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The Sage of Quay Radio Hour

Author: The Sage of Quay Radio Hour

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Your Home for Free and Critical Thinking
14 Episodes
Tonight columnist Jack Heart returns to the show. Jack’s recent article entitled ‘MK Ultra – Cybernetic Mutation, Remote Controlled Slaves, Dragon Soldiers and a Zombie Empire; Paint it Blue’ was recently published on Veterans Today and will also be featured in Nexus magazine. ‘Paint It Blue’ takes us deep inside the MK Ultra rabbit hole uncovering the true purpose of the covert program which, contrary to popular opinion, was not only about mind control but biological research and warfare. I highly recommend our listeners read Jack’s article in conjunction to listening to this show. It will help to connect to dots. A link to ‘Paint It Blue’ is in the show notes below. Jack’s research will be deemed by some to be controversial – however, as many of us know, we need to free think the esoteric because truth is indeed stranger than fiction. Jack's article:
Tonight my guests are Sophia Smallstorm and David Weiss. Our discussion is a round-table format where we share our thoughts and ideas on the Giant Tree concept. The premise of Giant Trees that once stood on Earth came to light approximately two weeks ago with a video entitled ‘There Are No Forests On Earth’. I will include a link to the video in the show notes below. The video has taken the alternative community by storm and has resulted in a lot of internet buzz. Along with the typical debating and hand wringing. So the three us, with some additional research under our belt, decided it would be interesting to sit down and share our collective thoughts on the topic. None of us are positing a definitive position on the Giant Trees – we just thought it would be interesting to sit down as friends and have an open discussion. Sofia's Website: David's Website:
Deanna is an author, researcher, and radio host. She investigates government and corporate corruption as it relates to the faltering liberties of American citizens and the war-targeted populations of other countries. And as you will hear in this interview – Deanna does not shy away from controversial issues. Deanna’s recent books include her Ruling Elite trilogy along with her newest book Screening Sandy Hook: Causes and Consequences. In our discussion, tonight Deanna and I will talk about how the Jewish constructs of Zionism and Communism have intentionally and systematically subverted and corrupted the republic of the United States. For many, some of what you will hear in this show will be controversial because this is a version of history you have never been made aware of. It is, for all intents and purposes, suppressed knowledge. Please support Sage of Quay™ Radio: * Patreon: TERMS and DISCLAIMER Sage of Quay™ is a TRADEMARK. All Sage of Quay™ Radio Hour shows and interviews are COPYRIGHTED. No portion of this presentation or any Sage of Quay Radio Hour show may be used, reproduced, altered or uploaded in part or whole without the expressed written consent of Mike Williams. The views and opinions expressed by any guest featured on The Sage of Quay Radio Hour are those of the guest and do not necessarily reflect the opinions or views of the host Mike Williams or of The Sage of Quay Radio Hour as a whole. All content provided on The Sage of Quay Radio Hour is for informational purposes only. We make no representations as to the accuracy or completeness of any information discussed or presented during the show or found by following any link mentioned in the broadcast or in the show notes.
I recently had the pleasure of joining Sofia Smallstorm as a guest on her radio show. We took a deeper dive in to a recent video exposé called Is Miley Cyrus Baphomet. It is an excellent analysis by YouTuber Paul Romano who pulls the curtain back to expose the occult symbolism which is hidden in plain site and intended to manipulate mass consciousness. In my conversation with Sofia we discuss what Baphomet represents along with other symbols and sigils used by the Puppet Masters to deceptively manipulate the minds of the unknowing masses in order to achieve their nefarious objective of full spectrum dominance over humanity. Show related links: Is Miley Cyrus Baphomet? Vigilant Citizen - Who Is Baphomet Manly P. Halls' The Secret Teachings Of All Ages: Manipulating matter one molecule at a time:
Eric is a leading and prominent voice behind the revival of the Flat Earth theory. He currently lives in Thailand where he teaches Yoga and Wing Chun which is the traditional Chinese martial art of self defense. Eric has also written a number of books one of which is The Flat Earth Conspiracy where Eric explains how the world has been systematically brainwashed and indoctrinated for centuries into believing the greatest lie of all time – that the Earth is a spinning globe. He has also recently released his free eBook “200 Proofs Earth is Not a Spinning Ball” The discussion with Eric was wide ranging as we talk about the traction the Flat Earth theory is gaining throughout the world along with Eric’s thoughts on Zionism, controlled opposition, psychopathic behavior and forbidden topics like the Holocaust.
