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The Pursuit

Author: Ben Spangl

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The Pursuit Podcast is made for the ambitious person who wants more out of life. More health, more wealth, more happiness and whole life success.

I’m Ben Spangl, a mindset and performance coach, speaker, and entrepreneur. I’m going to share with you what I’ve used in my life and with my clients to create BIG results as well as interview some of the world's greatest performers in the areas of mindset, business, health and spirituality with practical tips, advice and strategies to create your next level of life. I’m a big believer that everything happens for a reason and it's not an accident you found yourself here today. Hit that follow button and get ready to step into your greatest Pursuit yet!

Follow Ben on Instagram @benspangl

Download the FREE Achieve Your Goals Visualization
111 Episodes
Download the Achieve Your Goals Visualization for FREE here Clarity equals power. In the pursuit of your best self and best life possible, it all begins with seeking clarity on: What do you want? Who do you want to become? What kind of person do you want to be? This process helped me go from broke, struggling and feeling like a failure into abundant, prosperous and feeling like a total success.I believe that if you are truly wanting to make a change in your life, clarity is the place to start. In this episode I outline specific strategies, tactics and ideas on how to help you do just that.
Your money mindset, financial blueprint or financial setpoint truly is the key to creating sustained financial success.Have you ever thought to yourself you're just not sure why you can't seem to figure out the money game? I know I had.... MANY TIMES. Then I started to apply the material talked about in this episode and man did my financial life change in a dramatic way!We all either know people or know of people that seem to succeed financially with not a lot of effort, it almost looks easy to them. I believe that when we reprogram our money mindset, we can alter the course of our financial life forever. In this episode I'm going to share with you the process of producing results in your financial life, how your programming started in this area, obstacles that you may be facing in terms of creating a more abundant life, and specific strategies on how to UPGRADE, CHANGE AND LEVEL UP YOUR FINANCIAL LIFE.Abundance and prosperity is available to all of us, and you don't need to look further than here to start making some shifts in your money mindset!
"Success is not a secret, it's a system." Bill is a Senior Coach with Bob Proctor at Proctor Gallagher Institute, he's a successful entrepreneur, and a wonderful husband and father. He has worked with countless people all over the world, working with them on developing their potential and becoming their best selves.Bill  grew up in a blue collar family, learning the way to "success" was to work hard alone, however wasn't achieving what he wanted. But fortunately for him, his wife had believed that he was capable of so much more. At a young age they made a decision to invest a large sum of money to them at the time into a program with Bob Proctor. That was 1993, 7 years later he was running his own company earning a 7 figure income. In this interview, Bill talks about the system to success, about the power of studying an idea, how to win the day, questions to help you really take inventory of this year, prepare for next year and SO much more.I think you're really going to love this episode to help you level up your mindset, thought process, and mentality towards creating the life you want.Follow him on instagram @coach_bill_banta
Goal Setting System

