The Pivot Point

<p><b>In this Series, we explore the pivotal moments that shape our lives—those transformative moments where everything changed. Maybe it was a conscious choice or perhaps a cruel twist of fate. Here, host Jessica McGann ( Coach and Reality TV Producer) delves into the inspiring stories of ordinary people who faced extraordinary circumstances that changed their life forever.<br></b><br></p><p><b>Stories help connect us, and this channel hopes to do just that. Through storytelling, my goal is to inspire, connect, and motivate the listener to make brave choices within their own life and help them feel less alone in the process.<br></b><br></p><p><b>*Check us out on Youtube ( @thepivotpointseries ) and watch the interviews edited with additional b-roll footage to help you follow the story on a whole other level* </b></p><p><br></p><p>If you find value in our podcast, we encourage you to like, subscribe, leave a comment, and share it with your friends!<br><br></p><p>Do you have a transformative story you'd like to share on our podcast? Apply now: <a href=""></a> and become part of "The Pivot Point" community.<br><br><b>Stay connected to Jess and in the loop on all things The Pivot Point </b></p><p><b>Website      </b><a href=""><b></b></a><b> </b></p><p><b>Instagram @coached.byjess</b></p><p><b>Tik Tok        @coachedbyjess</b></p><p><b>Facebook   Coached By Jess </b></p><p><br><b>Who is Jess? </b></p><p><br></p><p><b>Jess spent over two years traveling the world solo, living in countries such as Australia and New Zealand, accumulating 30 countries (and still counting) </b></p><p><b>When she returned home she worked her way up in the film and television industry and is now a TV Producer having worked on shows such as Blown Away, All Round Champion, Big Brother Canada, Top Chef Canada, and more. </b></p><p><br></p><p><b>When her mental health hit rock bottom in 2020 she became passionate about learning all things Mental Health and returned to school to receive her Diploma in Life Coaching. Jess now works as a practicing Life Coach within her business "Coached by Jess". Through one-on-one sessions, speaking events, and her podcast The Pivot Point. </b></p><p><br></p><p><br></p>

EP 20 | Naomi Rose: From Cubicle to Culinary Queen - The Recipe for Entrepreneurial Success and Resilience

Have you ever wondered what it takes to trade a secure but stale career for the high-risk, high-reward life of entrepreneurship? Naomi Rose, marathon runner turned baking magnate, joins me on The Pivot Point to share her extraordinary leap of faith from the confines of an office cubicle into the heat of the bakery kitchen. Discover how she transformed challenges into opportunities and how her strategies for resilience can serve as a blueprint for your own ventures.Embark on a journey through ...


EP 19 | Leah Mitchell: From Adversity to Authenticity - A Voyage of Love & Self-Discovery

When the scales of life tipped toward adversity, Leah Mitchell, a soulmate success coach, didn't just recalibrate; she transformed her journey into a beacon of hope. Today, she sits with us to weave a powerful narrative of resilience, self-love, and the quest for authentic connection. Our conversation spans Leah's tumultuous high school years marked by a birth control allergy-induced weight gain and the obsession with fitness that ensued. The aftermath of a severe car accident casts a shadow ...


EP18 | Ellen Patricia: The Hustle - A Tale of Resilience and Redefining Success

As the fireworks settle and the confetti is swept away, we step into 2024 with the compelling story of Ellen Patricia, whose life pivoted on a single, innocent question from her son. Ellen's narrative isn't just about change; it's a deep dive into the heart of resilience and the power of redefining success. On this episode of Pivot Point, we peel back the layers of a journey that transformed a work-driven existence into a life rich with purpose and healthy ambition. Her accolades as a coach a...


EP 17| Lora Pope - Life Beyond Borders : The Unseen Odyssey of Travel Blogging

Have you ever sat at your desk, daydreaming about turning your wanderlust into a way of life? Lora Pope made that leap, and on The Pivot Point, she takes us through the shift from a secure government job to the unpredictable, yet liberating world of travel blogging. This conversation is a candid look at the emotional whirlwinds and the trials of forging a new path where her office is as mobile as she is.Let's talk about the realities of a digital nomad life, beyond the Instagram-worthy snapsh...


