The Ragin' Moderate Podcast

Sick of ideologues, demagogues, and fact-twisting pundits with clear left/right bias? The folks at the Ragin’ Moderate are here to save the day. Each week, this podcast dissects a topic in American politics & policy, bringing us one step closer to the (more nuanced, complicated, and yes- moderate) truth.

Episode #28: So, About Those 79 Cents . . .

The infamous "Gender Pay Gap" isn't a myth. But it sure ain't 79 cents, either.


Episode #27: You Won’t Believe The Latest GDP Stats

The latest GDP statistics just got released, and the media were happy to announce that our economic growth is solid. Except for those who insist that it’s a disappointment. Yikes! This week on the Ragin’ Moderate, we’ll spend 5 minutes clearing it up for you.  


Episode #26: We Won’t Get Fooled Again

Top Democrat and Republican leaders might not have a lot in common ideologically. But last month, they appeared to work in tandem to thoroughly puzzle the American public. As a result, most Americans are still totally confused about the implications of the recent tax overhaul. Never fear, because we brought in Ryan Frailich (a REAL LIFE EXPERT!) to sort this all out. (17 minutes)


Episode #25: Five Minutes Could Save You Twenty Trillion Dollars

Republicans and Democrats have unrealistic ideas about how best to tame the unruly national debt- not that either party REALLY worries about it at all. Sounds like the moderates are going to have to come in and clean up the mess.


Episode #24: Immigration Reform That Everybody Can Hate

If you're (A) a xenophobic, closed-borderist who wants an end to immigration, or (B) an open border utopianist who doesn't mind a free-for-all on our southern border, you will HATE these common sense ideas for moderate immigration reform. (27 minutes)


Episode #23: Immigration Facts (And Some Lies)

In the second installment of our three-part series on Immigration Policy, we fact check the prevailing narratives swirling around the Left and Right. Along the way, we'll finally get some answers to our questions about the impact of unauthorized immigration on our economy, our communities, and even our hemisphere. (23 minutes)


Episode #22: From Dawn to DACA – The Quest For A Sensible Immigration Policy

Immigration policy is complex, controversial, and overwhelming. In this first installment of a multi-episode series, the Ragin' Moderate Podcast tackles our history of nativism in America, fuzzy math with deportation data, the end of DACA, and the next steps in the USA's messy immigration debate. (22 minutes)


Episode #21: Moderate-splaining

We at the Ragin' Moderate Podcast need to rant a little bit about something that's always on our minds, especially lately: if you're an activist who's trying to ban abortion, or fix the debt, or stop our impending descent into fascism, the worst thing - LITERALLY THE WORST THING! - you can do is turn the majority of Americans against you. (Are you listening, Antifa?) [21 minutes]


Episode #20: It Takes A Moderate To Slay The Gerrymander

It’s high time we change the way states draw their congressional districts. Unfortunately, the majority parties in both Blue and Red states are dragging their feet. Time for moderates to step in and demand reform. Here’s how. (28 minutes)


Episode #19: It’s Not Easy Being Purple

Moderate or centrist politicians are an endangered species in Washington DC. It hasn't always been this way, and if our special guests Nick Troiano & Alan LaPolice have anything to say about it, independent-minded moderates are poised to make a comeback. (27 minutes)


Episode #18: Tax Cuts- The Worst Idea Since Raising Taxes

While the country is focused on the latest scandals (real or imagined), there's some major tax reform in the works. Get the lowdown on the GOP's plans to overhaul the tax code. (29 minutes)


Episode #17: Best Health Care System Ever

Americans spend more on health care than the rest of humanity, and yet we get consistently mediocre results. In this week's episode of the Ragin' Moderate Podcast, we look at healthcare systems from around the globe - some admirable, some terrible - and try to construct the Best Health Care System Ever. (39 minutes long)


Episode #16: Obamacare Needs A Checkup

The Affordable Care Act (a.k.a. “Obamacare”) has polarized the nation since conception. And if conservatives can ever get their act together, the law will be on the chopping block. But should it be? And can we do better? The Ragin’ Moderate Podcast is going to snap on some rubber gloves and give the ACA a thorough checkup- or maybe an early autopsy. (33 minutes)


Episode #15: Free Speech, Milo Yiannopoulos, and Dolphins in Little Professor Caps

American college campuses have become a key battlefield in the current debate over the First Amendment and "political correctness." We all say we love Free Speech, but some of the main players are- in a word- "deplorable." What's a moderate to do?! (23 minutes)


Episode #14: The Impact of the Minimum Wage

Democrats advocate for it. The American public demands it. So why do so many economists think a big minimum wage hike is a bad idea? The Ragin' Moderate Podcast presents a quadriptych to clear it all up. (28 minutes)


Episode #13: Drop What You’re Doing And Think About China

China will soon surpass the United States in GDP, but that's just the tip of the iceberg. The coming years are almost certain to fundamentally change US-China relations. But what kind of changes are we looking for? (24 minutes)


Episode #12: Saving Social Security

The Social Security program is remarkably popular, but its financial outlook is unquestionably grim. A late-breaking bill promises to reform Social Security as we know it- but will it work the way we want it to?


Episode #11: Yes- The Media Are Biased.

In this week's double stuffed 48 minute episode, we use honest-to-goodness, peer-reviewed studies to evaluate the oft-repeated claim that the media is biased. Guess what? It is. Guess what else? It's more complicated than just "left and right"...


Episode #10: The Ol’ Electoral College Try

Since 2000, two presidential elections have resulted in the loss of the mathematically more popular candidate. Is it time to drop the Electoral College's "Winner Take All" System? Or does the method make sure all voices are heard? The Ragin' Moderate Podcast- duh- has an opinion.


Episode #9: How To Rig An Election

Donald Trump and his supporters are convinced that voter fraud may contaminate the election. Is there any truth to this? The Ragin' Moderate investigates.


sweet dee is azor ahai

so sad this podcast suddenly stopped, it was legitimately the best political podcast out there, and we're in dire need of more moderate representation!

01-23 Reply

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