The Political Show

We are all about revealing the truth behind the headlines. Don’t you hate being lied to? Well, do not fear, our political presenters will expose all sides of the story and will never lie to you. They focus on reading between the lines, and telling us what other media platforms are not. Get the truth today!

Will The ANC Get 50% of the Vote?

Despite the fact that over the years the ANC had been the favourites to win the elections, it looks as though South Africans are stripping them of control.


Nelson Mandal'a Legacy- Was He a Good or Bad Leader?

We are all about revealing the truth behind the headlines. Don’t you hate being lied to? Well, do not fear, our political presenters will expose all sides of the story and will never lie to you. They focus on reading between the lines, and telling us what other media platforms are not. Get the truth today!


South Africa's May 29 Elections May not Happen

There is a court case which is currently happening yet not made known to the General public in South Africa that could potentially hold back the Elections.


How Can you Say Don't Mix Religion and Politics When Russel Brand Gives his Life To Jesus?

British Actor/Comedian gives his life to Jesus after years of searching for truth.


Which Side Should a Pastor Take in The Gaza Conflict?

Get a fresh point of view from what a pastor's stand should be on the Gaza conflict.


Magatte Wade “Africa is The Most Regulated Continent In The World”

The political Show presenters discuss the economic state of Africa and South Africa as a Whole.


Will Gayton Mckenzie become the Next South African President? Part 2

Gayton Mckenzie current leader of the Patriotic Alliance is causing a stir with some of his views on the nation and what he aims to do may he become the president of South Africa.


Will Gayton Mckenzie become the Next South African President?

Gayton Mckenzie current leader of the Patriotic Alliance is causing a stir with some of his views on the nation and what he aims to do may he become the president of South Africa.


Israel vs Palestine, Who do South Africans Support?

Politician Gayton Mckenzie takes a bold stand for Israel stating the fact that if he was president, all cases against Israel would not stand.


"The ANC is Gonna Win The South African Election" Gareth Van Onselen

According to Gareth Van Oneselen the ANC (African National Congress) is on course for another successful run in rule over South Africa, South Africans are tired of the same results that don't seem to change.


What Risks do South Africans Face because of South African Gun Laws?

The South African gun laws seems to be posing a risk to innocent bystanders, surrounded by armed men/women. According to the law it is the responsibility if the person to find out whether anyone around them is carrying a firearm.


Is America Headed for a Trump / Biden Presidential Show?

Donald Trump is once again looking very much the favourite to win the elections while Joe Biden has made it obvious to everyone that he is on all spectrums unfit to lead the country.


Will the Ex-Chief Justice Mogoeng Mogoeng become the President of South Africa?

The former chief justice of South Africa Mogoeng Mogoeng claims that he has been chosen by God to be president of South Africa, making quite a bold statement Mogeoeng has left people wondering whether he is accurate or not.


"Zuma's Entry Into The Election Game Changing for The ANC" Frans Cronje

Ex South African and ANC president is back and has joined a different party, which poses a threat to most of the opposition especially the ANC.


Is There a Political Partnership That Can Save South Africa in 2024?

South Africa is coming close to election time but, contrary to how it usually goes down the ANC (ruling party) seems to have lost their influence over the nation and are at a high potential of losing their place.


We Predict South Africa's Prediction Outcome

The Political Show give their take on what is to happen with the elections coming up in South Africa, a huge time for politicians to capitalise on whatever their agenda is in hopes to sway the people in their direction.


Will 2024 See a Trump and Biden Rematch?

In the fight for presidency and power over the United States there seems to be some kind of game they're playing at. The bad guy is not who you really thought it was.


Wo Really Owns The Money?

The Forbes list every year tells us who the richest people in the world are, but the real rich people are not the ones you see in public media everyday.


What Is Predicted for 2024?

The Political Show makes bold predictions on the upcoming year and what is to happen in the world of politics.


A Look Back in to 2023

On this episode, the Political Show look at all the predictions they made for the year and evaluate whether they happened or not


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