Goal Setting System


GOAL SETTING! This was a massive BREAKTHROUGH in my life, learning how to properly set and achieve BIG goals!This process ha been and continues to be an evolution for me. Working with ideas, learning new ones, learning from the masters, updating my own philosophy and ideas on how to create maximum success in all areas of life.Whether you're an entrepreneur, athlete, stay at home mom/dad, corporate executive, student or just finding your way: this is going to help you win! The act of having written goals dramatically increases your likelihood of success. In this episode I talk about a format for how to structure them,  how to take it from big picture, to what to focus on right away, and how to create an action plan behind them.In this episode I talk about several components to creating your plan:Your Purpose/WhyYour VisionYour Goals for the YearYour First 12 Weeks Goals and Action PlanIf you're brand new to goal setting  or a seasoned veteran, you're going to love this episode!Order the 12 Week Year on Amazon.ca
You are going to LOVE this episode with Vince Poscente. I know a bunch of you are familiar with Vince, for those of you that aren't you are going to be SO glad you listened in to this.Vince is one of top speakers in the world and one of the most in demand keynote speakers there is! He's a NYT best selling author of several books, an Olympian, one of only 4 people to be inducted into both the Canadian and USA Speakers hall of fame and MUCH more.We talk about a bunch of Vince's philosophies and mental strategies that he's used to help coach and inspire thousands. As well as things that worked to take him from NEVER having ski raced professionally, to 4 years later being at the Olympic Games and being one of the top 10 ranked skiers in the world.If you've listened to our previous episodes you know, at the Pursuit, we are ALL about your mind, mindset and how to make mental shifts that can make a dramatic difference in your life. Vince and I discuss some powerful strategies you can apply in your life right away to start making shifts and becoming that next version of you.Buy the Ant and the Elephant on Amazon.ca
I am SO excited to have Peggy McColl as our guest for this episode. Peggy is a Prosperity Mentor, NYT best selling author, a coach to many, and has helped some of the biggest names in personal development with their own books! Just to name a few people you'd recognize:Robin Sharma, Neale Donald Walsch, Jim Rohn, Caroline Myss, Bob Proctor, Debbie Ford, Marianne Williamson and MANY more.In this episode Peggy and I discuss her story and journey to the amazing life she's been living for quite some time now. We really dive into specific strategies that she has used and taught all around the world to help people create a life they truly love. We talk about one of her incredible tools she's created called the Power life script.This interview is packed with tons of gold on helping you create an amazing life! If you're looking for more success, happiness, wealth, abundance, love, better relationships, better business/career, you name it. She gives you how you can really make quantum leaps in all those areas.And I am so excited to have her talking about her BRAND NEW book Savy Wisdom. Just hearing a little bit about it you are going to want to go get a copy of her book today! You can find it on her website or on Amazon:www.peggymccoll.comAmazon:
Be prepared to trance-form your mind in this episode! I am super excited to bringing you a master in mindset and peak performance, Wayne Lee! Wayne is one of North America’s premier Corporate Presenters, Entertainers, and Peak Performance Experts. He is a veteran of thousands of successful shows and presentations, a published author, and a mentor to professionals of all walks of life. What's unique about Wayne is he healed himself from a massive injury in wrestling through the power of visualization... and became fascinated with the mind. You'll hear about his journey a bit and learn about some great strategies to WAKE UP from the trance you're in.We talk about subconscious blocks and programs, how to make shifts in your limiting beliefs and to BUST them up! You're going to love his MIND strategy and how to catch limiting thoughts/patterns.You'll hear his story of making a massive shift in this past year in the pandemic and how one of his biggest setbacks became one of his biggest blessings.I have become a big fan of Wayne and love his work, enjoy this episode!Also check out his new program he just released called the 21 Day Subconscious Reset.
Welcome back! I'm excited to introduce you to my guest, Michelle Cameron Coulter.Michelle is a 6 time world champion AND an Olympic Gold Medalist in Synchronized swimming, best selling author, speaker, entrepreneur and CEO of Inspiring Possibilities.Obviously to be the world's best, you have to be world class. However Michelle is not just world class from her sports background, but a world class human being. We talk about her journey of being afraid of the water, to Olympic Gold Medalist. She shares one of the darkest times in her life and how one idea from her daughter inspired her on to all new heights, and led to the formation of her company she runs today.Michelle shares the idea of everyone having their gold medal inside of them, she shares her ideas on success, overcoming the 'perfectionist' mindset, how to live an inspired life, and SO much more. Check her website for more info at:
You are going to LOVE this episode. Let me introduce Brian Moran, creator and co-author of the run away best seller and life changing goal execution system the 12 Week Year. The 12 Week Year in my opinion is the greatest goal, success, and growth system there is for helping you achieve BIG goals.In this episode we discuss the disciplines of the 12 Week Year, what it is and how to use it. The downfalls of typical annualized planning/thinking and a dive into the pitfalls people face as they start their 12 Week Year.The 5 disciplines of the 12 Week Year:1) Having an aspirational Vision2) Creating your 12 Week Plan3) Process control4) Measurement/score keeping5) Time UseReally this is a system for how to get more done than ever before. Discarding annualized thinking, and moving towards getting more done in 12 weeks than most do in 12 months!The biggest area where people fall short is usually not their goals, but their execution, their implementation. This is where the 12 Week Year comes in because as Brian says "You don’t control the outcomes; you control the actions".If you're looking to be healthier, wealthier and happier: listen to this episode and get involved in your first 12 Week Year!The 12 Week Year in my opinion is the greatest goal, success, and growth system there is for helping you achieve BIG goals.Learn more about Brian, Michael and The 12 Week
If you've been following our show for awhile, you'll know I'm all about how to shift your thoughts so you can create a different life and life experience.This episode is  a recording from a seminar I did recently, all on the power of your beliefs, affirmations and what you are attaching to the 2 most powerful words in language : I am.The power our beliefs have on our life is more than most people realize, our unconscious beliefs are the most dominant force in terms of what's controlling our behavior or our action and also our attraction. Belief governs behavior and the vibration/frequency our body is in.If we can change our beliefs, we can truly change our world. In this episode we dive into:   -how/when beliefs were formed-how your beliefs create your world-how to change your beliefs-the power of I am and how to shift what you attach to itAffirmations or the statements you make to yourself on a regular basis, become one of the main keys to change your life.Your inner world creates your outer world.Thoughts produce feelings which produce actions which produce resultsBeliefs drive your habitual thoughts, so therefore if you can alter your beliefs, you can alter your habitual thoughts.Click subscribe to stay connected and let's make sure to share this with as many people as possible. This is the kind of information that can change our lives. Alter our beliefs, alter our reality.
Rich Habits w/ Tom Corley

Rich Habits w/ Tom Corley


Let me introduce you to Tom Corley, author, speaker, and creator of Rich Habits. Tom has authored several best selling books including: Rich Habits, Effort-less Wealth, Rich Habits for kids and my personal favourite - Change Your Habits, Change Your life. Tom is a regular contributor to many media outlets, including: CBS Evening News, Fox News, The Dave Ramsey Radio Show, CNN, MSN, USA Today and many others. Just recently he was published in Success Magazine.Tom spent years studying multi-millionaires and at the same time studying the poor too. What's unique about Tom is he is a CPA, CFP and runs his own financial services firm so he has a very technical, analytical background so the research is truly incredible.What that led to, was a true understanding of the difference between the rich and the poor. What he found was the biggest difference was their habits, his research led to over 300 different behaviours and habits that the wealthy have. In this interview we talk about some of the core, keystone habits that can set you up for success, wealth, and a rich life. We dive into the neuroscience of habits, what's going on in your body/brain as you're forming new habits and so much more. This is one of my favourite interviews we've done yet, packed full of tangible value. Let's share this episode with as many people as possible, this kind of information can help people in such a big way.
You are going to be blown away by this episode with my great friend Tiffany Julie.Tiffany is a 7 figure entreprenuer in various businesses, she's a world class coach in the areas of mindset, performance, health, wealth, manifestation and so much more. On top of all that she truly is a wonderful human being and someone I am so grateful to have in my life.We dive into her story, where she had achieved a lot of outward success very early in life, money, houses, cars, boats and more but wasn't fulfilled in life. So she decided to make a drastic change in her life and go dive into her purpose and who she wanted to be.Then along the way of a trip she is on, she wakes up BLIND one morning and doctors cannot figure out why. She spends the next 8 months with top specialists from all over trying to figure out what happened and why, yet no one could give her any answers other than "get used to being blind".So she takes things into her own hands and works on healing herself through her mind and DOES IT and builds a 7 figure business along the way! Listen in the story on this one.We jump into mindset, manifestation and high performance hacks to create the life you want!Then we dive into high performance strategies and how you can take more control of your mind, yourself and your life.Find her at @thisistiffanyjulie on instagram
Working With The Law

