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The Recovery Show » Finding serenity through 12 step recovery in Al-Anon – a podcast
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The Recovery Show » Finding serenity through 12 step recovery in Al-Anon – a podcast

Author: The Recovery Show

Subscribed: 4,843Played: 114,530


12-step recovery for those of us who love alcoholics or addicts. We share our experience, strength, and hope as we use the principles of the Al-Anon program in our lives. We talk openly and honestly about the problems and challenges as we face alcoholism and addiction in our friends and relatives. We share the tools and solutions we have found that let us live a life that is serene, happy, and free, even when the alcoholic or addict is still drinking or using.
422 Episodes
Retirement can be an exciting yet challenging phase of life. It brings forward new experiences and demands a blend of anticipation and adaptation. The principles and tools garnered through our journeys of recovery can play a pivotal role in navigating these changes. Mary H. shares insights into her retirement process and how recovery has helped... The post Navigating Retirement with Recovery – 418 appeared first on The Recovery Show.
Recovery can challenge us to transform our spiritual and religious understandings and underpinnings. For many, especially those emerging from rigid religious backgrounds, rediscovering or reimagining one's higher power becomes a transformative step. In this episode, Sara delves into her personal journey of redefining her higher power, lending an inspiring narrative to those struggling with similar... The post Creating a Personal Higher Power in Recovery – 417 appeared first on The Recovery Show.
Step Three states: “Made a decision to turn our will and our lives over to the care of God as we understood Him.” We’ll be delving into this step, discussing its essence and sharing personal experiences. Step Three comes after acknowledging the hope for a saner life (Step Two). This step is about making a... The post Letting Go and Trusting: Exploring Step Three – 416 appeared first on The Recovery Show.
Spencer opens the discussion by reiterating Step Two: “[We] came to believe that a power greater than ourselves could restore us to sanity.” Bruce notes that their discussion is a reflection of their personal experiences.. Personal Narratives of Insanity and Restoration Both Spencer and Bruce share their personal stories, highlighting their past struggles and how... The post Finding Hope and Sanity: Exploring Step Two – 415 appeared first on The Recovery Show.
I had the privilege of speaking with Pat R., the author of the heartfelt and powerful book “Surviving Alex: A Mother's Story of Love, Loss, and Addiction.” This story may resonate with you if you are grappling with the complex combination of mental illness and addiction. A Mother's Heartfelt Journey Pat's journey began with her... The post Surviving Alex: A Mother’s Story of Love, Loss, and Addiction – 414 appeared first on The Recovery Show.
Spencer and Nora explore Step One of Al-Anon, which is about admitting powerlessness over alcohol and recognizing the unmanageability in one's life. They read from the book ‘How Al-Anon Works' and discuss how their lives have been impacted by others' alcoholism. Both hosts share personal anecdotes on their journey to accepting their lack of control... The post Step One: Finding Strength in Surrender – 413 appeared first on The Recovery Show.
In conversation with Barb W, we dive into the vital role honesty plays in the journey of recovery, particularly in accepting and working the first step. The Challenge of Honesty We kick off the discussion with Barb reflecting on the necessity of honesty in recovery. Honesty often starts with acknowledging our own denial and deceit,... The post Breaking Through Denial: Honesty is Essential – 412 appeared first on The Recovery Show.
Being a leader in Al-Anon is fundamentally different from traditional notions of leadership. As we highlight in our discussion, Al-Anon leaders are guided by humility and enthusiasm rather than authority and control. This approach is rooted in Tradition Two, which states, “Our leaders are but trusted servants; they do not govern.” Understanding this principle is... The post Growth and Challenges in Al-Anon Service – 411 appeared first on The Recovery Show.
Host Spencer and guest Ashley delve into the transformative power of the 12 steps in the Al-Anon program. We revisit the 12 steps and explore their impact on our personal growth and healing. We read and reflect on passages from chapter 8, “Twelve Steps”, in the book How Al-Anon Works, sharing our own experiences and... The post Walking the Path to Recovery – Working the 12 Steps – 410 appeared first on The Recovery Show.
Al Anon's Tradition 3 emphasizes the gathering of relatives of alcoholics for mutual aid, forming an Al Anon family group rooted in shared experiences and support. Spencer elaborates on how this mutual aid creates a safe space where individuals facing the impact of addiction can find solace and understanding. The only requirement for membership is... The post Finding Strength in Mutual Aid: Insights from Al-Anon’s Third Tradition – 409 appeared first on The Recovery Show.
We find value in the shared experiences, wisdom, and support expressed in Al-Anon meetings. Sharing in meetings plays a crucial role in bolstering recovery, assisting in healing, and fostering a sense of community among attendees. However, we may hear instructions and conventions that seem challenging to adhere to at times. Why do we share? Sharing... The post A Deep Dive into Sharing in Meetings – 408 appeared first on The Recovery Show.
In February, 2023, Spencer gave a talk at the 71st Greeley AA Stampede. This is that talk. Readings and Links The Greeley AA Stampede is an annual AA conference with Al-Anon participation. Find out more at their website. A listener asked about finding “speaker tapes” online. Two sources are XA Speakers and Recovery Radio Network.... The post Spencer T talk at 71st Greeley AA Stampede appeared first on The Recovery Show.
Listening to you – 406

Listening to you – 406


Listen to the experience, strength and hope, questions, and fears of 30-ish listeners of The Recovery Show. Hear from members on topics such as these: Here are few moments that you might connect with: Sue wrote, “While listening to Debra C. share on your podcast, I realized she was telling my story. I took away... The post Listening to you – 406 appeared first on The Recovery Show.
Working the Steps – 405

Working the Steps – 405


The 12 steps are indispensable in the journey towards healing. They can spark enlightenment, foster growth, and propel personal transformation. In this episode, Spencer, Karen, and other contributors explore several approaches to working the 12 steps. Acknowledging Variety and Personalizing the Process 12-step recovery does not have a ‘one-size-fits-all’ approach. Members apply the steps to... The post Working the Steps – 405 appeared first on The Recovery Show.
Did you attend the 2023 Al-Anon International Convention? If you didn't, have you wondered what it was like? In this episode, Heather, Racheal, and Spencer share our expectations of the convention, what happened at the convention, what we learned, and what we are bringing home. Contact the show You can leave a voicemail at 734-707-8795... The post Experience, Strength and Hope from the 2023 Al-Anon International Convention – 404 appeared first on The Recovery Show.
In our lives, we often find ourselves faced with situations that require us to make decisions. We have a choice to either react impulsively or take a moment to consider our actions. This interplay between inaction and reaction can shed light on how we navigate life's complexities. Let's delve deeper into the concepts of inaction,... The post Inaction and Reaction: Navigating the Path to Meaningful Action – 403 appeared first on The Recovery Show.
What is gossip? How is it harmful to my recovery? Spencer and Laurel discuss gossip and how it can hinder our path to recovery. We share our personal experiences, elaborating on how we used to perceive gossip and how this perception has changed. We lay emphasis on the power of silence, restraining oneself from engaging... The post Finding Freedom from Gossip and Creating Positive Relationships in Recovery – 402 appeared first on The Recovery Show.
At a recent meeting, the topic was Step 11. I most often share about my difficulties in creating a regular program of prayer and meditation. But at this meeting, I picked the second part of the step “Praying only for knowledge of God’s will…” The question that I face when I consider that phrase is,... The post What is my Motive? – 401 appeared first on The Recovery Show.
Milestones – 400

Milestones – 400


Reaching and recognizing significant milestones is an integral part of the recovery process. Celebrating these moments of progress might include acknowledging the ability to set personal boundaries, letting go of blame, or embracing presence in the current moment. These victories, regardless of how small, contribute significantly to personal growth and healing, reinforcing the transformative power... The post Milestones – 400 appeared first on The Recovery Show.
I noticed how different people in the story respond to the drinking in different ways. It leapt off the page to me, not only because I recognized stories that I could have heard in the rooms, but also my own perception of their reactions. – Frances Step into the pages of classic literature and discover... The post Finding Al-Anon Lessons in Classic Novels — 399 appeared first on The Recovery Show.
Comments (25)


this woman doesn't understand addiction at all. I don't understand why she thinks she can speak from a place of expertise.

Aug 13th


I always have a really hard time when the co-host talks too much.

Mar 13th


one of your best yet!!

Mar 9th

Gabriel Burke

This episode meant a lot to me. As an African-American Man in recovery in Al Anon, I am the only person of color in the room a lot of the time. I have struggled with this fact, but am thankful I have found psychological safety in the rooms. I have been treated with respect and I feel like my perspective has been valued. It is still tough however to not see people who look like me in meetings. What has helped me is Hope For Today, October 11th. As even though I identify as straight, I empathize with being "different" at the meetings.

Nov 28th

Farhad Rad

#Mahsa_Amini #Nika_Shakarami #Sarina_Smailzade #Dictator_Governance #Protest #Iran #مهسا_امینی #نیکا_شاکرمی #سارینا_اسماعیل_زاده ✌️✌️✌️

Oct 9th


You're such a good listener Spencer. thanks for the viewpoints.

Oct 9th

Gabriel Burke

This podcast has been a great addition to my recovery and has changed my life

Aug 5th


This is a great podcast

Jul 14th


Thank you so much. I really appreciate you.

Jul 3rd


Can't believe I have not been aware of this podcast before now! 👍👍

Jun 30th


Thanks for the recommendation

Jun 30th


Agree agree agree!

Jun 30th
Reply (1)

Jeff Christianson

this message came at the perfect time, thank you!!

Jun 30th

Heather Michelle

I needed this today.

May 9th

Jeff Christianson

this message came at the perfect time, for me!! thank you

Apr 28th
Reply (1)


This may be a good podcast, but the quality is so poor, I'll never know.🤨

Nov 2nd

Denise L Jones

This was right on time. Thank you for sharing your incredible ongoing recovery. The promises are real.

Sep 28th

anonymous none

Wow Mary Pearl my mom sounds just like yours. I am one of seven children raised in alcoholic family and the only one in Al-Anon. I am going to pass this one. Thank you for sharing. ❤

May 8th

anonymous none

Wow Mary Pearl my mom sounds just like yours. I am one of seven children raised in alcoholic family and the only one in Al-Anon. I am going to pass this one. Thank you for sharing. ❤

May 8th

Asia Nichole

thanks so much for this episode on anger. it is a daily battle for me. i wish there was more help for people who realize their anger is a problem and they want help, it's just not readily available.

Apr 14th