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The Risktory Podcast

Author: Jacinthe A Galpin

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December 2021 Update: The Risktory Podcast is on indefinite hiatus. Thank you for all the support!

Risktory is a first of its kind podcast, dedicated to exploring the risk universe through the lens of history.

From Napoleon in his first Italian campaign, to the ancient city of Pompeii, to Jack the Ripper, risk has always had a place in helping humans to both guard against existential threat, but to also grasp and exploit exquisite opportunity.

Think risk is boring? Let Risktory blow your mind.

New episodes are released every Monday, 6:30am, US Eastern Time.
278 Episodes
It’s Day 12 of Riskmas and – also the final episode of the Risktory Podcast. Today, a story that feels as real today as it did back then. Cathy Freeman, the great Australian runner, winning gold at the 2000 Sydney Olympics. A great tale that proves you don’t need the best of everything, to be the best.The Risktory Podcast is created, written, hosted and produced by Jacinthe A Galpin.All rights reserved.
Welcome to Day 11 of Riskmas. Today, let’s talk about the great musician, Miss Tammy Wynette. If Dolly is the Queen, Tammy was – and still is – the first lady of country. She broke all the ceilings, laying the groundwork for every female country singer coming after her.The Risktory Podcast is created, written, hosted and produced by Jacinthe A Galpin.All rights reserved.
It is Day 10 of Riskmas and, today, the song Tenterfield Saddler. When you think of the great Australian, Peter Allen, you think of – quite naturally – I still call Australia home. But for those of us of a certain vintage and/or who are fans of Peter Allen, we all know that Tenterfield Saddler is perhaps his best work.While I still call Australia home is an expat love song, a song that exuberantly celebrates all that makes my homeland great, Tenterfield Saddler is a sadder, more poignant song that speaks to the precarious balance of life versus death. A balance that is challenged daily if you live in Australia.Today, let’s look at Tenterfield Saddler. One of the most beautiful songs of all time, and an unintentional homage to risk management.The Risktory Podcast is created, written, hosted and produced by Jacinthe A Galpin.All rights reserved.
Today, it’s Part 2 of my exploration into Russian dissident: Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn. On day 7, I looked at Solzhenitsyn’s life, positing the idea that Solzhenitsyn may never have gotten close to being as influential as he was, and is, were it not for the utter chaos that seemed to accompany him wherever he went.Today, I wanted to look at the big lessons we can take from Solzhenitsyn. Lessons that I think are especially important to know, in these chaotic times. The Risktory Podcast is created, written, hosted and produced by Jacinthe A Galpin.All rights reserved.
When Simone Biles pulled out of the Tokyo Olympics, I was so incredibly sad. I have loved watching this underdog win everything and I was genuinely excited to see her dominate. I kinda thought. Well, what next then? I mean, who else in the US Gymnastic Team can compete with the ferocity and dominance of Biles? Suni Lee.The Risktory Podcast is created, written, hosted and produced by Jacinthe A Galpin.All rights reserved.
Welcome to Day 7 of Riskmas, and Part I of two Riskmas episodes dedicated to the Russian dissident, Alexander Solzhenitsyn. Alexander Solzhenitsyn is one of the most influential philosophers to have ever lived, and his work is work that – even today – is incredibly relevant.On Part 1 today, I look at the life of Solzhenitsyn and the extraordinary roller coaster he experienced and endured. In Part 2, I’ll explore his ideas and share with you just why Solzhenitsyn’s work will always stand the test of time.The Risktory Podcast is created, written, hosted and produced by Jacinthe A Galpin.All rights reserved.
It is Day 6 of the 12 Days of Riskmas. The half way point. And today, it’s a battle of the countries. The US versus Australia. What are the five big differences between the two countries, and why do those differences matter.The Risktory Podcast is created, written, hosted and produced by Jacinthe A Galpin.All rights reserved.
It’s Day 5 of the 12 Days of Riskmas and, today, let’s talk about COVID-19’s latest mutation: Omicron. What you should know. What you should be on the look out for. And why you should not panic.The Risktory Podcast is created, written, hosted and produced by Jacinthe A Galpin.All rights reserved.
Welcome to Day 4 of Riskmas, and welcome to Classic Liberalism, the lost Philosophy. I don’t tend to engage in political discussion on the podcast, but I have mentioned a few times that I am a classic liberal. And I’ve received many an email and message along the lines of ‘I never picked you for a liberal’ or ‘I thought you had more common sense than to be a liberal’ or ‘You like socialism?’I think there is confusion about classic liberalism versus progressive liberalism, which is a very different beast. So, today, I am going to explore the six key principles of classic liberalism, and explain the key difference between classic and progressive liberalism.The Risktory Podcast is created, written, hosted and produced by Jacinthe A Galpin.All rights reserved.
Welcome to Day 3 of Riskmas. Today, let’s talk about Isaiah Lees, one of history’s greatest detectives and – arguably – the inspiration for Sherlock Holmes.The Risktory Podcast is created, written, hosted and produced by Jacinthe A Galpin.All rights reserved.
Welcome to Day 2 of Riskmas. Today, let’s talk about new Twitter Chief Executive Officer, Parag Agrawal, and – specifically – controversial comments he has made about the purpose of Twitter. Which may bring Twitter – once again – into direct conflict with Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act.The Risktory Podcast is created, written, hosted and produced by Jacinthe A Galpin.All rights reserved.
Welcome to The 12 Days of Riskmas. The 12 Days of Riskmas is my way of saying thank you to all of my listeners – both the OGs and the newer listeners – for their support in 2021. Each day, for the next twelve days, I will be publishing a new Risktory episode, with each episode focused on a risk theme or concept. These won’t be full length episodes: more bite sized pieces. But they will be stories of risk that I think you guys will enjoy in the leadup to one of my favorite holidays of the year, Christmas. Kicking off the 12 Days of Riskmas what do I think – as an Australian – of the Australian COVID-19 Response. I didn’t want to start Riskmas with a controversial topic but this has been highly requested all year and I think there’s no better time than now to tell you my thoughts.The Risktory Podcast is created, written, hosted and produced by Jacinthe A Galpin.All rights reserved,
Coming up this week, how do you solve a problem like the Volkswagen Emissions Scandal. Not just the scandal itself, but the canary in a coalmine risks the scandal unveiled. Potential threats we might have thought unthinkable ten, heck, maybe five years ago. They were realized in brutal form during the Volkswagen Emissions Scandal.On this week’s episode, I explore the Volkswagen Emissions Scandal. And I delve into the two major threats that I believe still remain, even though the scandal itself is somewhat over. Threats that I believe are exponentially bigger, and more dangerous, than anything Volkswagen did.Correction: During the episode, I refer to charges being laid against Volkswagen by the Department of Defence. This is an error. Charges were laid by the Department of Justice.The Risktory Podcast is created, written, hosted and produced by Jacinthe A Galpin.All rights reserved.Bibliography
On this week’s episode, the historic victory, in 1983, of Australia over the United States, to snatch the coveted America’s Cup yacht race. For those Australians of a certain vintage. I was in third grade at the time. I remember waking up on September 26 1983, getting ready for school, all the while watching the television broadcast, live from , Newport, Rhode Island. I remember every moment of Australia II crossing the finishing line, the cannons exploding, signifying that we had indeed won, and I remember watching a country celebrate with wild abandon. Australia. Yes, little Australia, had just ended the longest winning streak in sport of all time. 132 years.Today’s episode is a story of the plucky underdogs vanquishing a dominant combatant. It’s a story of understanding where opportunity exists, and how to best maximise its potential. And it’s a story of resilience and never laying down your arms, until the job is done.On this week’s Risktory Podcast, how Australia II won the America’s Cup.The Risktory Podcast is created, written, hosted and produced by Jacinthe A Galpin.All rights reserved.Bibliography
Coming up this week, I make sense of the Kyle Rittenhouse trial and verdict. While I don’t actively try to court controversy on the podcast, I feel like there has been a huge amount of disinformation surrounding this trial. There are conversations that need to be had. Learnings to be heeded. But we – as a nation – are never going to find some kind of peace if we are transacting on the basis of falsehoods.So, today, I’m going to unpack what we know happened on August 25 2020. I’m going to unpack the trial and the verdict. I’m going to bust a few myths that, unfortunately, have become cannon. Hint: the AR in AR15 is not an acronym for Assault Rifle. You’re welcome. And I’m going to spitball how I think we – as a country – can and should proceed from here if authentic amends are to be made. Opportunity abounds. We just have to seize it.The Risktory Podcast is created, written, hosted and produced by Jacinthe A Galpin.All rights reserved.Bibliography
Coming up on this week’s episode, the epic story of Madam CJ Walker. America’s first female self-made millionaire. CJ Walker is a great illustration of ‘when life hands you lemons, throw up that middle finger and go build yourself an empire. And make sure those who doubted, know about it’. On this week’s episode of The Risktory Podcast, the life and times of Master of the Risk Universe, Madam CJ Walker.The Risktory Podcast is created, written, hosted and produced by Jacinthe A Galpin.All rights reserved.Bibliography
Coming up on this week’s episode, the story of Operation Varsity Blues. An FBI investigation into a criminal conspiracy to influence undergraduate admissions at American colleges. It is estimated that more than $25 million exchanged hands between thirty three parents – including actors Lori Laughlin and Felicity Huffman – and William Singer, a College Adminissions Coach.You have often heard me speak about risk being agnostic. That some of history’s biggest monsters – Adolf Hitler, Che Guevara, Josef Stalin – they were all superb risk practitioners. But they used our discipline for the most evil of purposes. Operation Varsity Blues is a great example of the opportunity side of the risk coin, being used for malevolent intent. To gain privilege at the expense of others. On this week’s episode of the Risktory Podcast, I look at how the wealthy and powerful used risk, to grasp what was not theirs to have.The Risktory Podcast is created, written, hosted and produced by Jacinthe A Galpin.All rights reserved.Bibligraphy
On this week’s episode, whatever happened to Circuit City? How did such a mainstay of the American Retail Ecosystem collapse. Today’s episode will contain no surprises in terms of how or why Circuit City found itself cast adrift. Having said that, while there might not be any surprises in terms of how and why Circuit City collapsed, the concept of interdependent risk realized is at the heart of Circuit City’s decline. Risk doesn’t exist in a vacuum: treat it like it does, and you’re setting yourself up for a mighty fall. The Risktory Podcast is created, written, hosted and produced by Jacinthe A Galpin.All rights reserved.Bibligraphy
On today’s episode, something a little different. One of the most popular Risktory episodes of 2021, or ever, really, has been the episode ‘Make it make sense… Gamestop’ where I documented how a bunch of Reddit bros went up against Wall Street and stripped wealthy investors of over a billion dollars through a stock trading strategy called short-selling. Ever since that episode first aired in February 2021, I’ve been inundated with questions about stock trading strategies. And I’ve found it interesting that most, if not all, of the questions were, and are, around minimizing loss and maximizing yield. And how to avoid the former and how to chase the latter.And you might be thinking, that’s weird. Why are people messaging a podcast based in risk and history about stock trading strategies. Don’t worry, it flummoxed me too at first. But then I figured it out.Stock trading strategies are – at their core – pure risk management. Depending on your objective, there is likely to be a stock trading strategy that, when implemented, will work to minimize loss and maximize yield. The messages I was receiving were not necessarily around the technicalities of stock trading but, rather, how to use them in a risk management context or risk management ecosystem.So, on today’s episode, I make sense of ten of the most popular stock trading strategies: what they are, how they work, and how you – the average, everyday person – can utilize them. From the perspective of risk management.The Risktory Podcast is created, written, hosted and produced by Jacinthe A Galpin.All rights reserved.Time StampsMarket Order: 2:36Limit Order: 4:33All or None: 6:10Fill or Kill: 7:53Immediate or Cancel: 8:50Stop: 9:41Stop Limit: 10:26Short Sell: 11:07Day: 13:36Good till Cancelled: 14:17Related Episode
Coming up this week, an episode I’ve long wanted to cover, and now – this week – it’s time. Master of the Risk Universe. Peter Allen.Peter Allen occupies a curious place in Australian lore. At least, in my Australian world, there is no debate as to whether you love, or hate, Peter Allen. He has, over time, transcended the judgements we usually ascribe to celebrities. Peter Allen is a national deity and his song, I Still Call Australia Home, our unofficial national anthem. As an expat, I can tell you that – play that song amongst a group of Australians who are far from home – and the tears that accompany its playing, they will be real.On this week’s episode of The Risktory Podcast, the life and times of master of the unknown, and great Australian, Peter Allen.The Risktory Podcast is created, written, hosted and produced by Jacinthe A Galpin.All rights reserved.Bibliography