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The Perfect Puppy Podcast

Author: Miriam Pollard

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The Perfect Puppy Podcast is for puppy owners wanting to train the perfect puppy for their lifestyle.

Miriam offers advice and practical tips you can implement with your puppy straight away.

Miriam is 19 and based in Central London. She's a qualified dog groomer, certified dog trainer and studying canine nutrition and science.
Hopefully as long as Covid doesn't get in the way she'll be a licensed dog handler by the end of 2021.

Miriam also has her own dog - 18 month old Tiggy the Labradoodle. Tiggy is training to be a licensed drug detection dog, as well as performing her role as a family pet.
35 Episodes
You’ve probably heard that punishing your puppy will ruin your relationship with them. And yes it can - but only if used incorrectly. When used correctly though punishment is simply a quadrant in operant conditioning. And you don’t have to worry about it ruining your relationship with your puppy.In today's episode Miriam explains exactly why that is. And she totally geeks on how the dog's brain works. 
If you follow Miriam on Instagram you'll know she's delaying the start of Puppy University for personal reasons.But to make up for that she's offering a free bonus programme for anybody who signs up to Puppy University in the next 48 hours.In this bonus episode Miriam explains what the Clarity Not Conflict programme offers.You can sign up here
You have two seconds to tell your puppy if you like or dislike what they're doing. Sounds tricky right?But wait there’s more because even if you do tell your puppy in time, if you’ve not actually conditioned the meaning of your words, then you’ve not actually communicated with your puppy at all. And that means you could have the best and most expensive treats in the world but your puppy may never repeat the behaviour because it thinks you were rewarding something else entirely.Luckily Miriam is here with this episode of Perfect Puppy Podcast to help you effectively reward your puppy.Want to find out more about the Clarity Not Conflict Programme and Puppy University? You can join the waitlist hereMake sure you follow the podcast so you don't miss an episodeYou can follow Miriam on Instagram @thinkdogacademyAnd her website is
Your puppy does not belong to your child. If your child needs your support to look after themselves they can not fully look after a dog.Your puppy belongs to you and you are raising it alongside your child.In this episode Miriam breaks down the dos and don’ts of raising a puppy alongside raising your child - starting from bringing a baby into the family all the way through to teenage years!If you want to find out more about Puppy University and get on the waitlist you can do that here.Make sure you subscribe so you don't miss an episodeYou can follow Miriam on Instagram @thinkdogacademyAnd her website is
Finding a trainer who works for you and your puppy is a challenge and a very important challenge too.When you like and get on with your trainer you will enjoy the puppy training journey a whole lot more.So it’s important you know what you’re getting if you sign up for Puppy University. In this episode Miriam talks you through the online course. You can get on the waiting list for Puppy University hereMake sure you follow so you don't miss an episodeYou can follow Miriam on Instagram @thinkdogacademyAnd her website is
You heard last week's episode where Miriam chatted about her brand new programme Puppy University, but you've still got some questions.Well this week Miriam explains a bit more about Puppy University and who it is for. So grab your headphones and find out if this is what you and your puppy need!Make sure you sign up for the waitlist here so you don't miss out on a place. You also want to make sure you hit follow so you don't miss an episode of the podcast. You can follow Miriam on Instagram @thinkdogacademyAnd her website is
Puppy University will be open for enrolment soon and in this episode Miriam explains just what her new programme is about.You'll hear who Puppy University is for, what it will do for you and your puppy as well as what's expected from you as a puppy owner taking part in Puppy University.Excited? You should be - you can get on the waitlist hereAnd if you just can't wait you can sign up for the replay of Miriam's free webinar here Make sure you subscribe so you don't miss an episodeYou can follow Miriam on Instagram @thinkdogacademyAnd her website is
Understanding the four stages of how your puppy learns and processes the information you provide is very important. It allows you to understand your puppy better and learn not to rush the training process.Rushing will leave you hitting a wall in your puppy’s training - you’ll end up struggling and your puppy will be confused.So in this episode Miriam explains the four stages of how your puppy learns so you can get the best from them.Sign up to Miriam's webinar hereMake sure you subscribe so you don't miss an episodeYou can follow Miriam on Instagram @thinkdogacademyAnd her website is
Toilet training is probably the most important thing you need to train your puppy. Every puppy and dog needs to know where they should and shouldn’t go to the toilet.Puppies don’t have full control of their bladder until they are 9 months old so you’ve got 7 months of managing your puppy and their toilet behaviour.So in this episode Miriam explains the best ways you can teach your puppy this essential skill. Fancy joining Miriam for her webinar? You can sign up hereMake sure you subscribe so you don't miss an episodeYou can follow Miriam on Instagram @thinkdogacademyAnd her website is
Puppy Biting 101

Puppy Biting 101


Puppy bites hurt. But it is a very normal part of puppy behaviour because puppies experience the world through their mouths. They find new textures, eat different things and essentially use their mouths the same way we would use our hands.So today Miriam gives you ways you can manage the problem while your puppy learns to grow out of this!To get on the waiting list for the training programme Miriam is starting later this year just go here sure you follow the podcast so you don't miss an episode.You can follow Miriam on Instagram @thinkdogacademyAnd her website is
Resource guarding is simply your puppy’s fear of getting things removed. Puppies show this behaviour for a number of reasons, but the most common one is they’ve had something removed from them when they’ve not wanted it removed. In this episode Miriam busts some of the most common resource guarding myths and gives you the steps you need to help you prevent this behaviour in your puppy. Don't forget to sign up to the waitlist for the Perfect Puppy Programme Make sure you subscribe so you don't miss an episodeYou can follow Miriam on Instagram @thinkdogacademyAnd her website is
Seeing your dog interacting with other dogs can be a lovely experience. Especially if it goes well and you understand what’s going on.BUT for the majority of dogs there shouldn’t be any interaction with dogs because they are not socialised well enough to cope.In this episode Miriam will explain the four steps she uses for successful dog interaction. To get on the waiting list for the training programme Miriam is starting later this year just go here Make sure you follow the podcast so you don't miss an episode.You can follow Miriam on Instagram @thinkdogacademyAnd her website is
Last week Miriam looked at what you can do to help prevent separation anxiety in you puppy.This week she's looking closer at the difference between actual separation anxiety and simulated separation anxiety.Your dog most likely has simulated separation anxiety. This is basically a learned behaviour - so when you spend lots of time with your puppy and not dedicating time to separation.Make sure you subscribe so you don't miss an episodeYou can follow Miriam on Instagram @thinkdogacademyAnd her website is where you can find the waitlist for the programme.
If your puppy could have their way they would never leave your side. But sadly real life means you do sometimes have to be away from your puppy.But how do you deal with separation anxiety? In today's episode Miriam gives you her four key bits of advice to help you get your dog to be content and settled when you can't be with them all the time.Make sure you subscribe so you don't miss an episodeYou can follow Miriam on Instagram @thinkdogacademyAnd her website is
We all make mistakes. That’s just a fact of life and with millions of dogs in the UK alone there’s millions of mistakes being made every day.It’s ok to make a mistake as long as you learn from it.With that in mind, today Miriam examines 5 mistakes that are easily made when it comes to your puppy’s recall. You’re focussing on training a recall not a relationshipYour dog is not socialised (Take a listen to Episode 18 How To Correctly Socialise Your Puppy for help!)You’re playing fetch too much! You’re giving your puppy too much freedomYou’re making it way too hard and labelling too quicklyMake sure you follow the podcast so you don't miss an episode.You can follow Miriam on Instagram @thinkdogacademyAnd her website is where you can join the waitlist for the Perfect Puppy Programme.
Puppies And The Heat

Puppies And The Heat


After what feels like the coldest, wettest spring it finally feels like summer has arrived with a bang.And whilst the long sunny days filled with ice cream are welcome for many, hot weather is not ideal for your puppy.In this episode Miriam explains what you need to do to keep your puppy cool this summer.You can get more tips in Miriam's Facebook Group hereMake sure you subscribe so you don't miss an episodeYou can follow Miriam on Instagram @thinkdogacademyAnd her website is
There's a lot of misinformation and huge misconceptions around puppy and dog socialisation.And that's causing all sorts of issues for your dog and you. In fact it's such a problem that often puppy owners are making their dogs unsocialised through their mistaken attempts at socialisation.Miriam explains what socialisation actually is and how you can get your puppy on the right track.If you want to get on the waitlist for Miriam's programme you can find the details on the Think Dog Academy website. Make sure you follow the podcast so you don't miss an episodeYou can follow Miriam on Instagram @thinkdogacademy
It's important to talk about regression and progression because the two will happen in your puppy. And both are perfectly OK.Yes. Regression happens. It's nothing to be ashamed or frustrated about. It's just one of those things in puppy training. The key is accepting the regression for what it is and learning to just deal with it and move on.You'd think when it comes to progression that's a lot easier to handle. Well, no. Progression can be hindered by our expectations. Luckily Miriam takes you through how to deal with both progression and regression in this episode of The Perfect Puppy Podcast.Make sure you subscribe so you don't miss an episodeYou can follow Miriam on Instagram @thinkdogacademyAnd her website is
The next stage of lockdown easing is just days away in England and with it comes the opening up of the insides of cafes, pubs and restaurants.Visiting the inside of these places hasn’t been allowed since the beginning of the year or longer if you were in local lockdowns at the end of 2020. So you and your puppy are off to uncharted territory as you navigate enjoying that first pint, pizza or coffee indoors surrounded by others.Miriam has the best advice for you to prepare for this with your puppy.You can get Miriam's free download here sure you subscribe so you don't miss an episodeYou can follow Miriam on Instagram @thinkdogacademyAnd her website is
Goal setting is so important when it comes to puppy training. It boosts communication and your relationship with your dog.In an ideal world you'll be able to set your puppy goals before you get your puppy so that you can better match your goals to the breed. Goal setting doesn't have to be forever - but it's well worth getting some clear goals defined so you can make the most of puppy life.In this episode Miriam shares her goals for Tiggy and how you can set goals for your dog too. You can get Miriam's free download here sure you subscribe so you don't miss an episodeYou can follow Miriam on Instagram @thinkdogacademyAnd her website is