The Promise Perspective Podcast

<p>The Promise Perspective Podcast aims to teach you how to anchor your heart in the promises and commandments of Yahuah. As the world constantly pulls our attention in every direction, in this space, you’ll find discussions on what it truly means to elevate your perspective to seeing things through a lens that we are all called to have as Yahuah's children. The Promise Perspective’s mission is to equip you with the encouragement, tools, and Scripture needed to cultivate your heart and teach you how to have a mindset completely rooted in His Word. Your host, Stephanie, is excited to join you on your walk with Yahusha to help teach you the unshakable foundation and authority we have because of Him. </p>

Rise of the Romans | Episode 16

History unveils prophecy. History connects the dots.History fills in the lack of knowledge that people are perishing from. History MATTERS.But here’s the thing...Not only does the body not know history, but the body has been told and taught a false version of history that has literally been written by the hands of people who have been used as vessels by the enemy for the spiritual captivity of our minds.Yea—it’s deep. In repairing this breach, we have to talk about history. Thi...


A Macedonian Movement | Episode 15

We are currently 15 episodes into Season 4: ‘Who is Israel?’ on The Promise Perspective Podcast, and we are far from finished with this season. As I have mentioned before, the topics discussed on this season have to be tackled at many different angles and layers. This is incredibly challenging for me, as I desperately want people to know the truth, but I also maintain my plea to not take my word for it. We read in Hosea 4:6 that people are perishing from a lack of knowledge. One of the p...


"How Did You Come in Here Without a Wedding Garment?" | Episode 14

In Matthew 22, we read a parable of a man who attended a wedding, in which when the king came in to see the guests, he saw this man who did not have on a wedding garment. He asked him, “how did you come in here without a wedding garment?”The man was speechless. Directly after, the king said to his servants, “bind him hand in foot, take him away, and cast him into outer darkness where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.”All because of a wedding garment!? Parables are earthly stories t...


The Significance of the Priestly Garments | Episode 13

There are so many things in Scripture that teach us the significance of the priestly garments, especially the garments of the High Priest, who is Yahusha now. As we walk through Episode 13, I hope that you will be able to see how, just the like Tabernacle, how these garments also point to the priesthood of our Messiah! How is this relevant to His new priesthood (us) today? Well, one of the most significant pieces was the turban of the High Priest. In Exodus 28:36, we read that there was a gol...


Understanding the New Priesthood | Episode 12

As I prepare to do some heavy unpacking on Episode 12 of Season 4 of “Who is Israel?” I want to start out by quoting Revelation 20:6...“Blessed and holy is he that has part in the first resurrection: on such the second death has no power, but they shall be as priests of Elohim and of Messiah, and will reign with Him a thousand years.” The word I want to focus on here is “priests.” We know that Yahusha is our new High Priest. Peter tells us that we are a part of a “royal priesthood.” Scripture...


The Role of the Priesthood & a Tour of the Tabernacle | Episode 11

We have a new High Priest. It is prophesied that those in covenant with Yahuah will become a kingdom of priests. It is only those who take part in the first resurrection that will serve in this new priesthood during the Millennial Reign. What does this mean to Believers today? How are we supposed to apply this understanding to our own lives? More so, how are we to function, since the body is currently the new Temple/Tabernacle of Elohim, yet with the understanding that we are also anticipatin...


The Hebrew Definition of "Covenant" | Episode 10

So far on Season 4, we have talked about the word "covenant" in many episodes. To understand what it means to be in covenant with the Most High is fundamental to our understanding of Scripture. To be in covenant with Yahuah also means being "marked" by Him. On today's episode, we are going to break down the word "covenant" in its Hebrew origin to gain even more clarity and understanding of the depth, beauty and significance of this word. I encourage you that if you haven't already done so, pl...


Understanding the Covenant with Our Creator | Episode 9

There has been a fundamental teaching left out of mainstream Christianity today that is crucial to our understanding of Scripture, the will of Yahuah and the message of our Messiah. And that is the understanding of what it means to be in covenant with our Creator. The entire theme of reconciliation and restoration talked about in Scripture has everything to do with being in covenant and staying in covenant. Without understanding the scriptural definition of the “covenant,” it has allowe...


The Medo-Persians & the Call to Rebuild | Episode 8

After King Cyrus of Persia conquered Babylon, he issued a decree that would allow the Yahudim to return to their homeland. Isaiah and Jeremiah were both prophets that had witnessed to the people of this coming event (Isaiah 13:17 & Jeremiah 51:11). “Then rose up the chief of the fathers of Judah and Benjamin, and the priests, and the Levites, with all them whose spirit Elohim had raised, to go up to build the house of Yahuah which is in Jerusalem.”Ezra 1:5In this episode, we reach a ...


Influence & Aftermath of the Babylonian Captivity | Episode 7

Today’s episode is entirely dedicated to the impact and influence that Babylon had on the captivity of the Yahudim (Jews). The way that the Babylonian captivity affected their worship of Yahuah was monumental to how their faith would be shaped once they returned from their captivity to rebuild the Temple in Jerusalem. Because the Yahudim no longer had a Temple, even though they were free to practice their own religion, everything about the way they worshipped Yahuah had been changed...


The Rise of the Babylonians | Episode 6

The neo-Babylonian empire established itself as the dominant world empire from 586 – 539 BCE. There has been a lot of history left out of our Bible studies that gives us important information as to the political, biblical and religious changes that happened as a result of the Babylonian captivity. Moreso, not understanding these changes that happened during the physical captivity in Babylon has damaged our understanding of the spiritual Babylonian captivity that many are living in today, and ...


Promises of Restoration from the Prophets | Episode 5

The prophetic books in Scripture can be best read in context of whether they were written before, during, and/or after the Assyrian exile and the Babylonian captivity. Prophecy and promises were given to us in those moments on the historical timeline of the nation of Israel and Judah. The whole house of Israel had been divided into two kingdoms after King Solomon, and we saw how quickly both kingdoms fell into apostasy. The prophets were sent to bring awareness to the spiritual condition of t...


The Biblical History of Israel & Judah | Episode 4

You know how when you start reading a book, you’re eager to get to the “good part?”Sometimes, especially as newbies to Bible study, the Old Testament books can seem a little dry with history. As we start to learn the Word, there’s a lot we don’t understand and it can be overwhelmingly and daunting to stare at the pages of thousands of years of history and genealogies, not knowing how to begin, when you know that the good news of the Messiah is just page flips away. But the problem is that too...


The Lineage of the Hebrews & Other Nations | Episode 3

If there is one thing I’ve learned since I started studying the Bible for myself, it’s this:Don’t skip over the genealogies and locations!I can’t tell you how many times I’ve read my Bible in the past, and every time it came to that long list of names and places, I just skimmed right past it. The people and places that Yahuah lists for us to read may be more important than you think. I’ve certainly learned this for myself. As we continue on in Season 4 of this podcast, this will become more a...


Why History Matters | Episode 2

History was never of much interest to me until I started to read the Bible. One of the most unique characteristics about the time we live in is that we are in, as most call it, the “Information Age.” Computer technology has given us the ability to have history at our fingertips. What makes the time we live in so much different than any other time period, is the ability to research through the internet. While there are pros and cons to the world wide web (as well as a level of caution and disc...


An Intro to Season 4: "Who Is Israel?" | Episode 1

I felt led to start Season 4: Who is Israel? by sharing the intentions and expectations for this season. For those who choose to go on this deep dive with me, especially on a topic such as this, there may be different expectations people might have, depending on where one is at in their walk of following our Messiah. I believe there are certain biblical truths and perspectives that are necessary to have in order to have a better understanding of the Bible, your identity as a child of the...


Why Words Matter | Episode 44

There are many words in our Bibles today that have been translated to English, and in doing so, has completely changed the meaning and implications behind the Hebrew and Greek words that were originally used. Those who have gone before us in the Christian faith have literally created doctrines and beliefs around misinterpretations of Scripture. The Christian faith today has a complete set of beliefs, yet their beliefs are missing the appropriate context and proper definitions of the words bei...


The Christmas "Spirit" | Episode 43

The Father created a deep void in my heart around 2 years ago that caused me to dig deeper into the origin and meaning behind the Christmas holiday. Christmas seems to be one of the most religious holidays in the western world today, but the truth is that many people know little about its history. It's time that we investigate this holiday and examine what Scripture has to say about it. We must seek to worship in spirit and in truth, the way the Father commands. We must learn how to discern t...


Testing the Fruit | Episode 42

What if I told you that I could prove to you in Scripture that the majority of Christian pastors today are wolves in sheep's clothing?Do you know how to biblically test someone’s fruit?“Beware of false prophets who come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly are ravaging wolves. You will know them by their fruits.” Matthew 7:15-16Our Messiah is telling us that by their fruits, you will know whether or not someone is a false teacher or if they are a true follower of Him. These are ...


Why Labels Are Dangerous | Episode 41

There is a growing number of Believers who are truly trying to be like the Bereans that we read about in Scripture. Additionally, we are trying to put the Scriptures into context by studying history, language and culture through a Hebrew lens in order to get a better understanding of the original context so that we can have a better understanding of Scripture. However, in doing this, I've seen labels such as "Hebrew Roots Movement" and "Sacred Name Only Movement" float around and are being us...


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