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The Rebuilt Man

Author: Coach Frank Rich

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Welcome to The Rebuilt Man, I’m Coach Frank, founder of Rebuilt Recovery and we exist here to help you become a better man, by quitting porn, and rebuilding your life. My life changed in 2019 when I finally found freedom from a 20+ year addiction to pornography, and I’ve made it my mission since that day to help other men, just like me & you, find the freedom you deserve.

Join us and jump onboard as we provide daily tips and insights to build the necessary mindset to achieve greatness, as well as practical steps to get to the root of our addiction and build a life where pornography is no longer an option.

I believe men are called to greatness in this life, and it starts with learning to control our sexual desires.

Gentlemen, let’s get ready to Rebuild Your LIfe and become the man God has called you to be.

Welcome to The Rebuilt Man

Let’s get in to today’s episode
120 Episodes
Get the complete Reboot Your Life program for just $99 today - In episode 120 of The Rebuilt Man podcast, Coach Frank Rich discusses the impact of quitting porn on men's lives and the competitive advantage it provides. He shares his personal journey and the accomplishments he achieved after overcoming his addiction. Frank emphasizes the importance of awareness and commitment to overcoming this struggle and highlights the negative effects of pornography on personal growth and relationships. He encourages men to take control of their lives and offers a 16-week program to help them quit porn and live a fulfilling life.   Takeaways Quitting porn can have a lasting impact on a man's life and the lives of those around him.   Pornography addiction can limit personal growth, success, and fulfillment.   Being aware of the negative effects of porn and committed to overcoming the addiction gives men a competitive advantage in various aspects of life.   Quitting porn improves focus, energy, and motivation, leading to success in the marketplace, relationships, and personal goals. Get the complete Reboot Your Life program for just $99 today -   – Follow Coach Frank: IG -   YouTube -   Website -
Get the complete Reboot Your Life program for just $99 today -   Access the FREE training -   In episode 119 of The Rebuilt Man, Coach Frank Rich discusses the importance of changing one's identity and rewiring the brain in order to overcome addiction to pornography. He emphasizes that lasting transformation is rooted in an identity change and explains how rewiring the brain and nervous system can lead to a change in identity. Frank also highlights the significance of intentional work and proper behavior in guiding the rewiring process. He provides examples of how athletes and autonomic responses are influenced by the nervous system. Frank concludes by offering a 16-week program to help individuals conquer addiction and change their identity.   Takeaways Lasting transformation is rooted in an identity change.   Rewiring the brain and nervous system can lead to a change in identity.   Intentional work and proper behavior are crucial in guiding the rewiring process.   Athletes and autonomic responses are influenced by the nervous system. Get the complete Reboot Your Life program for just $99 today -   – Follow Coach Frank: IG -   YouTube -   Website -   Get the complete Reboot Your Life program for just $99 today -
Access the FREE training -   In episode 118 of The Rebuilt Man, Coach Frank Rich explains why most recovery systems for porn addiction do not work. He shares how the Rebuilt Recovery framework is proven to be effective in helping men overcome their addiction. The three main reasons why most systems of recovery do not work are: 1) They are rooted in old, outdated science. 2) They are incomplete in their approach. 3) They keep men in a victim mentality. The Rebuilt Recovery program takes a fully integrated holistic approach based on growth-centric principles to help men take control of their pornography addiction.   Takeaways Most recovery systems for porn addiction do not work.   The Rebuild Recovery framework is proven to be effective in helping men overcome their addiction.   The three main reasons why most systems of recovery do not work are: outdated science, incomplete approach, and victim mentality.   The Rebuild Recovery program takes a fully integrated holistic approach based on growth-centric principles.   To achieve lasting freedom from addiction, it is important to update the science, have a comprehensive approach, and adopt a growth mindset.   Access the FREE training -   – Follow Coach Frank: IG -   YouTube -   Website -
Access the FREE training -   In episode 117 of The Rebuilt Man, Coach Frank discusses the importance of raising one's standards in various areas of life, such as physical fitness, finances, relationships, and overcoming pornography addiction. Frank shares his personal experience of struggling with addiction and how raising his standards led to positive changes in his life. The key takeaway is that raising standards is crucial for personal growth and overcoming challenges.   Takeaways Raising standards is essential for personal growth and success in various areas of life.   Changing and raising standards is the first step in overcoming pornography addiction.   Setting higher standards leads to positive changes and a better quality of life.   Raising standards requires making a clear and definitive decision to quit harmful behaviors.   Access the FREE training -   – Follow Coach Frank: IG -   YouTube -   Website -
Access the FREE training - In episode 116 of The Rebuilt Man, Coach Frank Rich discusses the fact that overcoming a pornography addiction requires sacrifice and giving up parts of one's current life. He explains that freedom from addiction is achieved through the creation of a new identity and the willingness to make sacrifices. Coach Frank discusses that the journey to freedom is continuous and requires daily commitment and that you must be willing to make sacrifices, which may include giving up time, relationships, and certain habits or activities.    Takeaways Overcoming a pornography addiction requires sacrifice and giving up parts of one's current life.   Freedom from addiction is achieved through the creation of a new identity and the willingness to make sacrifices.   The journey to freedom is continuous and requires daily commitment.   Sacrifices may include giving up time, relationships, and certain habits or activities.   The familiar must be replaced with the unfamiliar in order to create a new life of freedom. Access the FREE training -   – Follow Coach Frank: IG -   YouTube -   Website -
Check out Hardly Initiated & watch the full episode on YouTube -   Listen to episode 220 of The Super Human Life with Dyanni Neves -   Today, for episode 115 of The Rebuilt Man podcast, we are airing a LIVE in person conversation that Coach Frank had with Ryan Catchings and Tysean Jackson of the Hardly Initiated podcast. This conversation was a panel discussion that included Dyanni Neves and covered topics ranging from the harmful effects of porn addiction, early age exposure, communicating addiction in relationships, and the differences between men and women.    Check out Hardly Initiated for more high value conversations on sex, love, and relationships.  – Follow Coach Frank: IG -   YouTube -   Website -  
Check out Stop The Movement -   In episode 114 of The Rebuilt Man podcast, we share with you a recent live webinar interview that Coach Frank did with Sara LaChance (founder of Stop The Movement). Stop The Movement is a 501c3 non-profit that is dedicated to educate, empower and equip the Tampa Bay Area to prevent exploitation and  human trafficking.    In this interview, Coach Frank discusses his journey into to and out of porn addiction. He shares some of the personal stories that lead him to finding freedom and talks about how to communicate with your spouse or partner about their porn addiction. They also share tactics and strategies for parents to help them with teens and young adults struggling with addiction.    – Follow Coach Frank: IG -   YouTube -   Website -  
Order Joshua's book -   Listen to episode 265 of The Super Human Life -   On episode 113 of The Rebuilt Man podcast, we share a short clip from a recent full length interview with Joshua Broome from The Super Human Life podcast (episode 265).     Joshua Broome, a former adult film star, embarked on a life-changing journey to fill the void in his heart. Despite fame and success, he found emptiness. Battling depression and thoughts of self harm, Joshua discovered the transformative power of Jesus. Now, he shares his story of redemption on podcasts, TV shows, and stages, spreading God's message of restoration all over the world.   Joshua recently published a book titled, 7 Lies That Will Ruin Your Life, and in this cip, Coach Frank and Joshua discuss the book in depth, from the origin story behind writing it, to breaking down all 7 lies, and providing practical tips and insights for men to get control of their lives so they don't fall victim to the lies.    Connect with Joshua online:  Website -   IG -   Book -   – Follow Coach Frank: IG -   YouTube -   Website -  
Book a call with Coach Frank - In episode 112 of The Rebuilt Man podcast, Coach Frank Rich interviews Bear, a participant in the Reboot Your Life program. Bear shares his transformative journey of rebuilding his life and marriage after struggling with addiction and infidelity. The program helped him address the underlying issues and traumas that fueled his addiction and provided a comprehensive approach to personal growth. Through the program, Bear experienced significant improvements in his marriage, fitness, career, and overall self-confidence. He encourages others to take control of their lives and invest in their personal growth.   Takeaways The Reboot Your Life program offers a comprehensive approach to personal growth and transformation.   Addressing underlying issues and traumas is crucial for overcoming addiction.   Taking responsibility for one's actions and investing in personal growth can lead to significant improvements in various areas of life.   Building a strong foundation and identity is essential for long-term success.   Financial concerns should not deter individuals from seeking help and investing in their personal growth.   Book a call with Coach Frank -   – Follow Coach Frank: IG -   YouTube -   Website -
Get the complete Reboot Your Life program for just $99 today -   In episode 111 of The Rebuilt Man, Coach Frank Rich discusses why many men struggle with pornography addiction and why some are able to break free while others remain stuck. He emphasizes that the key to overcoming addiction is not simply quitting porn, but becoming the man who no longer needs it in his life. Frank offers a proven process through his coaching program at The program focuses on helping men transform themselves and build the life they were meant to live.   Takeaways Millions of men struggle with pornography addiction, but many stay stuck despite their efforts to quit.   The key to overcoming addiction is not simply quitting porn, but becoming the man who no longer needs it in his life.   Rebuild Recovery offers a coaching program that has helped thousands of men break free from pornography addiction and transform their lives. Get the complete Reboot Your Life program for just $99 today -   –   Follow Coach Frank: IG -   YouTube -   Website -
Get the complete Reboot Your Life program for just $99 today - In this episode of The Rebuilt Man, Frank Rich discusses the ways in which pornography hijacks the brain, comparing it to hardcore drugs like cocaine and heroin. He emphasizes the negative effects of pornography addiction on relationships, career, finances, and mental and physical health. Frank highlights five ways in which porn affects the brain: dopamine release, desensitization, impact on reward circuitry, cravings and withdrawal symptoms, and disruption of relationships and daily life. He offers a program to help men break free from porn addiction and encourages listeners to share the episode and seek support. Takeaways Pornography addiction can have severe negative effects on relationships, career, finances, and mental and physical health.   Watching pornography triggers the release of dopamine in the brain, leading to compulsive patterns and addictive behavior.   Frequent exposure to pornography can lead to desensitization, requiring more explicit and novel content to achieve the same level of arousal.   Both heroin and pornography can impact the brain's reward circuitry, leading to diminished pleasure for everyday activities and an increased desire for the addictive substance or behavior.   Individuals who develop compulsive addictions to pornography may experience cravings and discomfort when attempting to quit, highlighting the need for support in the recovery journey.   Pornography can disrupt relationships and daily functioning, impeding social interactions, work productivity, and overall wellbeing. Get the complete Reboot Your Life program for just $99 today -   –   Follow Coach Frank: IG -   YouTube -   Website -
Book a call with Coach Frank -   In episode 109 of The Rebuilt Man podcast, we give you a sneak peak inside one of our Brotherhood Redefined calls. This is our exclusive community of high-performing men who are taking control of their porn addiction and lives and working to become the men God has called them to be.    On this group call, we invited my friend, Jolene Winn (The Porn Addict's Wife) to come and speak with the group. Jolene has been a regular guest on The Super Human Life podcast and specializes in helping women overcome their husband's porn addiction. She brings a mix of real world experience having to heal from her husband's addiction as well as expertise in the life coaching space.    Check out Jolene on The Super Human Life:  Ep 124 -   Ep 187 -   Book a call with Coach Frank -   – Follow Coach Frank: IG -   YouTube -   Website -    
Access the FREE training - In episode 108 of The Rebuilt Man, Coach Frank Rich discusses the importance of discipline in overcoming pornography addiction. He emphasizes that discipline alone is not enough and that understanding the root of the addiction, developing self-awareness, and joining a supportive community are also crucial. Frank provides five steps to build discipline, including identifying the desired life and the consequences of failure, stacking small wins, getting in shape, and not allowing failures to stack up. He also offers a training program for breaking free from pornography addiction. Takeaways Discipline is important but not sufficient to overcome pornography addiction.   Understanding the root of the addiction and developing self-awareness are crucial.   Joining a supportive community can greatly aid in breaking free from addiction.   Five steps to build discipline: identify the desired life and consequences of failure, stack small wins, get in shape, and don't allow failures to stack up.   A training program is available for those seeking to break free from pornography addiction. Access the FREE training -   – Follow Coach Frank: IG -   YouTube -   Website -
Access the FREE training -   In episode 107 of The Rebuilt Man podcast, we share with you a guest appearance by Coach Frank on the Move Your Mind podcast with Nich Bracks. Nick Bracks is an Austrailian media personality, radio host, entrepreneur, former male model, published author, and speaker.    In this conversation, Nick and Coach Frank discuss Frank's 20-year battle with porn addiction and his journey to overcoming it. The dive into the detrimental effects of porn use, such as difficulties forming relationships, shame, erectile dysfunction, and isolation. Coach Frank also shares the importance of taking responsbility and finding support in community as the pathway to recovery and freedom.    Access the FREE training -   – Follow Coach Frank: IG -   YouTube -   Website -  
Access the FREE training -   In episode 106 of The Rebuilt Man, Coach Frank Rich discusses how to prevent relapse in recovery from a pornography addiction. He emphasizes the importance of changing the goal of freedom and becoming a man who no longer desires pornography. He also defines the terms 'slip' and 'relapse' and explains how to learn from slips and prevent them from turning into relapses. Coach Frank emphasizes the need for a system or protocol, accountability, and support in the recovery process.   Takeaways To prevent relapse, change the goal of freedom to becoming a man who no longer desires pornography.   Define slips as single occurring events and relapses as repeated series of events over time.   Learn from slips by identifying the series of events that led to them and developing alternative behaviors for future situations.   Have a system or protocol, accountability, and support in place to prevent relapse and fill the holes in your recovery journey. Access the FREE training -   – Follow Coach Frank: IG -   YouTube -   Website -
Book a call with Coach Frank -   In episode 105 of The Rebuilt Man, Coach Frank Rich discusses the topic of shame and its impact on addiction to pornography. He explores how shame can lead to self-sabotage and prevent men from becoming the person they are meant to be. Frank shares his own experience with shame and emphasizes the importance of opening up and seeking support from a trusted person or community. He also highlights the concept of consciousness and how shame operates at the lowest level, just above death. The episode concludes with an invitation to join the Rebuilt Recovery coaching program for support and guidance.   Takeaways Shame can keep individuals addicted to pornography and prevent them from becoming the person they are meant to be.   Opening up and seeking support from a trusted person or community can help release shame and begin the journey towards freedom.   Shame operates at the lowest level of consciousness, just above death.   Removing shame allows individuals to grow in confidence, integrity, and no longer self-sabotage.   Joining a supportive community can provide a safe space for open and honest conversations about struggles and insecurities. Book a call with Coach Frank -   – Follow Coach Frank: IG -   YouTube -   Website -
Access the FREE training -   In episode 104 of The Rebuilt Man, Coach Frank Rich discusses the root causes of pornography addiction and how to overcome it. He emphasizes the importance of understanding the reasons behind using porn and how it has become a pattern of behavior. Frank provides seven questions to help identify and get to the root of the addiction, including when it started, specific triggers, patterns in consumption, emotional states, significant life events, underlying mental health issues, and negative beliefs. By addressing these root causes, individuals can find true freedom from pornography.   Takeaways Understanding the root causes of pornography addiction is crucial for overcoming it.   Identifying specific triggers and patterns in consumption can help in managing the addiction.   Addressing underlying mental health issues and negative beliefs is important for long-term recovery.   Exploring significant life events and traumas can provide insight into the origins of the addiction.   By getting to the root of the addiction, individuals can find true freedom and rebuild their lives. Access the FREE training -   – Follow Coach Frank: IG -   YouTube -   Website -
Access the FREE training -   In episode 103 of The Rebuilt Man podcast, we share a small clip from a recent conversation that Coach Frank had with Larry Hagner of The Dad Edge. Frank shares the approach that Rebuilt Recovery takes to helping men break free from porn addiction and defines what holistic based growth-centric recovery is. Frank also challenges Larry's thinking when it comes to dealing with temptations and triggers around porn addiction.   Access the FREE training -   – Follow Coach Frank: IG -   YouTube -   Website -
Access the FREE training -   In episode 102 of The Rebuilt Man, Coach Frank Rich shares the first five steps he would take to overcome a pornography addiction. He emphasizes the importance of getting radically honest with oneself and understanding the negative impact of the addiction. He also highlights the need for support and accountability, fasting from food to practice self-denial, creating a clear vision for a life without pornography, and cultivating gratitude. These steps provide a framework for men to begin their journey towards freedom from addiction.   Takeaways Getting radically honest with oneself is the first step in overcoming a pornography addiction.   Seeking support and accountability from mentors, pastors, or friends is crucial in the recovery process.   Practicing self-denial, such as fasting from food, helps develop discipline and control over addictive behaviors.   Creating a clear vision for a life without pornography helps motivate and guide the recovery journey.   Cultivating gratitude for the present and future can shift the mindset and inspire positive change.   Access the FREE training -   – Follow Coach Frank: IG -   YouTube -   Website -
Access the FREE training -   In episode 101 of The Rebuilt Man podcast, Coach Frank explores the link between porn addiction and ADHD, focusing on the role of dopamine in the brain. He discusses how compulsive use of pornography can lead to dopamine deficiency, resulting in symptoms similar to ADHD. Frank provides practical tips for overcoming porn addiction and improving focus and attention. The main takeaway is that ADHD is not a disease, but a byproduct of constant exposure to super normal stimuli like pornography. Quitting porn and creating a meaningful and purposeful life can help alleviate ADHD symptoms.   Takeaways Porn addiction can lead to symptoms similar to ADHD due to dopamine deficiency.   Quitting porn and setting meaningful goals can help improve focus and attention.   ADHD is not a disease, but a result of constant exposure to super normal stimuli.   Creating a purposeful life can alleviate ADHD symptoms and improve overall well-being.   Access the FREE training -   – Follow Coach Frank: IG -   YouTube -   Website -