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The Recovery Guy Podcast

Author: Robert Pardon - The Recovery Guy

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Most everyone has been broken, at one time or another. My goal is to help you put the pieces back together and become whole. “Recovery is a life long process. Recovery is not a destination, recovery is a journey.”-Robert Pardon
268 Episodes
Robert walks us through the steps, explains why steps are important, and talks briefly about each of the 12 steps. Join us as we grow in our understanding The post Episode #287 The Fix: One Step at a Time with Robert P appeared first on Recovery Guy.
Join Robert as he shares his story. Robert describes his journey from being a hopeless drunk to a person who has recovered. The post Episode #286 The Fix: Robert in Boise, ID Feb 15, 2025 appeared first on Recovery Guy.
Join Mary as she tells the story from hopeless to recovered. The post Episode #285 The Fix: Mary B at SDRC Feb 8, 2025 appeared first on Recovery Guy.
Join Jason T as he tells his story of hopelessness to recovery. The post Episode #284 The Fix: Jason T at SDRC Feb 1, 2025 appeared first on Recovery Guy.
Will is taking his 45-year chip. I am honored to be the opening speaker and give him this wonderful medallion. The post Episode #283 The Fix: Will and me at the Triangle Club on January 17, 2025 appeared first on Recovery Guy.
Join us as we listen to Mark’s journey of ODAAT for the rest of his life. The post Episode #282 Mark F at SDRC January 11 2025 appeared first on Recovery Guy.
Join us as we take a listen to David’s story. His journey includes going from a hopeless alcoholic to a person who has recovered from a seemingly hopeless state of mind and body. Won’t you join us? The post Episode #281 The Fix: David L at the SDRC Jan 4, 2025 appeared first on Recovery Guy.
Please join Clint and the others as we walk down the path of his journey. Clint’s story of a hopeless alcoholic to recovery is one not to be missed. Thanks for listening. The post Episode #280 The Fix: Clint L at SDRC 12.28.2024 appeared first on Recovery Guy.
One more time Suzy and I share our common Experience, Strength, and Hope. We have been on different paths getting well ODAAT. Join us during our engaging conversation. The post Episode #279 The Fix: Suzy and Me- AA and Al-Anon Hand in Hand appeared first on Recovery Guy.
Join us as we travel with Ryan, who shares his experience, strength, and hope. This message will encourage you. The post Episode #278 The Fix: Ryan at SDRC 12.21.2025 appeared first on Recovery Guy.
Join us as we welcome Chaz M. Chaz, who shares his journey from helplessness and hopelessness to a man who can go anywhere and do anything. The post Episode #277 The Fix: Chaz at SDRC 12.14.2024 appeared first on Recovery Guy.
Join Robert as he explores the intent of Page 132 from the Big Book. what does it mean to “absolutely insist on enjoying life? Robert’s journey will help underscore the necessity of this directive. The post Episode #276 The Fix: We Absolutely Insist appeared first on Recovery Guy.
Join us as we welcome Denise N. Denise shares her story of hopelessness to recovery. this is a story you won't want to miss. The post Episode #275 The Fix: Denise N at SDRC 11.23.2024 appeared first on Recovery Guy.
Join us as we welcome Dave M to the platform at SDRC This is a story you will not want to miss. The post Episode #274 The Fix: SDRC 11.16.2024 featuring Dave M appeared first on Recovery Guy.
Join us as we go on Billy's journey of sobriety. Billy has walked this path for over 40 years and his story is compelling and worth listening to. Enjoy. The post Episode #273 The Fix: Billy R at the SDRC 11.09.2024 appeared first on Recovery Guy.
In this episode, Robert discusses the connection between diethyl ether, the anesthetic, and alcohol. Both substances are designed to reduce pain and discomfort. One is necessary and one only seems like it is. The post Episode #272 The Fix: Feeling is a Better Way to Live appeared first on Recovery Guy.
Join me as I feature Women of Recovery. Sammie Jo is dynamic and understands what it takes to get and stay sober. Her joy for recovery is something you will not want to miss. The post Episode #271 The Fix: Sammie Jo at the South Davis Reocvery Club appeared first on Recovery Guy.
Join Michelle and Robert as they share their experience, strength, and hope with others. This is an episode you will listen to and share. The post Episode #270 The Fix: Michelle K and Robert P Salt Lake Alano Club Sept 28, 2024 appeared first on Recovery Guy.
Join Suzy and Robert as they discuss their journeys to recovery. Neither speak for their program, but they share their experience as a result of the programs. Suzy and Robert have both become well. Listen to their stories of wellness and what they do each day to grow their understanding. This is an episode you […] The post Episode #269 The Fix: Al-Anon and AA with One Voice appeared first on Recovery Guy.
Join Drewe and Robert. They combine their voices to create a picture of recovery. Follow their journey from Broken to Whole. This is an episode you won't want to miss. The post Episode #268 The Fix: Dope Ass Speaker Meeting at the Triangle Club 8.30.2024 Drewe and Robert appeared first on Recovery Guy.
In this episode, Robert discusses losing the right to choose. Once he stopped drinking a new window opened that allowed him to make better choices. Robert can now choose. The post Episode #267 The Fix: We Can Make A Choice To Choose appeared first on Recovery Guy.
Join Robert as he continues his journey of recovery. Robert's sobriety date is April 25, 1986. At The Turning Point in Las Vegas, NV, his path from a seemingly hopeless state of mind and body to becoming well began. Over 38 years later Robert continues to be a recovered member of a twelve-step program that saved his life. The post Episode #266 The Fix: Robert P at SDRC 8-03-2024 appeared first on Recovery Guy.
Join Michelle and Robert as they travel down the recovery journey. Michelle and Robert share their experience, strength, and hope in a way that makes recovery accessible to all. The post Episode #265 The Fix: Michelle K and Robert P at Wasatch Crest Recovery 8-2-2024 appeared first on Recovery Guy.
Join Michelle as she takes you on a journey From Broken to Whole. You won't want to miss a word of her story. Michelle paints a compelling picture of someone who was lost and broken into a Vessel of Honor. The post Episode #264 The Fix: Michelle at The Cirque 7 26 2024 appeared first on Recovery Guy.
Join Robert as he paints a picture of his 38-year journey into recovery. Robert talks of his despair and his subsequent recovery from alcoholism. This is an episode you will not want to miss. The post Episode #263 The Fix: Robert P at The Palace 7 21 2024 appeared first on Recovery Guy.
Jason T shares his experience, strength, and hope in a dynamic and foundational way. Whether one is new or has been around for a minute you will not want to miss his story of recovery and hope. The post Episode #262 The Fix: Jason at South Davis Recovery Club appeared first on Recovery Guy.
In this podcast, Mayra shares her experience, strength, and hope. Women helping women is needed in the rooms of recovery. Mayra is an example to all women. The post Episode #261 The Fix: Mayra at The Cirque Lodge appeared first on Recovery Guy.
What does that mean? Does that that mean we give up on others? Does that mean we try to determine who might benefit and who won't. Or does that mean that we continue to do the best we can for ourselves that we are best equipped to help someone else when the opportunity is given? If you are a true person of recovery then the answer is obvious. Just as Bill W. discovered many years ago even he couldn't "save them all", but somewhere in the trying he was saved. The post Episode #260 The Fix: We Can’t Save Them All appeared first on Recovery Guy.
In this episode, Robert discusses Page 4 of As Bill Sees It and the ability to choose. The answer is YES!!! We aren't victims of our Inheritance. We are victors despite where or who we came from. Join Robert as he discusses the journey towards recovery which he claims his power to make life-changing make life-changing choices. The post Episode #259 The Fix: Recovery is a Choice appeared first on Recovery Guy.
In this episode, Robert shares the loneliness and despair he was experiencing as a person of active addiction This loneliness made the camaraderie even more attractive. It was in this environment, that recovery took place. Please listen and share this episode with a friend and loved one. The post Episode #258 The Fix: Join Us appeared first on Recovery Guy.
The post Episode #257: Cirque Lodge with Skip, May 31 appeared first on Recovery Guy.
In this episode, Robert explores the power of community and why he feels it is essential to a recovered life. Without community, we don't have a sense of belonging. Without belonging we will NEVER get well and or recover. The post The Fix: Episode #256 Community appeared first on Recovery Guy.
This episode explores Rebecca Elvey's teachings and compares them to the principles of recovery. How these are things we should watch out for as stumbling blocks and things we should do to promote growth and happiness The post The Fix: Episode #255 Inside My Box appeared first on Recovery Guy.
I was very honored to be part of this annual event. Being around and sharing with newcomers and program graduates is the lifeblood of my recovery. Please listen and share this event. We never know whom we are going to help. Be blessed The post The Fix: Episode #254 Cedar House Alumni Event May 4, 2024 appeared first on Recovery Guy.
In this episode, Robert shares part of his journey. Robert began his recovery journey Feb 9, 1986, After 71 days of being sober and a brief relapse, Robert returned to the rooms of Alcoholics Anonymous on April 25, 1986. He has been sober ever since. Please listen; hopefully, you will find yourself on both sides of this common journey. The post The Fix: Episode #253 Cirque Lodge March 22, 2024 appeared first on Recovery Guy.
Robert Shares his experience, strength and hope with those in SLC The post The Fix: Episode #252 Fellowship Hall Feb. 10, 2024 appeared first on Recovery Guy.
I had the pleasure of visiting those in recovery at the Renaissance Ranch, in Rupert, ID. This talk is about my time with them. Sharing my experience, strength, and hope with others is foundational to personal recovery. Please listen. The post The Fix; Episode #251 Renaissance Ranch Oct. 1, 2023 appeared first on Recovery Guy.
Experience, Strength, and Hope are what we share. We hope the newcomer is open to a new of living. "We are sure, God wants us to be happy, Joyous, and free. Join and share Robert's recovery journey that has kept him sober since April 25, 1986. The post The Fix; Episode #250: South Davis Recovery Club, August 5, 2023 appeared first on Recovery Guy.
In this episode, Robert tells of his 37-year journey to recovery. Robert shares his feelings of "being an almost" until he meets King Alcohol. Despite the ups and downs of his life, Robert would find the rooms of Alcoholics Anonymous and he would never be the same.  The post Episode #249 The Fix: Speaker Meeting- June 24, 2023 appeared first on Recovery Guy.
Sharing our experience, strength and hope is how we all learn to live the sober way of life. Robert shares his story from a hopeless alcoholic to a recovered person. The post Episode #248 The Fix: SLC Speaker Meeting 7/20/2022 appeared first on Recovery Guy.
Alcoholism is a family disease. More often than not, It is necessary for both the co-dependent and the addict to seek a path to wellness. Using the tools from two different, yet similar, plans of recovery both parties begin a recovery journey. Couples are families that don't choose this path will not survive or be happy. The post Episode #247 The Fix: Al-Anon/AA, In Perfect Partnership appeared first on Recovery Guy.
Throughout my life, I heard many things regarding my potential. The word BUT was used as part of my description when I was mentioned. People would often say how wonderful they thought I could be, BUT..... There was always an exclusion of my potential. There was always a conjunction between how I wanted to be seen and how I was seen. This lasted until I first came into recovery when I was 32. It was then that I learned to Drop the But. My journey has been to be as I hoped to be seen, without the word BUT playing a role in that description. I hope you enjoy today's podcast. Be blessed The post Episode #246 The Fix: Drop the But appeared first on Recovery Guy.
The difference between those who get sober and those who live a life of sobriety is Transformation. When we look at the emotional, mental, spiritual and the physical one is no more important than the other. Having said a well-rounded Transformation is REQUIRED for lifelong recovery. Today’s conversation with Alex covers exactly that. The post Episode #245 The Fix; Transformation with Alex appeared first on Recovery Guy.
In the beginning, all most of us can do is hang onto our recovery chair. After we are sober for a while, we begin to see the areas of our life that went neglected. For most of us, the physical side of our health went ignored. A well-rounded sober journey requires to I become fit in all aspects of my life. This conversation with Leandro is what this podcast is about. The post Episode #244 The Fix; Leandro on Fitness appeared first on Recovery Guy.
As you have heard me say, there are four elements or dimensions to our personal recovery. Those four dimensions are, emotional, mental, spiritual, and physical. Today we are so fortunate to have my dear friend and fitness instructor in the studio, Vera. We will discuss the facets of fitness, what it is like for a person entering a fitness journey and why it is something to continue moving forward. We will also discuss the empowerment it brings on an emotional, spiritual, and mental level while satisfying physical fitness needs. I hope you enjoy this podcast. The post Episode #243 The Fix; Vera Talks Fitness appeared first on Recovery Guy.
One of the most important things any of us can ever understand about substance abuse addiction and behavioral destruction is the amount of selfishness and self-centeredness that is at the core of the addiction. One of the reasons so many people stay in addiction, is not because they enjoy the negativity. The post Episode #242 The Fix; A Different Way to Live appeared first on Recovery Guy.
In this podcast Bo and I discuss recovery at large and how we can have a positive effect on others. As we strive to have a positive impact in the lives of other people our personal recovered life is positively affected. The story of Recovery is one of amazing miracles that continue to occur daily. You can reach out to Beau and discover his work at The post Episode #241 The Fix; Conversation with Beau appeared first on Recovery Guy.
Life is meant to be lived according to a set of rules. I used to conduct my life as a very selfish and self-centered person. Within that self-centeredness, I decided that I would live however I would want to live, and life would have to accommodate me. That is not how it works at all. The post Episode #240 The Fix; Rules to Live By appeared first on Recovery Guy.
As a people of recovery, we have agreed to go on a journey that is filled with challenges and opportunities. There are times when these realities of life seem overwhelming and difficult to understand or accept. We have a human response to embrace what makes us feel good and reject that which feels terrible. Gandhi said “One cannot do right in one department of life while attempting to wrong in another department. Life is one indivisible whole.” The point is, there will be times when the journey is filled with goodness and at other times sadness will take hold. Either way, it is the same journey The post Episode #239 The Fix; The Journey to Acceptance appeared first on Recovery Guy.
People are often dismayed and even discouraged that not drinking or using is only the basic requirement for sobriety. Let me assure you. Sobriety ONLY comes over time and when a program of recovery is followed and practiced. It’s not so much as to what plan of success you follow, as much as it is that you follow a plan that has worked for others. Be blessed. The post Episode #238 The Fix; Recovery is not an Event appeared first on Recovery Guy.
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