The Present Day Wise Woman - Healthy Life Hacks With Jennifer Jefferies

Are you stuck in survival mode? Want to make your health a priority, but life keeps getting in the way? Coming from a place of prevention, renowned naturopath and wellness expert Jennifer Jefferies shares grounded, realistic advice with humour, offering proven health hacks that are designed to bring about big changes to your health - fast and work around the busiest of schedules. Affectionately known as 'The Present Day Wise Woman', Jen is no stranger to corporate burnout and draws on her personal experiences of how she went from surviving to thriving.

Overcoming Self-Sabotage and Limiting Beliefs

Did you know we can have upper limits on our health, happiness, wealth, or anything else? What’s an upper limit? It is the subconscious self-sabotage that happens when we taste something great, be it a promotion, financial windfall, great relationship, or any other means of success. In this episode, Jen digs into the roots of fault-finding behaviour, its detrimental effects on our lives, and some practical strategies she has used to break free from its grip.


Embracing Guilt-Free Eating

Once upon a time, a woman ate what she wanted and did not feel guilty. In a world inundated with diet culture and food shaming, the concept of eating without guilt seems almost world-shattering. In this episode, Jen talks about how we need to break the cycle of food shaming and how to tune into our bodies' messages.


The Art of Eating: How Mindful Consumption Elevates Nutrition and Health

Today, we often rush through meals, scarcely paying attention to what we're consuming or how we're consuming it. However, there's a growing realisation that how we eat profoundly impacts our nutritional intake and overall health and wellbeing. In this episode, Jen discusses how mindful consumption elevates nutrition and health.


Unlocking the Secrets of the Vagus Nerve: Your Body's Highway to Health

In the complex landscape of the human body, there's a remarkable neural superhighway known as the vagus nerve. In this episode, Jen talks about how the vagus nerve isn't just about physical health but is also deeply connected to emotional wellbeing.


How to stop caving into your cravings

One of the most frequent comments Jen hears is, "Jen, I just can't resist my cravings." In this episode, Jen explores the reasons behind our cravings and shares straightforward strategies to help you manage them.


Dealing with vaginal dryness and pelvic floor prolapse

Claire Osterstock, a fanny physiotherapist located in Adelaide, South Australia, specialises in helping both women and men manage pelvic pain. Frequently approached for recommendations on personal lubricants, Claire noticed a lack of natural options in the market, dominated by products with synthetic chemicals and preservatives. Motivated by this, she developed her own brand, Olive and Bee, which offers a 100% natural personal lubricant. In this episode, Jen chats with Claire about her journey and the creation of Olive and Bee.


The top 5 secrets to self discipline

"Jen, sticking to a plan can be tough." You might find yourself excited about a new nutrition plan on Monday, only to abandon it by the afternoon. Or, you might commit to exercising but give up after a few days when you don't see immediate results. In this episode, Jen shares her top five secrets on how to build lasting self-discipline.


What makes the best skin creams

Did you know that sorbolene contains additives such as glycerin (synthesized from petrochemicals) and paraffin(A white or colourless soft solid derived from petroleum)? In this episode, Jen talks about what makes the best skin creams.


Its what we assimilate and eliminate that matters

The substances we absorb and the ones we dispel play a significant role in shaping our physical health, mental state, and overall quality of life. In this episode, Jen dives deep into the essence of wellbeing.


The biggest frustration in a woman's life is that scales lie

Even though scales seem to provide precise measurements, they can often give a deceptive picture, particularly regarding a woman's weight. In this episode, Jen discusses the various factors that contribute to the unreliability of scales.


What happens in a pelvic floor exam for prolapse

In today's episode, Jen talks with Georgia, Women’s Health physiotherapist, about all the ins and outs of a pelvic floor examination for prolapse


Are you a control freak?

Join Jen in conversation with Dr. Maz Roginski, a specialist in Traditional Chinese Medicine, as they explore the impacts of clinging too tightly to control in life and how being control enthusiasts can take a toll on our health.


Pessaries and pelvic floor prolapse

Pessaries are non-surgical devices used to support areas affected by pelvic floor prolapse, providing relief from symptoms by repositioning and stabilising pelvic organs. In this episode, Jen talks to Women’s Health physio Georgia about pessaries and pelvic floor prolapse.


Why we are feeling not happy or maybe depressed

Jen explores the connection between our emotional wellbeing and the heart meridian with Dr. Maz Roginski, a Traditional Chinese Medicine expert. They discuss how feelings of unhappiness or depression could stem from an imbalance in this vital energy pathway.


How fibre is the missing key to your gut health

Are you bloated, gassy, farty, get heartburn, constipated, runny bum, abdominal discomfort, weak immune system, weight gain, chronic fatigue or fatigued in general? There's every chance that your gut chemistry is out of balance, particularly your gut microbiome. In this episode, Jen is going to dive deep into all things plant fibre and why and how they are prebiotics that help with all those things.


Best ways to cook different vegetables for best nutrition

'Jen, should I eat my vegetables raw or cooked?' In this episode, Jen shares ways you can cook your vegetables to get the best nutrition.


Moving From Fear To Excitement

Did you know that? Your body only knows if you are scared or excited by the way you breathe. In this episode, Jen talks about how we move ourselves from being scared to excited.


The 7 Steps To Sanity

According to the World Health Organisation, work-related stress is the disease of the 20th Century. Stress is one of those things that we all experience to different degrees and through different symptoms and ailments. In this episode, Jen outlines the signs of burnout and shares her 7 Steps to Sanity.


Breaking The Stress Loop

Stress, defined by Lazarus, is when the demands exceed the personal and social resources the individual is able to mobilise to adapt to the conditions. In this episode, Jen discusses how high stress impacts women's health, and what you can do to break the stress loop.


The Wheel of Life

If wheels aren't perfectly circular, the ride is anything but smooth. Similarly, if your 'wheel of life' isn't balanced and well-rounded, navigating through life can become a real challenge. Now, you might be wondering, what exactly is this 'Wheel of Life'? In this episode, Jen explains what the Wheel of Life is and how it enables you to identify where things are out of alignment, and what you need to work on to rebalance them.


Jo Bruce

hi Jennifer. the links to the adrenal tonics are not working.

12-07 Reply

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