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The Reynolds Bickerstaff Podcast

Author: Reynolds Bickerstaff

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This podcast is focused on sharing Business Ideas with Real Estate Agents and small business owners. Most of our Episodes are recorded during our Business Meetings at Bickerstaff Parham Real Estate. If you are interested in growing professionally and personally, then you've found the right Podcast.
27 Episodes
In this business meeting we share 3 principles from Admiral William H. McRaven's book "Make Your Bed." His address to the 2014 graduating class of the University of Texas went viral, because his principles learned during his 37 years as a Navy Seal, can be applied in our daily lives. 1. Start your day with a task completed.2. Life is Not Fair.3. Never Ever Quit.To receive a notification of our next video, subscribe to our Youtube Channel or Podcast.
The founder of the Boston Beer Company, Jim Koch, shares tons of business strategies in his book “Quench Your Own Thrist.” This video on covers 3 of them: 1. Don’t risk what you have to get what you don’t need.2. Don’t hire until employees will pay for themselves, either in sales or cost savings day 1. 3. Never hire someone unless they raise the average.I hope you will apply these strategies when you begin business planning for next year.
Can you summarize your purpose in 35 words or less? To create a Strategy Statement for your team, you will need to define the Objective, Scope and Advantage. In this podcast we discuss the Harvard Business Review article, "Can you say what your strategy is?" by reviewing the story of Edward Jones, the financial adviser.
Is Your Pipeline Dry?

Is Your Pipeline Dry?


Relationships are the foundation of all businesses. Once a relationship is established, it is less expensive to maintain this relationship, than it is to go out and develop a new one. The benefit of filling up your pipeline and having the discipline to keep it full every month, is soon realizing that there is an unlimited supply of business waiting for you. During this Business Meeting, Reynolds helps you understand how to keep your pipeline full.
Success Before Work

Success Before Work


Successful people understand: 1. The Madness of the Morning 2. It's Matter of Will Power 3. Important, but not Urgent Things 4. How to make over their morning. This presentation highlights strategies from Laura Vandekam's book "What The Most Successful People Do Before Breakfast." To watch the video recording, please visit:
Rituals are a set of predetermined actions. Are yours Mindless and Counterproductive or Intentional and Useful? We've been using Michael Hyatt's Full Focus Planner for several months now. It's amazing how productive one can become by creating & following some daily rituals.
Did We Cover That?

Did We Cover That?


This is a quick review of the most important topics we've discussed this year. Consider this our greatest hits of 2018. If you don't have time to watch or listen to all of our business meetings, then this is the video/podcast for you.
Children can teach us so much about sales. What does the word No mean to a child? Almost nothing. During this discussion we present the advantages of asking your clients Open and Closed Questions. Also we cover the Trial Close, Assumptive Close, Alternative Close, Take Away Close and the Final Close. Always Be Closing!
Negotiating the Deal

Negotiating the Deal


There are Four Characteristics that will help you become a better negotiator: (1) Be Patient (2) Be Confident (3) Be Empathetic (4) Be Likable. Before any negotiations are to begin, you will need to develop a process for assessing your client's needs. During this podcast we will offer 7 tips to help you become a better negotiator.
Have you heard the story of Admiral Jim Stockdale? It's found in Jim Collins book, "Good to Great." The Stockdale Paradox: Retain faith that you will prevail in the end, regardless of the difficulties. And at the same time, Confront the most brutal facts of your current reality, whatever they might be. We discuss how to Lead with Questions, not Answers and Engage in dialogue and debate, not coercion.
Reframing Problems

Reframing Problems


This presentation is based on the Harvard Business Review Article: Are You Solving the Right Problems. The point of reframing is not to find the the real problem, but to see if there is a better one to solve.
Blue Ocean Strategy

Blue Ocean Strategy


This is the store of Cirque du Soleil. An international best seller, "Blue Ocean Strategy" by W. Chan Kim & Renee Mauborgne, teaches us how to create Uncontested market space and make the competition irrelevant. The slides used in this presentation are curtesy from Harvard Business Review. How do you create and capture new demand in the Real Estate Business? Blue Oceans focus on Value & Cost. Red Oceans focus on Value or Cost.
The shared soul of your brand, the spark of which is present in every experience a customer has with your product or service. The DNA of your brand. A customer must say "I get it," "I want it," and "I can't find it anywhere els."
Brand Harmony

Brand Harmony


Branding is more than a logo or graphic. It's the message the customer perceives about the product, which may be something altogether different than the message the marketer intended to send. This podcast is based on the principles and strategies found in Steve Yastrow's book, "Brand Harmony."
Attitude is Everything

Attitude is Everything


What is the one thing you have control of in every situation? Our ATTITUDE.
Jim Rohn was a world renowned expert on Business Philosophy. In this meeting we discuss many of his principles for developing Your Own Personal Philosophy.
In this Sales Meeting Reynolds Bickerstaff shares economic data to support his predictions for the 2022 Housing Market.
Sharpen You Skills

Sharpen You Skills


During this Sales Meeting we will discuss ways to market your business, promote your properties and bring value to your clients. Shelter in Place is forcing us all to do things we should have adopted weeks, months or even years ago.Real Estate is changing. Technology isn't taking the place of real estate agents, but it is making those agents and real estate firms who embrace technology able to sell more homes and in a shorter period of time. Here’s what we know about our Business. Real Estate...
According to Larry Kendall and Scott Degraffenreid, we give referrals to LOOK GOOD. Did you know that a face to face referral has an 80% success rate when compared to advertising? This incidence of consideration is a term that addresses how often you defer to a referral or piece of advertising when considering a purchase. Statistics show that when someone suggests something to you, you will consider that suggestion the next time you have an opportunity to buy or use that product 80% of the ti...
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