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The Reason Roundtable

Author: The Reason Roundtable

Subscribed: 6,575Played: 265,090


Every Monday, the libertarian editors of the magazine of “Free Minds and Free Markets”—Matt Welch, Nick Gillespie, Katherine Mangu-Ward, and Peter Suderman—discuss and debate the week’s biggest stories and what fresh hell awaits us all.
389 Episodes
Surely 2025 will be a freewheeling romp, right?…Right? Happy New Year!
Plus: A listener asks the editors to consider the Second Amendment's key importance for keeping the government in check.
The Bulwark's Tim Miller and Sarah Longwell debate Reason's Nick Gillespie and Matt Welch on choosing a side in politics.
Biden's Messy Mercy

Biden's Messy Mercy


Plus: A listener asks the editors to consider the tradeoffs of involuntary commitments to mental institutions.
Plus: A listener asks the editors if libertarians are more prone to believing in conspiracy theories.
The Reason Roundtable will answer all of your burning questions live on YouTube on December 4 at 1 p.m. (EST).
Plus: A listener asks the editors about the libertarian position on doctor-assisted suicide.
Trump's Chaos Cabinet

Trump's Chaos Cabinet


Plus: a listener asks the editors about fluoride in the water supply.
Plus: a listener asks the editors why it is acceptable to allow unrestricted border crossings into the United States without penalty.
Trump Won. What's Next?

Trump Won. What's Next?


Plus: A listener asks about Trump's early picks for cabinet positions.
Tune in on November 4 at 6:30 p.m. (EST) on YouTube to hear the four co-hosts' unflinching critiques of the latest in politics, culture, and whatever fresh hell awaits us all.
Plus: A listener asks the editors if there are closet Trump voters within the halls of Reason.
Plus: A listener asks the editors if the prospect of Supreme Court nominations is reason enough to favor Trump over Harris in this year’s presidential election?
Plus: How will the editors vote in the presidential election?
Plus: October 7, one year later.
Plus: A listener asks the editors what a “conservatarian” presidential candidate and agenda might look like.
Special interests and government prevent the free market from working the way it should in the healthcare industry, making many Americans poorer and sicker.
Plus: "Black Nazi,” Oprah interviews Kamala, and yet another looming government shutdown.
Plus: A listener asks the editors to ponder which election was the most important one in their lifetimes.
Plus: A listener asks if rebranding tariffs as taxes would make any difference in reducing their appeal to politicians and voters.
Comments (41)

Alan Coffey

I think they made using AV.P n illegal as well.

Apr 23rd

Corey Grissam

Nikki is a neo-con... pass.

Nov 14th

Nat Doggett

Reason is so lost. Jesus when the LP is more libertarian than you you really realise how far up the Dee states arse you really are...

Jul 7th

Lloyd Higley

Nobody is saying we shouldn't get out, it's how Biden did it...

Aug 24th

Nat Doggett

You people are such snakes

Jul 31st

Otto Bruun IV

How many listeners of this show make over $400k a year? Very fucking few I bet. The Libertarian bullshit is on overload in this episode.

Jun 17th

Nat Doggett

You guys are the lamest most gimpy blue pilled libertarians ever. If anyone is still listening to these clowns on a regular basis I recommend switching to the Tom Woods show ( an actual Libertarian)

Apr 28th

Corey Grissam

I tend to agree with y'all a lot, but this idea and the stance of the church over sex is not only wrong but misguided.

Mar 23rd

William Beshlian

Thank you Nick

Oct 28th

William Beshlian

The White Walkers are coming according to Joe

Oct 28th

Lloyd Higley

Chicago 7 was boring

Oct 21st


The same president who use to prank call Howard Stern is threatening to not hand over the office if he loses. Yeah, so glad the podcast became the Reasonable Alarmist Roundtable this week

Oct 11th
Reply (1)

Nat Doggett

why do I always get the sense that nick is being censored? The rest of you are tired hacks at this point. Talking about what masks you wear and glossing over the uglier side of BLM. I'm finally done with Reason mag. Mises is the only place with Libertarian values now

Aug 26th

Tommy Gunn

boy, you guys sure have taken a right wingnut turn of late. I always put up w some of your libertarian dipshittery, but you've taken the Trumpism pill now. UNSUBSCRIBE!

Aug 18th

Nat Doggett

you guys are so lame

Jul 29th

William MWestcott

Am I the only one that when Gillespie talks I picture nick offerman?

May 7th

William Beshlian

This MCU analogy is right up Peter's alley

Apr 28th
Reply (1)

William Beshlian

Larry Sharpe 2020

Apr 21st

William Beshlian

Thank you Nick. You're right the only way we are going to get through this is if we all pull together.

Mar 17th

William Beshlian

Me too Nick.

Mar 10th