EP 16 | Jason Herterich : "The Invisible Fight" Living with Chronic Illness

Can you imagine going from a university athlete to a bedridden chronic illness patient in the span of a year? That's precisely the journey our guest, Jason Herterich, had to navigate when he was diagnosed with fibromyalgia and POTS. Jason talks about his life-altering experiences, the challenges of living with an invisible illness, and the importance of joy and community support. Get an intimate glimpse into his story, that's sure to pull at your heartstrings and inspire you.Ever wondered wha...


EP 15 | Alana Van Der Sluys: From Battling Body Dysmorphia to Embracing A Healthier Lifestyle

We're about to get real with Alana van der Sluys, a courageous warrior who battled body dysmorphia and disordered eating and emerged victorious. Now a certified intuitive eating counsellor, Alana has a tale to tell that's both heart-wrenching and deeply inspiring. Her journey, from being fixated on weight to transforming her relationship with food and body, is a lighthouse for anyone grappling with similar issues. This episode also unearths the toxicity of our current wellness culture and its...


EP 14 | Will Wheeler : Navigating Neurodiversity, Overcoming Addiction, and Championing Change

Have you ever wondered what it's like to walk in the shoes of a neurodistinct person? My guest today, Will Wheeler, lives with dyslexia and ADHD and he is here to tell us about his journey - from his childhood struggles to his quest for personal change, and how he turned his life around to become a champion for neurodiverse individuals. His tale is filled with resilience and reinvention.In a world that often misunderstands neurodiversity, Will's story is a testament to the strength of the hum...


EP 13 | Leigh Lincoln "Finding My Voice": A Journey Through Writing, Advocacy, and Purpose Discovery

Have you ever wondered how your life would transform if you found your true voice and purpose? Join us in an intriguing conversation with Leigh Lincoln, a poverty and homelessness advocate turned author, who did just that. After years of being on autopilot as a single mother and volunteer, Leigh had an awakening moment which led her onto an inspiring journey of change and self-discovery. Through writing, she found her purpose, stepping out of society's expectations and onto a path of intentio...


EP 12 | Mia Dixon : A Journey Through the Complexities of New Motherhood

Have you ever felt like becoming a parent was the most life-altering experience you've ever had? You're not alone. Our guest today, Mia Dixon, a baby and toddler sleep coach and creator of Celebrate Sleep with Mia, shares her touching and inspiring journey of self-discovery through motherhood.Mia opens up about how the COVID-19 pandemic challenged her as a new mother. She paints a vivid picture of her struggle with her daughter's sleep patterns and how the lack of a support system due to the ...


EP 11 | Dr. Debi Silber "From Betrayal to Breakthrough": Uncovering the Journey of Post-Betrayal Transformation

Ever been blindsided by someone you trust? Betrayal hits hard, leaving us mentally, emotionally and physically drained. In my conversation with Dr. Debi Silber, founder of the Post-Betrayal Transformation Institute, we explore the phenomenon of betrayal. Sharing her own story and insights from her groundbreaking PhD study, Dr. Debi uncovers how betrayal impacts our health, relationships, and work, leading to a litany of distressing symptoms.We don't just stop at discussing the impact, we take...


EP 10 | Sydney Low "Slooooow Down": A Journey Through Accident Recovery and Spiritual Healing

Have you ever wondered how a seemingly tragic event can end up being a catalyst for change? Join me as I sit down with Reiki practitioner and founder of Earth and Ether Wellness, Sydney Low, who offers a heartening perspective on this very idea. After being hit by a car, Sydney embarked on a transformative journey of healing and self-discovery, armed with resilience and courage.This episode unravels Sydney's remarkable story, starting from a life that was spinning too fast to a cataclysmic pa...


EP 9 | Felicity Steiner "Love Lost to Love Found" - A Journey to A Fulfilling and Healthy Love

Have you ever found yourself in a relationship where you were constantly striving to meet high standards, losing your sense of self-worth in the process? That was the reality for our guest, Felicity Steiner, a relationship expert who experienced such a relationship that left her feeling inadequate and physically drained. Felicity takes us through her deeply personal journey, from struggling within a relationship to the transformative process of self-discovery that led her to find fulfilling l...


