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The Safe Sedation Podcast
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The Safe Sedation Podcast

Author: SedateUK

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The podcast where you find all you need to know about sedation and keeping patients safe. Brought to you by SedateUK, with you are your hosts: RN Andreia Trigo, Dr Martin Lees and Dr Craig Cook.
18 Episodes
This is the first episode or our third series, dedicated to leading safe sedation. Over the last few years, we’ve witnessed an increase in the number of cardiology procedures performed under sedation. But we also know how challenging it is for professionals to implement safe sedation policies in their departments. In this episode, RN Andreia Trigo and Dr Martin Lees talk about creating change in sedation practice in the cardiology department. We encourage you to stay tuned until the end to discover practical strategies, real-world challenges, and transformative insights that can revolutionise your approach to sedation management. About SedateUK SedateUK was founded in 2014, to help healthcare professionals non-anaesthetists develop the right knowledge and skills to keep patients safe. Learn more about SedateUK at ⁠⁠ and follow us on ⁠Instagram⁠, ⁠Facebook⁠, ⁠Twitter⁠and ⁠LinkedIn⁠.
Over the years we’ve seen more dental procedures being performed under sedation. It helps patients manage pain and anxiety. However, it is a controversial topic due to questions being raised over its safety in dentistry. We’ll explore some of these challenges today and talk about how to implement safe sedation in dentistry. In this episode, RN Andreia Trigo, Dr Craig Cook and Dr Martin Lees talk about creating change in sedation practice in the dentistry department. This episode is sponsored by Medtronic Microstream Monitoring. Get more information about this monitor and the micro stream filter line here: About SedateUK SedateUK was founded in 2014, to help healthcare professionals non-anaesthetists develop the right knowledge and skills to keep patients safe. Learn more about SedateUK at and follow us on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn.
Over the last few years, we’ve witnessed an increase in the number of radiology procedures performed under sedation. But we have also seen an increase in the amount of comorbidities patients are presenting with for these procedures. Non-anaeshetist sedationists are faced with a need to develop sedation related skills to keep these patients safe, but also to implement safe sedation policies in their departments. In this episode, RN Andreia Trigo and Dr Martin Lees talk about creating change in sedation practice in the radiology department. This episode is sponsored by Medtronic Microstream Monitoring. Get more information about this monitor and the micro stream filter line here: About SedateUK SedateUK was founded in 2014, to help healthcare professionals non-anaesthetists develop the right knowledge and skills to keep patients safe. Learn more about SedateUK at and follow us on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn.
The Academy of Medical Royal Colleges has introduced the sedation guidelines in 2013, highlighting areas that needed focus, setting fundamental standards of practice and guides for action. However the uptake of these guidelines has been slow. In February 2021, a new guideline was published, reinforcing certain aspects of the previous guideline and issuing new perspectives in other areas. In this episode, Andreia Trigo, Martin Lees and Craig Cook talk about implementing safe sedation standards, how to translate guidelines and recommendations to real world practice. This episode is sponsored by Medtronic Microstream Monitoring. Get more information about this monitor and the micro stream filter line here: About SedateUK SedateUK was founded in 2014, to help healthcare professionals non-anaesthetists develop the right knowledge and skills to keep patients safe. Learn more about SedateUK at and follow us on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn.
In reproductive medicine, sedation has been increasingly used for painful procedures, mainly, transvaginal recovery of oocytes from the ovary and when needed, surgical sperm retrieval may also be necessary. The primary goal is to provide safe and effective analgesia, allowing the patient to tolerate the procedure, allowing the surgeon optimal surgical conditions to collect the oocytes, and promoting speedy post-operative recovery. Sedation has been an increasingly popular approach to provide these optimal conditions. In this episode, Andreia Trigo, Martin Lees and Craig Cook are joined by Diana Baranowski, fertility nurse manager at Care Fertility, to talk about sedation and capnography in reproductive medicine, how it allows patients to tolerate these procedures comfortably and how to introduce it in clinical practice. This episode is sponsored by Medtronic Microstream Monitoring.  Get more information about this monitor and the micro stream filter line here: About SedateUK SedateUK was founded in 2014, to help healthcare professionals non-anaesthetists develop the right knowledge and skills to keep patients safe. Learn more about SedateUK at and follow us on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn.
