The Rando Brando Podcast

Whether I'm sharing random thoughts or sharing crazy things I've read in the Bible, I'm sure to make you laugh or at least think deeper about what you believe and why you believe it.

Be Brave and Courageous

I don't know about you, but many times in my life I have struggled with the feelings of inadequacy, whether in my job or even as a parent. If you fall under that category then you'll want to listen to this episode as we follow Joshua as he prepares to lead Israel into the promised land and how God encourage and equipped him to be brave and courageous.  


That Looked Better In My Head

Oftentimes in life things don't quite go the way we planned. Whether we saw I lives going in one direction and find ourselves way off the mark, we can find ourselves thinking, "That looked better in my head!" In todays episode we're going to take a look at the apostle Paul and how his life took a dramatic turn, and how we can apply it to our own lives.


Fresh & Fierce!

Shame and Embarrassment can keep us away from others and more importantly Jesus, but what happens when Jesus meets you in your hiding place? He is going to give you something Fresh and Fierce to change your life! 


I'm Not Dead Yet!

God is in the "bringing dead things back to life," business. In this episode we are going to look at the story of Mary, Martha and Lazarus because I believe that God wants to bring some dreams and relationships back to life. If you didn't wake up with a tag on your toe... God's not done with you yet!


Esther Chapter 2 How Can God Use Me?!

We can be our own biggest critics, and often times we wonder how God could possibly use me. In today's episode we're going to look at how God chose a "nobody" to to become a "somebody" who would eventually save the people of Israel. 


Esther Chapter 1

This is not your Veggie Tale story you watched as a kid. In this episode we're going to learn a little about this heroine of Israel in the Old Testament, and not only that. We are also going to take a look at how the "friends" we surround ourselves with need the be the right kinds. 


Fierce or Afraid Episode 2

It's easy to armchair quarter back others when they make bad choices, especially when we can see how God is moving in their lives, but what about ourselves? In this episode we're going to follow Elijah in one of his weaker moments and see how God is with him through it. 


Fierce or Afraid?

In this episode we're looking at the life of Elijah the prophet, and how we can be fierce in our faith in God, especially during hard times. 


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