The Quit Vaping Podcast

Once you get to the root of the issue, quitting vaping is easy. That is exactly what I help people do as a life coach/ex vaper. There are ONLY 2 things you need to quit permanently and easily. Listen today and enjoy! *This is a value for value show. If you get value from listening, please pay me back whatever the value is worth to you.

63. How to Learn From Your Past Failed Quit Attempts

Welcome back!In today's episode, I am going to show you what's possible for you in your life and relationship with nicotine when you stop seeing failure as a bad thing. I was taught from a young age to see failure as something that was wrong or bad. Every time that I didn't achieve a goal or an outcome I wanted on the first try, I thought something had gone wrong, and I would give up without learning anything from it.Today, failure is the number one way that I get better at anything. Shifting my perspective on failure is one of the most important shifts I've made that took me from a life full of addiction and misery, to a life where I am actually taking consistent action towards my dreams. Failure is how we learn. And when we allow ourselves to see it that way, we stop shaming ourselves and we are able to grow and succeed at anything we put our minds to.If you have been listening to this podcast for a while and you haven't been able to quit, I want to invite you to join the Escape the Vape program. Inside, you will learn how to use failure as a way to actually get closer to your goals so you can finally put this vape struggle behind you. If you want to check out the program, you can find it here:


62. Weight Loss & Vaping with Hannah Watkins

Today we have a very special episode of the Quit Vaping Podcast. My friend and colleague, Hannah Watkins is going to teach you about vaping and weight loss. Hannah has been a weight loss expert and coach for almost a decade and is without a doubt an expert in her field.Not only is Hannah an incredible coach and one of my role models, but she's also one of the only Brits I know who loves Halloween as much as I do. We've been friends for about 3 years, since we got our life coaching certifications together, and we've been talking about recording our conversations ever since day one. So today, you get an episode that is 3 years in the making!If you've ever struggled with weight loss in general or overeating when you are trying to quit vaping, you're going to find this episode so incredibly helpful.If you're interested in Hannah's weight loss program or if you want to learn more about her and what she does (which obvi... you should), you can find her at:Instagram: you're interested in quitting vaping click here:


61. Your Limited Beliefs Around Vaping

In today's episode, we're going to go over some limiting beliefs around vaping. Remember that it's never the circumstances of our lives that create our results, like addiction, but rather the stories we decide to tell about the circumstances of our lives... and yes we DECIDE. If you've had trouble quitting vaping or you find yourself using willpower and snapping, it's because you are still mentally addicted to nicotine. There is nothing wrong with you and your failed attempts have nothing to do with your worthiness or ability to quit. If you are ready to do this work and make this the last substance you'll ever have issues with, check out my quitting program here.


60. Vaping and Alcohol with Patrick Fox

Have you ever wondered why when you cut out one substance, another one typically comes in?In today's episode, I bring on expert coach, Patrick Fox, host of the Rethink Alcohol Podcast. Patrick has been helping people change their relationship with alcohol by teaching the same tools I teach around vaping.During our conversation, we talked about the similarities surrounding vaping and drinking, and also compared our frameworks to help people create a healthier relationship with substances so they can live the best version of their lives.You can find Patrick at:The Rethink Alcohol Podcast:'s Website:*You can find my coaching and/or quit vaping program here:


59. SUCCESS STORY - Chase Thompson

In today's episode, I interview ex-client and friend, Chase Thompson. Chase had been vaping for 6 years and had begun in high school. Like so many other high school students, he would hide out in the bathroom and try to find people to sneak hits from. From then on, Chase eventually started buying his own vapes and his use steadily increased until he couldn't remember life before it or imagine life without it. In late 2023, Chase found this podcast while searching for a way to quit vaping on his break at work, and over the next few weeks had several AHA moments that eventually led to him signing up for the full quit for good course/community & coaching calls I offer today.Like so many of you that listen to this podcast, Chase was a bit hesitant to believe that his life really could be better without having his vape be a central part of it. But, after getting to the root mental and emotional reasons behind vaping, he was able to see that life really can be better without nicotine. I am excited for you to hear Chase's story on today's episode. And I'm eternally grateful for the vulnerability it takes to come on this show to help others. You can find Chase at:YouTube: Instagram: you're interested in being a success story on the show, or if you'd like to check out Andrew's other resources, you can do so HERE.