In today’s episode, Nurse Andreia Trigo, Dr Martin Lees and Dr Craig Cook are joined by Dr Amit Prakash to talk about Value Based Healthcare in sedation practice. If you are a practitioner driving change towards more high value sedation care every day, this episode is for you. It should provide sources of inspiration and offer additional insights. Health care should be driven by a constant focus on delivering outcomes that truly matter to patients. However, a lack of clarity regarding the definition of value has led to different approaches and slow progress. Some use the term ‘value’ to convey the humanistic side, while others employ the term to refer to cost reduction and overall process efficiency. The reality is that value-based healthcare has not yet been embraced as part of the everyday language and business of the NHS in the way that evidence-based healthcare has. Today we want to talk about value in sedation practice. This episode is sponsored by Medtronic Microstream Monitoring.  Get more information about this monitor and the micro stream filter line here: About SedateUK SedateUK was founded in 2014, to help healthcare professionals non-anaesthetists develop the right knowledge and skills to keep patients safe. Learn more about SedateUK at and follow us on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn.
In the cathlab several diagnostic and interventional procedures are performed. In fact, more and more complex procedures are performed everyday using these minimally invasive approaches, with improved outcomes for patients. However, pain, fear and anxiety still need to be managed in order for patients to tolerate these procedures. In this episode, Andreia Trigo, Martin Lees and Craig Cook talk about sedation and capnography, how it allows patients to tolerate these procedures comfortably and how to introduce it to the cath lab. This episode is sponsored by Medtronic Microstream Monitoring.  Get more information about this monitor and the micro stream filter line here: About SedateUK SedateUK was founded in 2014, to help healthcare professionals non-anaesthetists develop the right knowledge and skills to keep patients safe. Learn more about SedateUK at and follow us on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn.
Although capnography has historically been used mostly by anaesthetists, it is becoming more common in different clinical settings, being used by nurses, paramedics and doctors non-anaesthetists in emergency departments, interventional rooms and recovery departments. Today, Andreia Trigo, Martin Lees and Craig Cook talk about capnography, how much it has changed over the years, and the challenges of introducing it into practice. This episode is sponsored by Medtronic Microstream Monitoring.  Get more information about this monitor and the micro stream filter line here: About SedateUK SedateUK was founded in 2014, to help healthcare professionals non-anaesthetists develop the right knowledge and skills to keep patients safe. Learn more about SedateUK at and follow us on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn.
In this episode, Andreia Trigo, Martin Lees and Craig Cook talk about Creating Change in Sedation Practice: Endoscopy. Endoscopy is frequently used in the diagnosis and treatment of gastrointestinal (GI) disorders. However, patient fear and anxiety related to the anticipated discomfort of the procedure can limit willingness to undergo endoscopy and, in some cases, affect the endoscopist’s ability to successfully complete the procedure. Sedation prior to and during endoscopy can decrease patient anxiety and discomfort, and improve the quality of the endoscopic procedure. This episode is sponsored by Medtronic Microstream Monitoring.  Get more information about this monitor and the micro stream filter line here: About SedateUK SedateUK was founded in 2014, to help healthcare professionals non-anaesthetists develop the right knowledge and skills to keep patients safe. Learn more about SedateUK at and follow us on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn.
In this episode, Andreia Trigo and Craig Cook talk with a special guest, Prof. Robert Sneyd, academic, consultant anaesthetist and the lead of the sedation guidelines. We want to understand what triggered the need for these guidelines back in 2013, what has changed in the last few years and what can we expect of the future of sedation practice. This episode is sponsored by Medtronic Microstream Monitoring.  Get more information about this monitor and the micro stream filter line here: About SedateUK SedateUK was founded in 2014, to help healthcare professionals non-anaesthetists develop the right knowledge and skills to keep patients safe. Learn more about SedateUK at and follow us on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn.
In this episode, Andreia Trigo, Craig Cook and Martin Lees talk about Titration to Effect in sedation practice. Sedation involves the use of sedative drugs, administered either alone or in combination. When used following safe sedation guidelines these drugs can produce safe, reliable procedural sedation and patients can tolerate invasive or painful procedures. There are different ways of administering these drugs and that is what we will be discussing today! This episode is sponsored by Medtronic Microstream Monitoring.  Get more information about this monitor and the micro stream filter line here: About SedateUK SedateUK was founded in 2014, to help healthcare professionals non-anaesthetists develop the right knowledge and skills to keep patients safe. Learn more about SedateUK at and follow us on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn.
