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The San Francisco Experience

Author: Jim Herlihy

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We are a "deep dive" news podcast, for Americans who get their news from the Internet. Our mission is to give the listener succinct, fact based analysis both non-ideological and independent from a California, Silicon Valley perspective.

Your host

Jim Herlihy is a published author: his novel “Deceit and Dirty Money” is available on line. He served as President of the SF Public Library Commission 1992 - 1996. While working in Latin America, he was a stringer for The Economist, The Times and the BBC. Jim serves as a director on two SF sister city boards : Bangalore, India and Cork, Ireland.
541 Episodes
With the advent of social media, there has been a radical change in the dynamics of power and influence with new Influencers blurring truth with disinformation.
The Supreme Court handed down its' awaited decision on immunity for the former President. It was wider ranging and more momentous than many observers had anticipated.
2700 Liberty ships were built in WWII to transport materiel, munitions, food and troops to the front lines. It was the greatest logistical undertaking in military /naval history.
BetaNXT provides end to end solutions across the investment lifecycle.
Joe Biden's disastrous performance in the debate last night has amplified concerns about his fitness for office - mental acuity and physical stamina. Democrats have even called for him to withdraw as a candidate. Uncharted territory in presidential debate history. Professor Pitney helps to put it in perspective, but it is a volatile situation.
USF Professor of Urban and Public Affairs, gives a more nuanced interpretation of the recent Wallet Hub article that ranks San Francisco management dead last at 148 among US cities.
San Francisco ranked dead last at #148 with subpar governance. Six categories Financial Stability, Education, Health, Public Safety, Economy and Infrastructure were measured. Three of them - Public Safety, Financial Stability and the Economy - set off flashing red lights, tanking the overall score.
Stem Cell Therapy has produced very positive results in the limited FDA approved therapies which are permitted. But Medical tourism to light touch regulation countries like Mexico, Panama, The Bahamas, is opening the therapy uses and possibilities very quickly. CellCoLabs is an open source company which plans to sell its' stem cells globally.
Is Nuclear Power in the United States about to experience a renaissance given its' "clean" environmental footprint, not contributing to the carbon footprint of electricity generation.
Liz Economy served as China Advisor to Commerce Secretary Gina Raimundo from 2021 to 2023. The Commerce Department oversees US economic policy for China.
76% of the UK's Prime Ministers in the last 80 years graduated from Oxford. There is no comparable University concentration among American Presidents. Does British policy creation suffer as a result of such a narrow leadership pool ?
Creating a Mediterranean Union is key to defending the Southern flank of Nato for this key trading and shipping route.
The historic conviction of a former President of the United States on business record falsification charges continues to reverberate throughout America. When will he appeal ? What will his sentence be ? And how will the result affect voters ?
Are the super rich entrepreneurs like Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos, Mark Zuckerberg solely responsible for creating their wealth, or have government subsidies and incentives been a major contributor ? In which case, should they be taxed at a higher rate ? And what about the Top One Percent : should they pay more tax ?
Neptune successfully completed the round the world sailing race and crew member and Parkinson's patient Bertrand Delhom has completed a lifelong dream.
The Techno Optimist and Techno Pessimist camps - UpWing or DownWing respectively as the author refers to the two views of progress - have been in conflict since the 1970s. The Techno Pessimist view was in full flight recently with the fears of AI posing an existential threat to humanity. But we have been down this road before with Jeremiahs bemoaning the risks of nuclear power or most recently MRNA vaccines. The author argues that we as a society need to jettison these 50 year old shibboleths that are holding back progress and embrace new technologies.
CSER is a Cambridge University center that studies extinction and civilizational collapse risk. Haydn Belfield is a researcher who works on nuclear weapon issues. His review of the Oppenheimer film brings a unique perspective of one who studies the actual impact of nuclear arms on humanity.
Comeback reads like an insider's Presidential Campaign Manual. And it pulls no punches as regards criticisms, painful admissions and much needed prescriptions for the Biden Campaign. With the first Presidential debate slated for June 27th - five weeks away - and Biden lagging in the polls, the author proposes a compelling revamp of the President's messaging.
The Pentecostal Evangelical Movement has begun to focus its proselytizing activity on the Muslim World - countries like Afghanistan, Egypt, Indonesia, Pakistan. Adriana relates the unlikely story of a Brazilian missionary couple who along with other Latin American missionaries are having greater success in making conversions.
With Donald Trump the presumptive Republican candidate for President, to be confirmed at the Republican Convention in Milwaukee, July 15 - 18, his MAGA Movement, will be taking a prominent place on the national stage. There are some new groups and issues that are part of the MAGA lineup for 2024 joining the group like the Proud Boys and others. Mike walks us through what to look for.