The Pulse of Israel

Hear what is really going on, beyond the headlines, with Israel and the Jewish people. Avi Abelow is a proud Jew, living the Jewish dream in the ancestral homeland of the Jewish people, here to give you the true pulse of Israel.

Rabbi Manis Friedman: What's Our Purpose after Oct 7th?

Do not miss this fascinating deep dive conversation with Rabbi Manis Friedman on what our purpose is in this war after the horrifying tragedy of Simchat Torah, Oct. 7th, 2023. Rabbi Friedman is a world-renowned author, counselor, lecturer, philosopher and Youtube's most popular Rabbi.


Military Expert John Spencer: "Gaza, where the Truth Dies"

John Spencer is a US officer at West Point, the world expert on urban warfare. He has been spreading the truth about the morality of the IDF for months, busting the daily lies about Israe's efforts, in the media and spread by politicians all over the world. It was a real honor to interview him and hear his detailed thoughts about Israel's war effort in Gaza, and the North. This interview was conducted before the unbelievable Israeli strike in Beirut that eliminated Nasrallah and the Hezbollah senior leadership.


We are Living in Miraculous Times

This video was produced before the massive Iranian missile attack on all of Israel. Thankfully, we are now all out of our safe rooms and in good health. With over 400 missiles shot, only one Arab Muslim from Gaza was killed in Jericho, with a number of injured from shrapnel.  This perfectly coincides with the theme of this video, we are living in miraculous times. With the Jewish New Year upon us, help us continue providing the belief based, inspiring politically incorrect truth, beyond the headline news, like nobody else. Please donate towards our important work today.


Hezbollah Knockout. Israel Just Changed the Middle East & the World

Israel's Unbelievable military strike, taking out Nasrallah and the whole senior leadership of Hezbollah, was not just about saving Israel, it was a game changer that changed the whole geo-political structure of the world.  Netanyahu has proven himself to literally be the savior of the freedom-loving world. Do not miss this episode to find out how.


This is Israeli Victory in Lebanon

This is a video produced hours before Israel successfully struck Hezbollah's headquarters in Beirut, destroying the whole Hezbollah leadership including its leader Hasan Nasrallah.  This message of victory still applies today. Tomorrow, we will discuss the unbelievable strategic victory with the takeout of the whole Hezbollah leadership including Nasrallah.


Israeli Intelligence Smashing Success in Lebanon

Join me as I speak with expert on Islam and the Middle East Dr. Mordechai Kedar as we discuss the latest news regarding Israel's military offensive in Lebanon.


Israel Finally Doing What it Has to do in Lebanon

The world had 18 years to enforce UN resolution 1701, yet only now, after Israel finally begins a military offensive to destroy Hezbollah, is the international community calling to enforce it in order to stop Israel. Do not miss this video as I break down the situation and explain why Israel is finally doing what it has to do.Pray for our holy IDF soldiers.


Israel Finally Goes on the Offense in Lebanon - Update

After 11 months of Hezbollah rocket and drone attacks, destroying many homes and communities in Northern Israel, causing over 80,000 Israelis to evacuate from their homes, Israel is finally going on the offensive. And it is quite remarkable.


The Woman Who Amplifies Israel's Voice and Inspires the Jewish Community

I had the distinct pleasure to meet Melissa Chapman, a Jewish woman from New York who built up a successful Instagram account as part of her business, yet, since Oct. 7th, now uses it 100% to help amplify voices of truth for Israel. You do not want to miss hearing her story and then following her on Instagram @melissachapman


United Nations Strikes Again with Vote that Endangers Israel

As if things could not get any worse, they do. But, we will overcome. Am Yisrael Chai!!!


White House Interference, Again

News in Israel is that Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu is considering replacing Defense Minister Gallant. The Biden administration has voiced its opposition to that idea. Why? In what universe is it ok for the Biden administration to involve itself in the internal politics of Israel? Do not miss understanding the whole back story to what is really going on.


The UN Just Rewarded the Genocide of Jews

The United Nations recently recognized the Palestinian Authority as a permanent observer state at the United Nations. This is not insane, this is evil.


The Rise of Jews Carrying Guns in New York City

Landing in NY, I was surprised to see this, and the man carrying was even more surprised by my question. Times have certainly changed, and the ultimate conclusion is that it is time to come home.


Israel Devastated Hezbollah Terrorists Across Lebanon

Iran and Hezbollah did not see this coming. Over 4,000 Hezbollah terrorists hit in this pinpoint cyber attack, the first ever of its kind. Regardless, Israelis are still waiting for the full military offensive necessary to end the Iranian/Hezbollah terror threats from Lebanon.


Pressure Hamas Not Israel

Walking past the posters of the captives in Ben Gurion airport, I could not help think about the simple way that we could have had our captives saved months ago!


Fact Checking Harris on Her Israel Support

ABC moderators didn't fact check Harris in the debate, so we did, regarding her claimed support for Israel. Let's see what her actions say about that.


The Unity of the People Despite the Dangerous Left

You do not want to miss this episode to hear what former IDF Chief of Staff and Prime Minister Ehud Barak is up to, and what a former Israeli leftist star ideologue, Gadi Taub, has to say to explain what exactly is going on today. It is important that we understand the true reality of what is going on and why, while being optimistic based on the truth!Am Yisrael Chai!!!


Netanyahu's Solution for Gazans is Wrong

Instead of telling the world the truth about our enemy in Gaza and Gazans, it seems like Netanyahu is telling the Western world what they want to hear. Unfortunately, While Netanyahu has been a wall of China against world pressure pushing for Israel to pull out of Gaza and continue to allow Gazans to endanger us, Netanyahu has not had the leadership ability to tell the world the only solution that will truly protect us. The time has come for the Jewish people to finally have the leadership that will stop being politically correct and say exactly what needs to be said and done to protect us all properly moving forward. Praying for this day to come as soon as possible. Am Yisrael Chai!


Deadly Mistakes that Israel Must Never repeat to ensure never again

We are living through an avoidable war in Gaza. Instead of listening to common sense, Israeli political and military leaders have made horrendous and damaging mistakes that can never be made again, to ensure that we never experience terror ever again.


The Wakeup Process of Jews in Israel Despite Continued Tragedy

To some this might be surprising, but even as we continue to live through this continuos tragedy of Oct. 7th, with captive killed in Gaza, remaining in Gaza, and still at war, we are better positioned today for a bright future than ever before in our modern history. You do not want to miss hearing me explain the wakeup process taking place in Israel today.


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