Working With The Law


The incredible Law of Attraction. What is it? How does it work? Does it work? In this episode I dive into deep explanations of it, what's happening and how to work it more in your favour. The Law is always operating just like gravity is, whether we are aware of that or not is a different story. This is a MUST LISTEN TO episode for improving the quality of your life. The movie the Secret really helped make the Law of Attraction a more mainstream concept, however it still seems to be misunderstood by many and for a lot of people not even realizing that it's influencing and impacting so much in your current reality.I discuss:Basic premises of the Law of AttractionHow we live in a vibrational Universe and how everything is energy or frequencyThe power of your focusSpecific strategies to work with the Law moreMeditationAffirmationsVisualizationAssociations Studying the right materialAnd also the magic of gratitudeThis is one of my favourite subjects and amazing me the more I see things manifesting in my life in the most perfect ways. Make sure to share this episode with a friend!
Why do some people seem to have it all while others can't seem to put any of it together?What makes the difference between the good and the great?How do you really transform your life over a period of time?One word: HABITSLogically we all understand that, but why is often so hard to change them. In this episode I talk about strategies and ideas on how to build winning habits. We all have habits, the question is are they serving me or not serving me. And if they are not, what can I do to change them.Success habits become the key to a successful life.Wealth habits become the key to a wealthy life.Health habits become the key to a healthy life.Strong relationship habits become the key to great relationships.Questions to reflect on:What habits serve me?What habits don't serve me?What habits do I want to have?What can I do to keep the new ones in front of me?We first make our habits, then our habits make us. Check this out and share it with someone!
This is a wonderful episode where I talk with spiritual teacher, author and mental performance coach Howard Falco. You’re really going to love this one, it’s the deepest we’ve gone into the spiritual side of things on the show so far. When Howard was 35 years old he had an awakening, he’d been asking the universe for answers He had everything you’re supposed to have:Nice home, nice car, great family, nice career in the financial markets yet something was missing. He achieved everything the world said he was supposed to yet wasn’t finding the fulfilment and happiness he was seeking. So finally throwing his hands up he asks for answers, a couple weeks later he gets some of them and his whole world begins to change. Listen in for this fascinating storyWe discuss so many things, some of my favourites are:How we create our life and personal reality How important the words we use and creating conscious languageTrusting Life moreHow your attention shows your intentionThe power of your I am statementsThe law of attraction and the deeper mechanics of itCheck it out!!
This is a JAM packed episode with one of the top Performance Specialists Alex Wisch.Alex's story is an incredible one of overcoming debilitating depression and completely changing his life in so many different ways. Alex Wisch is a leading Performance Specialist who helps clients accomplish professional goals, improve physical performance, explore biohacking, develop stress management strategies, and achieve an optimal mindset for overall wellness and let me tell you he delivers.This episode we cover some amazing strategies on really leveling up your life!We talk about his own story of being a most likely contender for the US Olympic sailing team, being a 4.0 GPA in college and then his whole world coming crashing down, spiraling in a deep depression that lasted 8 years.What's special about his story is he has changed his life in so many areas:He is one of the most fit people I think on the planet, he just completed a fitness challenge where he did 1000 strict pull ups, 2000 push-ups, and 3000 squats in 6 HOURS!He's an angel investor in start up companies, a performance coach and consultant to many top athletes, CEO's and entrepreneurs. We talk about specific strategies on how to help you advance and really move your life forward, no matter WHAT is going on with your life. Some of the key take-aways from this episode are:Action precedes motivation, being will to act regardless of how you feel.Where to start to start making some great changes in your life.The importance of sleep on performance.How important your environment is in going in the next level.The power of mindfulness AND MUCH MORE!Check out Alex on his website www.wischfit.comFollow him and myself on Instagram:
All transformation comes from the inside out. In this episode we dive into a subject that is so needed in so many people's lives today: MONEY!Let me introduce you to Chris & Marlow Felton.  Chris & Marlow are best selling authors, personal finance experts, entrepreneurs, professional speakers and have Almost 20 years in the financial service industry running a big time successful, financial services business.They are the authors of Couples Money, a book dedicated to overcoming the obstacles and installing the right strategies and mindset to win financially as a couple.This episode is a TON of fun and lots of amazing content on changing your financial life from the inside out.We discuss many things in here:The main challenges couples face in getting their finances rightRESISTANCE! How to notice it and change itHow to shift belief systems around moneyThe foundation of personal responsibility in making any changes in your lifeGetting your mind straight when it comes to moneyRecognizing that where you have a money problem, you are always there and realizing that if you change you, everything else will change.One of the simplest ways to become  A MONEY MAGNETWorking together as a couple towards financial freedomMoving from a goal setter to a goal achiever, and SO MUCH MORE!Make sure to share this episode with someone, subscribe to the show on whatever platform you're using.Tag myself, Chris and Marlow on social media when you share it@benspangl@chrisfelton1331@marlowfeltonCheck out Chris and Marlow on their website:👇 SUBSCRIBE TO MY YOUTUBE CHANNEL 👇
Make sure to pull over or stop whatever you're doing to listen to this one, this is an episode you'll want to go back to many times because we cover a lot of great information! Let me introduce you to Dr. Eben Alexander III.   Dr. Alexander spent over 25 years as an academic neurosurgeon, including 15 years at the Brigham & Women’s Hospital, the Children’s Hospital and Harvard Medical School in Boston.    Over those years he personally dealt with hundreds of patients suffering from severe alterations in their level of consciousness. He thought he had a very good idea of how the brain generates consciousness, mind and spirit. But then late 2008, he was driven into a coma by a rare bacterial infection of unknown cause.   What happened next is truly amazing, uplifting and inspiring. His story of coming to realize the true nature of reality and that we are so much more than this physical body and existence.   He's the author of Proof of Heaven, The map of Heaven  and co-author with Karen Newell of Living in  Mindful Universe.   Since Proof of Heaven was released in 2012, he has been a guest on The Dr. Oz Show, Super Soul Sunday with Oprah Winfrey, ABC-TV’s 20-20 and Good Morning America, FOX-TV’s FOX & Friends, and his story has been featured on the Discovery Channel and the Biography Channel. He has been interviewed for over 400 national and international radio and internet programs and podcasts.  His books are available in over 40 countries worldwide, and have been translated into over 30 languages.   In this episode we dive deeply into consciousness, what is it?   We talk about his own healing from his neo-cortex being completely wiped out, having a less than 1% chance of recovery to a perfect and full recovery within 2 months, something that science cannot explain other than his near death experience allowed him to fully experience consciousness and heal himself.   The role of the linguistic brain(conscious mind) and how we can use it and where it is no longer beneficial.   How the scientific community is opening up more and more into understanding consciousness.   Eben gives you so many different resources to explore and learn more on the subject.   I think the greatest lesson is near the end in giving us the advice to just jump in and begin going within to experience more of who you really are.   Make sure to share this episode, subscribe to our show if you haven't already and tag myself and Eben in your posts. Instagram: @ebenalex3md and @benspangl.   Check out his and Karen's website for resources on accessing deeper states of consciousness at and his personal website for an incredible amount of resources
At the time of this recording I just recently turned 35, and as I often am reflective on milestone dates, this was similar yet different for me. It had me reflecting on some of my life lessons up to this point. Thank you for all the comments, reviews and more up to this point! In this episode I discuss: Happiness, marrying well, the way we treat others, wealth, abundance, having a selective memory, meditation, the impact of your thoughts and feelings on your life and SO MUCH MORE!   Let me know what lessons resonated with you!Connect with me on Instagram: @benspangl👇 SUBSCRIBE TO MY YOUTUBE CHANNEL 👇
Go BIG w/ Kristen Howe