In this episode Andreia Trigo, Martin Lees and Craig Cook talk about Assessing and Preparing Patients for Sedation. The truth is that inadequate pre-assessment is still a recurring factor in sedation-related adverse events and poor outcomes, for all specialties. So we want to talk about it, and reflect on why it is so important to perform an adequate assessment and preparation and what it involves. This episode is sponsored by Medtronic Microstream Monitoring.  Get more information about this monitor and the micro stream filter line here: About SedateUK SedateUK was founded in 2014, to help healthcare professionals non-anaesthetists develop the right knowledge and skills to keep patients safe. Learn more about SedateUK at and follow us on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn.
In this episode Andreia Trigo, Martin Lees and Craig Cook talk about Type 1 and type 2 respiratory failure. We’re going to discuss the difference between type 1 and type 2, which of these is most common in sedation practice, how to prevent it, how to detect it when it happens and what interventions we need to do when a patient presents with certain signs and symptoms. And we still answer two questions from our listeners! This episode is sponsored by Medtronic Microstream Monitoring.  Get more information about this monitor and the micro stream filter line here: About SedateUK SedateUK was founded in 2014, to help healthcare professionals non-anaesthetists develop the right knowledge and skills to keep patients safe. Learn more about SedateUK at and follow us on Instagram, Facebook, Twitterand LinkedIn.
In this episode Andreia Trigo, Martin Lees and Craig Cook talk about: Today’s episode is sponsored by Medtronic Capnostream monitoring. In today's episode we’re talking about the ASA Physical Classification System in sedation practice. We’re going to talk about what the ASA classification is, why does it matter in sedation practice, and the different levels. And we still answer two questions from our listeners! This episode is sponsored by Medtronic Microstream Monitoring.  Get more information about this monitor and the micro stream filter line here: About SedateUK SedateUK was founded in 2014, to help healthcare professionals non-anaesthetists develop the right knowledge and skills to keep patients safe. Learn more about SedateUK at and follow us on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn.
In this episode Andreia Trigo, Martin Lees and Craig Cook talk about: Today’s episode is sponsored by Medtronic Capnostream monitoring. In today's episode we’re talking about the shared airway in sedation practice. As more patients require less invasive procedures, performed under sedation, there is a specific challenge to consider in procedures where the airway is shared. Today we’re going to discuss shared airway, related possible complications and how to prevent them using appropriate monitoring equipment. And we still answer two questions from our listeners! This episode is sponsored by Medtronic Microstream Monitoring.  Get more information about this monitor and the micro stream filter line here: About SedateUK SedateUK was founded in 2014, to help healthcare professionals non-anaesthetists develop the right knowledge and skills to keep patients safe. Learn more about SedateUK at and follow us on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn.
In this episode Andreia Trigo, Martin Lees and Craig Cook talk about: In today's episode we’re talking about assessing and managing the airway. We’re going to talk about the importance of airway assessment in sedation practice and how to actually assess the airway. We’re also going to talk about airway obstruction as a common complication of sedation and how to manage it. And we still answer two questions from our listeners! This episode is sponsored by Medtronic Microstream Monitoring.  Get more information about this monitor and the micro stream filter line here: About SedateUK SedateUK was founded in 2014, to help healthcare professionals non-anaesthetists develop the right knowledge and skills to keep patients safe. Learn more about SedateUK at and follow us on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn.
In this episode Andreia Trigo, Martin Lees and Craig Cook talk about: In today's episode we’re talking about key aspects of EtCO2 monitoring. We’re going to talk about what it is, what equipment is required, how to interpret the data and use it to make clinical decisions. We’re also going to talk about what ventilatory patterns you can identify using capnography and we are going to end by covering current guidelines and regulations on capnography. And we still answer two questions from our listeners! This episode is sponsored by Medtronic Microstream Monitoring.  Get more information about this monitor and the micro stream filter line here: About SedateUK SedateUK was founded in 2014, to help healthcare professionals non-anaesthetists develop the right knowledge and skills to keep patients safe. Learn more about SedateUK at and follow us on Instagram, Facebook, Twitterand LinkedIn.
Levels of Sedation

Levels of Sedation


In this episode Andreia Trigo, Martin Lees and Craig Cook talk about: Definition of sedation Levels of sedation Skills and competencies Monitoring sedation Sedation scores Risk of respiratory compromise at each level Monitoring respiratory compromise with capnography The Capnostream35 monitor and the Microstream filterline sampling And we still answer two questions from our listeners! This episode is sponsored by Medtronic Microstream Monitoring.  Get more information about this monitor and the micro stream filter line here: About SedateUK SedateUK was founded in 2014, to help healthcare professionals non-anaesthetists develop the right knowledge and skills to keep patients safe. Learn more about SedateUK at and follow us on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn.