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The Pro-Life Guy's Podcast

The Pro-Life Guy's Podcast

Author: Cam Côté

Subscribed: 80Played: 3,278


My name is Cam, I'm a guy who's passionate about ending the killing of pre-born children, and this is a podcast dedicated to giving you the tools you need to change minds and save lives from abortion. I work for a pro-life organization called the Canadian Centre for Bio-Ethical Reform (CCBR), and together with my colleagues have reached millions of Canadians with the truth about abortion. Join me as I breakdown all the pro-choice justifications for abortion and share how we navigate them on the streets with clarity and compassion. I'll also talk to leaders in the movement and experts within fields that impact the abortion conversation to hear their stories and learn from them!

249 Episodes
We may be through June, but many pro-lifers are asking the question as to what they should do (if anything) around pride parades happening in their town, city, or community.In today's episode, Cam talks through a number of important considerations you and your team should reflect upon before conducting activism at the same time as a pride parade, or any other large event which might attract a large crowd.For more PLG podcast content, go to: www.prolifeguys.comThanks to everyone who helped the show role over 700 YouTube subscribers! If you haven't subscribed already, head over to: Cam with ideas, suggestions, or feedback at
This week on Humans of the Pro-Life Movement, Cam talks with Deyanne Sutcliffe, Executive Director of National Campus Life Network, about equipping and mobilizing Canadian students on campuses across the nation (as well as how she got involved)!For more PLG Podcast content, go to www.prolifeguys.comHelp us reach 700 YouTube Subscribers at: more about NCLN at: with Cam at with your comments, questions, suggestions, and anything else!
Better late than never to react to Harrison Butker's commencement address at Benedictine College, and to think about how to respond when famous people say pro-life things.In today's episode, Cam talks through the importance of researching the pro-life statement (and who actually said it), how these media sparks can be used to start conversations about abortion, and how important it is to connect with these courageous men and women and thank them for the aspects of their statements we agree with and appreciate.Thank you so much for getting the PLG podcast SOOOOO close to 700 subscribers on YouTube and over 150,000 downloads on podcatchers, and if you haven't subscribed already, please do so at mor PLG Podast content, go to www.prolifeguys.comTo watch the full commencement address go to: watch his follow up speech, go to: Cam with ideas, questions, and suggestions at
While many of us welcome the surprise of meeting someone who is already pro-life while doing activism, rarely do we know what to do once they tell us they are pro-life; so much so that we often just let these men and women walk away without even a follow up question!In today's episode, Cam talks through a simple approach to how to engage pro-lifers through the simple steps of:AffirmationConfirmationMotivation/educationActiviation/mobilizationThrough these four steps, we're able to solidify the positions of those we talk to, while also recruiting new members to join our pro-life outreach.For more PLG podcast content, go to www.prolifeguys.comCheck out the PLG podcast on social media as well as on YouTube, and don't forget to like and subscribe!Connect with Cam at with your ideas, questions, and comments!
Pro-lifer advocates are often challenged with the question, "What about when the mother's life is in danger?", and regardless of whether this comes from a well-meaning pro-lifer struggling to come to terms with this crisis, or an abortion advocate using these scenarios as something of a Trojan horse, it is vital that pro-lifers respond with clarity and compassion. In today's episode, host Cam talks through how to navigate these conversations to help those we're speaking to appreciate that while medical intervention can absolutely be appropriate, the mechanical intentions of that intervention entirely dictates whether a particular procedure is appropriate. #prolifepodcast #prolife #prolifegeneration Check out the episode where Cam talked to Dr. Ryan Wilson from Canadian Physicians for Life Don't forget to like and subscribe, and please send Cam an email with ideas and suggestions at
HPLM: Adelaide Holmes

HPLM: Adelaide Holmes


This week on Humans of the Pro-Life Movement, host Cam had the opportunity to sit down (in person!) with Adelaide Holmes, Director of Programs at Protect Life Michigan, to talk about her entry into the pro-life movement, her current role, and exciting opportunities she sees in the pro-life movement. Adelaide is an absolute rockstar, and it was so cool to spend a full week getting to know her and collaborate on apologetics and strategies CCBR and Protect Life Michigan already share, and others which can benefit our respective groups so that we can change more minds, saves more lives, and continue transforming our culture. As with all other episodes within this series, the Humans of the Pro-Life Movement series seeks to showcase the incredible men and women involved in the pro-life movement around the globe, and empower you to build up your own involvement locally and beyond. #prolifepodcast #prolifegeneration #protectlife Send Cam your suggestions for other guests at
I'm super excited to announce that I'm launching a Narnia Book Club, and I want to invite you to be a part of it! Whether you've read one of the books, all of the books, or none of the books, I'd love to have you as a part of this journey through C.S Lewis's fantastical world of Narnia. We'll read one book each month and talk about what we liked, what we may not have liked, and if there's any life take aways. We won't get too intense ( I don't think, at least!), so please sign up regardless of where you're at on your literary journey! Contact Cam with questions at #books #bookclub #prolifepodcast
Pro-life ambassadors often ask me whether they should start their conversations by addressing the hard circumstances and other justifications surrounding pregnancy, or whether they should dive straight into talking about the humanity of pre-born children, and I really (really, really, really) think you should start by addressing the circumstances and justifications underlying their support of abortion, rather than starting with the humanity of pre-born children, central though it is to the abortion conversation. I'd love to hear what you think, if you disagree or agree, and what your experience has been talking with those around you about abortion. Check out the full "Roadmap for Effective Pro-Life Conversations" here: Don't forget to like and subscribe! #prolifepodcast #prolife #changemakers
Some times when you are talking to an abortion advocate it becomes clear that they will not becoming fully pro-life (and maybe not even more pro-life) before the end of your conversation with them. Maybe they need to reflect upon the question of whether we can solve problems by killing humans, maybe they need to research when human life begins, maybe they need to consider whether they are comfortable discriminating human rights based on a human's age or ability. Whatever the reason, we must also consider whether we can help bring about smaller shifts, even if we won't be able to witness a full shift.In today's episode, host Cam talks about three strategies that can help generate meaningful break-throughs in yoru conversations, even if the person you're speaking with is unlikely to fully change their mind on abortion.#prolife#prolifepodcast#changemindssavelivesFor morePLG podcast content, go to: www.prolifeguys.comCheck out the PLG Podcast YouTube Channel, and don't foget to like and subscribe at with Cam with your questions, suggestions, and comments at:
Is abortion appropriate if the childs parents wouldn't be good parents?This is a question pro-lifers are often asked, either by those who doubt their own ability to provide a high quality of life for a child, those who are unwilling to provide a high quality of life, or by those who are considering people struggling with addiction, homelessness, or other life circumstances which may compromise their ability to provide a high quality of life for a child.In today's episode, host Cam addresses each of these scenarios, and walks through how we as pro-lifers can speak with charity and clarity into each circumstance.#prolife #prolifepodcast #prolifegenerationFor more PLG podcast content, go to: www.prolifeguys.comCheck out the PLG YouTube channel and don't forget to like and subscribe at: check out the recent episode on responding to questions about sexual assault: check out the recent episode on responding to questions about bodily autonomy: check out the episode on responding to the argument that pre-born children are parasites: with Cam for questions, comments, or ideas at
Many pro-lifers have been told that pre-born children are simply parasites, leeching nutrients and energy from their mothers.While it can be tempting to try and explain how the relationship between mother and child is not simply one-sided, in today's episode, Cam explains how to address the underlying concerns which may be motivating abortion advocates, or simply those experiencing challenging pregnancies, to consider pre-born children to be parasites.#prolife#prolifepodcast#howtotalkaboutabortionFor more PLG podcast content, go to www.prolifeguys.comDon't forget to check out the PLG Podcast YouTube Channel and remember to like and subscribe here connect with Cam for ideas, questions, or feedback, go to
In today's episode, host Cam is joined by Jessi Corson, Strategic Initiatives Manager for Protect Life Michigan, to talk about her journey into the pro-life movement and how her role has shifted through the years as her family has grown.#prolife#prolifepodcast#prowomanprolifeFor more PLG Podcast content, go to www.prolifeguys.comFor more about Protect Life Michigan, their awesome initiatives, and how you can get involved, check out connect with Cam for questions, comments, or suggestions, hit him up on social media or at
Building on the recent episode where Cam spoke to Trevor Polo from Protect Life Michigan, in today's episode host Cam boils things down to a very simple approach for how to explain the use abortion victim imagery and photography to both abortion advocates and pro-lifers (spoiler alert, it's different depending on who you're talking to!). #prolife #howto #antiabortion Don't forget to like and subscribe to the show! For more PLG Podcast content, check out these episodes focused on abortion victim imagery: The difference between social reform and traditional marketing with Jonathon Van Maren The logic behind abortion victim imagery FAQs of abortion victim imagery with Dr. Monica Miller For the recent study conducted by Protect Life Michigan, go to Contact Cam at with you ideas, suggestions, and questions!
While many pro-lifers (and even many abortion advocates) have come to accept and embrace the public display of abortion victim images, there are still at least some who question the strategy, asking questions about the impact abortion victim images have on one's worldview, on their likelihoood of supporting various forms of legislation, and most often the impact showing these images have on people's perception of the pro-life movement. In today's episode, Cam sits down with Trevor Polo from Protect Life Michigan to review and discuss comprehensive polling PLMi has recently conducted to answer the questions mentioned above. #prolife #abortion #abortionvictimimages #prolifepodcast To check out the study yourself and to learn more about Protect Life Michigan, go to: For more PLG Podcast content, go to: 00:00 Introduction 09:17 Trevor Polo and the role of effective pro-life strategies 20:45 New polling conducted by Protect Life Michigan 29:25 Impact of abortion victim images on abortion worldviews 36:30 Impact of abortion victim images on humanizing pre-born children 43:42 Impact of abortion victim images on perception of pro-lifers showing the images56:41 Impact of abortion victim images on support of restrictive legislation 01:17:15 Conclusion Thanks for hanging through this longer than normal episode, don't forget to like and subscribe to the show, and reach out to Cam at if you have suggestions for future topics or have any other feedback!
HPLM: Meg Woodard

HPLM: Meg Woodard


This week on Humans of the Pro-Life Movement, and in honour of International Women's Day, host Cam Côté sits down with Meg Woodard, Kensington Coordinator for the Alberta Life Issues Educational Society (ALIES), to talk about her journey from pro-life teenager to working for a pro-life organization with their ministry base two doors down from the Calgary abortion facility in Kensington.Meg is an incredible advocate for life with profound insight into connecting with abortion-minded mothers and fathers, and this episode is a sneak-peak into their life saving ministry in both Calgary and Edmonton, Canada.For more PLG content, go to: www.prolifeguys.comTo learn more about ALIES, go to: check out our most recent episodes, including Cam's reaction video to Ben Shapiro rapping, go to: you have suggestions, questions, or comments, contact Cam at:
How do you end a conversation about abortion in a polite way that keeps the door open for further thought and reflection? That's the topic of today's PLG Podcast episode!We've done episodes in how to start conversations about abortion, and usually most episodes feature strategies for keeping conversations going, but what if you need to end a conversation, either because you need to get back to work or school, or simply because you've reached an impass in conversation that requires personal reflection? In today's episode, host Cam talks through several reasons why you may need to end a conversation about abortion, before walking through the four steps necessary for ending a conversation so that the person you're speaking with continues to think towards the pro-life worldview.Please give a review and rating to help grow the show!For more PLG podcast content, go to: www.prolifeguys.comFor the roadmap for having effective conversations about abortion, go to: out the PLG Podcast YouTube Channel and don't forget to like and subscribe at:
A recent study published in Scientific American suggests that since the overturning of Roe vs. Wade in 2022 via the Dobbs decision, approximately 59,000 women have become pregnant through sexual assault in states where abortion is illegal regardless of the circumstances of the child's conception.In light of this study, many pro-lifers are conflicted in their response, suggesting that these numbers must be somehow inflated or even else wondering if these laws might be illadvised. In today's episode, Cam talks through the crisis of sexual assault in our world, the need for greater protection for women, and tragically the urgent support for victims in today's society, before ending on how pro-lifers should compassionately communicate our shared conviction that these heinous crimes must be stopped, punished, and responded to in ways that support the victims, yet in ways which do not include killing the innocent child conceived through these brutal attacks.For more PLG podcast content, go to: www.prolifeguys.comTo read the full study, go to: check out the PLG Episode in which Cam and Pieter spoke with Aura, a survivor of sexual assault, go to: out the PLG Podcast YouTube Channel at: Cam with questions, comments, or suggestions at:
Have you ever been well into a really good conversation with someone who supports abortion, only to have all the rapport and momentum you've built thwarted by a well-meaning, but poorly equipped pro-lifer who interupts you and says something less than ideal?In today's episode, Cam talks about how to handle situations in which pro-lifers who haven't received CCBR's training jump in to "help" you talk to an abortion advocate. Additionally, Cam talks about how to challenge the pro-lifers you meet to become more effective in their engagement methods to optimize their pro-life outreach.For more PLG podcast content, go to: www.prolifeguys.comIf you missed it, make sure you check out Cam's reaction for Ben Shapiro and Tom MacDonald's #1 hit song, "Facts".To read the recent study on the projected number of pregnancies resulting from sexual assault since the overturning of Roe vs. Wade which Cam will be responding to in next week's apologetics episode, go to: to the PLG Podcast YouTube Channel at:
Cam is flipping the episodes this week and kicking things off with a reaction episode to Ben Shapiro and Tom MacDonald's Billboard #1 rap song, "Facts". This song is a hilarious commentary on modern music, but Cam dives a little bit deeper into why pro-lifers and conservatives can laugh along to what may be a very cathartic song, but one that maybe shouldn't become our mantra or anthem.Check out the song here: mor PLG Podcast Content, go to www.prolifeguys.comSubscribe to the PLG Podcast YouTube Channel at: Cam with questions, ideas, or suggestions at:
In today's bonus episode, host Cam sits down with Larry Worthen, Executive Director of the Christian Medical and Dental Association of Canada, to talk about the ethical challenges many medical practitioners are faced with in contemporary society, the support CMDA is able to offer, and how you can support pro-life medical professionals.To learn more about the Christian Medical and Dental Association of Canada, go to: more PLG Podcast Content, go to: www.prolifeguys.comSubscribe to the PLG Podcast YouTube Channel by going to: Cam with questions, comments, or suggestions at:
Comments (8)

Clara Olivera

What a way to kick off this new series! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 Bravo Pieter! Katie's testimony brought tears to my eyes. Beautiful episode. Looking forward to more of this and looking forward to The Pulse.

Jan 9th
Reply (1)

Clara Olivera

This is my favorite podcast! In fact, it is the reason I started listening to podcasts. It has become part of my weekly routine. I love that it's so dynamic and straight to the point. It is the highlight of 2020!

Dec 14th
Reply (3)


Absolutely inspiring and refreshing. Please keep up the great work.

Aug 18th
Reply (1)