Go BIG w/ Kristen Howe


I know so many of us want to have BIG things in our lives and you will love my guest today, Kristen Howe the Go BIG coach.She's the founder of, a speaker, coach, mentor to thousands and a PRO at helping you align your energy to create the life you want.She's helped multiple companies hit the million-dollar mark and beyond and dedicated her career to helping her clients create the focus, mindset and habits needed to consistency and DRAMATICALLY UP-LEVEL their lives!She's interviewed over 150 masters on the art of manifestation, happiness and success. I really feel that she's an expert at helping you lead a better life, having more success, more wealth, more joy, more love and more abundance in your life.We dive into some great strategies on creating the life you want:How to shift your focus when you're not in a good state/vibrationHow to really get into gratitude when you know you should but you're struggling with itThe nature of your current reality being based on your previous focusIn each moment how you are creating the nextTo ALIGN with resistance rather than resist it!The believability barometerOne element that's involved in ALL strategies to make them workANDso much more.Make sure to tag Kristen and I in your social media posts on Facebook and Instagram!@kristenhowe1 @benspangl👇 SUBSCRIBE TO MY YOUTUBE CHANNEL 👇
Comments (1)

AlainaMarie Panesar

Ben is phenomenal in his understanding of how to optimize our thought patterns to create our lives on purpose. Congrats on the podcast! I'm excited to share with others.

Nov 27th
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