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The Positivity Xperience

Author: Lori Wheeler

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Weekly podcast to help bring some relief of living with anxiety, depression, Overthiinkng and soooo many other things so many of us deal with daily. I am an alternative therapist and life coach who has struggled and still do with anxiety and overthinking. I will also teach you to love yourself
183 Episodes
Learn all about the powerful Gray Rocking technique and discover why it is a total game-changer for your mental health. In this episode, we delve into the importance of incorporating this strategy into your life for your own well-being and personal growth. Find out how Gray Rocking can help you navigate challenging situations and toxic relationships with ease. Listen now to unlock the key to maintaining your peace and mental clarity in any circumstance. Your mental health deserves this revolutionary approach! Remember to like, share, and subscribe for more valuable content on improving your mental well-being! Become A Patreon: For More Info:  
Learn how experiencing trauma can significantly increase the likelihood of developing addictions by 7-10 times. This episode explores how trauma impacts the brain and emotional well-being, leading to a higher susceptibility to various types of addictions beyond just substance abuse. Understand the complex relationship between trauma and addiction, and why addressing trauma is crucial in addiction recovery.  Stay informed on the important connection between trauma and addictive behaviors to better support those struggling with addiction. Become A Patreon: For More Info:
Are you questioning the future of your relationship? This episode will guide you on how to assess your needs and recognize the signs that indicate it may be time to end things or move forward. Listen now to gain insight into evaluating the value of your relationship and making the best decision for yourself. Relationships should not feel like an obligation.  Do you feel an obligation to stay? Become A Patreon: For More Info Visit Me:  
In this episode, we delve into the #1 mistake people make when it comes to handling conflict in relationships and internally. Avoiding conflict not only leads to unresolved issues but also breeds resentment. Learn why facing conflict, both in interpersonal relationships and within yourself, is crucial for personal growth and healthier connections. Listen now to discover how addressing conflict head-on can transform your relationships and inner peace. Become A Patreon: To book sessions and learn more:
Learn how to rewire your brain with the power of positive thinking and neuroscience in this enlightening episode. Discover the science behind how restricting negative thoughts can actually help restructure your neural pathways, ultimately changing your perspective on life. Uncover the secrets to challenging and transforming your mindset for a happier and more fulfilling life. Listen now to unlock the potential of your brain's ability to adapt and grow through the practice of positive thinking and neuroscience techniques. Become A Patreon: For More Visit:
In this episode, we will explore how to develop a healthier relationship with food by stopping the habit of labeling foods as good or bad. We will discuss the negative impact of subscribing to diet culture and offer practical tips to help you make peace with your food choices.  All or nothing thinking around food creates anxiety and stress. In emotional places we turn to food because we can control that in the moment. When you start to give yourself compassion and understanding while learning coping strategies, you can start to really enjoy food. Watch now to learn how to foster a positive and sustainable approach to eating!  Become A Patreon: Learn more:
Is your inner brat holding you back from achieving your goals and living your best life? In this episode, we discuss how behaviors like procrastination and a victim mentality are all part of your inner brat's influence. Learn how to identify and overcome these self-sabotaging patterns to finally break free from feeling stuck and start creating the life you truly desire. Be willing to push through the discomfort and don't let your inner brat ruin your chances for success any longer. Listen now and take back control of your life!   Become A Patreon: For More:
In this episode, we dive into the 5 common lies we often tell ourselves that hold us back from reaching our full potential. From the belief that we have no control over our lives to the idea that we must be perfect to succeed, these lies can hinder our growth and progress. You are in control of your life but you have to be willing to accept that these 5 things have been holding you back. Join me as we explore the impact of thinking "everyone is against me," feeling like it's too late to make changes, and fearing criticism. Learn how to challenge these limiting beliefs and take control of your narrative. Let's break free from these self-imposed barriers together!   Become A Patreon: Visit Me:
Unlock the secret to building unshakable self-confidence with our latest podcast episode, 'Shatter Your Insecurities: 5 Steps to Building Unshakable Self Confidence.' This transformative episode is perfect for anyone looking to boost their self-esteem, overcome self-doubt, and embrace a more confident future. Whether you're struggling with personal insecurities or simply aiming to strengthen your self-assurance, this podcast provides essential tips and insights that delve deep into the heart of common insecurities and offer practical, actionable strategies to conquer them. Join me as we explore proven techniques that will empower you to build lasting confidence. Tune in now to start your journey towards a more confident and fulfilled life! Become A Patreon: For More Info:  
In this episode, we explore the ego's significant role in impatience and how it manifests through various factors such as a sense of entitlement, desire for control, fear of failure, comparison, and competition, as well as resistance to change.  Understanding these aspects can help us gain insight into our own behaviors and reactions, ultimately leading to personal growth, patience and self-awareness. Join me in this insightful discussion on the complexities of the ego and its impact on our ability to navigate through challenges and uncertainties. Don't forget to like, share, and subscribe for more thought-provoking content on personal development and mindfulness. Thank you for watching! Become A Patreon: For More: 
In the labyrinth of human connections, knowing when to take the exit can be as crucial as forging bonds. 'Navigating the Exit: Recognizing When to Leave Any Relationship' dives deep into the often-undiscussed art of gracefully exiting relationships, whether they be intimate, familial, or friendships. Join me as we unravel the signs that signal it's time to part ways, the psychological impacts of staying versus leaving, and the empowering steps to do so with respect and self-awareness. This podcast illuminates the path to emotional freedom and personal growth. Tune in to embark on a journey of understanding, healing, and ultimately, liberation. Become A Patreon: Find Out More: 
In this episode, we delve into the psychology of passive aggression and explore what causes this behavior. We will also discuss how to identify passive aggression in yourself and others, as well as provide strategies for responding assertively. Passive aggression can manifest in subtle ways, making it challenging to recognize. By understanding the underlying motives and triggers behind passive aggressive behavior, you can better navigate and address these interactions in a constructive manner. Learning to identify passive aggression in yourself is also crucial for personal growth and self-awareness. By recognizing your own tendencies towards passive aggression, you can work towards developing healthier communication habits and conflict resolution skills. When faced with passive aggressive behavior from others, responding assertively is key. This involves setting clear boundaries, expressing your needs and feelings openly, and standing up for yourself in a calm and confident manner. Join me as we explore the complexities of passive aggression and learn how to navigate these interactions with confidence and assertiveness. Stay tuned for valuable insights and practical tips on addressing passive aggression in a constructive way. If you found this video helpful, don't forget to like, share, and subscribe for more content on psychology and personal development. Become A Patreon: Learn more:
Are you spinning your wheels but not getting anywhere? You might be falling for the most common productivity myths! 🚫🕰️ In this eye-opening video, I will debunk the Top 5 Productivity Myths of 2024 and reveal the truth about achieving peak efficiency. Whether you're battling ADHD or just looking to boost your productivity game, I've got actionable strategies and insights tailored just for you. Discover why more hours don't equal more work, the pitfalls of multitasking, the truth about cluttered workspaces, and much more. Don't let myths hold you back from unlocking your true potential. Watch now and transform the way you work and live! 🔓💡 Become A Patreon: Visit me here:
In this episode, we explore the concept of the subconscious iceberg and why tapping into this hidden part of our minds is essential for personal growth and inner happiness. We'll delve into how the subconscious influences our thoughts, beliefs, and behaviors, and discuss strategies for tapping into and reshaping this powerful force through neuroplasticity. Discover the key to unlocking your full potential and creating lasting change in your life by understanding and harnessing the power of your subconscious mind. Join me on this transformative journey towards self-discovery and empowerment. Don't miss out on this opportunity to learn how to uncover the secrets of your subconscious iceberg and chart a course towards a more fulfilling and joyful existence. Embrace the power of your mind and start creating the life you've always dreamed of today.  Become A Patreon: For More Info: Subscribe to the channel for more insights and tools to enhance your personal development journey. Let's unlock the potential within and create a life filled with abundance and fulfillment.
Ever wonder why some people radiate confidence effortlessly, while others struggle to find their voice? 'Unlocking Your Hidden Power' takes you on a riveting journey into the heart of self-confidence, unraveling the mysteries behind our biggest fears and doubts. Discover the pivotal reasons behind the lack of self-assurance and learn groundbreaking strategies to harness your inner strength, project confidence, and unlock a life of success and fulfillment. Whether you're seeking to make a lasting impression, conquer your fears, or simply find your path in life, this episode is your first step towards a transformative self-discovery. Join me, as we embark on a quest to not just build confidence, but to live it, breathe it, and make it your unstoppable force. Become A Patreon: For More Info:
In this thought-provoking episode, we delve into the deep-rooted emotions of shame and regret. Where do these feelings come from? Why do we experience them? And most importantly, how do they impact our overall health, both physically and mentally? Shame and regret can have detrimental effects on our well-being, leading to increased stress, anxiety, and even depression. By understanding the origins of these emotions and their negative consequences, we can take steps to overcome them and prioritize our mental health.  Join me as we explore "The Dangers of Shame and Regret on Our Health" and learn how we can break free from the grips of these toxic emotions for a happier and healthier life. Don't forget to like, share, and subscribe for more content on improving your mental well-being! Become A Patreon:  For More visit
Welcome to another episode of The Positivity Xperience podcast, where we dive deep into the topic of radical self-acceptance and personal growth. In this 30-minute episode, we explore the importance of fully accepting ourselves while also striving to grow and improve. In a world that often tells us we need to constantly change and fix ourselves, it's crucial to understand the power of radical self-acceptance. We will discuss why this mindset is essential for our mental health and well-being, and how it can ultimately lead to greater personal growth and fulfillment. Join me as we unpack the complexities of self-acceptance and share practical tips for incorporating this mindset into your daily life. Whether you're struggling with self-doubt or simply looking to cultivate a deeper sense of self-love, this episode has something for everyone. Don't miss out on the transformative power of radical self-acceptance and personal growth. Tune in now and embark on a journey towards a more authentic and fulfilling life. #RadicalSelfAcceptance #PersonalGrowth #SelfLove  Become A Patreon: For More:
In this thought-provoking episode, I will delve into the power of embracing the unknown and how it can profoundly impact your life in positive ways. Titled "Embracing the Unknown: The Key to Unlocking a Fulfilling Life," this captivating exploration invites you to discover the incredible transformation that awaits when you let go of resistance and step into the realm of possibilities.  When we resist the unknown, life becomes an uphill battle. But by embracing it, we unlock the secret to personal growth, fulfillment, and happiness. Join me as we uncover the reasons behind our resistance and shed light on how to overcome it. Throughout this enlightening discussion, I will share practical insights on how to embrace the unknown with grace and confidence. From taking risks and stepping out of your comfort zone to cultivating a growth mindset, we provide actionable tips for navigating the uncertain terrain of life. By embracing the unknown, doors open to new opportunities, relationships, and experiences. Discover the incredible freedom that comes from surrendering the need for control and embracing the beauty of the unexpected. This powerful shift in perspective can lead to a more meaningful and fulfilling life than you ever imagined. Ready to unlock the magic of the unknown? Join me on this transformative journey and discover the path to a better, more enriching existence. Embrace the unknown today to unlock the door to your truest self. Become A Patreon Visit Me at
In this captivating episode, we explore the powerful concept of accepting things as they are, rather than how we want them to be. Join me as we delve into the depths of embracing the present moment and finding true contentment in life. Unlock the secrets to living a fulfilled existence by understanding the importance of surrendering to the present and releasing our attachments to desired outcomes. Discover how embracing the reality of each moment can cultivate a sense of peace, gratitude, and harmony within ourselves and with the world around us. Explore the transformative power of acknowledging and cherishing the present, allowing it to shape our perspectives and guide us towards a more meaningful existence. By practicing acceptance, we learn to navigate life's ups and downs with grace, letting go of resistance and embracing the beauty of imperfection. Join me on this enriching adventure as we uncover the extraordinary joys that come from fully embracing and finding contentment in the here and now. Embrace the present and cease the endless pursuit of wanting things to be different. Discover the immense power in accepting things as they are, and witness the transformative effects it can have on your overall well-being. Start your journey towards contentment today! Become A Patreon: For More Info:
🧠✨ Dive deep into the fascinating world of cognitive dissonance in the latest podcast episode! Join me as we unravel the psychological complexities that arise when our beliefs clash, and discover the surprising ways our minds cope with this internal conflict.  I will explore with you the reasons individuals face dissonance and the impact it has on behavior. Ready to challenge your own thought patterns? Tune in for a thought-provoking journey through the twists and turns of the mind.  🎙️🔍  Become A Patreon: For More Info: