The Riehl Influence TRI

From high school dropout, to youth educator. Hear first hand the lessons Jacob James Riehl has learned throughout his journey of fatherhood, marriage, teaching, coaching, and self-discovery. This one is for those who have ever questioned themselves and their abilities. For those who question their current state of living, and those willing to ask more of themselves. This is for those who are happy with what they have, but know they could get more. We absolutely can and should get more. In every episode JJR provides how-tos and tangible advice that you can implement and share in your relationships to help inspire and improve the quality of your life.

TRI 035: Why Not? | 3 Life-Changing Questions You Need To Ask Yourself

In the Season 2 finale of TRI we go over the 3 life changing questions that we should all be asking ourselves daily. Forget motivational, this is logical. We all have the power to design the life that we desire, and it starts with the questions that we ask ourselves day in and day out. “From testimonials and personal experience, we have enough information to conclude that it’s possible, to design and live an extraordinary life.”  -Jim Rohn


TRI 034: Flip Your Narrative | The Identity Crisis

Nothing is more influential in our lives than the narratives we tell ourselves, about ourselves. And our identities that we carry, are conceived from those narratives. So what's the fastest way to change your life? Changing your narrative.You have the ability to flip your narrative whenever you'd like to do so! Find out how in this episode.


TRI 033: How To Become More Consistent

"Consistency is harder when nobody claps for you, so clap for your damn self!"Consistency- the act of doing something the same way over a period of time. Change- make something different, to alter or modifySo the statement "If you want to create change, you have to be consistent" may sound conflicting, but I'mma keep screaming it anyway...In this one, I give you two keys to becoming more consistent with everything you do in life.Small, seemingly insignificant acts will take you wherever you want to go.  Let's talk about how. 


TRI 032: While You Wait | How to Stand Apart From Everyone Else

We are all in a waiting period of some sort in our lives. Waiting to get somewhere, be someone, or get something we don't already have.  But the real question is, what do you do with yourself while you wait? Are you waiting patiently with your hands in your lap, as we're taught to during our adolescence? The ones who stand apart from the rest, make the most of themselves during the wait.  They make themselves better while they wait. Waiting's not so bad, when you know how to wait. 


TRI 031: How To Push Through The Resistance

As society continues to encourage mediocrity, and almost criminalize those who can't find satisfaction in just being average. How do you deal with the negativity that comes with wanting to be more and achieve more? How do you respond when those closest to you take passive swipes at you for attempting to be better? In this episode we'll discuss the why's, the how's, and the when's while dealing with the resistance we all are sure to face while chasing positive change. 


TRI 030: We The People | Election Day 2020

It's Election Day. But is anything going to change?Let's talk about it. 


TRI 029: Effort _ Endure

A great deal of talent is lost all over the world in those who aren't willing to put forth the effort to do as much as they possibly can with their lives. The "bright lights" that peak in our earlier years burn out quickly because they've never been forced to endure, and outlast. I used to envy those who were gifted, talented, and blessed with natural ability.  But with some life experience, I've come to realize that nothing is learned in talent.  Nothing is gained in natural ability. The best of us, are built from nothing. From bottom. With nothing more to lean on than our ability to endure, and outlast those going against us.  Give into effort, and give up the desire for talent. 


TRI 028: Personality isn't Permanent | Part 2 - The Redesign

We all have the ability to adapt to our surrounding environment, and the situations we find ourselves in on a day to day basis. However, most of us neglect that power, in fear of being shamed for acting “fake” or “phony”. In the conclusion of Personality isn’t Permanent we’re going to break down the old and stale belief that you should be acting the same way, regardless of where you are or who you are with. You’re going to want to hear this one loud and clear. I'll see you on the other side.


TRI 027: Personality isn't Permanent | Part 1

How much time do you dedicate to thinking about who you are going to be in the future? Do you put any energy towards the design of your future self? Are you able to clearly distinguish between your past self and your current self? Or do you refer to those two people as one in the same? We as humans, often make the mistake of believing that our current self and current personalities are finished products. However, as we progress through life. We come to realize that change is no longer an option, it’s a requirement. This is part 1 of 2 in Personality isn’t Permanent. Let's get to work. 



When was the last time your bare feet physically touched the Earth? Majority of us will answer that with "it's been so long, I can't recall." That's because modern society has encouraged the disconnect that we have with the Earth. Our shoes, our homes, and our lifestyles have insulated us from the energy that we as humans are supposed to receive from the Earth. In this episode we discuss some of the science and benefits behind Earthing aka Grounding, and the thought leader behind the movement Clint Ober. The Earthing Movie: to Earth Documentary (shortened version): to Ultimate Longevity Grounding Products:


TRI 025: Struggle

Our strengths are born from our struggles. However, our society has done it's best to deem struggle as a bad thing. So we often do everything we can in order to avoid it. My question is: If you know by going THROUGH something, you'll be all the better for it... why would you ever consider going AROUND it? In this episode we'll discuss the importance of embracing struggle, rather than running from it. And the positive impact that hard times can have on each and every one of us. Buckle up. I'll see you on the other side. 


TRI 024: You DO Have The Time | 3 Steps Towards a More Productive and Effective Lifestyle

This one's for anyone who's ever said they didn't have time to do something, or they couldn't find a way to fit this, or that, into their schedule. This is the alarm. Time to wake up! We make time for the things that are truly important to us, with our actions, and our daily routines. In this episode, I'm giving you three strategies that you can begin to implement today that will change the way you view time management, and help you CREATE the time you thought you didn't have to try something new. Everyday is a beautiful opportunity to make whatever you want to happen, happen.Let's get to work.


TRI 023: LIFESTYLE CHOICES | The Wim Hof Method

Welcome to the Lifestyle Choices mini-series! The intention behind these episodes, is to inform you of the daily practices you can perform to take those steps toward becoming the best version of YOU! In this first segment we cover the Wim Hof Method and the benefits that controlled breathing and cold therapy can have on individuals who put it into their daily routine. Let's change the way we live!The Wim Hof Method website:https://www.wimhofmethod.comThe Fundamentals of the WHM


TRI 022: Don't Be A BLOCKHEAD | Liberating Your Mind and Opening Up to New Ideas

There are three types of truth in the world. There’s my truth. There’s your truth. And there’s THE truth. But who wrote the rule that they can’t coexist? Who said we have to hate what we don’t agree with? What made it okay to degrade someone for seeing something differently than we do? Along with the culture that we all live in now, there is a certain type of person that this all derived from. And I refer to them as BLOCKHEADS. People who block any outside source of information that isn’t in their heads already, from coming in. These types of people are incapable of receiving any ideology that isn’t their own. And it’s these types that keep us taking steps backwards, not only as a society, but as human beings. In this episode, we’ll discuss how to overcome not only being a blockhead, but how to engage with them in our everyday lives.


TRI 021: How To Find Your WHY In life

Everything we do in life, every choice we make, is backed with a why. Yet, most of us do not acknowledge it and use it to our benefit. In this episode, I go through my why and how I went about finding it. While also diving into one of the many struggles that parents and guardians go through, while preparing our up and coming for the world that awaits them. If you've ever asked yourself why you do, what you do... then this one's going to hit home for you. 


TRI 020: Everybody Starts From Somewhere

We've all had moments where we doubted our progress, or downplayed our success. But why? Why are we so hard on ourselves while making an attempt at something new? In this episode, I blow up the old theory that our lives are just one long story cut into different chapters. And how instead, we should be living our lives as if we are writing a series of short stories, all separate, and all unique. We all have new starting points. And in this, we'll discuss how to be more effective in our attempts at a new story in our life's book series. 


TRI 019: Living your life with INTENTION

Many of us are going through life just bouncing around, constantly living in a reactive state. From the moment we wake up, we react to everything around us. But, that doesn't have to be the case. This episode will give a look at what can happen when you set some intention in your life. And the difference it can make in your life, if you begin making your decisions based on your intentions. If you've ever felt as if you were heading in an undesired direction in life, this episode is for you!


TRI 018: Opportunity Awaits (Part 3 of 3)

No one is under the illusion that they're going to live forever. Yet, we invest in products that make us look younger, feel younger, and some that even claim that if used properly, can hinder aging. In the final installment of the Opportunity Awaits mini series, we dive into the idea of "gracefully aging". And, rather than directing our focus on not aging, we put all of our forward attention into aging better. With your body's recreation of itself every 7 or so years (Episode #17), you have the opportunity to tag right along with it and rebuild yourself into whomever you choose to be. The hardest part is always going to be finding a good starting point. Join this conversation and find out exactly where to start in the recreation of YOU! 


TRI 017: Opportunity Awaits (Part 2 of 3)

We are back with the 2nd installment of the 3-part mini series Opportunity Awaits! In this episode we're discussing what it riehlly means to recreate oneself. Also, we take a look at what I like to call "forever friends" and why they're so difficult to come by and keep. Every 7 year period in our lives plays a much bigger role than just adding to our age, join the conversation and find out why!


TRI 016: Embracing Uncertainty

Our lives are chocked full of uncertainties. And up until this point, the majority of us have just been told and taught how to deal with them. In this episode, we'll take a look at uncertainty from a slightly different perspective. And discuss how we can begin to EMBRACE the uncertainties that life delivers to each and every one of us.


Stephen Krueger

TRI is some of the best stuff I've listened to. The best part is, its applicable to everyday people in our everyday lives. Jacob ensures and feeds off the idea that "normal" people can achieve greatness in their personal and professional lives. In fact, I think at some point everyone is "normal" but Jacob proves that hard work and determination can overcome anything and turn the ordinary into extraordinary... Shout out to TRI!!! Thanks for the everyday inspiration and great content... "If we make our weaknesses our strengths we will have no weeknesses."

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