The Running Public

Two endurance athletes and coaches sit down to talk all things running! We bring you high level running knowledge and present it at a practical level.

Episode 436: Mark Dickson

Mark didn’t find running until he was 38. He transformed himself from a chain smoking, overweight partier into a endurance machine at an age when most people have already let go of their athletic aspirations.


Training Tuesday Throwback: Terminology 101

We travel back in time to the 3rd Training Tuesday we ever recorded: Running Terminology 101! The audio quality was amateur hour, our delivery was a work in progress, but the content is just as useful now as it was 4 years ago! This re-release will give you all the definitions needed to navigate the world of running jargon.


Episode 434: Running Stories & Life Lessons!

Race stories, poop stories, embarrassing stories, and the lessons learned!


Training Tuesday: Our Worst Runs Ever

The top 5 worst runs of our entire life, described in full, excruciating detail!


Episode 432: Joyce Abdo

Medically prevented from working out for the first three decades of her life, Joyce finally found freedom through fitness well into her thirties. Join us for her story of perseverance, endurance, and mindset.


Training Tuesday: Variety is NOT the Spice of Your Training Life

When do we need bland, consistent training and when should we spice things up with variety and novelty?


Episode 430: Trending Athlete Situations

We pick out a 4 current situations our athletes are dealing with and discuss them in depth: Should I have pushed harder? When have I raced too much? Do I pull the plug on my training or push through this injury? Am I actually healthy enough the start training again?


Training Tuesday: What is Speed Work?

We all have slightly different ideas of what really constitutes Speed Work for distance runners. Let’s explore that!


Episode 428: Corey Bellemore

3:57 miler, proud Canadian, and World Record Holder in the Beer Mile, Corey joins us to explain how a kid from Windsor came to be the fastest individual ever to run one full mile while consuming four beers and how doing so changed his place in the run world.


Training Tuesday: Mobility Work For Runners

Warning: you will either agree with us today or you will be really upset! Stretching and mobility work are such touchy topics. Runners will happily debate high vs low mileage, threshold vs vO2max work, or Lydiard vs Daniels, but bring up mobility work and watch those smiles get turned upside down real quick! So, today is OUR take on what runners do and don’t need to worry about when it comes to flexibility, mobility, and range of motion. Don’t say we didn’t warn you!


Episode 426: Your Questions Answered!

We had a great queue of listener questions this month, from footwear to focusing on time vs mileage. Enjoy!


Training Tuesday: Training for Hybrid Sports

Hybrid racing is the ultimate meeting ground for endurance and power athletes, but can they both train the same way? We break it down today!


Episode 424: Maura Lemon

Fresh off her finish as the 10th American at the Boston Marathon, Maura chats with us about training for  an Olympic Trials qualifier while balancing the duties of a full time high school teacher and mom of three!


Training Tuesday: How to Run Your Best Everything!

Everything, everywhere, all at once! That’s how many runners like to race. So let’s build out that training style today! From 1 mile through 50 miles, we’ve got you covered.


Episode 422: Training Talk, Race Preview and Season Goals

BK & KD sit down for a chat about how their training is progressing, Kirk’s upcoming race, and what they’re planning for goal races this year. 


Training Tuesday: How to Run Your Best Ultra

On road, off road, mountain, 50k, 50 mile? We’ve got you covered!


Episode 420: Ryan Atkins

Fresh off his runner-up finish in the sands of Saudi Arabia, Ryan joins us to talk training theory, preparing for the arrival of his first child, his status with Spartan, and plenty more!


Training Tuesday: How to Run Your Best Marathon

What mileage, workouts, weekly structure and training style are needed to run your lifetime best for the full marathon?


Episode 419: Matt B Davis

Matt discusses making his living in the running, OCR and Hybrid landscape, how he operates his business, what drives him and how he envisions the future of sport to look.


Training Tuesday: How to Run Your Best 5k

The 5k is the most commonly sought after PR, so let’s make sure you hit your lifetime best!


Matt Beckham

hands down my favorite podcast. education and entertainment galore

12-20 Reply

Nathan Phua

This is the best running podcast for OCR. Kirk and Brakken give you all the fundamentals and advanced concepts to understand, construct, and refine your own training.

09-14 Reply

Dean Constable

I listened to my first ever full podcast when my team mate Chris Shipley was interviewed by Kirk & Bracken earlier this year, I have listened to every one since & caught up on some of the earlier episodes, I am an OCR racer so maybe a little bias but these guys know there stuff & have got so many tips in this time. Keep up the good work lads 👌🏻

03-01 Reply

Alfred Yung

Fantastic podcast! Found this a little later but made to sure to catch up on all the previous episodes. Great insights from two elite obstacle course racers and stellar runners! Have applied many of the principles into my own training already!

06-03 Reply

Joseph Gaetz

another great episode! thanks for all the help tips!

05-27 Reply



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