58. Vaping Audit

If you've listened to the podcast for a while, you’ll know I don't believe substances are bad. I believe that substances are neutral and can be used for productive or unproductive reasons. With that said, a lot of us are using substances for reasons that become detrimental to our lives.That is why I recommend regularly doing substance audits in our lives to make sure we are in alignment with our values and goals surrounding our substance use. In today’s episode, I give you some questions to consider in case you’re thinking about changing your relationship with substances. If you’d like to get on a free consultation with me to create your specific coaching plan, sign up for my free quit vaping training, and/or apply to be on the podcast, you can do so here:


57. How To Create The Life You Want

Today is a VERY special episode of this podcast!I woke up today feeling very sentimental (in a good way). When I first got into life coaching, I was going through my quarter life crisis. I was depressed, lost, stuck, broke, brokenhearted, and purposeless. So... I decided to get my life together. After getting my Bachelors in psychology and working in a psychiatric hospital, I jumped ship into the world of life coaching by making a scary decision to listen to my heart. That was the RIGHT choice.Since then, I have been steadily creating the life of my dreams in every way I can imagine. In today's episode, I am going to teach you my framework for creating the life you want. You won't find this anywhere else. In addition, I will tell you how managing vaping (and other substances) fits directly into that framework.If you want to check out my resources or reach out to me directly to say hi, you can do so here.


56. Nicotine is NOT the Enemy

Welcome back to the Quit Vaping Podcast! I am so happy to be doing this podcast again after taking a 6 month hiatus.Here's what to expect moving forward:-Success story episodes with real clients 🏆-Expert episodes with other guests and coaches👩‍🔬-Informational episodes like the kind you are used to from me 😘In today's episode, I talk about how nicotine is NOT your enemy. In fact, the only reason why we feel the need to demonize substances is because we don't understand the complete picture of why we are using them in the first place. When we can drop the villain story surrounding nicotine, we can see it for what it really is... a completely neutral stimulant that can be used productively just like caffeine or sugar.I am so excited to be back! If you're considering taking these tools to the next level, you can check out my other resources HERE.


55. SUCCESS STORY - Angela Dinnell

I'm back! And in today's episode, we have our very first testimonial with Angela Dinnell! Angela is a substance coach herself who took my 3 Addiction course and within a week reached out to me to schedule a call to tell me how much the course material changed her life! Angela had been vaping since the beginning of the industry and once she learned about all 3 addictions, she was finally able to quit for good. If you're ready to join the program/community, you can sign up for the preliminary -FREE- 3 Addiction training HERE that I host each week.You can find Angela and her resources at:Insta:


54. A FREE Quit Vaping Training Made Just For You

Welcome to the July, 2024 update of the Quit Vaping Podcast!In today's episode, I wanted to give you an update on my quitting vaping tools and my personal life! Quitting Vaping Tools: I will be hosting a quit vaping FREE Training each week that you can sign up for using the link below. This free training will teach you the 3 secrets of how to overcome all 3 addictions. It is going to be a fun and very impactful way to learn how to drop your addiction for good (with a special training on how to help your kids/loved ones want to learn this work also!). My Personal Life: I am single and currently loving my single life. I am potentially planning on going back to live in Bracelona at the end of the year, and I am getting giddy as I keep thinking about it. I lived there in 2019 and truly had the time of my life!If you want to come to the FREE Training or lok into 1-on-1 coaching, you can get more info here:


53. The 3 Addiction Framework (an update on my materials)

Welcome (back)to the Quit Vaping Podcast! I designed this episode to give you the most recent tools and method I have for quitting vaping after coaching on it for the last few months. As I continue to teach this material, I get better at it and today's episode is designed for any new or seasoned listeners to get the best stuff I've currently got. Vaping has 3 addictions. If you deal with all 3, you can quit for good by dealing with the complete picture of nicotine addiciton. It is that simple and that is why what I teach wors for everyone willing to learn and apply it. II have a FREE training coming up that you should attend! You can save your seat here: so much love, Andrew Cipriano


52. The Very Temporary End (I'll Be Back)

Today marks a bittersweet end of this incredible Quit Vaping podcast. After a full year of episodes, I decided that I have tapped out this topic and will begin to teach it in other forms like YouTube, TikTok, and Instagram.I will be expanding my niche in the future and Literally just finised my NEW Quit Vaping program. It's a rockstar program and will help you far beyond the scope of quitting vaping.If you want to follow my other socials or check out my resources, you can do so here:*Be sure to follow my socails to keep in touch and get access to all of my amazing new content and programs.


51. The ONLY 3 Reasons Why You Vape (and how to quit)

Today will be the 2nd to last episode in this show. It is bittersweet for me as I continue to grow and move on to other mediums to deliver this content. I will still be around and working with helping people quit vaping and create the lives they want. My Brand New program will be out around the first week of January, 2024. Today's episode is a culmination of everything I have learned since I launched my progam last year and begun this podcast. It's an updated version of the way I teach quitting vaping. You will find it clear, concise and informative. You can contact me, leave a DONATION, or get my FREE and paid resources here!


50. Ask Your Higher Self

In today's episode, I cover a topic that is foundational to creating change in our lives. In order to change our behaviors (quit vaping) and results (remove adddictions) in life, we have to change our thinking. A really good way to know WHAT we need to think, feel, and do with our lives, comes from creating a better vision of the future and working our way backwards. This is the work of my life... and if you want your life to be better than average, you should make it the work of your life, too. I will only be doing 2 more episdoes of this podcast. However, you can keep in touch and get access to everything else I am working on here:


49. Nicotine 101 & Withdrawal Timeline

So many people vape without having any understanding about what nicotine is and/or how it affects their brains. In today's episode, I am going to get nitty and gritty with nicotine and how it is negatively affecting your drive, desire, pleasure, and motivation. After the nicotine basics, I am going to give you a very comprehensive idea of what the nicotine withdrawal timeline will look like because arming yourself with knowledge is how you get your mind on board with quitting, the most important part. You can get my 20 free cravings tips here:


48. Dopamine Detox

Our society does two things that get us into a lot of troubleIt teaches us that we should be happy all the time.It concentrates things that release dopamine and sills our environments with them. When we abuse our dopamine system, the mechanism designed to motivate us, it throws us completely out of wack and ends up creating a lot more harm than good. Taking a dopamine detox isn't just about stopping the quick hits, it's about understanding why it is beneficial to not constantly consume artificial dopamie hits in the first place.This episode is an absolute banger... enjoy!*There will ONLY be 4 episodes left of this podcast made. If you have learned a ton but are still vaping, the only reason would be that you have not yet mastered applying this work. That is exactly what my program will help you do. You can get it here.


47. Stop Thinking That!

The thesis of what I teach when it comes to quitting vaping is to learn the skill of managing the thoughts in your head. In addition, I teach people how to regulate their emotions without substances like nicotine. Why do I teach this?Because your thoughts create your emotions which drive your actions. That means if your vaping, it's because of emotions in your body caused by thoughts in your head. This is the permanent solution that works for everyone willing enough to learn it. If you want to check out my course or my other resources and trainings, you can find them here:


46. How Quitting Vaping Improves Your Mental Health (pt. 2/2)

In today's episode, you will get part 2 of 2 of my mental health series on vaping. There are about 10 different ways that addiction damages your mental health. In today's episode, I teach you how vaping damages your brain's natural dopamine system and then I teach you the top three ways that the damaged dopamine system ruins your mental health. I am not anti-nicotine. I am pro-the best version of YOU. If you are ready to quit vaping for good, you can get my program or coaching here.


45. How Vaping Is Hurting Your Mental Health (pt. 1/2)

In today's episode, you will get part 1 of 2 of my mental health series on vaping. There are a lot of misconseptions and opinions in the clinical mental health world. I personally have been bombarded with misinformation throughout my time getting a 4-year degree ni psychology, working in a psychiatric hopsital, and dealing with my own clinical depression. Today, I am here to give you my opinion about how vaping is related to your mental health and also some other basic mental health education that I believe ALL ADULTS SHOULD LEARN. I take this shit seriously... so sriously that I have devoted my life to learning an teaching it properly.*Please keep in mind that the information is my opinion based on my educational and lived expereince. This is NOT clinical or medical advice and anyone who thinks they are experiencing clinical issues should contact a licensed professional. Here are some (you can use their search tool to find a therapist)Suicide Hotline Dial 988 (U.S. Only)If you are ready to quit vaping for good, jere are my other resources: CLICK HERE


44. Your Future Self

In today's episode, you are going to think about quiting vaping from your future self. This is not something we are taught to do in school and it will help give you a really compelling reason to quit. If you want to check out my other resoureces, you can do so here:


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