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The Psychic Soul Meditations

Author: Crystal Heinemann

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Welcome to The Psychic Soul. A community for helping raise the collective frequency through meditations, courses, virtual summits, live events and discussions. Our philosophy is if we support each other, we all rise.

Infinite love and gratitude for being here. We are grateful you have chosen to shine your light for others to see.

Crystal Heinemann
The Psychic Soul Founder and Meditator
118 Episodes
In the "Virgo New Moon September 2024 Guided Meditation" you can expect a deeply transformative experience designed to rewrite your energetic body stories; which is your subtle, mental, emotional and physical bodies and amplify your manifestation power. This meditation focuses on aligning with the renewal energies of the Virgo New Moon to promote healing, clarity, and balance within your energy field and nervous system. By working with 741 Hz frequency music, which is known for its ability to cleanse and heal the body, this meditation will guide you through a process of energetic activation, helping you to release limiting beliefs and open up to new opportunities for growth, abundance and align with the flow of life.As you journey through this guided meditation, you’ll experience a powerful connection to the earth element, grounding your intentions and aligning them with the Virgo New Moon's energy. This practice will support you in manifesting your deepest desires by clearing any energetic blockages and enhancing your ability to focus on your goals with precision and clarity. Whether you're seeking to heal, transform, or manifest new beginnings, this meditation offers a sacred space to connect with your inner self and the healing energies of the New Moon.👍 Like, follow, comment and share to help others discover the magic of guided meditation.☕ Support my workWays to work with me ⤵️⤵️⤵️  📆 SUBSCRIBE TO OUR FREE iCALENDAR👩🏽‍💻 WEBSITE📲 SOCIAL MEDIA🦋 SERVICES📚 COURSES⭕️ 9-9 LIVE VIRTUAL SACRED PORTAL CIRCLE🦋📿 As a Transformation Guide specializing in Psychic Development, Meditation, Moon Rituals, Sacred Healing Circles & Mentorship, I empower individuals to master their energy field & awaken to their Soul purpose. I offer practices & intuitive guidance to nurture your journey to liberation through Self-Transformation.I LOVE YOU! 🫶🏼 - Crystal
This guided meditation for Virgo Season is divinely created to help you connect deeply with your inner goddess, grounding yourself in the nurturing Earth energy. As Virgo season spans from approximately August 22nd to September 21st, it offers a powerful opportunity to align with the harmonious and organized energy of Virgo. This meditation guides you to release stress, calm your nervous system, and activate your inner authority, making it the perfect time to focus on self-care, health routines, and refining your personal and professional life.Throughout this meditation, you'll be led to visualize grounding your energy into the Earth, allowing any lower frequencies to dissipate. You'll tap into the season's strong Earth element and the influence of Mercury to find balance, activate your inner peace, and embrace your unique gifts. This meditation is ideal for anyone looking to enhance their self-assurance, embrace their imperfections as strengths, and step confidently into the powerful energy of Virgo. Whether you're seeking to manifest your desires or simply find inner calm, this meditation provides the tools to align with the highest expression of Virgo energy.☕ Support my workWays to work with me ⤵️⤵️⤵️  📆 SUBSCRIBE TO OUR FREE iCALENDAR👩🏽‍💻 WEBSITE📲 SOCIAL MEDIA🦋 SERVICES📚 COURSES⭕️ 9-9 LIVE VIRTUAL SACRED PORTAL CIRCLE🦋📿 As a Transformation Guide specializing in Psychic Development, Meditation, Moon Rituals, Sacred Healing Circles & Mentorship, I empower individuals to master their energy field & awaken to their Soul purpose. I offer practices & intuitive guidance to nurture your journey to liberation through Self-Transformation.I LOVE YOU! 🫶🏼 - Crystal
