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The Podcast of the Lotus Eaters


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527 Episodes
Josh, Lewis and Beau discuss the odd city planning in Saudi Arabia, the even stranger phenomenon of the 'fourth plinth' in Trafalgar Square, and the ongoing, self-evident invasion of Britain across The Channel
Josh and Harry, are joined by Psychologist and Basketweavers Founder Mark Houghton to discuss the arrest of P Diddy, Nigel Farage’s views on remigration, and the overdiagnosis epidemic.
Carl, Connor, and Raw Egg Nationalist discuss Nigel Farage refusing to lead the Right, the media's deafening silence on the Rotherham grooming gang trial, and the disorderly nature of state power.
Today Stelios, Dan and Beau discuss how Huw Edwards gets away with being a big dirty pedo, then the lads attempt to lighten the tone with a look at the The far future of humanity and the Mission to Europa.
Join Carl, Stelios, and Mark Houghton as they discuss Trump surviving another assassination attempt, Labour facing the fallout of its recent strategies, and Bill Gates’ push to bring AI into classrooms
Carl, Connor and Josh celebrate 1000 episodes of the Podcast of the Lotus Eaters by discussing how Trump keeps winning, how Labour is freezing pensioners to house foreigners, and Sweden paying the Danegeld. Join us for a milestone celebration as we mark the 1000th episode of the Podcast of the Lotus Eaters! This extended edition promises to be an unforgettable journey, reflecting on the highlights, controversies, and deep dives that have shaped our discourse over the years. We’ll be revisiting some of the most impactful moments, discussing the evolution of our discussions, and exploring new territory as we continue to challenge the mainstream narratives. To commemorate this special occasion, we’ll be hosting an in-depth Q&A session at the end of the episode. This is your chance to engage directly with us—ask your burning questions, share your thoughts, and be a part of the conversation that has brought us to this incredible milestone.
Josh and Harry discuss what is on the menu in Ohio, why white people hate themselves and the Indian cow police.
Connor & Harry discuss the ABC Trump / Harris Presidential debate, how the law is not on our side, and the death of Internet Archive.
Today Stelios, Dan and Beau discuss Germany’s decision to close their borders, how Trump has vowed that revenge will be his, and how Elon is determined to get his Mars colony.
Carl, Josh, and Stelios discuss how our audience are in trouble, why the Haitians are invading Ohio, and how anti-racism is deconstructing the Irish family.
Connor, Harry & Luca Johnson discuss the Munich Muslim terror attack, the TENET Media Russian disinformation controversy, and the colonisation of the Proms.
Josh and Harry are joined by Calvin Robinson for his final podcast appearance before moving to America. They are discussing Winston Churchill’s legacy, why Europe needs to assert itself and the dark side of the internet.
Connor, Dan & professor Ed Dutton discuss the end of an era as Unpopular Opinions comes to an end, how German Zoomers are based, and the science of Physiognomy.
Josh, Stelios and Beau discuss the success of the AfD, Elon v Brazil and how polls cannot be taken at face value.
Josh, Stelios and Harry discuss the Turkish dog genocide, a Venezuelan gang’s takeover in Colorado and how woke shows are doing poorly.
Carl and Calvin are joined by Zuby to discuss why everything you love is being banned, how dangerous England is now, and that Starmer is a political robot.
Connor, Harry & Josh discuss Keir Starmer’s hatred of the English, Mark Zuckerberg's redemption arc, and Japan receiving its share of enrichment.
Carl, Dan, and Beau discuss how the British police are utterly demoralised, Kamala's Bidenomics is doomed to fail, and remigration becoming a mainstream talking point.
Josh and Stelios discuss the stabbing in Solingen in Germany, Notting Hill carnival still being a hive of scum and villainy and the attempt to make nuclear weapons queer.
Comments (194)

David Hustle

Has the feed been playing up for anyone else this week? It's missing some of the most recent episodes.

Sep 7th

David Hustle

21 seconds long?

Aug 4th

Alex Small

it's coming from the women. They've totally wrapped themselves up in this diversity bs. It's because their inclination is to be pro-social, and the driving narrative from the left is to feel sorry for minorities and degrade the humanity of whites. These are white women. With white fathers, mothers, white ancestors. But it's more important to them to be considered kind and conscientious in the present.

Dec 1st

Jorge Cruz

Male suicide Ava has zero regards to the male suicide rate. I lost too many friends through the years due to their struggles. Dax's song To Be a Man extended Mix is a power song that highlights what men bottle up.

Sep 30th

Jorge Cruz

When Liberalism clashes with reality Individuals who did not have a heavy-handed approach to the enforcement of Federal Immgration laws are at fault of the collapse of major cities. It is easy to vote for utopian ideas when it does not affect your own community. New York polticans called other states racist and xenophobic for enforcing the Federal laws. Now they will reap what they sowed.

Sep 28th
Reply (40)

Jorge Cruz

5 Guys? I guess Carl did not read the online warnings to be careful eating at Five Guys. Many individuals received food poison from staff using defrosted mushrooms. When mushrooms are left to sit after defrosting, they can form bacteria.

Sep 5th

Jorge Cruz

Food snoob This episode I have to disagree. When it comes to "American food," there is no one national dish since the country has a wealth of dishes from around the world. Taco Bell is not Mexican food but a fast food bastardized version. Personally, I use light spices when cooking so as not to overpower what I am cooking. My grandmother is from Spain and always said that too many spices can ruin a fine meal

Sep 5th

Jorge Cruz

The death of Hollywood With the COVID lockdown destroying the illusion of Hollywood films and the governor's diversity hire in the film industry, Hollywood is in in death throws. The Hollywood industry did not learn from their own history when the film industry fled New Jersey and Thomas Edison's strangling policies. As screen writers, production companies, and actors flee California, the Hollywood industry is dying off.

Jul 30th

Jorge Cruz

FBI vs. Trump election When he said that the FBI would storm polling sites and count the votes, his comment reminded me of the Battle of Athens, Tennessee.

Jul 25th

Jorge Cruz

Securing the USA sovereign borders This is not a hard descion since Bill Clinton and Bush Jr. pushed policies and operations in place. Joint Task Force 6 created under Bill Clinton and expanded into Joint TASK Force North under Bush Jr. . JTF6,now JTF6, was founded to secure our sovereign border by using the USA Armed Services of all branches operating with Homeland Secruity, FBI, and the CIA.

Jul 25th

Jorge Cruz

AI reconstruction of physical traits AI takes the sum of available human knowledge and makes an educated guess in the compilation of physical features. I would think it would be safe to say that the AI used 200 years of sources on physical anthropology to formalize that the bone structure coincides with a certain ethnicity. For example, a skull with an eye socket is large and could be considered to be caccusasian, individuals from the Caccus region.

Jul 18th

Jorge Cruz

"America was not founded on stolen land, but it was conquered."

Jul 11th

Jorge Cruz

Florida mosquito Great, now we have malaria cases popping up in Florida, Texas, and Louisiana. I guess since countries like the Republic of Korea no longer need malaria vaccines, it is time to import viral into the US population.

Jul 8th

Jorge Cruz

"Jesus is a Socialist" Many self described Socialist try to say Jesus was a Socialist, to placate their internal struggle of State versus a higher power. Jesus believed in the individual being accountable for their own actions. Prior to Jesus, the society was above the individual and himself was against the Roman Empire, not a statest. Jesus, even if one considered Jesus a prophet, is the bridge for direct relationship with God. One can not be a Christian Socialist, National Socialist, nor an Socialist-Marxist. National Socialism is a cult of Gnosticism, not Christianity.

Jun 27th

Jorge Cruz

"The Native tribe of America." Not all tribes were accepting of early colonist. Europeans, rightfully so, was viewed as invaders into tribal territories. Not all colonist were killed, but others were captured and made into slaves. The European men who were captured had to prove their worth before the tribe accepted them above an animal.

Jun 27th

Jorge Cruz

I respect James on his take on today's Progressives follow Gnosticism in their cult like ideology of Socialist agendas.

Jun 26th

Jorge Cruz

National Socialist Ukrainian soldiers Any organized military needs to set standards in uniform, battle doctrine, and the enforcement of rules of engagement. The Ukrainian government is turning a blind eye to standards in their fighting force for a win against the Russian forces. It is on the Ukrainian Generals to publish policies laying out the standards that must be upheld. If those standards are not upheld by Commander's and Squad leaders, then how would the soldiers be held accountable for their own actions? If the Ukrainian wants to hold the moral high ground and have a clean public image, then must publish policies dictating that all Ukrainian forces can not wear any symbols linked to extremist organizations. In the US Armed Forces, the Department of Defense publishes policies to hold all branches to set standards. The Zero Tolerance for Gangs, Cliques, and Extremist organizations list out what symbols leaders must be on the lookout for. Any individual service member wearing, havi

Jun 8th

Jorge Cruz

The trans, prominently males, have pushed out the lesbians in different areas. San Francisco and LA the Drags silence females concerns.

Jun 8th

Jorge Cruz

Philippines pride lane I have to laugh at this because Filipinos do not follow traffic laws. I spent various times in the Philippines from Mindanao and Luzon Island. There is not enough traffic police to enforce even ensuring Filipinos not driving on sidewalks or running stop signs.

Jun 8th

Jorge Cruz

HK statement Honestly, after listening to many individuals who go to the Vegas Shot Show, they are fed up with gun bunnies. During the last Shot Show some gun bunnies, who model with guns but know nothing about firearm safety, but themself in danger by walking past the live fireside for photos. Other female competition shooters called out the gun bunnies that should be banned from future shows. As for HK statement, it was virtual signaling against other firearm manufacturers who use gun bunnies. Was it bright timing? Not really. Was ot woke? Not really. HK advertising department just needs to focus on what they have always done, phots of the firearms and stay out of social politics.

May 30th