EP 8| Jenna Dunlay "Not Just in Your Head": Overcoming Chronic Illness through Resilience and Self-Advocacy

Have you ever been told that your pain was just in your head? That the debilitating headaches you're experiencing are normal? Imagine being Jenna Dunlay, whose persistent discomfort was dismissed time and again until she was finally diagnosed with a rare congenital disease. Jenna sat down with me to share her remarkable journey of self-advocacy within the medical system, her battle with chronic illness, and the power she found in finally naming her condition. Jenna's story is one of resi...


EP 7 | Michael R Herst "Beyond the Badge": Surviving a Life-Altering Accident and Finding Renewed Purpose

In today's episode I speak with Michael R Herst who, once upon a time, was a well respected Police Sergent (something he had been working towards and dreaming of since he was a young kid!) until one evening, on an early morning call, something terrible happens leaving him physicaly disabled and no longer able to fulfill his work in policing. So what do you do, when the dream job and life you had always wanted gets taken away from you in a split second? How do you heal and find a new pur...


EP 6 | Kelly Helmick "Im happy that you're here" A story of surviving a toxic work environment

** Trigger Warning, todays episode includes conversations about suicide, Self harm and eating disorders so viewer discretion is advised. In Todays episode I speak with Kelly Helmick who takes us through her years of working in a highly toxic work environment that took a major toll on her mental wellbeing and eventually led her to a 74hr hold at her local hospital for suicide watch. This moment forever transformed her outlook on life and work and i'm grateful that she’s here with me toda...


EP 5 | Corbie Mitleid "The Cancer Dancer" - A cancer dancers path to body positivity

In this episode, I speak with Corbie Mitleid who has survived breast cancer not once, not twice but three times. Corbie grew with the message that her appearance was equivalent to her worth, and that she needed to look a certain way. The societal pressures and messages led her to feeling very uncomfortable in her body. In this interview we explore how multiple cancer diagnosis and multiple major surgeries took Corbie from hating her body, to total body acceptance. Corbie is the wri...


EP 4 | Angela Gentile "The gift my father gave me" A story of reinvention in the face of grief

In this episode, I speak with Angela Gentile who shares with us the sudden loss of her father and how that moment sparked a whole new perspective on life for her. Angela was in her early 30s, working as a teacher, doing everything that society told her she "SHOULD" be and do in order to live a happy and fulfilling life. When out of nowhere, she received an emergency call to visit her father at the hospital…what happens next is one woman's incredible story of choosing to not waste another seco...


EP 3 | Teresa Williams " Damaged Goods" A story of reclaiming yourself after divorce

Teresa was living the picture perfect life. A husband who was well regarded in their community, a couple kids, a house, and a thriving career herself as a Licensed Professional Counsellor and Certified Professional Life Coach. All seemed well, until a little voice inside her told her something wasn't right. When she became suspicious that her then husband was having an affair, she knew exactly what to do. Teresa brings to the Pivot Point not only her story but also her expertise as...


EP 2 | Sonny Von Cleveland - "Hey White Boy" a story of redemption

** Trigger Warnings : This episode includes conversations about rape, child molestation, and gang violence. Listener discretion is advised **Sonny resigned himself to a life of incarceration and gang violence until a pivotal moment changed his life. In his late 20s, he was sent to solitary confinement, and while there, he met a Muslim man who changed his life. Over the next nineteen months, through this man's tutelage, Sonny transformed his life by learning the power of forgiveness and ...


My Personal Pivot - a story of choosing happiness

I think everyone has multiple pivotal moments in their life. Here I discuss one of mine. From an early age, I dedicated my life to being an actress, but after enduring a couple traumatic events, I no longer had the capacity or self awareness to tackle the harsh realities of being a freelance actress. After years of struggling with depression, a one week trip to Whistler with a couple of my girlfriends changed the entire course of my life....Click here to watch the Whistler edit ( remember, I ...


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