On this episode, Dave Alexander is continuing his exploration of the Washington-Oregon Potato Conference. We’ll hear from Jenny Durrin Gentry with PVMI, Shaun Lough with Agri Sciences Biologicals, and Kristof Pieters with Dewulf
On part 1 we hear from: Shane Wright with Northwest Norkotah, Bryan Henning with Ag World, Craig McCloskey with Bluefield Seeding Solutions, Brent Rosman with Syngenta, and Emily Merk with NAPSO
On today's episode Dave Alexander walks around the trade show at the Washington/Oregon trade show. First he visits with Dragon-Line’s Monty Teeter. Next he chats with Kathleen Beach from the Washington Department of Natural Resources. Then he discusses the Ellips optical sorter with Sean Gervais. And finally, he talks with Eric Evans from Agri-Stor.
Dave Alexander with Potato Country magazine visited the trade show at the Eastern Idaho Ag Conference and caught up with some vendors to talk about what’s new for this year. We’ll hear from Logan Equipment, the Ag World Golf Classic, Corteva, Greentronics, Vive and Picketa Systems.
Today we are talking with Byron Duffin, Brand President for Double L Global. Double L builds potato planters, harvesters, bulk beds, pilers and a whole host of equipment.