DiscoverThe Purposeful Career Podcast
The Purposeful Career Podcast

The Purposeful Career Podcast

Author: Carla Hudson

Subscribed: 12Played: 187


The Purposeful Career is the go-to podcast for women at mid career who want to elevate or reinvent all or part of their work or life. We do this by first getting clear about what they want and then about the next level person they need to become in order to have it. This is about deep mindset and self-image work. And when you mater it, you'll not only up-level your career, you'll have the power to completely transform your life. Join brand strategist, founder and coach, Carla Hudson, as she shares strategies, tips and tools for helping you create the extraordinary career and life you're dreaming of.  

185 Episodes
What if small, visible tweaks in your external world could unlock profound internal transformation? Join me as we explore this intriguing concept, flipping the focus from inner mindset shifts to actionable outer changes. In this episode, I share the compelling story of a client who found herself stuck at an executive plateau. Discover how simple adjustments to her appearance and workspace ignited newfound confidence and motivation, proving that external changes can serve as powerful catalysts...
Regret can be a powerful force in our lives, especially when it comes to career decisions. Imagine accepting a job during the pandemic, only to find out it doesn't meet your expectations. That’s the story of Michaela, a client who faced unforeseen dissatisfaction despite being recruited for a promising high-growth field job. Through Michaela's journey, we explore how unchecked regret can erode self-belief and create a destructive mental cycle. You’ll learn how to manage regret productively to...
Is your career or personal life stuck on autopilot? Learn how to get unstuck by breaking free from the chains of "learned helplessness", a concept of Positive Psychology. In this episode, we'll discover how Dr. Seligman's groundbreaking research can be the key to getting unstuck and transforming your life. I share my own career journey and some examples from my clients, showing you the power of taking proactive control and how refusing to remain passive in unsatisfactory situations ...
Can ambition evolve as we age, or does it remain a relentless pursuit of success? Join me in an eye-opening episode where we dissect the changing nature of ambition at mid-career. Drawing from my own experiences as a brand strategist, entrepreneur, and life coach, I share the journey of a client who, despite being at the peak of his career, faces the challenge of aligning his passions with his professional life. We navigate the complex emotions that arise when we come face-to-face with the fi...
Embarking on a journey through 14 cities taught me that true transformation isn't about your zip code; it's about what's happening on the inside. This week, I pull back the curtain on my own reinvention adventure, guiding you through the art of internal change. We're not just talking about swapping out your daily grind for a new one – it's about overhauling how you see yourself, and, more importantly, how you respond to that persistent inner voice nudging you towards something different. With...
Have you ever considered midlife to be a battleground of transition, laden with the promise of growth? Join me on a candid journey as we traverse the terrain of midlife – that span between 39 and the mid-50s where the intensity of peak career pressures, family dynamics, and self-discovery coalesce. Through my lens, you'll uncover the bittersweet symphony of life's halftime show, where the joyous fruits of labor intertwine with the profound challenges of supporting both the generation before u...
Ever feel like you're trudging through your career, searching for that elusive spark? Join me as we tackle the mid-career quest for meaning, and discover how even the most mundane tasks can be transformed into fulfilling endeavors. Together, we'll unearth the strategies that can reignite passion in your professional life, ensuring a satisfying balance with your personal world. The key might just be a shift in perspective, and I'm here to guide you through it.This episode is a treasure trove f...
Ever found yourself stuck in a rut, whether through a twist of fate or a series of questionable decisions? I'm Carla Hudson, and in my latest podcast episode, I draw from the deep wells of personal experience to guide you out of life's darkest holes. Prepare to climb out with me, as we navigate the treacherous terrains of financial mishaps, career nosedives, and health setbacks, embarking on a journey of self-recovery that's as meticulous as a climber's ascent to the summit.This episode is a ...
Have you ever caught yourself trapped in a cycle of "shoulds," feeling chained to expectations that don't truly resonate with who you are or what you want? In this episode, we explore the importance of breaking free from this mindset and discover the keys to realigning our actions with our authentic goals. Through a candid conversation about personal experiences and the transformative story of a client who battled career setbacks, we unpack how this 'should' mentality often intensifies i...
Ever feel like you're standing at a crossroads in your career, unsure of which path to take next? You're not alone. Join me as we traverse the landscape of mid-career reinvention, where the real transformation isn't about a new job title, but about a seismic shift in self-perception. Throughout this episode, I share my own journey and the invaluable lessons learned from changing cities and jobs, revealing that the most profound consistency comes from within. We'll unravel the process of recog...
When life throws a curveball, it's not the event itself that knocks us down, but the relentless negative thought loops that follow. I'm Carla Hudson, and I've battled through the grief of losing both my parents in quick succession. By sharing my personal journey and those of my coaching clients, this episode guides you through the murky waters of negativity bias and demonstrates how to reclaim the steering wheel of your mind.We all face moments when fear and anxiety take the driver's seat, le...
Have you ever held yourself to a standard so high that anything less than perfect felt like a failure? That's a question I pondered deeply after reading a Harvard Business Review article on the three types of perfectionism. I know...who knew there were three types?In this episode we discuss the three types of perfectionism identified by psychologists Paul Hewitt and Gordon Flett. We'll uncover the sources of pressure, from internal drivers to societal expectations, and the often-unspoken conn...
Sailing through the midcareer and midlife waters can be stormy, but imagine harnessing that energy to propel you towards a career that's truly aligned with who you are. I'm Carla Hudson, and I've navigated the sometimes rough seas of midlife, transforming my own career into the vision I had for myself.This episode is intended to give you perspective on your own professional journey, especially during those transformative midlife years. We'll do this by exploring 10 ways to have a purposeful c...
Come with us as we unlock the secret to magnifying your self worth and appreciation.In a world where accomplishments are often overshadowed by the next big goal, I invite you to pause and savor the things you've mastered so far. The things that have helped to make you who you are.Our conversation turns the spotlight on the pivotal yet often neglected practice of self-appreciation—where no comparisons are allowed. And no, this is not about self-centeredness; it’s about recognizing everything i...
Unlock the leader within you as we walk through a transformative exploration of self-command and its indisputable impact on both your professional and personal life. Imagine the empowerment that comes from mastering your internal world.By fostering a steadfast approach to inner leadership, you'll learn to navigate life's challenges with unmatched clarity and intention, leading to a profound shift in how you perceive and act upon the things going on around you.This discussion isn't just a...
Midlife is a time when issues tend to converge and we can find ourselves in a period when it feels like a bomb went off in our life. This is exactly where I found myself in June of 2022 and it culminated in me losing both of my aging parents within six months of each other. In this episode, I'm sharing the six strategies that became my lifeline during that difficult chapter which included balancing the demands of a new corporate role, my own business, and the intricate web of family care...
Have you ever caught yourself tuning out your own voice to accommodate everyone else's needs? This episode embarks on a journey with me, Carla Hudson, as we examine the transformative art of self-listening. Anchored in personal anecdotes and enriched by coaching experiences, we navigate the common habit of sidelining our desires for others, especially during the riveting demands of midlife. Join us to discover how reclaiming the neglected art of tuning into our inner dialogue can reshape our ...
Ever find yourself caught in the relentless cycle of "shoulding" your way through life and career? I'm Carla Hudson, and today's podcast peels back the layers on why that inner monologue of shoulds could be sabotaging your happiness and growth. We kick things off with the gripping tale of a client who, after facing an unexpected career crossroads, wrestled with self-doubt and the haunting idea that she should be further along. But as we navigate her story, you'll see that we all have the powe...
Have you ever caught yourself constantly running on empty, pouring every ounce of energy into everything but yourself? This isn't just a chat about the merits of self-care; this is an awakening for those who've tucked their own needs away. Join me as we explore the art of self-prioritization in the intricate dance of career and life. It's particularly poignant for women, as we've historically been the caretakers, the nurturers, the put-everyone-else-firsters. But what if we dared to flip the ...
Have you ever wondered about the ripple effects of a celebrity romance within the world of sports? Join me, Carla Hudson, as we explore the unexpected impact Taylor Swift's relationship with Travis Kelsey has had on the Kansas City Chiefs. This episode uncovers how the influx of Swiftie fans has not just amplified the Chiefs' brand value but also intertwined the vibrancy of pop culture with the adrenaline of sports. We'll analyze the team's performance, their challenging season, and the road ...