The Rise Above Series

Rise Above is a series that highlights stories of people who have overcome incredible adversity in their lives

Rise Above Episode #6 - Landry Champlin - From diagnosis of a stutter to pursuing stardom on Broadway, pageantry, finding confidence

Landry shares her story of being diagnosed with a stutter at age three and how she has overcame that setback to find success as a vocalist, in pageantry, and now pursuing Broadway in New York


Rise Above Episode #5 - Jason and Amy Kolb - Freak skiing accident, becoming a paraplegic, relying on God

Jason and Amy share their story of a freak skiing accident in which Jason became a paraplegic. They share their story and how they have felt God's grace through it all.    Keep up with the Kolb's -->


Rise Above Episode #4 - Virgie Sanford - Near death car accident, the recovery process, and lessons learned

The amazing story of Virgie Sanford and how she overcame a horrific car accident. She had to re-learn how to walk, talk. . . even read. An incredible woman! Happy listening. 


Rise Above Episode #3 - Trista Hamsmith - Button battery danger, losing her daughter, passing Reese’s Law

Trista Hamsmith shares her story of losing her daughter to a button battery ingestion accident and how that led her to create "Reese's Purpose"


Rise Above Episode #2 - Andres Gamboa - Rising above poverty, racism, escaping the Colombian drug cartel, and more!

In this episode Andres Gamboa shares his life story of immigrating from Colombia to America.


Rise Above Episode #1 - Peggy Miles - Battling cancer

In this episode my Aunt Peggy talks about her journey with not just battling breast cancer once. . . but twice. 


Rise Above Series Intro - My why behind this series

Welcome to the Rise Above Series! This is my very first episode and I'm so excited for ya'll to listen. In this episode I talk about the how and why behind creating the series. Enjoy!


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