Tonight returning to the show are my very special guests Elisa E. and Elana Freeland. Elisa will take us through her MK Ultra deprogramming process and how that process must include an inner spiritual awakening in order break out and defend against the forces of evil. Elana will then explain how the ionization of our atmosphere and environment is an integral part of the agenda to mind control the masses and create generic thinking and behaving human beings. We the wrap up with Elisa relaying her personal experiences with unseen forces and how these entities play an important role in mind control programs and the oppression of humanity. Elisa's website and books: https://ourlifebeyondmkultra.wordpres... Elana's book:
Tonight Sofia Smallstorm returns to the show. Sofia will discuss how the current form of government at the federal, state and local levels is a corporate structure and not representative government. She will then explain how this corporate system of commerce intentionally operates in a deceptive manner in order to contractually obligate you and me into their world of corporate fiction and thus robbing us of our sovereignty. Our conversation was wide ranging and we cover a lot of ground including how the corporate contract apparatus could have played a major role in the Sandy Hook event. Sofia's Websites:
Tonight my very special guests are Elisa E. and Elana Freeland. Elisa is a survivor of the MKULTRA mind control program. She has authored two books titled Our Life Beyond MKULTRA where Elisa details her involvement in the program. Elisa will discuss how she became part of the program along with its ties into the military industrial complex and the Mormon church. She will also walk us through how bloodlines are a key component of the MKULTRA selection process and the linkage to Freemasonry. We then delve into Elisa’s experience with cross-dimensional entities as part of the programming process and the advanced technologies already in play to mass control the human mind. We end the conversation with Elisa and Elana offering their perspective on how humanity can break free from the shackles of the puppet master’s anti-humanity agenda. Elisa's website: https://ourlifebeyondmkultra.wordpres...
Tonight Sofia Smallstorm returns to the show. Sofia will talk to about a presentation she recently reviewed called 'Iodine - Could this be the solution to your health problems?' The presentation is from the 2007 Iodine Medical Conference which took place in California. The conference presented the clinical findings of using iodine therapies for various persistent health issues. Quoting Dr. Brownstein “Iodine deficiency is the underlying problem responsible for the high rate of cancer (particularly breast, lung, prostate and ovary) as well as the high rate of autoimmune disorders we are seeing in this country.” My discussion with Sofia should not be construed as medical advice in any way. The intent of our conversation is for information and awareness purposes only. Anyone interested in understanding more about iodine should consult with a qualified health care professional.
Tonight my very special guest is Eric Dubay. Eric is one of the leading voices behind the revival of the Flat Earth theory. He currently lives in Thailand where he teaches Yoga and Wing Chun which is the traditional Chinese martial art of self defense. Eric has also written a number of books one of which is The Flat Earth Conspiracy where Eric explains how the world has been systematically brainwashed and indoctrinated for centuries into believing the greatest lie of all time – that the Earth is a spinning globe. Our discussion was wide ranging as we talk through many of the proof points supporting the Flat Earth model. I strongly urge everyone to listen with an open and critical mind. I believe you’ll find the topic extremely interesting and not as cut and dry as you might think.
Deanna is an author, researcher, and radio host. She investigates government and corporate corruption as it relates to the faltering liberties of American citizens and the war-targeted populations of other countries. And as you will hear in this interview – she does not shy away from controversial issues. Deanna’s recent books include her Ruling Elite trilogy along with her newest book Screening Sandy Hook: Causes and Consequences. The topic of this show will deal with Deanna’s extensive research into the Holocaust and specifically whether the number of 6 million Jews is real and if it’s not real then where did it come from. * Deanna's website: * Deanna's books (Amazon): Please support Sage of Quay™ Radio: * Patreon: * Sage of Quay Hub Website:
*Returning to the show tonight are my very special guests Harald Kautz-Vella and Cara St. Louis. Cara and Harald have co-authored and released a new book called Dangerous Imagination, Silent Assimilation. *The book is a partnership between Cara and Harald who is an Esoteric Investigator with expertise in geology, physics and the media. Together they plumb the depths of the Social engineering which is aimed at the Cultural Destruction of Western Civilization and how chemtrailing, Morgellon's Disease and the phenomenon of “Black Goo” or Sentient Oil – are the building blocks behind the elite’s agenda to commandeer the world. *This will be a two part show. For this show, which is Part 1, Harald will talk to us about technology that has been in play since 2003 which directly alters the DNA / RNA structures within humans. This technology, which surpasses the black program which manifests Morgellons, is dispersed via the covert aerosol spraying program which many refer to as Chemtrails. Harald will then discuss how the matrix is possibly managed by an alien artificial intelligence with a self preservation objective. We then return to talk more about the elites obsession with controlling and reprogramming a substance called “Black Goo” which mirrors the consciousness of humans and that of alien entities such as the Archons.
For tonight’s discussion, Maxtalks to us about the globalist effort to censor and restrict information on the internet, we also discuss how the truth movement is hindered by pursuing both bottomless rabbit holes and controlled opposition. * Max's website: Please support Sage of Quay™ Radio: * Patreon: * Sage of Quay Hub Website:
Tonight Deanna Spingola returns to the show. With this show Deanna will walk us through a piece of WWII history that has been erased from the history books. The main stream narrative of the second World War majors exclusively on the Holocaust but never talks about Dwight Eisenhower’s Rhine Meadow Death Camps which claimed the lives of an estimated 1.5 million Germans. The running and condition of these enslavement camps was so deplorable that it is virtually incomprehensible to believe anyone, let alone a US general and later a US president, would have treated people in a way that can only be described as evil. For many, much of what you will hear in this show will be a surprise and perhaps even shocking. I encourage everyone to listen with an open mind and as you do remember the words of Winston Churchill; “History is written by the victors.” Deanna's website: Show Notes: List of the camps: Rhine Meadow Documentary: