Welcome to The Road to Carnivore podcast!This 13-minute episode gives you an idea of what this entire series will be about, and the many topics that will be covered.The main argument in this series is that the further you go down the road to carnivore, the healthier you will be. Eat more meat, and less plants, for better health.Sound crazy? I hear you. I used to believe that plants were the healthiest food and that the more I ate, the better. Meanwhile my health got worse and worse, and ended up in a really bad place. I didn’t understand why. I was drinking all the green juice and eating lots of salads and raw vegetables because that’s what was supposed to make me healthy. After everything I’ve learned about plants, it makes total sense to me why this type of eating went horribly for me.I want to challenge the narrative that meat is bad and unhealthy, and invite you to explore the possibility that meat is actually the healthiest food you can eat.A few of the topics we will dig into in this series:Why meat is nutritionally superior to plantsThe many toxins and poisons that plants haveHow to overcome food addictionWhy it’s important to realize how insane our modern food environment isThe metabolic benefits, autoimmune benefits, hormone benefits, and other major system benefits to carnivoreWeight loss and fitnessThe environmental angle of meat vs plantsWhy carnivore is actually more affordable than people thinkHow to handle holidays and social eventsHow to transition to carnivore and how to stick with carnivore long termThe nuances between beef, chicken, pork, and other meatsWhy saturated animal fats like butter, tallow, and lard are so greatSee the show notes and resources here on my website.**Do you want your kids to eat more meat and less junk? Check out my ebook How to Get Your Kids to Eat More Meat...and actually like it.
Welcome to episode 2 of The Road to Carnivore podcast!In this 20-minute episode I share my story of how I came to carnivore and why I eat this way.I think when most people consider the idea of going carnivore, it can seem completely unimaginable to picture that for your own life.When you hear about someone choosing to eat only animal foods, the obvious thought is: “Why would someone do that?”This episode answers that question so you can understand why and how someone would end up eating like this.See the show notes and resources here on my website. **Do you want your kids to eat more meat and less junk? Check out my ebook How to Get Your Kids to Eat More Meat...and actually like it.
Welcome to episode 3 of The Road to Carnivore podcast!In this 9-minute episode I explain why meat is better than plants from a nutrition perspective.With the current narrative in food and the dietary recommendations of the US government’s food pyramid, it’s fair to question if eating only animal foods will result in suboptimal nutrition.You can get the vitamins, minerals, healthy fats, and nutrients you need from a carnivore way of eating, and you actually get and absorb way more of these things by not eating plants. Many plants contain antinutrients, which inhibit the absorption of essential nutrients like iron, calcium, zinc, and more.Animal foods contain significantly higher amounts of nutrients than plants, and the nutrients are in active usable forms that are bioavailable to us. There are also some nutrients that you can only get from animal foods.Also, not all proteins are the same in digestibility. Animal proteins are much more digestible and usable for the body than plant sourced proteins.Bottom line: You don’t need to “eat the rainbow” to get the nutrients you need. A carnivore way of eating gives you the essential vitamins, minerals, proteins, and fats that the body needs to thrive.See the show notes and resources here on my website. **Do you want your kids to eat more meat and less junk? Check out my ebook How to Get Your Kids to Eat More Meat...and actually like it.
Welcome to Episode 4 of The Road to Carnivore Podcast!In this 17-minute episode we dive into the reality that plants contain toxic compounds and are trying to poison you. It’s not personal; they’re trying to poison the insects and animals that want to eat them too.Even though the current popular narrative in food is that vegetables are the healthiest thing we can eat, many of the foods that are regarded as the most healthy, like broccoli, brussels sprouts, and turmeric, have some of the highest quantities of plant poisons among the foods we eat.There are many different toxic compounds in plants, and each one harms different systems in the body.These plant poisons cause mitochondrial damage, inflammation, gut damage, tissue damage, block vitamin and mineral absorption, dysregulate your hormones, and so much more.Remember from my story in Episode 2 that it was purely the elimination of these supposedly healthy vegetables that resolved my longstanding health issues. Many of my favorite vegetables were the ones that were highest in plant toxins.One of the many benefits of carnivore is that you eliminate plant toxins, because you don’t eat plants!But if you would like to continue eating plants, you can have a big positive impact on your health by choosing the plants that have less toxins in them, such as zucchini, avocados, and olives.See the show notes and resources here on my website. **Do you want your kids to eat more meat and less junk? Check out my ebook How to Get Your Kids to Eat More Meat...and actually like it.
Welcome to Episode 5 of The Road to Carnivore Podcast!In this 18-minute episode we learn about food addiction, and how understanding this is the baseline for changing your eating successfully long term. Most of the foods we are surrounded by are hyperpalatable foods, meaning they are carefully crafted and designed combinations of carbs, sugar, fat, and salt. These foods are excessively pleasing to our tastebuds and the reward systems in our brain. Think things like brownies, potato chips, fast food, or anything you have a hard time controlling yourself around.If you do start getting closer to a carnivore way of eating, you’re generally not going to be eating sugar and carbs, so understanding these addictive and hyperpalatable foods is key. A lot of people limit these foods in the beginning using willpower, but that doesn’t last over the long term.In the episode, I discuss the two main solutions to overcoming food addiction, and which method I have found to work best in my own experience.See the show notes and resources here on my website. **Do you want your kids to eat more meat and less junk? Check out my ebook How to Get Your Kids to Eat More Meat...and actually like it.
Welcome to Episode 6 of The Road to Carnivore Podcast!In this 14-minute episode we explore and become aware of how insane our modern food environment is.If you’re someone who has a hard time resisting food, this concept is a revelation because you find out that to some degree it’s not your fault. We are constantly surrounded by hyperpalatable things to eat and we are constantly prompted to eat. Every occasion is marked with food. It wasn’t always like this. Snacking was not a thing before the 1950s.Beginning to understand all the cues and the nature of our modern food environment is key to making changes in your food choices and getting more in control over your food. One of the beautiful things about carnivore is that you’re eating foods your body understands. Meat is really tied in with our satiety signals and our body does a good job of communicating when we’ve had enough steak or chicken. We don’t really overeat these things, and we don’t need to try to stop ourselves. Our body understands this food.See the show notes and resources here on my website.**Do you want your kids to eat more meat and less junk? Check out my ebook How to Get Your Kids to Eat More Meat...and actually like it.
Welcome to Episode 7 of The Road to Carnivore Podcast!In this 12-minute episode I explain why meat is better than plants from a metabolic health and fat adaptation perspective.While you don’t have to do carnivore specifically to have good metabolic health, what is optimal about carnivore is that it’s an extremely nutrient dense diet that is also very low carb, and chronically high carb consumption plays a big role in metabolic dysfunction. Meat kills two birds with one stone. You get the most nutrient dense food, while also limiting carbohydrates. Processed carbs are thought to be a major driver in insulin resistance and diseases like diabetes.If you want to minimize risk of major diseases like diabetes, heart attack, stroke, and alzheimers, then you need to maintain metabolic health, and a big piece of that is limiting carb intake. A carnivore diet can maximize nutrient density while limiting plant toxins, and prioritizing animal foods also helps you become fat adapted and metabolically flexible.See the show notes and resources here on my website.**Do you want your kids to eat more meat and less junk? Check out my ebook How to Get Your Kids to Eat More Meat...and actually like it.
Welcome to Episode 8 of The Road to Carnivore Podcast!In this 15-minute episode I explain why we need to let go of the idea that eating less and exercising more is the long term solution for health problems and weight loss.People really want to hang on to this idea that they simply need to get back in control by counting calories again, watching portion sizes, and getting their cardio in every day.But I am arguing that from a biological standpoint this is a hopeless way for many people to get to a place of good health and effective weight management. And the problem is insulin.The standard American diet has given us a population where 74% are obese or overweight, 88% are metabolically unhealthy, 54% are diabetic or prediabetic, and chronic diseases abound. When can we admit that eating less and exercising more is not the solution?Obesity is not possible without adequate levels of insulin and without the body taking in carbs to stimulate that insulin secretion. Carb tolerance varies from person to person, but it's time to come to terms with the nature of carbs and to make choices about what our health and weight goals are.See the show notes and resources here on my website.**Do you want your kids to eat more meat and less junk? Check out my ebook How to Get Your Kids to Eat More Meat...and actually like it.
Welcome to Episode 9 of The Road to Carnivore Podcast!In this 11-minute episode I share what I eat on a typical day of carnivore, so you can get a better idea of how this looks day to day.See the show notes and resources here on my website. **Do you want your kids to eat more meat and less junk? Check out my ebook How to Get Your Kids to Eat More Meat...and actually like it.
Welcome to Episode 10 of The Road to Carnivore Podcast! In this 20-minute episode we are going to examine the environmental angle of eating meat.The dominant narrative is that meat is bad for the environment and because of that, we should limit meat consumption. But eliminating meat is not the solution. Animals are integral for a sustainable and healthy food system, and cows are part of the solution to climate change.The full picture is missing from the narrative that meat is bad for the environment, and in this episode, we go through the environmental criticisms of meat one by one, and also talk about why animals are essential for the sustainability of our soils and land.See the show notes and resources here on my website. **Do you want your kids to eat more meat and less junk? Check out my ebook How to Get Your Kids to Eat More Meat...and actually like it.
Welcome to Episode 11 of The Road to Carnivore Podcast!In this 16-minute episode we talk all about gut health. The conventional advice on gut health is to take probiotics and drink kombucha, but did you know that probiotics actually do not populate your gut? Gut doctors know and acknowledge this, and researchers have found that taking a probiotic after an antibiotic actually delayed the restoration of bacteria compared to doing nothing.As we continue to learn more about the microbiome, more and more evidence keeps arising that many of the ideas that we accept as true, like more bacteria diversity is better, may not be true.What we know definitively about plants is that they contain toxins that damage the gut in varying degrees. Carnivore gives the body a break from plant toxins, and has been an effective way for people to put both gut diseases and symptoms into remission. Digestive problems don’t have to be taken as a given. The food you choose to put in your body can have a huge impact on the health of your gut and digestive system.See the show notes and resources here on my website.**Do you want your kids to eat more meat and less junk? Check out my ebook How to Get Your Kids to Eat More Meat...and actually like it.
Welcome to Episode 12 of The Road to Carnivore Podcast! This 21-minute episode is part 1 of 2-episode discussion on dietary fat, the fat that you eat.In this episode, we discuss the unbelievable story of where the anti-fat narratives and lies came from, and how they became nutritional dogma and integrated into governmental dietary guidelines.Learning the story of how fat became vilified was extremely important because it helped me throw out the anti-fat narratives that have been in my head since I was a child. There is a tremendous amount of scientific evidence that supports the importance of fat in the diet for good health, and particularly the saturated animal fats that are so often vilified. Fat is an extremely important nutrient and food, and it’s so important to make sure that you’re eating enough of it, and more importantly, eating the right kinds of fat. These two episodes will help you to choose the best and most nourishing fats for your health.See the show notes and resources here on my website.**Do you want your kids to eat more meat and less junk? Check out my ebook How to Get Your Kids to Eat More Meat...and actually like it.
Welcome to Episode 13 of The Road to Carnivore Podcast! This 26-minute episode is part 2 of a 2-episode discussion on dietary fat, the fat that you eat.In this episode, we discuss the three major types of fat: saturated fat, monounsaturated fat, and polyunsaturated fat.You’ll learn why and how PUFAs, the vegetable and seed oils that are in everything today, are so damaging and harmful to the human body. These are incredibly unstable fats that oxidize easily, and have been shown to massively increase the risk of cancer by breaking down into toxic aldehydes and degraded triglycerides, suppress the immune system, make humans (and animals) fat by blocking thyroid function, act as a major driver or coronary heart disease, cause genetic changes in the brain, blood sugar dysregulation, systemic inflammation, and so much more. These are poisons and extremely damaging to health.You’ll also learn why saturated fats, particularly animal saturated fats, are the best fats you can eat. These are the most stable fats, and there are numerous nutrients in animal fats that can’t be found in plants at all. These fats also contain the lowest amounts by far of linoleic acid, which is the specific omega-6 PUFA that has been demonstrated to be damaging to the body.And finally, we discuss why olive oil and avocado oil are not as healthy as most people think.See the show notes and resources here on my website. **Do you want your kids to eat more meat and less junk? Check out my ebook How to Get Your Kids to Eat More Meat...and actually like it.
Welcome to Episode 14 of The Road to Carnivore Podcast!In this 14-minute episode, I will lay out my personal recommendations for how to transition to a carnivore diet.I discuss considerations for how quickly to jump in depending on various factors like your personality, minimizing transitional adjustments in your body, and your starting point.I also discuss what to eat, how to set your environment up for success, and how and why to stay the course for at least 30 days.See the show notes and resources here on my website.**Do you want your kids to eat more meat and less junk? Check out my ebook How to Get Your Kids to Eat More Meat...and actually like it.
Welcome to Episode 15 of The Road to Carnivore Podcast!In this 19-minute episode, I will teach you my process for how to handle cravings and overcome them.Learning how to overcome cravings and believing that you can is a critical component to long term success on carnivore. In my experience, when you change your thinking around cravings and understand how to handle them and that you are totally capable, you’ve pretty much conquered the most difficult thing about relationship with food. In this episode we will discuss the two major kinds of cravings and learn more about the workings of the different parts of the brain. You will also learn how to begin lessening using food for emotional buffering and management.See the show notes and resources here on my website. **Do you want your kids to eat more meat and less junk? Check out my ebook How to Get Your Kids to Eat More Meat...and actually like it.
Welcome to Episode 16 of The Road to Carnivore Podcast!In this 16-minute episode, I will teach you how to handle falling off the wagon, and how to get back on track.It's best to avoid falling off the wagon in the first place by doing the practices I shared in the previous episode on handling cravings, but the truth is that sometimes it's going to happen. The information I share in this episode will help you learn how to get back on track as soon as possible to minimize the damage. See the show notes and resources here on my website.**Do you want your kids to eat more meat and less junk? Check out my ebook How to Get Your Kids to Eat More Meat...and actually like it.
Welcome to Episode 17 of The Road to Carnivore Podcast!In this 13-minute episode, I will share a concept with you that has been a big part of my carnivore experience: letting go of food with freedom.There are many ways to approach carnivore. One approach is strict abstinence akin to how some people address alcoholism, where you live by the rule that you never eat carbohydrates and plant foods because by nature, it’s not allowed on carnivore.This approach may work for people, but I personally found it did not work for me. The thought of a food “not being allowed” made me incredibly rebellious.I share how I’ve let go of foods with a sense of freedom over time. This has made all the difference in my carnivore journey.See the show notes and resources here on my website.**Do you want your kids to eat more meat and less junk? Check out my ebook How to Get Your Kids to Eat More Meat...and actually like it.
Welcome to Episode 18 of The Road to Carnivore Podcast!This 20-minute episode is all about wheat, and the ways it damages the human body. Many people are familiar with gluten, and the gut damage it causes is pretty well known and well accepted. But the damage done by wheat is much more than that. Wheat also damages the brain, the arteries, the bones and joints, and other types of cells and tissues. It also hijacks the reward system in the brain, increases visceral fat, and impacts mental health.See the show notes and resources here on my website.**Do you want your kids to eat more meat and less junk? Check out my ebook How to Get Your Kids to Eat More Meat...and actually like it.
Welcome to Episode 19 of The Road to Carnivore Podcast!Have you ever heard someone say that meat causes cancer? This 17-minute episode will help you understand this widely held but unfounded claim, and where it came from.There is literally not a single study on earth that proves a link between meat consumption and an increased risk of cancer.See the show notes and resources here on my website.**Do you want your kids to eat more meat and less junk? Check out my ebook How to Get Your Kids to Eat More Meat...and actually like it.
Welcome to Episode 20 of The Road to Carnivore Podcast!In this 16-minute episode, I share my personal experience with the carnivore diet during pregnancy.Despite the fact that I was carnivore for nearly 2 years prior to this pregnancy, having a fully carnivore pregnancy was literally not possible for me. I was so sick with nausea, vomiting, and meat aversions in the first trimester, that any attempts to force these carnivore foods down resulted in being overruled by my body, and all the meat coming back up. While it was very upsetting at the time, my research into this topic confirmed that this kind of experience is actually the norm, carnivore or not, and is actually a protective response during early stages of pregnancy.See the show notes and resources here on my website.**Do you want your kids to eat more meat and less junk? Check out my ebook How to Get Your Kids to Eat More Meat...and actually like it.
Michelle Ouellette
This was my favorite episode so far!!! so informative. Thank you!