Experience the transformative power of the August 2024 Aquarius Full SuperMoon with this Powerful Alchemical Energy Cleansing Meditation. In this guided session, you will journey through a full body energy cleanse, harmonizing your chakras and aura with the potent alchemical energies of Aquarius. As the SuperMoon illuminates your path, you’ll engage in deep chakra healing, focusing on the 7 main chakras, allowing the cosmic energies to cleanse and balance your entire energy system. This meditation is infused with Reiki energy and supported by the soothing vibrations of Crystal Bowl and Tuning Fork Sound Healing, designed to clear non-beneficial energy and elevate your spiritual connection.Activate with the lunar energy of this SuperMoon to release blockages, activate your inner alchemist, and align with your highest self. Whether you’re seeking to enhance your intuition, purify your energy field, or simply recharge under the August 2024 Super Full Moon, this meditation offers a profound experience of healing and transformation. Perfect for anyone looking to deepen their spiritual practice and connect with the cosmic flow during the August 2024 Full Super Moon lunar cycle.🎶🥁🎧 Lauren Aloisio's 25 Minute Guided Sound Meditation for an Energetic Reset ☕ Support my workWays to work with me ⤵️⤵️⤵️  📆 SUBSCRIBE TO OUR FREE iCALENDAR👩🏽‍💻 WEBSITE📲 SOCIAL MEDIA🦋 SERVICES📚 COURSES⭕️ 9-9 LIVE VIRTUAL SACRED PORTAL CIRCLE🦋📿 As a Transformation Guide specializing in Psychic Development, Meditation, Moon Rituals, Sacred Healing Circles & Mentorship, I empower individuals to master their energy field & awaken to their Soul purpose. I offer practices & intuitive guidance to nurture your journey to liberation through Self-Transformation.I LOVE YOU! 🫶🏼 - Crystal
Experience the transformative power of the New Moon in Leo with my guided meditation designed to release old karma, trauma, and belief structures. This meditation focuses on the heart-centered energy of the Leo New Moon, allowing you to courageously shine your unique light within and out into the world. Tune into the 432 Hz Frequency background meditation music, known as the Universe’s Heartbeat, to reduce stress, promote emotional stability, and sync with the heartbeat of the Universe.🫀Dive deep into a sacred journey where you'll connect with the fire element, ground your energy, and activate your heart chakra. Guided by the nurturing energy of Chariklo, you'll embrace compassion, healing, and the divine power to create miracles. This meditation not only purifies and transforms your energy but also amplifies your manifesting power under the new moon's influence. Perfect for those seeking to align with unconditional love and harness the creative, transformative energy of Leo, this meditation will leave you feeling rejuvenated, empowered, and ready to manifest your dreams.👍 Like, follow, and share to help others discover the magic of the Lionsgate Portal guided meditation. Prepare to elevate your consciousness and manifest your divine abundance today!🎶🥁🎧 Lauren Aloisio's Reiki Infused Relax & Renew Sound Bath: LOVE YOU! 🫶🏼 - Crystal📆 SUBSCRIBE TO OUR FREE iCALENDAR:🎶 LAUREN ALOISIO | THE ENERGY NURSE:☕ Support my work: to work with me ⤵️⤵️⤵️👩🏽‍💻 WEBSITE:📲 SOCIAL MEDIA:🦋 SERVICES:📚 COURSES:🛍️ STORE: ⭕️ SACRED CIRCLES: Monthly on Portal Dates.
Reawaken your magic! Experience the transformative power of the Lionsgate 88 Portal with me. Every year, from July 26th to August 12th, the Lionsgate Portal opens, peaking on August 8th (8/8) when the Sun is in Leo. This celestial alignment with our Spiritual Sun, Sirius, creates a galactic gateway that showers Earth with high-frequency energy, triggering DNA activations and spiritual awakenings. Join Crystal on a gentle yet powerful guided meditation journey, tapping into ancient Egyptian wisdom and the numerological magic of 888 to activate your Hrit and Heart Chakras, and reawaken to your divine abundance, liberation, and inner guidance.During this powerful guided meditation, you'll ascend a staircase from Sirius, feeling a deep connection to the cosmos and the Sirian White Lions. These celestial guardians will help clear non-beneficial energy and facilitate deep heart healing, transforming past wounds into sources of strength. As you receive divine light codes and DNA upgrades from Sirius, you'll awaken to your infinite potential, heightened intuition, and greater soul purpose. The Lionsgate Portal meditation, set to the resonant frequency of 888 Hz, amplifies your spiritual growth, enabling profound transformations and the manifestation of your highest intentions.I LOVE YOU! 🫶🏼 - Crystal⭕️ 8-8-8 LIVE VIRTUAL SACRED PORTAL CIRCLE: for more guided meditations.👍 Like, Review, and Share to spread infinite love & gratitude!I LOVE YOU! 🫶🏼 - Crystal☕ Support my work: to work with me ⤵️⤵️⤵️ 🦋📿 As a Transformation Guide specializing in Psychic Development, Meditation, & Mentorship, I empower individuals to master their energy field & awaken to their Soul purpose. I offer practices & intuitive guidance to nurture your journey to liberation through Self-Transformation.👩🏽‍💻 WEBSITE:📲 SOCIAL MEDIA:🦋 SERVICES:📚 COURSES:⭕️ LIVE VIRTUAL SACRED PORTAL CIRCLES:
Join me, Crystal from The Psychic Soul for a transformative guided meditation under the rare Capricorn Blue Full Moon. This meditation is designed to help you release blocks to financial freedom and grounding, using the potent energy of the blue moon. Begin with a calming background of 10 Hz Binaural Beats, easing you into an Alpha State for deep relaxation and stress relief. As you settle into your practice, you'll connect with the grounding energies of Capricorn and the nurturing flow of abundance. The meditation guides you to align with Earth and Water elements, grounding your energy while releasing resistance and old narratives that no longer serve you.Throughout this journey, you will anchor your spirit, clear outdated soul contracts, and awaken to your divine purpose. The Capricorn Blue Moon amplifies your intentions, helping you embrace your leadership qualities with love and strength. By integrating the mythic energy of the dwarf planet Quaoar, you are invited to dance and move freely, raising your frequency and connecting to the universal flow of abundance. This meditation concludes with a powerful affirmation, reminding you of your divine creative power and alignment with the infinite flow of abundance.🙌🏼 Thank you to  @PamGregoryOfficial  for her beautiful work and guidance that she offers here on YouTube.🎶🥁🎧 Lauren Aloisio's Capricorn Blue Full Moon Relax & Reset Sound Journey: for more guided meditations.👍 Like, Review, and Share to spread infinite love & gratitude!I LOVE YOU! 🫶🏼 - Crystal☕ Support my work: to work with me ⤵️⤵️⤵️ 🦋📿 As a Transformation Guide specializing in Psychic Development, Meditation, & Mentorship, I empower individuals to master their energy field & awaken to their Soul purpose. I offer practices & intuitive guidance to nurture your journey to liberation through Self-Transformation.👩🏽‍💻 WEBSITE:📲 SOCIAL MEDIA:🦋 SERVICES:📚 COURSES:
🧘‍♀️ Welcome to my 25 Minute Chakra Balance & Cleansing Guided Meditation 🌟Join me in this powerful meditation designed to cleanse and balance your chakras using the healing frequencies of 741 Hz. This guided practice will help you connect with your inner power and find stillness amidst any challenges.✨ In this meditation, you will:Release anxious and fearful energySet sacred intentions for your practice Ground yourself with Earth energyCleanse your energy field of stress, anxiety, and old karma Balance and activate all seven chakrasAlign with the highest expression of your whole self🌍 Grounding with Earth Energy: Feel your roots grow deep into Mother Earth, grounding you and connecting you to her core. Allow Earth energy to flow through your feet chakras, filling your entire being with a grounding tonic.🌌 Cosmic Energy Cleanse: Experience the gentle cosmic energy pouring into your Crown Chakra, upgrading and healing each chakra down to your Root. Feel the cosmic stardust removing any lingering discomfort, old karma, and trauma.🌿 Chakra Affirmations: - Root Chakra: "I am deeply rooted and balanced." - Sacral Chakra: "I have a deep connection to my body." - Solar Plexus Chakra: "I am worthy of love, kindness, and respect." - Heart Chakra: "I deeply and completely love and accept myself." - Throat Chakra: "I am open, honest, and clear in my communication." - Third Eye Chakra: "I am wise, intuitive, and connected to my inner guidance." - Crown Chakra: "I honor the Divine within me."💫 Benefits of This Meditation: - Cleansing and balancing of chakras - Stress and anxiety relief - Enhanced inner peace and relaxation - Increased sense of security and grounding - Activation of higher consciousness and intuitionFollow for more guided meditations.I LOVE YOU! 🫶🏼 - Crystal☕ Support my work: to work with me ⤵️⤵️⤵️ 🦋📿 As a Transformation Guide specializing in Psychic Development, Meditation, & Mentorship, I empower individuals to master their energy field & awaken to their Soul purpose. I offer practices & intuitive guidance to nurture your journey to liberation through Self-Transformation.👩🏽‍💻 WEBSITE:📲 SOCIAL MEDIA:🦋 SERVICES:📚 COURSES:
Awaken the power of ancestral wisdom and manifest your dreams into reality with this transformative guided meditation. This session will help you release stress, cleanse your energy field, and connect deeply with your subconscious mind. Using 3Hz Binaural Beats, you’ll effortlessly enter the quantum field where manifestation becomes rapid and powerful.In this meditation, you’ll integrate ancient knowledge with modern spiritual practices, grounding your energy and expanding your Throat and Heart Chakras. Connect with the wisdom of your benevolent ancestors as you walk an ancestral labyrinth, weaving your dreams into golden threads and manifesting abundance in your life. Experience deep relaxation, stress relief, and powerful shifts in your energy as you align with the cycles of the Universe.Perfect for those seeking to enhance their manifestation practice, this guided meditation offers profound benefits for your mind, body, and spirit. Embrace the support of your ancestors and the cosmic energies as you manifest abundance and align with your highest potential. Remember, if you can dream it, you can do it. ✨I LOVE YOU! 🫶🏼 - CrystalI LOVE YOU! 🫶🏼 - Crystal☕ Support my work: to work with me ⤵️⤵️⤵️ 🦋📿 As a Transformation Guide specializing in Psychic Development, Meditation, & Mentorship, I empower individuals to master their energy field & awaken to their Soul purpose. I offer practices & intuitive guidance to nurture your journey to liberation through Self-Transformation.👩🏽‍💻 WEBSITE: 📲 SOCIAL MEDIA:🦋 SERVICES:📚 COURSES:
Welcome to a sacred journey under the July 2024 Cancer New Moon. This guided meditation is designed to help you release stress, anxiety, and anything that no longer serves your highest good. Embrace the nurturing energy of the Cancer New Moon to set powerful intentions and manifest your deepest desires. With 4Hz Binaural Beats in the background, you'll effortlessly enter the Theta Brainwave State, the optimal frequency for manifesting.In this meditation, you will ground yourself, connect with the lunar energy, and plant your dream seeds in the fertile soil of your heart. Allow the photonic light of the moon to cleanse and rejuvenate you, while the essence of Dwarf Planet Salacia, depicted in mythology as a Lemurian mermaid, guides you with her shimmering photonic light. Feel the emotional balance and receptivity as you flow like water, letting go of all that no longer aligns with your highest self. This sacred space is your cocoon for transformation, nurturing your mind, body, soul, and heart.I LOVE YOU! 🫶🏼 - Crystal☕ Support my work: to work with me ⤵️⤵️⤵️ 🦋📿 As a Transformation Guide specializing in Psychic Development, Meditation, & Mentorship, I empower individuals to master their energy field & awaken to their Soul purpose. I offer practices & intuitive guidance to nurture your journey to liberation through Self-Transformation.👩🏽‍💻 WEBSITE: 📲 SOCIAL MEDIA:🦋 SERVICES:📚 COURSES:
Discover the rejuvenating power of Whole Body Breath Meditation to ground and renew your body with oxygen flow. Breathwork is a powerful tool for reducing stress, alleviating anxiety, and lowering blood pressure, helping you ground into your body and return to your natural state of being. By practicing deep breathing for grounding, you can reconnect with your breath, bringing calmness and balance to your life.Breathing brings us energy. Each inhalation sends vital oxygen into our cells, fueling our body's energy production, while each exhalation releases waste and toxins, preventing stagnation and supporting vital functions. This grounding meditation technique is particularly beneficial for calming the nervous system and relieving feelings of anxiety or stress. By focusing on Whole Body Breathing, you don't need to control your breath—simply be present in the moment.As you breathe in, envision your whole body drawing in fresh oxygen. As you breathe out, picture your entire body releasing tension and toxins. This practice not only renews your body but also helps regulate your nervous system, making it an excellent addition to your daily routine or a tool to use whenever you need to center yourself. Embrace this grounding and renewal meditation to restore balance and enhance your overall well-being.I LOVE YOU! 🫶🏼 - Crystal☕ Support my work: to work with me ⤵️⤵️⤵️ 🦋📿 As a Transformation Guide specializing in Psychic Development, Meditation, & Mentorship, I empower individuals to master their energy field & awaken to their Soul purpose. I offer practices & intuitive guidance to nurture your journey to liberation through Self-Transformation.👩🏽‍💻 WEBSITE: 📲 SOCIAL MEDIA:🦋 SERVICES:📚 COURSES:
👉🏼🎉Exciting News! Upcoming freedom & liberation sale! Visit my website and sign up for my newsletter to receive notification of this private sale! 🎯🔗SIGN UP FOR NEWSLETTER TO GET NOTIFIED HERE!Discover the transformative power of our June 2024 Full Moon in Capricorn Guided Meditation. This guided meditation session is designed to cleanse and balance your chakras and aura, activating nourishment and renewal, bringing your energy field into alignment to promote holistic well-being. Today's practice focuses on finding stillness and tapping into your inner power, reminding you that no matter the challenges before you, you possess the strength to reshape your past, present, and future realities.Set against the backdrop of soothing 741 Hz frequency music, this meditation acts as a magnet for your energy field, removing toxins and promoting full-body cell repair. The Full Moon in Capricorn is an ideal time to harness the grounding energy of this earth sign, enabling you to achieve a profound sense of stability and empowerment. Join us in this guided journey to unlock your potential and embrace the transformative energy of the full moon.Elevate your spiritual practice with this full-body chakra and aura cleanse, designed to restore balance and harmony within. Let the powerful combination of guided meditation and healing frequencies support your journey to self-mastery and divine prosperity. Embrace the stillness, connect with your inner power, and step into a reality where you are the creator of your destiny.I LOVE YOU! 🫶🏼 - Crystal☕ Support my work: to transform with me ⤵️⤵️⤵️Transform with me 👉🏼🦋📿 As a Transformation Guide specializing in Psychic Development, Meditation, & Mentorship, I empower individuals to master their energy field & awaken to their Soul purpose. I offer practices & intuitive guidance to nurture your journey to liberation through Self-Transformation.
Within this meditation, I’ll guide you to ground and let go. We’ll connect with the Earth Elements and in doing so, tapping into Mother Earth’s powerful energy lines that start to harmonize their frequencies all across the globe a day prior to any solstice and equinox.As we emulate nature, we too can all sync our frequencies to the energy of harmony. Next, we’ll breathe in and out love, becoming a conduit for this energy.For an additional activation, the background music is 7 Hz Binaural Beats; Which syncs us to Earth’s frequency. Simply listening to this alone will guide us into Theta State where we can enter into safe, deep meditation.After this meditation you will feel cleansed, renewed, refreshed, balanced an in harmony with all of the Earth Elements of Fire, Earth, Air, Water and Ether. Syncing to the high vibration of Solstice!I LOVE YOU! 🫶🏼 - Crystal☕ Support my work: to transform with me ⤵️⤵️⤵️Transform with me 👉🏼🦋📿 As a Transformation Guide specializing in Psychic Development, Meditation, & Mentorship, I empower individuals to master their energy field & awaken to their Soul purpose. I offer practices & intuitive guidance to nurture your journey to liberation through Self-Transformation.
Experience the transformative power of our daily guided meditation designed for Cancer season, from June 21 through July 22. This meditation is perfect for anyone, regardless of astrological sign, aiming to harness the nurturing energy of Cancer to elevate their well-being. Cancer season, aligned with the purifying water element, invites you to explore your emotions, intuition, and healing potential. Water’s natural ability to purify and heal serves as a reminder to breathe deeply and go within, especially when feeling sensitive or in need of protection, much like the outer shell of a crab.During this period, the cosmic power of water supports you in achieving balance and calm, encouraging adaptability and creative problem-solving. As Cancer season may incline you to seek comfort and security, it’s also a time to gently push beyond your comfort zone and embrace necessary risks. This guided meditation helps you connect deeply with yourself and others, fostering a loving, nurturing, and soul-nourishing home environment. Let the energies of Cancer season lead you to heart-centered well-being and a profound sense of inner peace.I LOVE YOU! 🫶🏼 - Crystal☕ Support my work: to transform with me ⤵️⤵️⤵️Transform with me 👉🏼🦋📿 As a Transformation Guide specializing in Psychic Development, Meditation, & Mentorship, I empower individuals to master their energy field & awaken to their Soul purpose. I offer practices & intuitive guidance to nurture your journey to liberation through Self-Transformation.
Discover the transformative power of the Gemini New Moon Guided Meditation for June 2024, designed to help you cleanse, manifest, and connect with the wisdom of your wise ancestors in spirit. In this guided meditation, I, Crystal from The Psychic Soul, will lead you through a deeply cleansing journey to release non-beneficial energy and connect with the benevolent guidance of your ancestors. Experience The Big Dreaming, where you'll weave your dreams into reality with their ancient wisdom and divine golden threads.Accompanied by 3Hz Binaural Beats, this meditation enhances your connection to the subconscious, promoting powerful manifesting and reprogramming of limiting beliefs. Embrace this sacred moment under the Gemini New Moon June 2024 to restore and manifest with me. Let's honor the past and create a bright future together. Join me for a spiritual journey of renewal and empowerment.I LOVE YOU! 🫶🏼 - Crystal☕ Support my work: to transform with me ⤵️⤵️⤵️🦋📿 As a Transformation Guide specializing in Psychic Development, Meditation, & Mentorship, I empower individuals to master their energy field & awaken to their Soul purpose. I offer practices & intuitive guidance to nurture your journey to liberation through Self-Transformation.Transform with me 👉🏼
Unlock the powerful energy of Gemini season with our daily guided meditation, for all astrological signs. From May 20th to June 20th, 20204. Harness the expression of Gemini, represented by the Twins, which symbolizes the balance between our physical and astral bodies. Ruled by Mercury, Gemini is known for its intellect, quick-wittedness, and communication, making it an ideal time to align your mind, body, and spirit. The affirmation for this season is: I am expressive!During Gemini season, you might experience a sense of social restlessness and a need for mental stimulation. This period encourages movement and evolution, helping you balance your daily responsibilities with play and joy, which are our natural states of being. Through this guided meditation, you will activate your Crown Chakra, spreading divine light and intelligence throughout your body, chakra system, and aura, embracing the versatility and freedom of expression that Gemini energy offers everyone, not just Gemini's.This meditation is designed to help anyone, regardless of their astrological sign, to tap into the transformative energy of Gemini season and thrive during this time. By integrating your human and being, you can express yourself freely and joyfully. Join me in this daily practice to experience the magic of Gemini, allowing you to operate seamlessly between the realms of human and being!I LOVE YOU! 🫶🏼 - Crystal☕ Support my work: to work with me ⤵️⤵️⤵️🦋📿 As a Transformation Guide specializing in Psychic Development, Meditation, & Mentorship, I empower individuals to master their energy field & awaken to their Soul purpose. I offer practices & intuitive guidance to nurture your journey to liberation through Self-Transformation.Work with me 👉🏼
Welcome to our transformative May Full Moon meditation. I’m Crystal from The Psychic Soul, and it’s a privilege to meditate under the full moon in Sagittarius with you. This guided meditation is designed to help you ground, let go, and replenish your energy under the powerful lunar influence.In this meditation, I will guide you through a journey to connect deeply with your inner self. We will begin by grounding and releasing any non-beneficial energies, allowing you to feel centered and refreshed. Then, we’ll move into an activation of the Heart Chakra by focusing on the 12 petals of the lotus flower within your heart center.The 12 lotus petals of the Heart Chakra represent the various aspects of our emotional and spiritual lives. Each petal corresponds to a different quality such as compassion, understanding, and forgiveness. Activating these petals helps to balance and harmonize your heart energy, opening you up to a deeper experience of love and connection.Next, I’ll guide you to receive more love, joy, and adventure into your life. By aligning with the full moon’s energy, we can welcome in these 5D high frequencies and invite more fulfilling experiences into our daily lives.The meditation is accompanied by 528 Hz Frequency Binaural Beats, known as the frequency of love, transformation, and miracles. This powerful sound frequency is known to stimulate the release of oxytocin, the hormone associated with feelings of love and connection. Let this healing soundscape elevate your meditation experience, fostering deep emotional and spiritual healing.So, let’s begin this journey together under the sacred light of the May 2024 Full Moon in Sagittarius, and open our hearts to the infinite possibilities of love and joy.I LOVE YOU! 🫶🏼 - Crystal☕ Support my work: to Work with Me; 📿 $49.99 Annual Meditation App Pass | No recurring fees or subscription.🔗🔮 Transformative Certified Psychic Development Course: Learn to trust your inner guidance system and step into the Healing Arts with Live Group Mentor Option or Go at Your Own Pace-🔗🎯 $47 A Journey with the Astrological Archetypes🔗❤️‍🩹🌱 Psychic Sessions & Mentoriship with Crystal🔗👩🏽‍💻 ➡ WEBSITE:🙏🏼 ➡ SUBSCRIBE:📲 ➡
Embark on a transformative journey with our Root Chakra Guided Meditation, the foundational meditation in our latest Chakra series. Rooted in the ancient wisdom of the chakra system, this meditation is designed to help you release, let go, and activate your Root Chakra to its highest expression.The Root Chakra, Base or Muladhara, is the first of the seven chakras and is located at the base of the spine. Visualize it as a spinning traffic cone, grounding you to the earth. This primal chakra is the root of our being, establishing our deepest connections with the physical body, our environment, and the Earth. It is the seat of our survival instincts, controlling our fight-or-flight responses and anchoring us in the present moment.An imbalanced Root Chakra can manifest as stress, anxiety, and a constant state of fear, disrupting our sense of safety and security. By focusing on balancing the Root Chakra, we can initiate profound changes throughout our entire chakra system, promoting overall emotional, psychological, and spiritual well-being. This balance is vital for personal transformation and growth.In this guided meditation, you will:🌳 Ground your energy: Connect deeply with the Earth, feeling stable and secure.😬 Release fear and anxiety: Let go of the stress and tensions held in your Root Chakra.🛠️ Establish a strong foundation: Create a solid base for personal growth and transformation.For additional healing and support, the background music features a 🎶 396 Hz frequency, known for stimulating the Root Chakra. This powerful frequency grounds us, releases fear and anxiety, and brings us back to our natural state of feeling safe and secure.As you progress through this meditation, you’ll find yourself feeling more stable, rooted, and connected to your surroundings. This sense of grounding will ripple through your entire chakra system, creating a harmonious balance that enhances your overall well-being.Join me, Crystal, on this journey to harmonize your energy field and welcome in unconditional love, joy, and divine prosperity. Starting with the Root Chakra, we pave the way for a balanced and vibrant chakra system. Embrace this practice to transform your life from the ground up in just 10 short mins.So let’s begin! I LOVE YOU! 🫶🏼 - Crystal☕ Support my work: to Work with Me; 📿 $49.99 Annual Meditation App Pass | No recurring fees or subscription.🔗🔮 Transformative Certified Psychic Development Course: Learn to trust your inner guidance system and step into the Healing Arts with Live Group Mentor Option or Go at Your Own Pace-🔗🎯 $47 A Journey with the Astrological Archetypes🔗❤️‍🩹🌱 Psychic Sessions & Mentoriship with Crystal🔗👩🏽‍💻 ➡ WEBSITE:🙏🏼 ➡ SUBSCRIBE:📲 ➡
Welcome to my 100th episode! Thank you for being on this journey with me! May 2024 Super New Moon in Taurus with a Guided Meditation for Manifestation and Peace 🕊️Welcome to a transformative guided meditation experience under the May 2024 Super New Moon in Taurus, brought to you by The Psychic Soul. I'm Crystal, your guide on this journey towards abundance and self-renewal.In this special meditation session, we'll harness the powerful energies of the Super New Moon to ground ourselves, manifest our deepest desires, and reconnect with the nurturing forces of Mother Earth and the expansive Cosmos. This is your invitation to embrace inner peace and unlock the abundant bliss codes available to us all.👉🏼Join me, Crystal of The Psychic Soul, as we journey to align with the Earth and Cosmic energies, fostering a deep sense of peace and manifesting abundance in our lives. Whether you're new to meditation or a seasoned practitioner, this guided session under the May Super New Moon 2024 is a perfect opportunity to connect with your inner self and the natural world in a meaningful way.🪬 Let's begin this journey together and open our hearts to the abundant blessings the Universe has to offer.I LOVE YOU! 🫶🏼 - Crystal☕ Support my work: to Work with Me;🔮 Transformative Certified Psychic Development Course: Learn to trust your inner guidance system and step into the Healing Arts - 🔗🔮 🤓 NEW! LIVE Psychic Development Group Mentoring 🔗🎯 $47 LIFETIME ACCESS! 🔗 JOURNEY THROUGH THE ASTROLOGICAL ARCHETYPES -❤️‍🩹🌱 Psychic Sessions with Crystal:📿 $49.99 Annual Meditation App Pass | No recurring fees or subscription.🔗👩🏽‍💻 ➡ WEBSITE: 🙏🏼 ➡ SUBSCRIBE: 📲 ➡
Embrace the transformative power of the April 2024 Full Moon in Scorpio with a guided meditation designed to reconnect you with your deepest intuition and magic. This guided meditation is crafted to harness the potent release energy of the full moon, providing a sacred opportunity to cleanse, balance, and rejuvenate your body, chakras, and aura. By releasing what no longer serves your highest good, you create space for personal growth and healing.This meditation is more than a practice; it's a journey guided by your Akashic Record Keeper, one of your most valuable spiritual guides. Together, you will travel to the Akashic Records to reclaim the parts of your intuition and magic that may have been hidden away. Whether these aspects of yourself were tucked away in other lifetimes or experiences, now is the time to bring them into the light. In this lifetime, you are safe to embody all that you are—the world is ready for the beautiful magic and intuition you have to offer.Join me under the April 2024 Full Moon in Scorpio for a meditation that promises not just to guide you but to transform you. Let go of fears, embrace your truth and power, and make room for the sacred and divine love that awaits. Your journey to reclaiming your magic and intuition begins here.I LOVE YOU! 🫶🏼 - Crystal☕ Support my work: to Work with Me;🔮 Transformative Certified Psychic Development Course: Learn to trust your inner guidance system and step into the Healing Arts - 🔗🔮 🤓 NEW! LIVE Psychic Development Group Mentoring 🔗🎯 $47 LIFETIME ACCESS! 🔗 JOURNEY THROUGH THE ASTROLOGICAL ARCHETYPES -❤️‍🩹🌱 Psychic Sessions with Crystal:📿 $49.99 Annual Meditation App Pass | No recurring fees or subscription.🔗👩🏽‍💻 ➡ WEBSITE: 🙏🏼 ➡ SUBSCRIBE: 📲 ➡
🌟 Welcome to a transformative cosmic journey guided by Crystal from The Psychic Soul, harnessing the potent energy of the April Total Solar Eclipse New Moon in Aries. As your meditation guide, I'm honored to lead you through this celestial event, empowering you to activate your highest potentials.🌑 This meditation harnesses the supercharged energy of the solar eclipse, propelling us into our optimal state with the backdrop of 5 Hz Binaural Beats. These beats induce a Theta State, facilitating receptivity and creativity while alleviating stress and anxiety.🌌 The Total Solar Eclipse in Aries marks a time of immense transformation, offering us the opportunity to step into new timelines and higher states of consciousness. With the asteroid Chiron accompanying the New Moon, we're guided to embrace our past wounds as gateways to empowerment and healing.🌞 Just as the moon obscures the sun during an eclipse, we're urged to release anything blocking our inner light. This eclipse serves as an I AM portal, activating our true selves and shedding the layers of self-doubt and societal conditioning.🔥 As the sun and moon dance in the cosmic skies, a ring of fire is formed, symbolizing the alchemical process of transformation. It burns away anything no longer serving our highest good, allowing us to emerge as our authentic selves.🔮 If you're called to deepen your intuitive abilities or pursue a path in the healing arts, consider joining my upcoming psychic development group mentoring program!🪬 And if you resonate with this meditation, subscribe to my meditation channel, like, and leave a comment to support our community.🌟 Let's journey together, embracing the powerful energies of the solar eclipse and stepping into our true essence. Are you ready? Let's go!I LOVE YOU! 🫶🏼 - Crystal☕ Support my work: to Work with Me;🔮 Transformative Certified Psychic Development Course: Learn to trust your inner guidance system and step into the Healing Arts - 🔗🔮 🤓 NEW! LIVE Psychic Development Group Mentoring 🔗🎯 $47 LIFETIME ACCESS! 🔗 JOURNEY THROUGH THE ASTROLOGICAL ARCHETYPES -❤️‍🩹🌱 Psychic Sessions with Crystal:📿 $49.99 Annual Meditation App Pass | No recurring fees or subscription. 🔗👩🏽‍💻 ➡ WEBSITE:📲 ➡ INSTAGRAM: