Cook

Thank you, Paul! This is a very useful episode, especially if you use a calendar app in addition to your physical diary, like I do. 👍

Nov 28th

Stu Cook

What a useful episode! Journalling is something that has changed over the last year or so where I've gone from journalling every day to, like Paul, now journalling only when I feel like it. The subject matter has also altered, moving from daily activities and my responses to them, to a more spiritual focus to remind me of the bigger picture in life. Each of Paul's suggested methods are worth considering if only to help those who want to get started journalling have actionable strategies.

Nov 21st

Stu Cook

Some incredibly useful tips today! Who knows, maybe consulting is something that I can look into further to make the most of my skillset.

Sep 19th

Stu Cook

Good comments and suggestions here, Paul. 👍 I've certainly made myself less available than having a blanket availability for everyone and it has allowed me to better direct the direction I want to grow in.

Sep 6th

Stu Cook

Thank you, Paul, for reminding me that it is not necessary to be 100% focused on self-improvement all the time. As for Joe Rogan's comments on video games, I can't really comment because I don't find him or his content worth my time.

Aug 29th

Shreyansh Das


Mar 21st

Shreyansh Das

good podcast 👍

Mar 21st

Sheina Mendez

I love your advices. They renew my motivation everyday. And that is a big thing. Big thing.

May 23rd


Great episode

Sep 3rd