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The Peter Zeihan Podcast Series

Author: Peter Zeihan

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Welcome to The Peter Zeihan Podcast Series! Geopolitical Strategist Peter Zeihan is a global energy, demographic and security expert. If you want to stay informed on the realities of geography and populations, you've come to the right place. Zeihan's worldview offers insights into how global politics impact markets and economic trends, helping industry leaders navigate today’s complex mix of geopolitical risks and opportunities. Expect a forward-looking approach to what will drive tomorrow’s headlines, delivered in digestible, accessible and relevant takeaways for audiences of all types. For more info or to subscribe to the newsletter, visit: Subscribe to the YouTube Channel @zeihanongeopolitics Thanks for listening, and don't forget to subscribe!

401 Episodes
*This video was recorded in May of 2024. The potential of dragging the US into a major conflict is top of mind for a lot of Americans, but what would it actually take to get us there? Full Newsletter:
The conflict in Gaza has been raging on for nearly 300 days, and there is no end in sight. However, Israel is heavily reliant upon American tech and weapons and that relationship could be changing. *This video was recorded last week, prior to Peter departing on his backpacking trip. Full Newsletter:
Today, we'll be looking at the recent European Commission presidential election and its broader implications for the Europeans. *This video was recorded last week, prior to Peter departing on his backpacking trip (and prior to Biden leaving the race). Full Newsletter:
There have been significant protests in Bangladesh over a law reserving a significant portion of government jobs for supporters of the 1971 independence revolution and their descendants. The job quota has been suspended, but protests continue. Full Newsletter:
Everyone wants to know if the assassination attempt on Donald Trump is going to impact the outcome of the election. I hate to break it to you, but no one knows. Full Newsletter:
The Republican Party is undergoing some evolutions at the moment, moving away from many of its traditional stances. This is part of a broader cycle in which American political parties shift and realign every few decades. Full Newsletter:
Well, it looks like the Germans are going to be celebrating Christmas in July. That's due to the US and Germany's decision made at the NATO conference to redeploy American mid-range weaponry to Germany. And yes, this hasn't happened since the Cold War for…historic reasons. Full Newsletter:
The EU was established to promote unity and peace, but times have changed and priorities have shifted. So, what does the future of the European Union look like and how does France fit into the mix? Full Newsletter:
On Saturday, July 13, there was an attempted assassination of Donald Trump. I'm not here to give you the play-by-play that you can get from the news, instead I want to put this incident into context of the broader political and economic shifts. Full Newsletter:
After the first round of European Parliament elections, the French far-right (represented by the National Rally) had a great showing. President Macron wasn't too happy with that outcome, so he called snap elections to give his party a second shot at capturing a majority. Full Newsletter:
Next up on our list of important elections around the globe is the Iranian presidential elections. We'll be looking at Iran's new President-elect, Masoud Pezeshkian, and what his victory might mean for the country. Full Newsletter:
In case you've been buried neck deep in US political news, there are some fairly important elections taking place across the globe. For the first country in our little global election coverage, we'll be looking at the United Kingdom. Full Newsletter:
I get a lot of "what if..." and "what happens next..." style questions and most of them suck, but today's question takes us down a fairly interesting rabbit hole - what happens to China if Chairman Xi Jinping dies or steps down? Full Newsletter:
While the Italians may have mastered the arts of pasta, wine and gelato, they should have been spending less time in the kitchen and more in...another room. That's right, we're looking at the demographic problems facing Italy, and Genoa will be our example. Full Newsletter:
For all the hungover Americans out there, I heard the best cure after a long day of drinking is to talk about inflation. Well, maybe it will just make your head hurt more, but you still have the weekend ahead of you to relax... Full Newsletter:
If you watched the presidential debate last week, I'm sure you're really, really excited for the election this year! Since so many of you wanted me to talk about this fever dream we're living in, I figured we'd do it on Independence Day. Full Newsletter:
Despite most countries in the West wanting to rid themselves of any involvement with the Russians, the oil revenues continue to flow into Russian pockets. So why haven't Western countries dropped the hammer on Russian oil exports? Full Newsletter:
The Israeli Supreme Court just ruled that the ultra-Orthodox community will no longer get exemption from military service. This addresses a number of long-standing issues, but it could spell trouble for Netanyahu's political career. Full Newsletter:
In the post-Cold War world, France, Germany and Poland concocted the Weimar Triangle as a way to foster cooperation amongst the three countries. The trio has weakened over the years - due to differing national priorities - but Russia's invasion of Ukraine might necessitate getting the gang back together. Full Newsletter:
In the post-Cold War world, France, Germany and Poland concocted the Weimar Triangle as a way to foster cooperation amongst the three countries. The trio has weakened over the years - due to differing national priorities - but Russia's invasion of Ukraine might necessitate getting the gang back together. Full Newsletter:
Comments (8)

Two Eyes

True Americans should be utterly appalled by the transparently political convictions of Donald Trump (whether they like Trump or not). It's because of things like a corrupt justice system, that make me never want to live in Moscow or China or Any other banana republic. Biden needs to GO.

Jun 3rd

Two Eyes

Peter seems to think Trump's felony convictions, are the final stake in the heart of the vampire. There are probably some who think of These felony convictions as a crucifixion of a messiah. Those are only the the extreme minority opinions of American voters.

Jun 3rd


It was actually the conservative CDU that shut down nuclear power in Germany. Not the green party.

Mar 4th

Angus Haywood

Could have mentioned the widespread stultification, due to a new religion, that dulled the M-East's intellectual, technological, political, institutional, innovations after the 7th century.

Feb 6th

forward slash

I was a big fan of Elon musk when it was all about electric vehicles and becoming an inter planetary species but when he took over social media and turned it into a right wing disinformation sewer I went right off him. What a twat.

Dec 1st

Floyd Lawsen

It is not "nucular." It is difficult to take someone seriously if they cannot even pronounce "nuclear" correctly.

Nov 7th


Our own government is the biggest propaganda purveyor on the globe. U.S. news outlets used to fact check the government. Now, they are the mouthpiece of the propagandists.Also, it's not just the things the news outlets say - it's what they don't report that is also problematic. We are turning into China at an alarmingly fast pace.

Aug 15th

Abel Santa Ana

loved it. The "all Biden not do is not die" was hilarious, but very true.

Apr 26th